MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: Majority of Likely Voters Fear Current Lawlessness – Want New Laws to Protect Police — Including 84% of Black Voters

So you'll accept Trump winning, and the riots will stop????
If trump wins an HONEST and fair election, I would accept it.
As for the PROTESTS I have no control over that.
I would hope they would continue until equality is reached.
That is all up to you.
Are you willing to treat minorities as equals?

This is the biggest load of self-serving bullshit twaddle I have encountered all day, and that's really saying something on this board.

"If Trump wins an honest and fair election, I would accept it" translates into "The only elections I accept as honest and fair are the ones where my side wins."

"As for the protests I have no control over that" = I'm going to keep pretending that there's no rioting and looting so that I can cheer for chaos and evil without having to admit to myself that I'm a piece of shit.

"I would hope they would continue until equality is reached" = I hope black communities keep getting destroyed until I get my way; sure am glad there are so many violent tools my masters can use.

"That is all up to you." = Give us what we want, or else.

"Are you willing to treat minorities as equals?" = I want to deflect onto trying to blame you for me poisoning the world by existing.
Just as soon as the minority decides to act like they can function in a productive society (like the rest of us), instead of riding the free shit train...
So no then.
Enjoy the protests.

I just heard you say, "Minorities aren't capable of being productive and civilized. All they can do is riot and loot and be used by my masters."

How very racist of you.

Enjoy losing the election.
When is the last time that anyone who could accurately be described as a “Klansman” lynched anyone, and got away with it?

As far as I know, the last verifiable KKK lynching occurred in 1981, and the legal aftermath of that pretty much brought about the end of any meaningful existence for what was left of the Ku Klux Klan. One of the perpetrators was put to death for his part in the crime, another is serving a life-without-parole sentence in prison.

You missed the point entirely, didn't you? The point was, far too recently, within my lifetime, it was still common for Klansmen to lynch people and get away with it.

Now cops lynch people and get away with it.

The AntiFa/Black Lies Matter/Occupy Wall Street, etc. movements are the closest thing that now exists to any modern counterpart to the Ku Klux Klan; created and supported by the same party that created and supported the KKK, for the same purposes.

Mormon Bob, you keep getting excited like that, you'll soil your magic underwear.
Now, the Klan with a tan beats people and burns them out and the only ones charged for anything are the white people who try to stop them.
yet, you seem to spend a lot of time complaining about minor evil committed by poor black people and not so much about major league evil committed by affluent white people.

And being the racist that you are, you're the one who keeps on insisting that it's about race, rather than about affluence or behavior or the choices that one makes and the consequences thereof.

Okay, Mormon Bob, but the point was, this rich white person committed an awful crime... and you guys aren't spending as much time bitching about that as you spend bitched about someone who stole a wide-screen during a riot.

At least I'm not making an absurd attempt at a tu quoque argument by insisting that because some people get away with some crimes, that other people, committing other crimes, also ought to get away with it.

What you cannot get away with, is that to the core, if you're not actually a criminal yourself, you are certainly more sympathetic to criminals than you are to human beings, and you consistently take the side of criminals against that of human beings. I do not think that anyone needs to know any more than this about you, to accurately judge your character. You are, undeniably, a subhuman criminal in spirit, if not in actual behavior. And at this point, I have to call bullshit on any claim that you're not an actual, literal criminal, who goes and and commits actual acts of theft, destruction, and violence against others. No decent, law-abiding human being would ever defend subhuman criminal filth, as staunchly and consistently as you do.

But that's the point, Mormon Bob. We are a racist country and black folks don't have wealth or connections. The difference is that how the system treats people from birth to death differs largely based on their race, and it's been that way for generations.

You'd have to wonder, if every defendent [sic] got a "Dream Team" of lawyers, instead of poor black people getting stuck with a Public Defender in a hurry to cop a plea to get this off his desk, would we see the same level of justice. I think not.

You do realize, don't you, that the term “Dream Team”, as you are using it, referred originally to a collection of lawyers that were assembled to defend a black man, who was accused of a terrible double-murder, of which he was ultimately acquitted? Many people, to this day, believe that he did, in fact, commit that murder, and that he got Away with it largely because he was wealthy and well-connected. This was the same case that also gave us the term “Race Card”.

King's addictions were at least in part due to the lifetime of pain he felt after his severe beating, which included his eye socket being shattered. But let's make jokes about him being a Piñata, because that's totally what Jesus would do. Tell us again what a "Good Christian" you are.

