More chaos on the way? Wanna cry cyber hacker send thier victims an omnimous new message


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Last week's WannaCry ransomware attack led to worldwide cyber chaos, crippling vital computer systems such as those used by the NHS.

Now victims of the hack are reporting they have received a chilling new message from the cyber criminals behind the scheme.

Infected computers have received a pop-up encouraging users to send the attackers cash in exchange for their files.

Scroll down for video

Cyber attackers behind WannaCry send eerie new message | Daily Mail Online

Oh don't worry we can move it on over to pretend it doesn't exist category maybe it will all go away then. Denial is a leftist best friend. lol
What does this have to do with politics, little kook?
To the mentally ill every current event is seen as an ominous sign of impending doom, which is why we maintain the MindWars Doom-Tracker (tm).

Third update today.

1. Flu Pandemic
2. Financial collapse
3. War with Korea
4. Artificial intelligence run amok
5. Mass extinctions
6. Heavily armed Muslims in the US
7. Russian Bombers
8. Wild fires out of control with some secret reason they started
9. Nuclear war wipes out everyone
10. Massive power outage with boilerplate FEMA reference
11. FEMA Operation Gotham false flag
12. Cell phones causing brain cancer
13. Coronal hole from giant fissure on the sun
14. Popocatépetl volcano
15. Facial recognition not really for illegals
16. Cyber attack on power grid
17. Nuclear missile hitting California
18. Deadly fungus "catastrophic threat" to US
19. Global debt explosion
20. American debt bomb
21. Scientists warn of apocalypse
22. Europe taken over by Islam
23. Earthquakes off Alaska
24. 1984 style censorship
25. Anonymous says prepare for World War 3
26. EMP Strike on USA
27. New tick virus worse than lyme
28. Water supply poisoned
29. Acetaminophen blocking empathy
30. Campi Flegrei volcano devastating eruption possible
31. China/Russia New World Order
32. Dangerous Parasite, with a hint of FDA conspiracy
33. Mt. St Helens recharging, with death reference
34. Google facial recognition AI
35. MAJOR plutonium release into air
36. "Ominous" ransomware message, with hilariously non sequitur reference to leftists
I was scared about this virus. I remembered it was ten days ago when such virus firstly reported online. I had so many important files on computer so i just downloaded some so-called "tool" for protection. I was using Windows 10 OS. It turned out that antivirus can not prevent such Ransomware for Windows. I was looking for protection that time.

But someone told me that if i was using Windows 10, then I was safe. He told me like this

"If you're on Windows 10, you're fine most likely fine. If you're not on Windows 10 but installed the patch, you're fine. If you're not on Windows 10, not patched, but SMBv1 is disabled, you're probably fine."
No. Korean Lazarus hacker group hits UK's NHS...

Cyber-attack on UK 'came from N Korea'
Fri, 16 Jun 2017 : The Lazarus group - who targeted Sony Pictures in 2014 - believed to have been behind NHS cyber-attack.
British security officials believe that hackers in North Korea were behind the cyber-attack that crippled parts of the NHS and other organisations around the world last month, the BBC has learned. Britain's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) led the international investigation. Security sources have told the BBC that the NCSC believes that a hacking group known as Lazarus launched the attack. The same group is believed to have targeted Sony Pictures in 2014. The Sony hack came as the company planned to release the movie The Interview, a satire about the North Korean leadership starring Seth Rogen. The movie was eventually given a limited release after an initial delay. The same group is also thought to have been behind the theft of money from banks.


GCHQ can detect the work of hackers around the globe​

NHS hit

In May, ransomware called WannaCry swept across the world, locking computers and demanding payment for them to be unlocked. The NHS in the UK was particularly badly hit. Officials in Britain's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) began their own investigation and concluded their assessment in recent weeks. The ransomware did not target Britain or the NHS specifically, and may well have been a money-making scheme that got out of control, particularly since the hackers do not appear to have retrieved any of the ransom money as yet. Although the group is based in North Korea the exact role of the leadership in Pyongyang in ordering the attack is less clear.

Detective work

Private sector cyber-security researchers around the world began picking apart the code to try to understand who was behind the attack soon after. Adrian Nish, who leads the cyber threat intelligence team at BAE, saw overlaps with previous code developed by the Lazarus group. "It seems to tie back to the same code-base and the same authors," Nish says. "The code-overlaps are significant." Private sector cyber security researchers reverse engineered the code but the British assessment by the NCSC - part of the intelligence agency GCHQ - is likely to have been made based on a wider set of sources. America's NSA has also more recently made the link to North Korea but its assessment is not thought to have been based on as deep as an investigation as the UK, partly because the US was not hit as hard by the incident. Officials say they have not seen any significant evidence supporting other possible culprits.


The WannaCry ransomware has been linked to a North Korean hacking group​

Central bank hack

North Korean hackers have been linked to money-making attacks in the past - such as the theft of $81m from the central bank of Bangladesh in 2016. This sophisticated attack involved making transfers through the Swift payment system which, in some cases, were then laundered through casinos in the Philippines. "It was one of the biggest bank heists of all time in physical space or in cyberspace," says Nish, who says further activity has been seen in banks in Poland and Mexico. The Lazarus group has also been linked to the use of ransomware - including against a South Korean supermarket chain. Other analysts say they saw signs of North Korea investigating the bitcoin method of payment in recent months.


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