More brutal ads from VoteVets!

Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Nah. And the Clintons haven't been in there since the money making 90s. You don't take the paper, do ya? :cool:
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Not really...a simple search of how often he has disparaged them is telling. He thinks of them as his play toys to deploy for political purposes.

Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

No. Lets send them to keep the Saudi Prince's assets secure, cause they have been so good for the US oil production and he is such a prince of a murderous strongman guy giving us all that money, to get them there like trump's rent-a-cops.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

I fucking hate political activist groups that claim to be veterans who are made up of mostly non veterans.

fuck these guys, living off the honor of those who served. yes the founders are vets, but most of the group are not.

their stated goal is bullshit.

I don't understand why more and more vets and active duty military are turning away from bunker boy.

Probably because the democrats keep putting up shitheads as an alternative. Biden is no better than trump when it comes to draft dodging.

Sorry but Biden had a real medical deferment.

Also his family served, can we point to any Trump who served.

family member serving does nothing for the draft dodgers.

how donyou know which one is real?
Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

If Trump is too stupid to understand why having troops in Germany ready to respond to international crisis benefits us, he has no business being in the White House.

As far as "Needlessly" inserting troops, then why hasn't he pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq yet? Heck, the Iraqis have asked us to leave, and he is insisting on staying.

The only reason why he wanted to pull out of Syria against the advice of the Generals was because it was Obama's policy. This is how petty the man is. the problem is, he sold out the Kurds (the only reliable ally we have over there) in the process. Good luck getting anyone to trust us again.
Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

If Trump is too stupid to understand why having troops in Germany ready to respond to international crisis benefits us, he has no business being in the White House.

As far as "Needlessly" inserting troops, then why hasn't he pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq yet? Heck, the Iraqis have asked us to leave, and he is insisting on staying.

The only reason why he wanted to pull out of Syria against the advice of the Generals was because it was Obama's policy. This is how petty the man is. the problem is, he sold out the Kurds (the only reliable ally we have over there) in the process. Good luck getting anyone to trust us again.
We had troops stationed in Germany to protect Europe from an invasion by the Soviets! Anyone dumb enough to think THAT is going to happen anytime soon is who has no business being in the White House!

As for pulling troops out of the Middle East? Trump does so where he can do it without endangering the region. Obama pulled combat troops out of Iraq because he thought it would help his reelection. ISIS overrunning Iraq and much of the Middle East was the result. Trump was against sending combat troops over there in the first place and that was LONG before anyone had even heard of somebody named Barack Obama! He was against sending them to Syria because he didn't want us pulled into that quagmire. He also doesn't want to involve us in the fight between Turkey and the Kurds. We still value the Kurds as strategic allies in the region but we're not going to fight their battles for them.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Not really...a simple search of how often he has disparaged them is telling. He thinks of them as his play toys to deploy for political purposes.

Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

The military is a whole. The high ranking generals were the rank and file at one time. You can't pick and choose.

You have a president who "needlessly" tried to insert the military AGAINST American citizens. So that argument doesn't go well.

Trump has a history of disrespecting the military.

I'll disagree with that! You can love the military and not like some of the generals who run it. You can't "fire" the Army but you can fire a General in charge of the Army and that's what Presidents DO! Trump does NOT have a history of disrespecting the military! Quite the contrary, actually!
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Not really...a simple search of how often he has disparaged them is telling. He thinks of them as his play toys to deploy for political purposes.

Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

The military is a whole. The high ranking generals were the rank and file at one time. You can't pick and choose.

You have a president who "needlessly" tried to insert the military AGAINST American citizens. So that argument doesn't go well.

Trump has a history of disrespecting the military.

As for "needlessly" using the military against American citizens? What's a President's first obligation to the American people? To keep them safe? What's going on in cities like New York, Chicago and Portland is an abdication of that same responsibility by liberal Mayors to keep their citizens safe! Trump using the National Guard to help restore order was what HAD to be done and what SHOULD have been done because local authority failed in doing it's job!
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Not really...a simple search of how often he has disparaged them is telling. He thinks of them as his play toys to deploy for political purposes.

Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

The military is a whole. The high ranking generals were the rank and file at one time. You can't pick and choose.

You have a president who "needlessly" tried to insert the military AGAINST American citizens. So that argument doesn't go well.

Trump has a history of disrespecting the military.

The high ranking generals were the rank and file at one time.
Few of them were 'rank and file'.

Most attended military schools where they got their commissions.

Very few Mustangs, if any, (people that entered as Enlisted and worked to become officers), made it to generals, or equivalent rank.
You mean a fake medical excuse like Asthma...dumbass.

Biden got an exam from a Draft Board physician, and THEY made the call on his asthma. (At a time when he was too old to draft, anyway.)

Trump, on the other hand, got his family doctor to write him a note.

Yep, "Draft Board physicians" always give exams to individuals too old to draft. You don't seem to understand how fricken stupid you sound...dumbass.
Last edited:
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Trump is against the military? How so?