That must have been some beating, to have such powerful effects as to manifest retroactively, turning him into a drug addict and a criminal long before it actually happened.

But now, we're flirting with a classic time-travel paradox. If it was the beating that turned him retroactively into a criminal, which led to him getting into a fight with the police who kicked his ass, then the beating turned out to be its own cause. Sane people want to blame the Piñata for his own bad choices, and the consequences that he brought on himself, while your kind want to blame the police for oppressing a poor criminal instead of just allowing him to run amok.

But if you're right about his beating having turned him into a criminal, then the paradox would be unbreakable. Along this line, he was predestined to get his ass-kicked, and as an immutable consequences of that ass-kicking, to follow the path that led him right back into that ass-kicking. By this line, nobody was responsible for what happened; the predestination paradox dictated that that was what was going to happen, and nothing could change it.
I seem to remember Reginald Denny getting a pretty serious beatdown around that time, as well.
Just saying....
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?

Yeah, because Trump cares for this country. Look at what you just posted. Talk about an idiot. Thanks for telling us your rioting is purely political.

That makes it terrorism. Which makes it sedition, which means the gloves can come off.
Trump cares for this country? Nonsense.

If he cares for this country then he should:
1. Condemned the Russians for interfering in to our presidential election, harassing us in with their fighter jets and ships in the international waters, caught multiple times off Alaskan coast. But not a single words coming out against his master puppet.

2. Fanning the racial injustice. Threatening mayors and governors instead of working with them. He lied like HELL.

3. Stop lying and spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.
4. Help stop spreading the infections that Americans are facing right now. He even blasted Biden for wearing a mask. His disaster town hall meeting mask is not good because a waitress told him.
5. Look at the millions of millions of Americans that are sufferings, death and infections because of this moron.
6. Look at his rallies not wearing mask or social distancing against his own policy.

He downplayed or played dumb this crisis from the beginning and we are now in 9 months......And still continues to play dumb.

NO and NO he doesn’t give a fuck. Now you tell me if he cares about Americans. Now you want 4 more years of this garbage administration.

No, not nonsense. The problem you people have is you think words from a politician mean something. they don't. While you people were applauding michelle obummer and her various hashtag statements about releasing prisoners from Boko Haram etc. the reality is they DID nothing. Trump has gotten our hostages freed. Obummer traded five high level terrorists for a worthless piece of shit deserter. That's it. That's the one hostage he ever got released.

The russians have ALWAYS harassed us and interfered with our elections. obummer was notified of it and told the FBI to do nothing. Trump has acted to reduce the russian influence. All quietly but he has done meaningful things other than your hero the obummer.

The MSM is fanning the flames of racial injustice you clown. For THEIR own ends.

He did't, and in fact while YOUR heros dawdled, he acted.

The masks don't do shit. If they did the assholes telling us to wear them all of the time WOULD be. Whenever they think they are off camera, so too do the masks come off.

No you fucking imbecile. They are suffering BECAUSE OF CHINA! They launched the attack, and chinese stooges, like you, try and blame Trump

Look at the rioters not social distancing or wearing maskes. In other words, you are wrong on all counts and either a paid chinese/russian stooge, or are too stupid to think for yourself.
Oh Please. Cry me river.
Michele and Barack Obama was highly regarded as decent people with high excellent remarks all over the world and here in US. Sadly you are very poorly informed. Trump made this country a laughing stock, dumb, ignorant, racist, bully around the world. The sad part of that is people like you are dragging us with you.

Russians ALWAYS harassed us. You are Trump licker is that supposed to be acceptable? Your puppet is so in love with Putin that he has not said a single words against Putin because he is useful idiot. Biden warned the Russians.
From you...... Trump reduced Russian influence. that’s bullshit Dude. In reality Russian has gained more influence and advance of their interest in ME and other parts of the world because we have a weakling amateur president.

China? True. The virus came from China Look at the way he is handling the crisis. He is fucking dumb piece of shit. He even admitted he down played the corona virus. This a new Democrat hoax. Blaming China for his failures is dumb and stupid. He even retweeted this Covid-19 is all lies, deaths are all lies created by democrats. Mask is not good because a waitress told him. Now you tell me if your moron knows what he is talking about?
From you.... China launched the attack. You have no proof of that. None.

