MORE Deaths From Assault Weapons


VIP Member
May 21, 2014
Look at this shit. I can't believe you Wrongpublican libertardian extremists can just read all of these tragic events and say there doesn't need to be a ban on assault weapons.

Tampa man killed in hammer attack in Seffner - FOX 13 News
Jarrett Kyle Brooks is being held without bond on one count of second-degree murder.

The suspect's weapon of choice was a hammer.

According to a HCSO report deputies were dispatched to 6427 Black Dairy Rd. in response to a disturbance call. Jonathan Acree, a 48-year-old Tampa man, was standing in the front yard talking to a friend when Brooks struck him from behind with the hammer.

He was transported to Brandon Hospital where he later died. By the time deputies arrived the suspect had retreated back inside his residence, Unit 9.

Hammer attack kills one - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News
A 31-year-old Bayview man was arrested on Sunday for allegedly beating four people in Bayview with a hammer, sending three people to Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene, where one later died.

Larry W. Cragun was arrested and initially booked into the Kootenai County jail on one count of burglary and four counts of aggravated battery, said Maj. Ben Wolfinger, a spokesman for the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department. One of the charges was amended to murder after the death of a woman from massive head trauma Monday afternoon.

Cragun's bail has been set at $1 million.

Grandson charged in hammer attack - San Antonio Express-News
Campa, 59, was bleeding heavily from the head and neck when another resident arrived at the location about 10 p.m. and called police. There was a large pool of blood on the living room floor under and around a couch.

Police retrieved a bloody metal hammer with a black and yellow handle sitting on an end table next to the couch, the report says. Though the suspect told police that he had used a lock blade to stab the woman, it was not recovered by police.

Kokomo man charged in death of missing woman » Local News » Pharos-Tribune
Funke told police he believes he killed 27-year-old Armstrong with a hammer after she attacked him.

Domestic Violence Kills Indiana: Arlena Roby
Jurors have convicted a Gary man of bludgeoning his mother to death with a hammer.

Hammer attack victim dies - News - Hammer attack victim dies: News
Desmond Alan Mackay was originally charged with attempted deliberate homicide and two counts of assault with a weapon following an attack with a hammer earlier this month. Now, in light of the victim’s death, Lake County prosecutors are seeking to amend the charges to include deliberate homicide.

Polson resident John Barrows passed away last weekend at Kalispell Regional Medical Center after undergoing emergency surgery. He remained unresponsive and died March 15. The 67-year-old man was Mackay’s father-in-law.

Schools in China prepare for copycat attacks -
The execution of a former doctor who stabbed eight children to death and wounded five others at an elementary school in eastern China last month failed to deter what police say are copycat attacks, state media reported.

The latest attack came Friday, when a man armed with a hammer injured five preschool children in east China before setting himself on fire in a classroom suicide, a government spokesman told Xinhua news agency.

The answer is clear: Ban assault hammers. Most of these cases involved someone engaging in open carry of their assault hammers, and in all cases, there were no local laws against open hammer carry, nor bans on assault hammers. We need to rid our society of the evil of assault hammers.

Now take a look at THIS bullshit:

Answer this, Wrongpublicans: Why would anyone need all of those hammers? What value could having so many varieties of assault hammers in one location possibly yield? They aren't tools for building or for self-defense, these are weaponized killing machines, which are being specialized even further every day to commit murder more efficiently.

Hammers are deadly weapons that need to be regulated. They should ONLY be in the hands of the government, not some deranged lunatic that thinks it's his right to be armed to the teeth with these weapons of mass destruction.
More stories of the victims of assault hammers:

Hammer Attack Trial: Wife faces death penalty if convicted - FOX 10 News |
Graphic testimony in the Marissa DeVault trial -- the woman accused of beating her husband to death with a hammer.

Hempstead Hammer Attacker Also Wanted for Texas Tot Rape « Long Island Press
A DNA match has revealed that the man who beat a Hempstead woman with a hammer two months ago is also wanted for raping a 2-year-old girl in Texas last year, Nassau County police said.
The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs (Ukrainian: Дніпропетровські маніяки, Russian: Днепропетровские маньяки) are the killers responsible for a string of murders in Dnipropetrovsk,[1] Ukraine in June and July 2007.

