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She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Many Bidens have served

Did Joe?

Or, did he, like Trump, get 5 deferments?

No Joe Biden has asthma. He was born with it.

Which means he couldn't pass the physical to get into the military.

Joe didn't have his dad get a doctor to write a phony letter saying he had "bone spurs."

How about you? Did you serve in the military? Or are you one of those who didn't serve yet expect others to do it for you?

he got the 1y after the 4th deferment, if it were real it would have been his first and only deferment. he's a coward bitch.

trump got his 5th deferment. If he had bone spurs why wasn't his first deferment because of that?

He's a coward.

Turn it around.

If the high school athlete had asthma, why wasn't his first deferment for that?
We had troops stationed in Germany to protect Europe from an invasion by the Soviets! Anyone dumb enough to think THAT is going to happen anytime soon is who has no business being in the White House!

That was their purpose at one time. Now they are there to respond to any issue that might evolve, as many have since 1989- Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, etc.

As for pulling troops out of the Middle East? Trump does so where he can do it without endangering the region. Obama pulled combat troops out of Iraq because he thought it would help his reelection. ISIS overrunning Iraq and much of the Middle East was the result.

Okay, you are leaving out a couple parts, such as the withdraw of troops was called for in the agreement Bush had reached with the Iraqis, and that Obama did make a good faith effort to extend them, but the Iraqis wouldn't go along. Of course, ISIS wouldn't have overrun the Middle East if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam to start with. but never mind.

Trump was against sending combat troops over there in the first place and that was LONG before anyone had even heard of somebody named Barack Obama!

Actually, no, he wasn't. I know that he rewrites history and you guys go along with it, but at the time, He was all for it.

Is he? Does the record show that Trump was against the Iraq War before it started? Let’s examine his public statements, beginning with his first known comment on the notion of invading Iraq, made during a 2002 radio talk show interview.

The Howard Stern Show, 11 September 2002 (six months before the war):

STERN: Are you for invading Iraq?

TRUMP: Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish the first time it was done correctly.

He was against sending them to Syria because he didn't want us pulled into that quagmire.

Well, no, he was just against it because Obama was doing it. He had no problem doing the exact same things Obama was doing when he got in.

He also doesn't want to involve us in the fight between Turkey and the Kurds. We still value the Kurds as strategic allies in the region but we're not going to fight their battles for them.

No one was asking us to fight the Kurds' battles. The idea was to make clear to the Turks that the Kurds were under our protection, and if they moved into Syria, they'd have problems.

Instead, because he had guys like Flynn on Erogdan's payroll, he did the opposite.
Last edited:
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

WOW! !!!, really powerful...

Turn it around.

If the high school athlete had asthma, why wasn't his first deferment for that?

Because his first deferment was issued in 1961, when they military wasn't at war anywhere, and had more than enough healthy draftees to fill the positions. "You are in college? Fine with us!"

The crazy notion was that in 1968, after he had graduated from college and passed the bar, at 26 the Army was going to put him in a rice paddy somewhere.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Tammy Duckworth is a piece of shit Marxist. If she hadn't fucked-up and lost her own legs this bitch wouldn't be on the Senate. No respect for her at all. I'm a combat vet and I'm voting straight Republican because they care about the military and our vet's unlike some Chicago Political Machine puppet.
Turn it around.

If the high school athlete had asthma, why wasn't his first deferment for that?

Because his first deferment was issued in 1961, when they military wasn't at war anywhere, and had more than enough healthy draftees to fill the positions. "You are in college? Fine with us!"

The crazy notion was that in 1968, after he had graduated from college and passed the bar, at 26 the Army was going to put him in a rice paddy somewhere.
Because Bill Clinton and Barry Sotoro had stellar military records.
We had troops stationed in Germany to protect Europe from an invasion by the Soviets! Anyone dumb enough to think THAT is going to happen anytime soon is who has no business being in the White House!

That was their purpose at one time. Now they are there to respond to any issue that might evolve, as many have since 1989- Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, etc.

As for pulling troops out of the Middle East? Trump does so where he can do it without endangering the region. Obama pulled combat troops out of Iraq because he thought it would help his reelection. ISIS overrunning Iraq and much of the Middle East was the result.

Okay, you are leaving out a couple parts, such as the withdraw of troops was called for in the agreement Bush had reached with the Iraqis, and that Obama did make a good faith effort to extend them, but the Iraqis wouldn't go along. Of course, ISIS wouldn't have overrun the Middle East if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam to start with. but never mind.

Trump was against sending combat troops over there in the first place and that was LONG before anyone had even heard of somebody named Barack Obama!