From you ..... MSN is flaming injustice. The racial injustice has been going for a long time and so is police brutalities. Trump has not address police brutalities, racial injustice or the rioters.

From you. Mask is useless. That is what moron Trump is telling you. Rioters are not wearing mask is not acceptable. is that supposed to be your excuses for not wearing mask? According to scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Mask is the best way to STOP the spread of virus. What part of that don’t you understand?

From you...... I’m paid as Russian or Chinese stooges. Really? I’m here blasting Russians intrusions and interference. You are here protecting Russians interest. Do you see the difference?
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?

Yeah, because Trump cares for this country. Look at what you just posted. Talk about an idiot. Thanks for telling us your rioting is purely political.

That makes it terrorism. Which makes it sedition, which means the gloves can come off.
Trump cares for this country? Nonsense.

If he cares for this country then he should:
1. Condemned the Russians for interfering in to our presidential election, harassing us in with their fighter jets and ships in the international waters, caught multiple times off Alaskan coast. But not a single words coming out against his master puppet.

2. Fanning the racial injustice. Threatening mayors and governors instead of working with them. He lied like HELL.

3. Stop lying and spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.
4. Help stop spreading the infections that Americans are facing right now. He even blasted Biden for wearing a mask. His disaster town hall meeting mask is not good because a waitress told him.
5. Look at the millions of millions of Americans that are sufferings, death and infections because of this moron.
6. Look at his rallies not wearing mask or social distancing against his own policy.

He downplayed or played dumb this crisis from the beginning and we are now in 9 months......And still continues to play dumb.

NO and NO he doesn’t give a fuck. Now you tell me if he cares about Americans. Now you want 4 more years of this garbage administration.

No, not nonsense. The problem you people have is you think words from a politician mean something. they don't. While you people were applauding michelle obummer and her various hashtag statements about releasing prisoners from Boko Haram etc. the reality is they DID nothing. Trump has gotten our hostages freed. Obummer traded five high level terrorists for a worthless piece of shit deserter. That's it. That's the one hostage he ever got released.

The russians have ALWAYS harassed us and interfered with our elections. obummer was notified of it and told the FBI to do nothing. Trump has acted to reduce the russian influence. All quietly but he has done meaningful things other than your hero the obummer.

The MSM is fanning the flames of racial injustice you clown. For THEIR own ends.

He did't, and in fact while YOUR heros dawdled, he acted.

The masks don't do shit. If they did the assholes telling us to wear them all of the time WOULD be. Whenever they think they are off camera, so too do the masks come off.

No you fucking imbecile. They are suffering BECAUSE OF CHINA! They launched the attack, and chinese stooges, like you, try and blame Trump

Look at the rioters not social distancing or wearing maskes. In other words, you are wrong on all counts and either a paid chinese/russian stooge, or are too stupid to think for yourself.
Oh Please. Cry me river.
Michele and Barack Obama was highly regarded as decent people with high excellent remarks all over the world and here in US. Sadly you are very poorly informed. Trump made this country a laughing stock, dumb, ignorant, racist, bully around the world. The sad part of that is people like you are dragging us with you.

Russians ALWAYS harassed us. You are Trump licker is that supposed to be acceptable? Your puppet is so in love with Putin that he has not said a single words against Putin because he is useful idiot. Biden warned the Russians.
From you...... Trump reduced Russian influence. that’s bullshit Dude. In reality Russian has gained more influence and advance of their interest in ME and other parts of the world because we have a weakling amateur president.

China? True. The virus came from China Look at the way he is handling the crisis. He is fucking dumb piece of shit. He even admitted he down played the corona virus. This a new Democrat hoax. Blaming China for his failures is dumb and stupid. He even retweeted this Covid-19 is all lies, deaths are all lies created by democrats. Mask is not good because a waitress told him. Now you tell me if your moron knows what he is talking about?
From you.... China launched the attack. You have no proof of that. None.

From you ..... MSN is flaming injustice. The racial injustice has been going for a long time and so is police brutalities. Trump has not address police brutalities, racial injustice or the rioters.

From you. Mask is useless. That is what moron Trump is telling you. Rioters are not wearing mask is not acceptable. is that supposed to be your excuses for not wearing mask? According to scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Mask is the best way to STOP the spread of virus. What part of that don’t you understand?