The first victim was 33‑year-old local woman Ekaterina Ilchenko,[8] who was walking home after having tea at her friend's apartment. According to Sayenko's confession, he and Suprunyuck were "out for a walk." Suprunyuck had a hammer. As Ilchenko walked past, Suprunyuck "spun around" and struck her in the side of the head.

Within an hour of the first murder, the two men attacked their next victim, Roman Tatarevich as he slept on a bench near the first murder scene. Tatarevich's head was smashed with blunt objects numerous times, rendering him unrecognizable.
Even more blood on the hands of conservatard Second Amendment nutcases. How many more innocent people have to die before Wrongpublicans understand that we need hammer control NOW.

The notorious and brutal London hammer murders. ? Marsha ? Crime Library
Marsha Louise McDonnell, 19, was a beautiful and dynamic young woman with a passion for art and music. She was also a successful student who had accomplished the advanced level (A-level) educational requirements necessary for her to gain entry into a university. Marsha had the promise of a good life ahead of her. Then, one cold winters evening, that promise was savagely taken from her.

Shortly after 12 a.m., a neighbor was awoken by loud noises and ventured outside to see where they came from, according to BBC News. The woman found Marsha sprawled on the pavement in a pool of blood, slipping into unconsciousness from severe head injuries. She was immediately taken to the hospital for treatment.

An autopsy later determined that Marsha died from head wounds possibly inflicted by a hammer or a similar type of blunt instrument. - Video game 'sparked hammer murder' - Jul 29, 2004
Campaigners are stepping up pressure for a violent video game to be banned after it was blamed for the horrific murder of a 14-year-old British boy by an older friend.

The game, Manhunt, is described by its promoters as a "sado-masochistic" game in which players gain extra points depending on the viciousness of their killings.

Warren Leblanc faces a life sentence for repeatedly battering Stefan Pakeerah with a claw hammer and stabbing him to death after luring him to a local park in Leicester, in the English Midlands.

The 17-year-old pleaded guilty to murder at Leicester Crown Court Wednesday.

Women Attacked With Hammer At Hotel In London
British police are hunting a man who entered an upscale London hotel room and battered three sisters from the United Arab Emirates with a hammer.

The Metropolitan Police force said Monday that all three women suffered head and facial injuries. One is in critical condition in a hospital, while the others are in serious but not life-threatening condition.
Look at this shit. I can't believe you Wrongpublican libertardian extremists can just read all of these tragic events and say there doesn't need to be a ban on assault weapons.

Tampa man killed in hammer attack in Seffner - FOX 13 News
Jarrett Kyle Brooks is being held without bond on one count of second-degree murder.

The suspect's weapon of choice was a hammer.

According to a HCSO report deputies were dispatched to 6427 Black Dairy Rd. in response to a disturbance call. Jonathan Acree, a 48-year-old Tampa man, was standing in the front yard talking to a friend when Brooks struck him from behind with the hammer.

He was transported to Brandon Hospital where he later died. By the time deputies arrived the suspect had retreated back inside his residence, Unit 9.

Hammer attack kills one - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News
A 31-year-old Bayview man was arrested on Sunday for allegedly beating four people in Bayview with a hammer, sending three people to Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d'Alene, where one later died.

Larry W. Cragun was arrested and initially booked into the Kootenai County jail on one count of burglary and four counts of aggravated battery, said Maj. Ben Wolfinger, a spokesman for the Kootenai County Sheriff's Department. One of the charges was amended to murder after the death of a woman from massive head trauma Monday afternoon.

Cragun's bail has been set at $1 million.

Grandson charged in hammer attack - San Antonio Express-News

Kokomo man charged in death of missing woman » Local News » Pharos-Tribune

Domestic Violence Kills Indiana: Arlena Roby

Hammer attack victim dies - News - Hammer attack victim dies: News
Desmond Alan Mackay was originally charged with attempted deliberate homicide and two counts of assault with a weapon following an attack with a hammer earlier this month. Now, in light of the victim’s death, Lake County prosecutors are seeking to amend the charges to include deliberate homicide.