Actually, no, he wasn't. I know that he rewrites history and you guys go along with it, but at the time, He was all for it.

Is he? Does the record show that Trump was against the Iraq War before it started? Let’s examine his public statements, beginning with his first known comment on the notion of invading Iraq, made during a 2002 radio talk show interview.

The Howard Stern Show, 11 September 2002 (six months before the war):

STERN: Are you for invading Iraq?

TRUMP: Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish the first time it was done correctly.

He was against sending them to Syria because he didn't want us pulled into that quagmire.

Well, no, he was just against it because Obama was doing it. He had no problem doing the exact same things Obama was doing when he got in.

He also doesn't want to involve us in the fight between Turkey and the Kurds. We still value the Kurds as strategic allies in the region but we're not going to fight their battles for them.

No one was asking us to fight the Kurds' battles. The idea was to make clear to the Turks that the Kurds were under our protection, and if they moved into Syria, they'd have problems.

Instead, because he had guys like Flynn on Erogdan's payroll, he did the opposite.
You think we pulled troops out of Germany to deal with issues in the Middle East? Show me where troop levels in Germany were EVER depleted to deal with "issues" elsewhere!

Obama NEVER made an effort to extend the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqis! If he would have been extended. He used that expiring as an excuse to do what he wanted to do anyways...pull combat troops out before the election. Barry OWNS what happened next with ISIS! His military leadership told him it was dangerous to leave such a big vacuum of power in the region but he ignored them for political reasons. If he'd left 40,000 combat troops in Iraq it would have kept the area stable and saved countless lives and prevented a wholesale migration of millions to escape the terror that ISIS was!

So remind us all when it was that the Turks wiped out the Kurds? You know after we withdrew our troops from that theatre? According to you that must have happened! So did it? Because it sure looks to me like the Kurds and the Turks are right back to the stalemate they've had for for centuries. So if that's the case...then tell me again why it was that we needed to stay there and play referee?
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Tammy Duckworth is a piece of shit Marxist. If she hadn't fucked-up and lost her own legs this bitch wouldn't be on the Senate. No respect for her at all. I'm a combat vet and I'm voting straight Republican because they care about the military and our vet's unlike some Chicago Political Machine puppet.

You’re a real charmer - And a serious asshole
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Duckworth is a quota hiring military pilot who screwed up. Her abilities are limited compared to those who could be better. We lowered the standards for her and denied a white guy a job for it. Millions of white guys are now impoverished for the agendas we have used the last half century.

Millions of white guys are now impoverished because Reagan's tax code transferred all of their money to the billionaire class, and Trump is not only doing the same thing, his policies and mismanagement of the corona virus response has actually accelerated your impoverishment. Billionaires have increased their wealth by $70 billion while working Americans are preparing for a record number of evictions and foreclosures.

More Americans will lose their homes after the eviction/foreclosure moratorium is lifted, than lost their homes in 2008.

But keep blamed non-white Americans for your troubles, instead of the billionaire class who can't take your money fast enough.
We had troops stationed in Germany to protect Europe from an invasion by the Soviets! Anyone dumb enough to think THAT is going to happen anytime soon is who has no business being in the White House!

That was their purpose at one time. Now they are there to respond to any issue that might evolve, as many have since 1989- Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, etc.

As for pulling troops out of the Middle East? Trump does so where he can do it without endangering the region. Obama pulled combat troops out of Iraq because he thought it would help his reelection. ISIS overrunning Iraq and much of the Middle East was the result.

Okay, you are leaving out a couple parts, such as the withdraw of troops was called for in the agreement Bush had reached with the Iraqis, and that Obama did make a good faith effort to extend them, but the Iraqis wouldn't go along. Of course, ISIS wouldn't have overrun the Middle East if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam to start with. but never mind.

Trump was against sending combat troops over there in the first place and that was LONG before anyone had even heard of somebody named Barack Obama!

Actually, no, he wasn't. I know that he rewrites history and you guys go along with it, but at the time, He was all for it.

Is he? Does the record show that Trump was against the Iraq War before it started? Let’s examine his public statements, beginning with his first known comment on the notion of invading Iraq, made during a 2002 radio talk show interview.

The Howard Stern Show, 11 September 2002 (six months before the war):

STERN: Are you for invading Iraq?

TRUMP: Yeah, I guess so. You know, I wish the first time it was done correctly.

He was against sending them to Syria because he didn't want us pulled into that quagmire.

Well, no, he was just against it because Obama was doing it. He had no problem doing the exact same things Obama was doing when he got in.

He also doesn't want to involve us in the fight between Turkey and the Kurds. We still value the Kurds as strategic allies in the region but we're not going to fight their battles for them.