From you...... I’m paid as Russian or Chinese stooges. Really? I’m here blasting Russians intrusions and interference. You are here protecting Russians interest. Do you see the difference?

Yeah, you ARE a Russian stooge. Just look at your poor command of the English language.

And it's easy for the obummers to be "popular", the MSM ignored as much of their corrupt conduct as much as possible.
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
So you're admitting that the Democrats will keep looting businesses and burning down our cities if their candidate doesn't win????

That's terrorism, buddy...

And if Trump is re-elected (and doesn't have to worry about another election), I'll bet the gloves will come off...
Everything may hang on who wins the House and Senate even if Trump wins the Presidency. He will be impeached days after his inauguration if he wins the election and loses the Congress.
So you're still saying that Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election, right????
I have never said Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election. If they win Congress they will have a legitimate impeachment.

You have EXACTLY said that Democrats won't accept the result of a legitimate election, because - and I know this is a newsflash to a spoiled, uncivilized Neanderthal like you - winning Congress doesn't make impeachment legitimate, any more than "But I really want it!" does.
Could you try again and be more coherent?
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
So you're admitting that the Democrats will keep looting businesses and burning down our cities if their candidate doesn't win????

That's terrorism, buddy...

And if Trump is re-elected (and doesn't have to worry about another election), I'll bet the gloves will come off...
Everything may hang on who wins the House and Senate even if Trump wins the Presidency. He will be impeached days after his inauguration if he wins the election and loses the Congress.
So you're still saying that Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election, right????
I have never said Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election. If they win Congress they will have a legitimate impeachment.

You have EXACTLY said that Democrats won't accept the result of a legitimate election, because - and I know this is a newsflash to a spoiled, uncivilized Neanderthal like you - winning Congress doesn't make impeachment legitimate, any more than "But I really want it!" does.
Could you try again and be more coherent?
What words didn't you understand?
You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.
Then why did Biden just throw BLM under the bus and talked about how great police are in his scripted town hall?
Polls yesterday have republicans taking back the house... They are now in total panic.... IT is probably to late now for them...

Got to love that mail in voting...
Polls also have Trump ahead in Florida and Arizona. Hence why the Dems are trotting out Cindy McCain now.
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
So you're admitting that the Democrats will keep looting businesses and burning down our cities if their candidate doesn't win????

That's terrorism, buddy...

And if Trump is re-elected (and doesn't have to worry about another election), I'll bet the gloves will come off...
Everything may hang on who wins the House and Senate even if Trump wins the Presidency. He will be impeached days after his inauguration if he wins the election and loses the Congress.
So you're still saying that Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election, right????
I have never said Democrats won't accept the results of a legitimate election. If they win Congress they will have a legitimate impeachment.

You have EXACTLY said that Democrats won't accept the result of a legitimate election, because - and I know this is a newsflash to a spoiled, uncivilized Neanderthal like you - winning Congress doesn't make impeachment legitimate, any more than "But I really want it!" does.
Could you try again and be more coherent?
What words didn't you understand?
It is unclear whether the poster understands how impeachment works or why winning Congress can determine the legitimacy of an impeachment. Is the person stupid or just ignorant?
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
The fascist left threating us with temper tantrums again?
The whole narrative is now backfiring on democrats. They cant put this genie back in the bottle.. With early voting those pissed off are now voting for their own safety...

Gawd I love boomerangs..
Trump is gaining support with Blacks,Hispanics and college educated whites. The democrats have to cater to the loon fringe of the left...that’s all they have.
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
The fascist left threating us with temper tantrums again?
The whole narrative is now backfiring on democrats. They cant put this genie back in the bottle.. With early voting those pissed off are now voting for their own safety...

Gawd I love boomerangs..
Trump is gaining support with Blacks,Hispanics and college educated whites. The democrats have to cater to the loon fringe of the left...that’s all they have.
BlueGin speakum truth!
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?

Yeah, because Trump cares for this country. Look at what you just posted. Talk about an idiot. Thanks for telling us your rioting is purely political.

That makes it terrorism. Which makes it sedition, which means the gloves can come off.
Trump cares for this country? Nonsense.

If he cares for this country then he should:
1. Condemned the Russians for interfering in to our presidential election, harassing us in with their fighter jets and ships in the international waters, caught multiple times off Alaskan coast. But not a single words coming out against his master puppet.

