More Black People Crying for Police Help

You appear to be trying to tie protests against corrupt police
The protests were not against corrupt police, they were against justice and peace.

Great job Deputy. That’s the epitome of protect and serve.

What do you think - do you think black people can design a better government than white people?
What are you talking about?
The government is fucked up. It doesn't work right. Everybody is corrupt. The citizens are either in revolt, or are being accused of racism.

The pig white racists think there is nothing wrong with how the government works, and that the Black people are delusional, and cannot understand how self-government works.

Americans are of every ethnic ancestry on the planet, but we are all Americans together here for the long haul.
Diversity leads to prejudices that can only be exercised by segregation. There is no sense in a union of states if all the states are the same culture.
If you wish, for some stupid reason, to divide us by race, remember the trump presidency. I'm white, so is trump, and his incompetence and filthy conduct in office gave the nation and the world the impression that all of us whites are ignorant, arrogant fools. Trump and his minions have soiled my name and reputation. When can I expect his apology?
When you devise a government charter that developing nations can use to advance their societies to economic stability.

You do not know what the "world" thinks. You do not have the ability to understand the different languages and the different government systems. The rest of the world does not understand how our system works, otherwise they would emulate it.
What a steaming pile of white nationalist glop. You people are the ones who seem not to know how the government works, that a president is not a king, that Congress has an oversight function, that certain procedures have to be followed when an executive-branch department wants to make a rule, etc. One of your cronies thinks that federal judges are elected, when it says in plain English in the Constitution that the president nominates them and their appointment is then confirmed by the Senate.

Diversity does not lead to prejudices. Just the opposite. The U.S. is made up of hundreds of local cultures. Travel more and enjoy them. It's time you took a long road trip.

I really don't understand your comments about devising a government charter for use by developing nations. This doesn't seem to relate to anything.

Again, trump and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.

Two minute video. You can hear them crying for help, and they are not worried about being shot by the officer. When the officer tries to tilt the vehicle off the trapped woman, he has to ask the other person to help!

View attachment 491608
The report does not explain why the car flipped.

Of course people call the police when they need help. The mission of the police is to protect and serve the community, and honorable cops will live up to their oaths and provide it.

You appear to be trying to tie protests against corrupt police to an incident in which a civilian member of the community needed help and those who serve loyally responded with the heroism that we honor them for.

Remember back to Jan. 6. when people like Officer Eugene Goodman (black) and Officer Michael Fanone (white) together fought the good fight to protect our Congress, as so many cops did. They both faced overwhelming odds, but both stood up courageously, putting their own lives on the line to protect the Republic.

Remember back to Jan. 6. when the capital cop MURDERED ashlii babbit? AMERICA does

America remembers a person trying to get into the congressional chambers who got shot. You fakes are talking about a murder that wasn't.

lets try the same scenerio with your son/daughter...mother/father...lets see what your fucked up mind would come up with are a real piece of shit
What do you think - do you think black people can design a better government than white people?
What are you talking about?
The government is fucked up. It doesn't work right. Everybody is corrupt. The citizens are either in revolt, or are being accused of racism.

The pig white racists think there is nothing wrong with how the government works, and that the Black people are delusional, and cannot understand how self-government works.

Americans are of every ethnic ancestry on the planet, but we are all Americans together here for the long haul.
Diversity leads to prejudices that can only be exercised by segregation. There is no sense in a union of states if all the states are the same culture.
If you wish, for some stupid reason, to divide us by race, remember the trump presidency. I'm white, so is trump, and his incompetence and filthy conduct in office gave the nation and the world the impression that all of us whites are ignorant, arrogant fools. Trump and his minions have soiled my name and reputation. When can I expect his apology?
When you devise a government charter that developing nations can use to advance their societies to economic stability.

You do not know what the "world" thinks. You do not have the ability to understand the different languages and the different government systems. The rest of the world does not understand how our system works, otherwise they would emulate it.
What a steaming pile of white nationalist glop. You people are the ones who seem not to know how the government works, that a president is not a king, that Congress has an oversight function, that certain procedures have to be followed when an executive-branch department wants to make a rule, etc. One of your cronies thinks that federal judges are elected, when it says in plain English in the Constitution that the president nominates them and their appointment is then confirmed by the Senate.