No one was asking us to fight the Kurds' battles. The idea was to make clear to the Turks that the Kurds were under our protection, and if they moved into Syria, they'd have problems.

Instead, because he had guys like Flynn on Erogdan's payroll, he did the opposite.
You think we pulled troops out of Germany to deal with issues in the Middle East? Show me where troop levels in Germany were EVER depleted to deal with "issues" elsewhere!

Obama NEVER made an effort to extend the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqis! If he would have been extended. He used that expiring as an excuse to do what he wanted to do anyways...pull combat troops out before the election. Barry OWNS what happened next with ISIS! His military leadership told him it was dangerous to leave such a big vacuum of power in the region but he ignored them for political reasons. If he'd left 40,000 combat troops in Iraq it would have kept the area stable and saved countless lives and prevented a wholesale migration of millions to escape the terror that ISIS was!

So remind us all when it was that the Turks wiped out the Kurds? You know after we withdrew our troops from that theatre? According to you that must have happened! So did it? Because it sure looks to me like the Kurds and the Turks are right back to the stalemate they've had for for centuries. So if that's the case...then tell me again why it was that we needed to stay there and play referee?

Well that is a lie. The Iraqis would NOT extend the Status of Forces Agreement. The wanted American troops GONE. They demanded the ability to charge and prosecute US troops for "atrocities" and "war crimes", should they be allowed to stay.

George Bush owns what happened with ISIS. He's the guy who disbanded Saddam's army and let them keep their weapons. Dumb and dumber. He also went into Iraq with NO PLAN whatsoever for what would happen after Saddam was gone. They had no shadow government waiting in the wings. No plan to put Iraqis back to work, or to restore services.

The Iraqi people were hungry, broke and unemployed, and would have welcomed the opportunity to help rebuild their country. Instead, W brought in foreigners - contractors, to do the work, while the Iraqi people starved.
She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Many Bidens have served

Did Joe?

Or, did he, like Trump, get 5 deferments?

No Joe Biden has asthma. He was born with it.

Which means he couldn't pass the physical to get into the military.

Joe didn't have his dad get a doctor to write a phony letter saying he had "bone spurs."

How about you? Did you serve in the military? Or are you one of those who didn't serve yet expect others to do it for you?

he got the 1y after the 4th deferment, if it were real it would have been his first and only deferment. he's a coward bitch.

trump got his 5th deferment. If he had bone spurs why wasn't his first deferment because of that?

He's a coward.


They both were.
She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Many Bidens have served

Did Joe?

Or, did he, like Trump, get 5 deferments?

No Joe Biden has asthma. He was born with it.

Which means he couldn't pass the physical to get into the military.

Joe didn't have his dad get a doctor to write a phony letter saying he had "bone spurs."

How about you? Did you serve in the military? Or are you one of those who didn't serve yet expect others to do it for you?

he got the 1y after the 4th deferment, if it were real it would have been his first and only deferment. he's a coward bitch.

trump got his 5th deferment. If he had bone spurs why wasn't his first deferment because of that?

He's a coward.

Turn it around.

If the high school athlete had asthma, why wasn't his first deferment for that?

agree, see above
You think we pulled troops out of Germany to deal with issues in the Middle East? Show me where troop levels in Germany were EVER depleted to deal with "issues" elsewhere!

Um, yeah, during the Gulf War, we redeployed divisions from Germany to Kuwait. Sorry. Also, keep in mind, that those troops in Germany run support bases... such as this...

Obama NEVER made an effort to extend the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqis! If he would have been extended. He used that expiring as an excuse to do what he wanted to do anyways...pull combat troops out before the election.

Wrong again. -

Negotiations between the U.S. and Iraq for a new SOFA began in fall 2010. There were late-night meetings at the fortified compound of then Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, and in video conferences between Baghdad and Washington. In June 2011, diplomats and Iraqi officials said that President Obama had told Prime Minister Maliki that he was prepared to leave up to 10,000 soldiers to continue training and equipping the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF). Mr. Maliki agreed, but said he needed time to line up political allies. Eventually, he gained authorization to continue talks with the U.S. on keeping troops in Iraq.[66] The Iraqi parliament returned from a recess in late November 2011 (shortly before the year-end withdrawal date) because of a concern that remaining U.S. troops would not be granted immunity by Iraqi courts. American field commanders were concerned about the Sadrist response if the troops remained and about Iraqi readiness for a transfer of power.[67]

In October 2011, American officials pressed Iraqi leadership to meet again at President Talabani's compound to discuss the issue. This time the U.S. asked Iraq to take a stand on the question of immunity for troops, hoping to remove what had always been the biggest challenge. However, they misread Iraqi politics and the Iraqi public. Having watched the Arab Spring sweep across the region and still haunted by the traumas of this and previous wars, the Iraqis were unwilling to accept anything that infringed on their sovereignty.