2. Fanning the racial injustice. Threatening mayors and governors instead of working with them. He lied like HELL.

3. Stop lying and spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.
4. Help stop spreading the infections that Americans are facing right now. He even blasted Biden for wearing a mask. His disaster town hall meeting mask is not good because a waitress told him.
5. Look at the millions of millions of Americans that are sufferings, death and infections because of this moron.
6. Look at his rallies not wearing mask or social distancing against his own policy.

He downplayed or played dumb this crisis from the beginning and we are now in 9 months......And still continues to play dumb.

NO and NO he doesn’t give a fuck. Now you tell me if he cares about Americans. Now you want 4 more years of this garbage administration.

No, not nonsense. The problem you people have is you think words from a politician mean something. they don't. While you people were applauding michelle obummer and her various hashtag statements about releasing prisoners from Boko Haram etc. the reality is they DID nothing. Trump has gotten our hostages freed. Obummer traded five high level terrorists for a worthless piece of shit deserter. That's it. That's the one hostage he ever got released.

The russians have ALWAYS harassed us and interfered with our elections. obummer was notified of it and told the FBI to do nothing. Trump has acted to reduce the russian influence. All quietly but he has done meaningful things other than your hero the obummer.

The MSM is fanning the flames of racial injustice you clown. For THEIR own ends.

He did't, and in fact while YOUR heros dawdled, he acted.

The masks don't do shit. If they did the assholes telling us to wear them all of the time WOULD be. Whenever they think they are off camera, so too do the masks come off.

No you fucking imbecile. They are suffering BECAUSE OF CHINA! They launched the attack, and chinese stooges, like you, try and blame Trump

Look at the rioters not social distancing or wearing maskes. In other words, you are wrong on all counts and either a paid chinese/russian stooge, or are too stupid to think for yourself.
Oh Please. Cry me river.
Michele and Barack Obama was highly regarded as decent people with high excellent remarks all over the world and here in US. Sadly you are very poorly informed. Trump made this country a laughing stock, dumb, ignorant, racist, bully around the world. The sad part of that is people like you are dragging us with you.

Russians ALWAYS harassed us. You are Trump licker is that supposed to be acceptable? Your puppet is so in love with Putin that he has not said a single words against Putin because he is useful idiot. Biden warned the Russians.
From you...... Trump reduced Russian influence. that’s bullshit Dude. In reality Russian has gained more influence and advance of their interest in ME and other parts of the world because we have a weakling amateur president.

China? True. The virus came from China Look at the way he is handling the crisis. He is fucking dumb piece of shit. He even admitted he down played the corona virus. This a new Democrat hoax. Blaming China for his failures is dumb and stupid. He even retweeted this Covid-19 is all lies, deaths are all lies created by democrats. Mask is not good because a waitress told him. Now you tell me if your moron knows what he is talking about?
From you.... China launched the attack. You have no proof of that. None.

From you ..... MSN is flaming injustice. The racial injustice has been going for a long time and so is police brutalities. Trump has not address police brutalities, racial injustice or the rioters.

From you. Mask is useless. That is what moron Trump is telling you. Rioters are not wearing mask is not acceptable. is that supposed to be your excuses for not wearing mask? According to scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Mask is the best way to STOP the spread of virus. What part of that don’t you understand?

From you...... I’m paid as Russian or Chinese stooges. Really? I’m here blasting Russians intrusions and interference. You are here protecting Russians interest. Do you see the difference?

Yeah, you ARE a Russian stooge. Just look at your poor command of the English language.

And it's easy for the obummers to be "popular", the MSM ignored as much of their corrupt conduct as much as possible.
I responded to most of your rebuttal points per points. You came back with almost nothing. Nice talking to you.
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?
The fascist left threating us with temper tantrums again?
The whole narrative is now backfiring on democrats. They cant put this genie back in the bottle.. With early voting those pissed off are now voting for their own safety...

Gawd I love boomerangs..
Trump is gaining support with Blacks,Hispanics and college educated whites. The democrats have to cater to the loon fringe of the left...that’s all they have.

LOL. Trump is the president for almost 4 years and he is gaining support from minorities? Now?

Trump literally destroyed this country almost on purpose. Millions and millions of these minorities will be suffering for a very long time because of Trump, on top of his anti immigration policy, on top of placing children in cages, on top of these BLM rallies. Do you expect these minorities will vote Trump? That’s hilarious.