Diversity does not lead to prejudices. Just the opposite. The U.S. is made up of hundreds of local cultures. Travel more and enjoy them. It's time you took a long road trip.

I really don't understand your comments about devising a government charter for use by developing nations. This doesn't seem to relate to anything.

Again, trump and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.
Again, xiden and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.

Two minute video. You can hear them crying for help, and they are not worried about being shot by the officer. When the officer tries to tilt the vehicle off the trapped woman, he has to ask the other person to help!

View attachment 491608
The report does not explain why the car flipped.

There is nothing wrong with the police. Black people like the police.

But shooting unarmed black people AND walking free ? That's not police work.

That's not part of the constitution. That's what black people have an issue with.

What we don't like is the white supremacists within law enforcement.





That's what they sign up.

But now is the bar set that low for police that he deserves medal for doing something he's supposed to do ?

Your post makes me sick. I hate these fake "good-white-cop-help-poor-Black-family-so-all-cops-arent-racist" stories that are manufactured in the media to try and offset the fact that law enforcement agencies around the country are infiltrated with white supremacists

Like were the white cop saved those three blk kids in Wisconsin.

I'm not giving anyone praise when they do what they're SUPPOSED to do.
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Where else can anybody go besides the police? That’s their job. At the same time, police aren’t supposed to be showing up to where a black person is and then deciding to shoot that person within two seconds of showing up just because they’re black and that makes them scary.

No white cop could be blamed.for never again wanting to respond to any call from a black area.

Nothing good could happen, for the cop. Only grief is to be found in such a place. Let them police themselves. Just see how well they do it in ChiCongo.

Two minute video. You can hear them crying for help, and they are not worried about being shot by the officer. When the officer tries to tilt the vehicle off the trapped woman, he has to ask the other person to help!

View attachment 491608
The report does not explain why the car flipped.

Unfortunately, there are going to be lots of good black and colors of people harmed by BLM and the libs attack on the cops along with all the bad ones. Crime rate is soaring while police response/medical response times are down in many places.

Firefighters in LA are now targets.
What do you think - do you think black people can design a better government than white people?
What are you talking about?
The government is fucked up. It doesn't work right. Everybody is corrupt. The citizens are either in revolt, or are being accused of racism.

The pig white racists think there is nothing wrong with how the government works, and that the Black people are delusional, and cannot understand how self-government works.

Americans are of every ethnic ancestry on the planet, but we are all Americans together here for the long haul.
Diversity leads to prejudices that can only be exercised by segregation. There is no sense in a union of states if all the states are the same culture.
If you wish, for some stupid reason, to divide us by race, remember the trump presidency. I'm white, so is trump, and his incompetence and filthy conduct in office gave the nation and the world the impression that all of us whites are ignorant, arrogant fools. Trump and his minions have soiled my name and reputation. When can I expect his apology?
When you devise a government charter that developing nations can use to advance their societies to economic stability.

You do not know what the "world" thinks. You do not have the ability to understand the different languages and the different government systems. The rest of the world does not understand how our system works, otherwise they would emulate it.
What a steaming pile of white nationalist glop. You people are the ones who seem not to know how the government works, that a president is not a king, that Congress has an oversight function, that certain procedures have to be followed when an executive-branch department wants to make a rule, etc. One of your cronies thinks that federal judges are elected, when it says in plain English in the Constitution that the president nominates them and their appointment is then confirmed by the Senate.

Diversity does not lead to prejudices. Just the opposite. The U.S. is made up of hundreds of local cultures. Travel more and enjoy them. It's time you took a long road trip.

I really don't understand your comments about devising a government charter for use by developing nations. This doesn't seem to relate to anything.

Again, trump and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.
You're no different than anyone else. You enjoy the local cultures that agree with your political view just like everyone else. Hypocrite.
What do you think - do you think black people can design a better government than white people?
What are you talking about?
The government is fucked up. It doesn't work right. Everybody is corrupt. The citizens are either in revolt, or are being accused of racism.

The pig white racists think there is nothing wrong with how the government works, and that the Black people are delusional, and cannot understand how self-government works.