Now, long and short of it, the Iraqis wanted to be able to prosecute American Soldiers in Iraqi courts. That would have been unacceptable to any American government.

Barry OWNS what happened next with ISIS! His military leadership told him it was dangerous to leave such a big vacuum of power in the region but he ignored them for political reasons. If he'd left 40,000 combat troops in Iraq it would have kept the area stable and saved countless lives and prevented a wholesale migration of millions to escape the terror that ISIS was!

Okay, a couple of issues here. First, the Iraqis didn't want 40K troops. As pointed out above, they were MAYBE willing to put up with 10K, if they could prosecute the occassional American Soldier. Second, the American people wanted out of Iraq. Understandably, Bush lied us into that war and we weren't accomplishing anything. Third, the Rise of ISIS happened because Maliki stopped power sharing with the Sunnis, not because they were all happy the Americans were gone.

So remind us all when it was that the Turks wiped out the Kurds? You know after we withdrew our troops from that theatre? According to you that must have happened! So did it? Because it sure looks to me like the Kurds and the Turks are right back to the stalemate they've had for for centuries. So if that's the case...then tell me again why it was that we needed to stay there and play referee?

Well, to start with, the Kurds had to give up a lot of territory to the Turks, territory they fought hard to get. They realize Trump sold them out, and it's going to be hard to get them to go along on any other actions over there if we have to.

Secondly, the TURKS ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS. They've undermined us at every turn, they've played footsie with the Iranians and the Russians.

If Obama had sold out the Kurds the way Trump did, you'd STILL be screaming about how "the mulatto" was an anti-American.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Tammy Duckworth is a piece of shit Marxist. If she hadn't fucked-up and lost her own legs this bitch wouldn't be on the Senate. No respect for her at all. I'm a combat vet and I'm voting straight Republican because they care about the military and our vet's unlike some Chicago Political Machine puppet.

We can always count on you to make a scurulous and baseless attack on an American woman. I can't imagine ANYONE who has ever been in combat talking about a wounded service member with the hatred and viciousness of your comments. You are a disgrace.

You're straight up going to vote for the guy who has done nothing to stop the Russian bounties on troops in Afghanistan. The guy who renegged on the American promise to protect the Kurds. And who is subverting the discipline of the Armed Forces by overturning convictions of members of the military who behaved inappropriately.

Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Tammy Duckworth is a piece of shit Marxist. If she hadn't fucked-up and lost her own legs this bitch wouldn't be on the Senate. No respect for her at all. I'm a combat vet and I'm voting straight Republican because they care about the military and our vet's unlike some Chicago Political Machine puppet.

Again, I have to wonder why more and more military are walking away from the Republican Party.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Duckworth is a quota hiring military pilot who screwed up. Her abilities are limited compared to those who could be better. We lowered the standards for her and denied a white guy a job for it. Millions of white guys are now impoverished for the agendas we have used the last half century.

Millions of white guys are now impoverished because Reagan's tax code transferred all of their money to the billionaire class, and Trump is not only doing the same thing, his policies and mismanagement of the corona virus response has actually accelerated your impoverishment. Billionaires have increased their wealth by $70 billion while working Americans are preparing for a record number of evictions and foreclosures.

More Americans will lose their homes after the eviction/foreclosure moratorium is lifted, than lost their homes in 2008.

But keep blamed non-white Americans for your troubles, instead of the billionaire class who can't take your money fast enough.

Apparently they like being "trickled" on. ;-)

Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

Duckworth is a quota hiring military pilot who screwed up. Her abilities are limited compared to those who could be better. We lowered the standards for her and denied a white guy a job for it. Millions of white guys are now impoverished for the agendas we have used the last half century.

Millions of white guys are now impoverished because Reagan's tax code transferred all of their money to the billionaire class, and Trump is not only doing the same thing, his policies and mismanagement of the corona virus response has actually accelerated your impoverishment. Billionaires have increased their wealth by $70 billion while working Americans are preparing for a record number of evictions and foreclosures.

More Americans will lose their homes after the eviction/foreclosure moratorium is lifted, than lost their homes in 2008.

But keep blamed non-white Americans for your troubles, instead of the billionaire class who can't take your money fast enough.

Apparently they like being "trickled" on. ;-)


Ah yes...another liberal with zero knowledge about economic theory that thinks "Trickle Down Economics" was ever a real thing! Why am I not shocked it's you, Doc?

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