More bad news for Progs: Private payrolls grow by 234k in January, vs 185k expected:ADP/Moody's

Great. Considering how poorly the new jobs have done under Trump, as compared to Obama, it's about time the country got some good news.
Job growth can only slow when unemployment gets this low.

Did I really need to say that? Holy crap.
How do Trump's numbers for job creation and average wage increase compare with recent years/months?

Read Bernie Sanders' Rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union

"But what President Trump failed to mention is that his first year in office marked the lowest level of job creation since 2010.

"In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 254,000 fewer jobs were created in Trump’s first 11 months in office than were created in the 11 months before he entered office.

"Further, when we talk about the economy, what’s most important is to understand what is happening to the average worker. And here’s the story that Trump failed to mention tonight.

"Over the last year, after adjusting for inflation, the average worker in America saw a wage increase of, are you ready for this, 4 cents an hour, or 0.17%.

"Or, to put it in a different way, that worker received a raise of a little more than $1.60 a week.

"And, as is often the case, that tiny wage increase disappeared as a result of soaring health care costs."
How do Trump's numbers for job creation and average wage increase compare with recent years/months?

Read Bernie Sanders' Rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union

"But what President Trump failed to mention is that his first year in office marked the lowest level of job creation since 2010.

"In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 254,000 fewer jobs were created in Trump’s first 11 months in office than were created in the 11 months before he entered office.

"Further, when we talk about the economy, what’s most important is to understand what is happening to the average worker. And here’s the story that Trump failed to mention tonight.

"Over the last year, after adjusting for inflation, the average worker in America saw a wage increase of, are you ready for this, 4 cents an hour, or 0.17%.

"Or, to put it in a different way, that worker received a raise of a little more than $1.60 a week.

"And, as is often the case, that tiny wage increase disappeared as a result of soaring health care costs."

Fascinating to watch you elementary minds frame shit like you do.
I’m sure you thought you were being super clever with this one...huh? Haha....Okay, here’s your free lesson...use your heads and follow learned this shit in third 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is considered to be around the 5% what do you fuckin retards think happens once full employment is reached? Do you think growth trajectory starts to taper off?
How do Trump's numbers for job creation and average wage increase compare with recent years/months?

Read Bernie Sanders' Rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union

"But what President Trump failed to mention is that his first year in office marked the lowest level of job creation since 2010.

"In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 254,000 fewer jobs were created in Trump’s first 11 months in office than were created in the 11 months before he entered office.

"Further, when we talk about the economy, what’s most important is to understand what is happening to the average worker. And here’s the story that Trump failed to mention tonight.

"Over the last year, after adjusting for inflation, the average worker in America saw a wage increase of, are you ready for this, 4 cents an hour, or 0.17%.

"Or, to put it in a different way, that worker received a raise of a little more than $1.60 a week.

"And, as is often the case, that tiny wage increase disappeared as a result of soaring health care costs."

Fascinating to watch you elementary minds frame shit like you do.
I’m sure you thought you were being super clever with this one...huh? Haha....Okay, here’s your free lesson...use your heads and follow learned this shit in third 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is considered to be around the 5% what do you fuckin retards think happens once full employment is reached? Do you think growth trajectory starts to taper off?

You seem to forget this thread is about how many more jobs Trump-0 has produced. I don't see much proof of that,


Wow, look at what Bush gave Clinton and look at what Bush gave Obama.
in 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is
How many jobs do you "think" were created by $10 trillion pumped into the stock market, Einstein? Full employment, really? Millions of productive workers left the job market so Trump and billionaire cabinet could impress simple minds, like yours. Take an Econ 101 course and try harder.
in 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is
How many jobs do you "think" were created by $10 trillion pumped into the stock market, Einstein? Full employment, really? Millions of productive workers left the job market so Trump and billionaire cabinet could impress simple minds, like yours. Take an Econ 101 course and try harder.

I’m thinking you’ve watched one too many Michael Moore flicks bud.
in 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is
How many jobs do you "think" were created by $10 trillion pumped into the stock market, Einstein? Full employment, really? Millions of productive workers left the job market so Trump and billionaire cabinet could impress simple minds, like yours. Take an Econ 101 course and try harder.

I’m thinking you’ve watched one too many Michael Moore flicks bud.
Could be.
Mike and Bernie seem pretty clear about who's getting richer and at whose expense.

Read Bernie Sanders' Rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union

"Over the last year, after adjusting for inflation, the average worker in America saw a wage increase of, are you ready for this, 4 cents an hour, or 0.17%.

"Or, to put it in a different way, that worker received a raise of a little more than $1.60 a week.

"And, as is often the case, that tiny wage increase disappeared as a result of soaring health care costs.

"Meanwhile, at a time of massive wealth and income inequality, the rich continue to get much richer while millions of American workers are working two or three jobs just to keep their heads above water.

"Since March of last year, the three richest people in America saw their wealth increase by more than $68 billion.

"Three people.

"A $68 billion increase in wealth.

"Meanwhile, the average worker saw an increase of 4 cents an hour."

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