College educated whites? After the disastrous handling of the pandemic. After almost 4 years of chaos and discombobulations. Don’t tell me suddenly they become very stupid.
Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it!
You want four more years of trump?
Four more years of protests, unemployment four more years of people dying from a virus that trump ignored?
Oh yeah, you want four more years of impeachment hearings?

Yeah, because Trump cares for this country. Look at what you just posted. Talk about an idiot. Thanks for telling us your rioting is purely political.

That makes it terrorism. Which makes it sedition, which means the gloves can come off.
Trump cares for this country? Nonsense.

If he cares for this country then he should:
1. Condemned the Russians for interfering in to our presidential election, harassing us in with their fighter jets and ships in the international waters, caught multiple times off Alaskan coast. But not a single words coming out against his master puppet.

2. Fanning the racial injustice. Threatening mayors and governors instead of working with them. He lied like HELL.

3. Stop lying and spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.
4. Help stop spreading the infections that Americans are facing right now. He even blasted Biden for wearing a mask. His disaster town hall meeting mask is not good because a waitress told him.
5. Look at the millions of millions of Americans that are sufferings, death and infections because of this moron.
6. Look at his rallies not wearing mask or social distancing against his own policy.

He downplayed or played dumb this crisis from the beginning and we are now in 9 months......And still continues to play dumb.

NO and NO he doesn’t give a fuck. Now you tell me if he cares about Americans. Now you want 4 more years of this garbage administration.

No, not nonsense. The problem you people have is you think words from a politician mean something. they don't. While you people were applauding michelle obummer and her various hashtag statements about releasing prisoners from Boko Haram etc. the reality is they DID nothing. Trump has gotten our hostages freed. Obummer traded five high level terrorists for a worthless piece of shit deserter. That's it. That's the one hostage he ever got released.

The russians have ALWAYS harassed us and interfered with our elections. obummer was notified of it and told the FBI to do nothing. Trump has acted to reduce the russian influence. All quietly but he has done meaningful things other than your hero the obummer.

The MSM is fanning the flames of racial injustice you clown. For THEIR own ends.

He did't, and in fact while YOUR heros dawdled, he acted.

The masks don't do shit. If they did the assholes telling us to wear them all of the time WOULD be. Whenever they think they are off camera, so too do the masks come off.

No you fucking imbecile. They are suffering BECAUSE OF CHINA! They launched the attack, and chinese stooges, like you, try and blame Trump

Look at the rioters not social distancing or wearing maskes. In other words, you are wrong on all counts and either a paid chinese/russian stooge, or are too stupid to think for yourself.
Oh Please. Cry me river.
Michele and Barack Obama was highly regarded as decent people with high excellent remarks all over the world and here in US. Sadly you are very poorly informed. Trump made this country a laughing stock, dumb, ignorant, racist, bully around the world. The sad part of that is people like you are dragging us with you.

Russians ALWAYS harassed us. You are Trump licker is that supposed to be acceptable? Your puppet is so in love with Putin that he has not said a single words against Putin because he is useful idiot. Biden warned the Russians.
From you...... Trump reduced Russian influence. that’s bullshit Dude. In reality Russian has gained more influence and advance of their interest in ME and other parts of the world because we have a weakling amateur president.

China? True. The virus came from China Look at the way he is handling the crisis. He is fucking dumb piece of shit. He even admitted he down played the corona virus. This a new Democrat hoax. Blaming China for his failures is dumb and stupid. He even retweeted this Covid-19 is all lies, deaths are all lies created by democrats. Mask is not good because a waitress told him. Now you tell me if your moron knows what he is talking about?
From you.... China launched the attack. You have no proof of that. None.

From you ..... MSN is flaming injustice. The racial injustice has been going for a long time and so is police brutalities. Trump has not address police brutalities, racial injustice or the rioters.

From you. Mask is useless. That is what moron Trump is telling you. Rioters are not wearing mask is not acceptable. is that supposed to be your excuses for not wearing mask? According to scientists, doctors, hospitals and medical experts. Mask is the best way to STOP the spread of virus. What part of that don’t you understand?

From you...... I’m paid as Russian or Chinese stooges. Really? I’m here blasting Russians intrusions and interference. You are here protecting Russians interest. Do you see the difference?

Yeah, you ARE a Russian stooge. Just look at your poor command of the English language.

And it's easy for the obummers to be "popular", the MSM ignored as much of their corrupt conduct as much as possible.
I responded to most of your rebuttal points per points. You came back with almost nothing. Nice talking to you.