Polson resident John Barrows passed away last weekend at Kalispell Regional Medical Center after undergoing emergency surgery. He remained unresponsive and died March 15. The 67-year-old man was Mackay’s father-in-law.

Schools in China prepare for copycat attacks -
The execution of a former doctor who stabbed eight children to death and wounded five others at an elementary school in eastern China last month failed to deter what police say are copycat attacks, state media reported.

The latest attack came Friday, when a man armed with a hammer injured five preschool children in east China before setting himself on fire in a classroom suicide, a government spokesman told Xinhua news agency.

The answer is clear: Ban assault hammers. Most of these cases involved someone engaging in open carry of their assault hammers, and in all cases, there were no local laws against open hammer carry, nor bans on assault hammers. We need to rid our society of the evil of assault hammers.

Now take a look at THIS bullshit:

Answer this, Wrongpublicans: Why would anyone need all of those hammers? What value could having so many varieties of assault hammers in one location possibly yield? They aren't tools for building or for self-defense, these are weaponized killing machines, which are being specialized even further every day to commit murder more efficiently.

Hammers are deadly weapons that need to be regulated. They should ONLY be in the hands of the government, not some deranged lunatic that thinks it's his right to be armed to the teeth with these weapons of mass destruction.

Lemme put this in terms that your tiny PMSNBC brain can handle. A hammer is just another tool to put food on the table.. Just like an EBT card or an Obama phone. And its just like a leftist to ignore all the legitimate and sporting uses of hammers.. Sure NBC LOVES hammers when they are thrown at the Olympics, but dont trust citizens to have a bunch of different types of hammers hanging on the wall in their homes. You will suspend a 5th grader for drawing a picture of a hammer, but when shit goes wrong at your place, who do you call first? A guy with a hammer..

All that leftist war on women??? A hammer for a female carpenter is a fashion accessory, And if she wants a yellow taped assault hammer in her tool belt to complement her work shirt ---- who the hell are you to tell her she cant carry one in public? Bugger off.....
you should put humor threads in humor zone

otherwise people will think you mean it.
ugh, ban all cars, hammers, bats, pointy sticks, ABORTIONS since there is more death from them DAILY then anything else
Damn some of these people should never leave their houses

they must be afraid their own shadows

how frikken sad and what a life
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ugh, ban all cars, hammers, bats, pointy sticks, ABORTIONS since there is more death from them DAILY then anything else

I like how you pretend that abortions are murder. Protip, they're not, because the little lumps of cells jettisoned are not humyn beings.
Damn some of these people should never their houses

they must be afraid their own shadows

how frikken sad and what a life

I agree. The paranoia of these right-wing nutjobs that insist upon being allowed to open carry their assault hammers everywhere is truly disturbing, and it's ridiculous that we should have to put up with them.
ugh, ban all cars, hammers, bats, pointy sticks, ABORTIONS since there is more death from them DAILY then anything else

I like how you pretend that abortions are murder. Protip, they're not, because the little lumps of cells jettisoned are not humyn beings.

I like how you pretend those lumps of cells don't become your frikken offspring...
don't blow smoke up our asses about guns
ugh, ban all cars, hammers, bats, pointy sticks, ABORTIONS since there is more death from them DAILY then anything else

I like how you pretend that abortions are murder. Protip, they're not, because the little lumps of cells jettisoned are not humyn beings.

I like how you pretend those lumps of cells don't become your frikken offspring...
don't blow smoke up our asses about guns

Since you want to protect cells that MAY become offspring, I'm sure you'll join me in opposing male masturbation, which involves the discharge (and eventual death) of many such cells each and every day. The best way to prevent this ongoing cellular genocide is, of course, to castrate all males given that statistically, 70% of the male population masturbates on a regular basis, and the other 30% lie about masturbating on a regular basis. If you really want to protect cells that MAY become your offspring, you'll support the mandatory castration of every male on the planet, thus removing their ability to perform male abortions every day, usually multiple time per day.

And who other than yourself is discussing guns in this thread? This was created specifically to deal with hammers, not guns. Hammers are clearly deadlier as they have been ignored by the conservatard media all along due to said media being bought out by the all-powerful hammer lobby.
Look at this shit. I can't believe you Wrongpublican libertardian extremists can just read all of these tragic events and say there doesn't need to be a ban on assault weapons.

