More and More Democrats Will Be Voting For Trump

Well then how would that do any good for our country?
If enough of us do it, they'll change their tune. But not until. We'll have to demand better, by refusing to vote for less.

So now answer my question: What good does voting for a bad leader do? Even if they are on "your side"?

Neither of these goons will unite the country. Neither will persuade anyone, or lead us towards something better All they'll do is score temporary points for their side. While the country continues it's downward slide.

Please keep in mind, I'm not talking about people who actually like Biden or Trump. I'm talking about the majority of sane voters who realize neither is worth a shit. Yet, apparently, they think they're worth a vote. I don't get it. Why do we keep falling for this shit?
You don't think. Period.
Every Divide & Conquer post saying that it’s a one party system or The Demicans & Republicrats Or using the term Uni Party are not saying it because the desire the GOP to go hard Right or become Ultra Conservative .
An inconvenience.
That sounds rather selfish. Do you not care at all about the hard-working average-earning Americans who can barely afford groceries? Or fill up their gas tank? Or rent a decent apartment? Or have given up hope of affording to buy a house?
That sounds rather selfish. Do you not care at all about the hard-working average-earning Americans who can barely afford groceries? Or fill up their gas tank? Or rent a decent apartment? Or have given up hope of affording to buy a house?
And Trump (or any president) is going to fix that?
And Trump (or any president) is going to fix that?
He sure had it better when he was president. His pro-business policies enabled business to hire and spend more, which is why there was a record low unemployment rate for blacks and a REAL increase in wages on the lower end.

You don’t think Biden’s plan to raise the corporate tax rate will impact the middle class - our stock values, our salaries, our job opportunities?
Whatever. Biden vs. Trump is the bottom of the barrel. It's insane that people will actually vote for them. We're a nation of idiot sheep.
Those are your choices. An old criminal comedian who lacks any ability to govern vs an old career legislator. It’s like a choice of driving off a cliff vs down a crappy dirt road. Why drive off the cliff?
Those are your choices. An old criminal comedian who lacks any ability to govern vs an old career legislator. It’s like a choice of driving off a cliff vs down a crappy dirt road. Why drive off the cliff?
Fortunately, those aren't the only two "choices".
And so Trump is supposed to get extra credit for doing something any president would have done? Trump couldn't even order the right amount of vaccine when it was done.
He's supposed to get credit because he did it instead of this whirling dervish dance to deny him credit for anything at all.
Biden and Dimocrats do not need to spend a single penny, in New York and California. They will cruise to victory, and Trump is just wasting his time and money.
The voters there obviously do not care about their cities being flooded by Joe's third-worlders, and apparently record high gas prices, along with grocery prices, and much higher mortgage rates, are of no concern to these people.
Again, have you realy looked at Bidens record? Name someone better.

Record on what?
On his watch, we've seen 40 year high inflation, along with highest EVER gas prices. Highest mortgage rates in 20 years. A completely out of control third-world explosion, that has many cities across this nation in desperation as their city services are being overwhelmed! A catastrophic withdrawal of Afghanistan, that not only unnecessarily lost the lives of Americans, but have some still missing. In addition, right on cue, soon after Biden took office, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Good lord, you are pathetic, what fucking planet do you live on?!!!
More MAGAwishing

If anything they won't vote. If you actually saw the 2020 and 2022 voting %, but it evades you.
Time will tell.

Blacks are a lot smarter than white Democrats think.

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