Your rebuttals are wisps of wind. No substance. And your language skills mark you as a pootin putz.
And being the racist that you are, you're the one who keeps on insisting that it's about race, rather than about affluence or behavior or the choices that one makes and the consequences thereof.

Of course, it's about race.

You want to prosecute poor black people while giving rich white people a pass.

What you cannot get away with, is that to the core, if you're not actually a criminal yourself, you are certainly more sympathetic to criminals than you are to human beings, and you consistently take the side of criminals against that of human beings. I do not think that anyone needs to know any more than this about you, to accurately judge your character. You are, undeniably, a subhuman criminal in spirit, if not in actual behavior. And at this point, I have to call @bullshit on any claim that you're not an actual, literal criminal, who goes and and commits actual acts of theft, destruction, and violence against others. No decent, law-abiding human being would ever defend subhuman criminal filth, as staunchly and consistently as you do.

Again, when you show as much outrage about white criminals as you do about poor people of color, I'll take you seriously.

Let's not forget, you belong to a cult started by a man who was convicted of fraud, polygamy and having sex with minors.... but you go to your little temple every day and think he was a "Prophet". (Even though none of his prophecies have ever come true.)

You do realize, don't you, that the term “Dream Team”, as you are using it, referred originally to a collection of lawyers that were assembled to defend a black man, who was accused of a terrible double-murder, of which he was ultimately acquitted? Many people, to this day, believe that he did, in fact, commit that murder, and that he got Away with it largely because he was wealthy and well-connected. This was the same case that also gave us the term “Race Card”.

You mean a sad Uncle Tom who spent his whole life sucking up to white people, played the race card? I think you need to review WHY he was acquitted. He was acquitted because his "Dream Team" was able to prove outright police misconduct. Now, what if every poor defendent had a "Dream Team".

But now, we're flirting with a classic time-travel paradox. If it was the beating that turned him retroactively into a criminal, which led to him getting into a fight with the police who kicked his ass, then the beating turned out to be its own cause. Sane people want to blame the Piñata for his own bad choices, and the consequences that he brought on himself, while your kind want to blame the police for oppressing a poor criminal instead of just allowing him to run amok.

Again, you seem to be more angry at King for a MOVING VIOLATION than you are for rich white people who commit horrible crimes.

Seriously, that's what he got pulled over for. Speeding. Oh, the cops tried to make it sound worse by claiming the car was going 100 MPH (even though it wasn't capable of that kind of speeds.)

So let's get this straight in Mormon Bob World. The Affluenza Teen gets a pass over killing 4 people, but Rodney King deserved to beaten and mocked...

Yes, your racist cult has taught you well.
And which party is it, that is the party of the criminal pieces of shit who, infesting positions of power, used an overhyped flu bug as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, shutting down businesses and throwing people out of work?

Uh, guy, most companies sent people home long before the governor told them to, and a lot of them are keeping people home even though the bans have been lifted.

Are you saying all these smart businessmen have been "fooled"?
And yet, it seems that you cannot name any instance of it actually having happened in your lifetime. I bet you cannot name any instance of the KKK lynching anyone, or doing anything of any significance, in the last thirty years.

Sure I can. I was born in 1962.

Lynchings occured in 1963 and 1964.
Interracial marriage was still a crime as late as 1969.
A certain Cult started by a child molesting con man didn't allow black people to become full members until 1978.

Which is exactly why we had the Rittenhouse incident. The principle is the same but you make excuses for them and want to hang Rittenhouse without trial.

Well, with any luck, he'll get shanked in prison, and save us the trouble.

Um, no. You don't get to arbitrarily claim that the people involved in the investigation are also involved in the underlying offense. That is an assumption on your part and only further proves my point that you are not interested in accountability.
Let me guess: with all black and/or all liberal investigators, right? I know you and I know the minds of people like you. 1.) You'll distrust any white conservative in the organization and 2.) You will STILL pronounce the cop guilty and start rioting, looting and burning any time they clear an officer.

Okay, we saw an example of EXACTLY what I am on about yesterday. These THUG cops shoot a woman while she was lying asleep in her bed, SIX TIMES, because they had the wrong address looking for a man they already had in custody. Two of them were acquitted and one of them was charged with a minor offense.

Yeah, for some reason, we don't trust white conservative organizations.

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