Tampa man killed in hammer attack in Seffner - FOX 13 News
Jarrett Kyle Brooks is being held without bond on one count of second-degree murder.

The suspect's weapon of choice was a hammer.

According to a HCSO report deputies were dispatched to 6427 Black Dairy Rd. in response to a disturbance call. Jonathan Acree, a 48-year-old Tampa man, was standing in the front yard talking to a friend when Brooks struck him from behind with the hammer.

He was transported to Brandon Hospital where he later died. By the time deputies arrived the suspect had retreated back inside his residence, Unit 9.

Hammer attack kills one - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News

Grandson charged in hammer attack - San Antonio Express-News

Kokomo man charged in death of missing woman » Local News » Pharos-Tribune

Domestic Violence Kills Indiana: Arlena Roby

Hammer attack victim dies - News - Hammer attack victim dies: News

Schools in China prepare for copycat attacks -
The execution of a former doctor who stabbed eight children to death and wounded five others at an elementary school in eastern China last month failed to deter what police say are copycat attacks, state media reported.

The latest attack came Friday, when a man armed with a hammer injured five preschool children in east China before setting himself on fire in a classroom suicide, a government spokesman told Xinhua news agency.

The answer is clear: Ban assault hammers. Most of these cases involved someone engaging in open carry of their assault hammers, and in all cases, there were no local laws against open hammer carry, nor bans on assault hammers. We need to rid our society of the evil of assault hammers.

Now take a look at THIS bullshit:

Answer this, Wrongpublicans: Why would anyone need all of those hammers? What value could having so many varieties of assault hammers in one location possibly yield? They aren't tools for building or for self-defense, these are weaponized killing machines, which are being specialized even further every day to commit murder more efficiently.

Hammers are deadly weapons that need to be regulated. They should ONLY be in the hands of the government, not some deranged lunatic that thinks it's his right to be armed to the teeth with these weapons of mass destruction.

Lemme put this in terms that your tiny PMSNBC brain can handle. A hammer is just another tool to put food on the table.. Just like an EBT card or an Obama phone.

EBT cards and [President] Obama phones don't come with the risk of killing people when they're used or carried around in public. At any rate, an intensely miniscule portion of the populace using an assault hammer to "put food on the table" do not have hunting permits, nor business licenses giving them proper authorization to possess or use their assault hammers. We've tried doing this the Wrongpublican way for decades, and it's clearly not working. The only solution is to ban all hammers, period.

And its just like a leftist to ignore all the legitimate and sporting uses of hammers.. Sure NBC LOVES hammers when they are thrown at the Olympics, but dont trust citizens to have a bunch of different types of hammers hanging on the wall in their homes.

How many rightwing nutjobs own assault hammers, versus how many of them are Olympic athletes?

You will suspend a 5th grader for drawing a picture of a hammer, but when shit goes wrong at your place, who do you call first? A guy with a hammer..

As the factual news stories I presented prove, hammers are dangerous and highly lethal assault weapons that need to be banned to protect society. Thus, it is perfectly acceptable to suspend anyone who glorifies the violent culture associated with hammer violence. Additionally, I personally never call anyone with a hammer to fix anything of mine; I simply throw out whatever's busted or falling apart and get a new one. That's the kind of healthy consumerism that keeps the economy movie, conservatard. I'd have thought that a Tea Party nutjob like you would realize that.

All that leftist war on women??? A hammer for a female carpenter is a fashion accessory, And if she wants a yellow taped assault hammer in her tool belt to complement her work shirt ---- who the hell are you to tell her she cant carry one in public? Bugger off.....

Assault hammers are deadly weapons, not mere fashion accessories. After wyrking womyn everywhere rise up and throw off the shackles of the patriarchy, taking our ryghtful place as rulyrs of the wyrld, we cannot risk one of our number falling victim to heteronormative cisgendered bigotry and attacking one of hyr own systyrs.
[ame=]Peter, Paul and Mary - If I Had A Hammer (1963 performance) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Toni Basil - Hey Mickey (One Hit Wonder) - YouTube[/ame]
LiberalMedia: Gy Fyck Yoursylf.
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