More civilians slaughtered - the world watches.

If you have to go back 80 years, you have no argument here.

Eighty years is nothing as it concerns .mil doctrine as to what is a legit military target. It's only that the western ROE is different.....Sometimes.....The US destroyed a lot of Hanoi/Haiphong in '72 resulting in around 1600 civilian deaths.
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How can the world just watch as these horrific war crimes persist.
It's time to take Putin out.
We can't even get fuckwad Biden to deliver weapons to Ukraine in a timely manner so they can defend themselves. Bad ideal to put our troops there---it wouldn't only create more crisis's for more money grabs and likely give China an excuse to invade and attack others.
Skin color has nothing to do with it.

Murica's military-industrial complex has its collective head jammed up the asses of the Saudis.

But your shameless, knee-jerk invocation of the race card is duly noted, as the move of intellectually bankrupt slimeballs that it is.
Oh....yes it does.........

Just like when Russia was slaughtering people in Syria -- I don't recall 24/7 news coverage...
We can't even get fuckwad Biden to deliver weapons to Ukraine in a timely manner so they can defend themselves. Bad ideal to put our troops there---it wouldn't only create more crisis's for more money grabs and likely give China an excuse to invade and attack others.
Why do you just make up shit???

"The billions of dollars in security assistance, including weaponry, that the US has delivered to Ukraine in recent weeks have arrived at unprecedented speed, a Pentagon official said on Wednesday...the US has provided $1.7 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion began on February 24 and more than $2.4 billion since the Biden administration took office."

How can the world just watch as these horrific war crimes persist.
It's time to take Putin out.
Well said
Sadly, Putin is the very representation of dictatorial evil. And even if he were this benevolent "Nazi fighter" that you and your fellow Republicans, following the lead of your Orange Messiah, try and make him out to be, he is waging an unjustified war of aggression and committing deliberate war crimes in the process, all of which, despite your best efforts, you cannot conceal, nor justify.

But keep trying to make him the good guy, because it is a Sisyphean task you morons are terribly unsuited for.
What the fuck are you waiting for...get your ass over there and fight for truth, justice and the Ukrainian way...


Eighty years is nothing as it concerns .mil doctrine as to what is a legit military target. It's only that the western ROE is different.....Sometimes.....The US destroyed a lot of Hanoi/Haiphong in '72 resulting in around 1600 civilian deaths.
War in 1940 was vastly different from war today. Laser guided bombs didnt exist.
This proves how useless the UN is It's time we stopped buying into it.
Let's face it....Putin is just smarter than the UN...and bad ass too

The UN is too much of a pussy to do stuff Putin does....

If UN wants my respect; go exterminate a few hundred people and then blame the people you exterminated for it...that is what real leadership looks like...
From the fragments of the rocket that hit the train station, that is the Tochka-U rocket. Both sides have these launchers, and Russians did ship them to Ukraine, but those are not the same rockets. Russia has Iscanders, and not using outdated Tochka-U shit.
After being accused of war crimes against civilians in Bucha, I doubt that even Russian orcs would use them against - civilians.

My question would be, who gains most when things like this happen?

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How can the world just watch as these horrific war crimes persist.
It's time to take Putin out.

go do it.
Let's face it....Putin is just smarter than the UN...and bad ass too

The UN is too much of a pussy to do stuff Putin does....

If UN wants my respect; go exterminate a few hundred people and then blame the people you exterminated for it...that is what real leadership looks like...
Weird post. :cuckoo:
How can the world just watch as these horrific war crimes persist.
It's time to take Putin out.

Why do you just make up shit???

"The billions of dollars in security assistance, including weaponry, that the US has delivered to Ukraine in recent weeks have arrived at unprecedented speed, a Pentagon official said on Wednesday...the US has provided $1.7 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion began on February 24 and more than $2.4 billion since the Biden administration took office."

10% for the Big Guy

What did we give Ukraine? What was this 'assistance"? How much for Gender Education?
How can the world just watch as these horrific war crimes persist.
It's time to take Putin out.
Video shows a Tochka missile, which has been out of service for 20 years. Zelenskiy and his advisor must be on cocaine or meth. One day the advisor names the "Butcher of Bucha" as Omurbekov, Which we swiftly connect to CIA-MI6 propaganda from 1916, the next day, because he knows Ukraine is screwed in the sky, names the Russian 76th AribornE as the culprits.

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