More calls from the left to allow gay men to donate blood

City council: Allow gay men to donate blood | Portland

Despite the HIV epidemic and the limitations of HIV testing. They literally will risk other people's lives so they can feel good about themselves

More straights have HIV now...they shouldn't donate blood either.

Gays are a much higher risk group. 2 percent of the population yet 61 percent of infections. That means the other 98 percent of people are 39 percent of all infections. Does math offend you?
There is no comparison. The normals do not have the phenomenon of bug chasers and gift givers. That belongs entirely among gay men. Wanting to get or give a deadly disease is a psychiatric problem that cannot be treated because to even recognize it as a psychiatric problem is homophobia. If gays did not want to get or feel an obligation to give HIV and AIDS, the incidence would be no different than that among normal people.
According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2010, men who have sex with men accounted for 63 percent of HIV infections.

Despite widespread HIV awareness campaigns and knowledge about condoms, 50 percent of gay men do not use them, and the HIV rate among gay men is on the rise because of it. Mark S. King, an award winning author and leading advocate for AIDS awareness in the gay community, who is also gay and HIV positive, recently gave a perfect summary of the motivation behind unprotected sex: "We keep talking about barebacking as if it's some kind of psychosis, when really all it is is men behaving naturally."
Gay men are generally not monogamous.

Monogamy Advice From Gay Men? | YourTango

This Gay Relationship: On Gay Men and Monogamy...Again

Their concept of monogamy is different. They believe that normals should become more like gay men and be less monogamous. They blame women for interfering and forcing men to suppress their promiscuity.

In a Vancouver Sun article titled "Is monogamy making us miserable," by John Preston and appearing in today's edition, Savage is quoted as saying, '"My partner's fidelity to me is as important as anyone who's in a monogamous relationship with someone else; we just don't define sexual exclusivity as the be-all and end-all of commitment. In other words, we're faithful to each other, but sometimes we have sex with other people. However, that in no way violates our commitment to each other."'

Further, Savage suggests that "heterosexuals...should learn to behave more like homosexuals--and gay males in particular. What this means is that they should re-examine their ideas about fidelity." In other words, he believes gay men have figured out what works best in relationships, where monogamy is concerned, and straight couples should consider following the example set by them

In other words, gay men who follow this philosophy don't think gays have HIV in a greater proportion than normals, but that normals have too little.
It's not hard to figure out the left's priorities. Votes for democrats are more important than the physical and mental health of Boy Scouts and pleasing the democrat homosexual base is more important than the risk of AIDS in the general population.
Can you imagine the outrage if libs win here? If they allow gays to donate they will be required to have been celibate for 6 months or a year do to the risks. That will outrage libs then they will lift that send get a lot if people killed
Why is it for gay audiences libs admit the massive HIV epidemic but to straights they refuse to admit it and pull bullshit like wanting gays to donate blood? Do they want people to die?
Jonathan Mermin, the director of the CDC's division of HIV/AIDS prevention, states, "Gay and bisexual men remain at the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic." The CDC reports that while MSM represent only 4 percent of the male population, they accounted for over three quarters of new HIV infections among men and 63 percent of all new infections in 2010 (29,800). And according to U.S. News and World Report, if HIV infections among MSM continue to rise at the current levels, more than half of college-aged gay and bisexual men will have HIV by the age of 50.
Curious about the silence of the liberals on this. It's not like you limp wristers are watching football games.
City council: Allow gay men to donate blood | Portland

Despite the HIV epidemic and the limitations of HIV testing. They literally will risk other people's lives so they can feel good about themselves

More straights have HIV now...they shouldn't donate blood either.

not true. and never has been.

but I don't understand the ban - how do they know are you gay or straight when you donate blood?

and the blood is supposed to be checked anyway, so what is the problem?
BTW, it is not only HIV which is the threat, it is also HepB, HepC, and a whole lot of other viruses which are a potential problem and can be transmitted.
City council: Allow gay men to donate blood | Portland

Despite the HIV epidemic and the limitations of HIV testing. They literally will risk other people's lives so they can feel good about themselves

More straights have HIV now...they shouldn't donate blood either.

not true. and never has been.

but I don't understand the ban - how do they know are you gay or straight when you donate blood?

and the blood is supposed to be checked anyway, so what is the problem?

Because of how HIV works and limitations of testing. It takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months for HIV to show up in a testing, meaning people can donate blood while infected and it will test negative. That means people who recieve the blood will get infected.

Do you think it's appropriate to risk other people's lives so fucking liberals can feel good about themselves?

These fucking fruitcake liberals are prepared to risk lives in order to not offend. HOw insane are these morons? Why are they such limp wristed pansies?

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