Americans are of every ethnic ancestry on the planet, but we are all Americans together here for the long haul.
Diversity leads to prejudices that can only be exercised by segregation. There is no sense in a union of states if all the states are the same culture.
If you wish, for some stupid reason, to divide us by race, remember the trump presidency. I'm white, so is trump, and his incompetence and filthy conduct in office gave the nation and the world the impression that all of us whites are ignorant, arrogant fools. Trump and his minions have soiled my name and reputation. When can I expect his apology?
When you devise a government charter that developing nations can use to advance their societies to economic stability.

You do not know what the "world" thinks. You do not have the ability to understand the different languages and the different government systems. The rest of the world does not understand how our system works, otherwise they would emulate it.
What a steaming pile of white nationalist glop. You people are the ones who seem not to know how the government works, that a president is not a king, that Congress has an oversight function, that certain procedures have to be followed when an executive-branch department wants to make a rule, etc. One of your cronies thinks that federal judges are elected, when it says in plain English in the Constitution that the president nominates them and their appointment is then confirmed by the Senate.

Diversity does not lead to prejudices. Just the opposite. The U.S. is made up of hundreds of local cultures. Travel more and enjoy them. It's time you took a long road trip.

I really don't understand your comments about devising a government charter for use by developing nations. This doesn't seem to relate to anything.

Again, trump and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.
You're no different than anyone else. You enjoy the local cultures that agree with your political view just like everyone else. Hypocrite.

What local culture that I've visited have I not enjoyed?

I have not visited with gullah or cajun folks yet, but I would like to.

What local cultures do you suggest I visit?

Have you visited NYC? I grew up a mere bus ride away. Come see Washington Square and take in a show at Radio City. Take in a show at the Apollo Theater.This is my "local culture." My parents met in the Waldof Astoria before my dad was called away for WWII.
What do you think - do you think black people can design a better government than white people?
What are you talking about?
The government is fucked up. It doesn't work right. Everybody is corrupt. The citizens are either in revolt, or are being accused of racism.

The pig white racists think there is nothing wrong with how the government works, and that the Black people are delusional, and cannot understand how self-government works.

Americans are of every ethnic ancestry on the planet, but we are all Americans together here for the long haul.
Diversity leads to prejudices that can only be exercised by segregation. There is no sense in a union of states if all the states are the same culture.
If you wish, for some stupid reason, to divide us by race, remember the trump presidency. I'm white, so is trump, and his incompetence and filthy conduct in office gave the nation and the world the impression that all of us whites are ignorant, arrogant fools. Trump and his minions have soiled my name and reputation. When can I expect his apology?
When you devise a government charter that developing nations can use to advance their societies to economic stability.

You do not know what the "world" thinks. You do not have the ability to understand the different languages and the different government systems. The rest of the world does not understand how our system works, otherwise they would emulate it.
What a steaming pile of white nationalist glop. You people are the ones who seem not to know how the government works, that a president is not a king, that Congress has an oversight function, that certain procedures have to be followed when an executive-branch department wants to make a rule, etc. One of your cronies thinks that federal judges are elected, when it says in plain English in the Constitution that the president nominates them and their appointment is then confirmed by the Senate.

Diversity does not lead to prejudices. Just the opposite. The U.S. is made up of hundreds of local cultures. Travel more and enjoy them. It's time you took a long road trip.

I really don't understand your comments about devising a government charter for use by developing nations. This doesn't seem to relate to anything.

Again, trump and his ilk have made Caucasians look really bad. It's embarrassing in a world in which we all tend to lump people together by virtue of their skin color, ethnic background, or religion alone, instead of judging each individual on their own merits.
You're no different than anyone else. You enjoy the local cultures that agree with your political view just like everyone else. Hypocrite.

What local culture that I've visited have I not enjoyed?

I have not visited with gullah or cajun folks yet, but I would like to.

What local cultures do you suggest I visit?

Have you visited NYC? I grew up a mere bus ride away. Come see Washington Square and take in a show at Radio City. Take in a show at the Apollo Theater.This is my "local culture." My parents met in the Waldof Astoria before my dad was called away for WWII.
Why don't you visit Duck Dynasty family in Louisiana. How about visiting some ranches up in northeast Montana. They'd love to have you around for a few days. You'd be very popular.

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