You mean besides making a mockery of UCMJ, ridiculing gold star families on twitter, making light of soldiers injured in a rocket attack, doing Turkey and Russia a favor of pulling our troops of the Syrian border to allow turkey to make a cross-border incursion to attack foreign allies that had fought and died to support us for years, illegally appropriating funds approved by both houses of congress for the military after signing off on it himself and bragging that the legislation was a major accomplishment of his administration when he signed it, before he decided to steal the money a few months later to fund a project the Senate and House would not fund, but was important for political reasons? You asking about those kind of things or are you asking about the generals he talked into joining his administration, bragging about what great men they were, but never listening to them, firing and talking about them as crap after he did or when they quit him? Take your pick. Saying he loves the military is not support, when his action demonstrate otherwise. Military has the same news services the rest of the world has. His support for allies in the world and standing up against old enemies is not too impressive either.

I think if you were to ask the rank and file military which President they thought had their backs more...Barack Obama or Donald Trump...that they'd name Trump. Barry never was comfortable around the military...they're everything that he's not.

I don't play those historical games. They are pointless, since Obama not on the ballot. Trump only has their backs if it is to his personal political advantage other than that he has treated the military somewhere between crap and renta-cops.

Come on White...compared to the last two Democratic Presidents Trump is having a "love fest" with the military! The Clintons disliked the military so much they actually asked if military officers working in the White House had to wear uniforms! Barry doesn't have even a clue about what the military is all about and never did! He was the guy calling Navy corpsmen...Navy corpsemen!

Trump actually likes the military.

Not really...a simple search of how often he has disparaged them is telling. He thinks of them as his play toys to deploy for political purposes.

Does Trump "disparage" the military...or does he disparage the high ranking generals who don't agree with his policies? It's the same thing he's done with the FBI, Coyote...he's said he admires the rank and file but didn't like some of the people in positions of power. Trump is the President who doesn't want US troops needlessly inserted into places like Syria! He's the one who doesn't feel like US troops need to be in Germany protecting THEM! He's the President who doesn't want Military spending cut but also doesn't want to employ military force frivolously!

The military is a whole. The high ranking generals were the rank and file at one time. You can't pick and choose.

You have a president who "needlessly" tried to insert the military AGAINST American citizens. So that argument doesn't go well.

Trump has a history of disrespecting the military.

As for "needlessly" using the military against American citizens? What's a President's first obligation to the American people? To keep them safe? What's going on in cities like New York, Chicago and Portland is an abdication of that same responsibility by liberal Mayors to keep their citizens safe! Trump using the National Guard to help restore order was what HAD to be done and what SHOULD have been done because local authority failed in doing it's job!

Your talking points ain't gonna work for Dear Leader. These people (99% peaceful) while protesting against police violence are harassed and clobbered by Donnie's secret police. Sorry man, but your big lib-rul cities BS has fallen on it's face already. But keep it up, and you'll lose even bigger than you would have if the election were held today.
Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Most of the military and veterans support trump and republicans though, just because you put "vets" in your name doesn't mean you speak for us, and I didn't vote for trump, nor would I, and I sure as hell wont vote for biden.

You were saying? :D

read your article:

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.

The numbers also show that Trump remains slightly more popular in the military community than among the American public as a whole. The latest Gallup poll had the president’s disapproval rating among the public at 54 percent, and his approval at 43 percent.

I did, don't be butthurt now Rev ;)


So posting facts, is being butthurt?

I don't give a fuck who the military and veterans support, but the notion that a waning support for trump will be support for biden is stupid as fuck, yo.

lol @ny times, nice propaganda piece.

HellH0und assumes his daily pose :)

She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Yep, Hunter'd that work out?

Ridiculing a veteran who died of brain cancer? Classy! :icon_rolleyes:

No kidding, Hunter has brain cancer, and died? You are fricken clueless.
She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Yep, Hunter'd that work out?

Ridiculing a veteran who died of brain cancer? Classy! :icon_rolleyes:

No kidding, Hunter has brain cancer, and died? You are fricken clueless.

Yes, my error. Beau died. I would say that Hunter worked out fine. He scooped up a bunch of money over a short period of time.
Was he grifting? Yes.
Is what he did NEARLY as bad as what the Trump family grifters do on a daily basis?

She won't be lectured by a 5 deferment draft dodger?

How would she feel about being VP under a 5 deferment draft dodger?

Many Bidens have served - Beau most recently. Not one Trump (or Drumph) has ever served.

Many Bidens have served

Did Joe?

Or, did he, like Trump, get 5 deferments?
Here's a link about Biden and his deferments. Looks like after his deferments were over, he was judged to be not fit for military service due to his asthma. As it stands, we've had two republican draft dodgers in this century (bush, trump), become president.

Nice :)

Tammy Duckworth

Benedict Donald

You cannot blame vets for being against trump. He is against the military and everything they put on their uniforms to protect.

Most of the military and veterans support trump and republicans though, just because you put "vets" in your name doesn't mean you speak for us, and I didn't vote for trump, nor would I, and I sure as hell wont vote for biden.

You were saying? :D

read your article:

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.

The numbers also show that Trump remains slightly more popular in the military community than among the American public as a whole. The latest Gallup poll had the president’s disapproval rating among the public at 54 percent, and his approval at 43 percent.

I did, don't be butthurt now Rev ;)


So posting facts, is being butthurt?

I don't give a fuck who the military and veterans support, but the notion that a waning support for trump will be support for biden is stupid as fuck, yo.

lol @ny times, nice propaganda piece.

HellH0und assumes his daily pose :)


hahahahah how fucking dumb.

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