More Deaths from Covid = More Deaths Overall

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
There is a conspiracy story being told by rightwing news sources that Covid death statistics are being inflated by including other natural deaths. That Covid itself is no worse than the flu. We are continually hearing, “What happened to ordinary pneumonia cases? Why are they (or other morbidity statistics) down?” I’m no expert, but official CDC statistics, still not complete, appear to show such claims are nonsense:

Updated Dec. 9, 2020:

Deaths in every state of the country are higher than they would be in a normal year, according to an analysis of estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The data show how the coronavirus pandemic, which is peaking in many states, is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 21. Altogether, the analysis shows that 356,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount ...

True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 356,000

The year 2020 has been abnormal for mortalities. At least 356,000 more people in the United States have died than usual since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the country in the spring. But not all of these deaths have been directly linked to Covid-19....

Deaths attributed to other causes above normal

Diabetes 15% above normal
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 12%
High blood pressure 11%
Pneumonia and flu 11%
Coronary heart disease 6%

Note: Data are from March 15 to Nov. 14. Not all causes are included. Deaths from external causes, such as suicides and drug overdoses, are not available because investigations are still underway in most cases.

Some of these additional deaths may actually have been due to Covid-19, but they could have been undiagnosed or misattributed to other causes.

Many of them are most likely indirectly related to the virus and caused by disruptions from the pandemic, including strains on health care systems ... or people avoiding hospitals for fear of exposure to the coronavirus.

40,000 extra deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and pneumonia...

In several states, deaths attributed to diabetes are at least 20 percent above normal this year....

Prolonged economic stress on families during the pandemic could also be contributing to increased deaths among those with chronic illnesses....

Many of the higher than normal deaths from pneumonia are most likely Covid-19 deaths that were not identified as such, especially earlier in the pandemic when coronavirus tests were scarce. Chest X-rays from the virus and pneumonia also look especially similar, experts said.

New York City, an early epicenter of the pandemic, has seen pneumonia deaths reach about 50 percent above normal, more than double the percentage in the states with the highest rates.

Deaths above normal from pneumonia and flu — United States
March 15 – Nov. 14

2020 Was Especially Deadly. Covid Wasn’t the Only Culprit.
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There are too many China Bots making stupid posts on this forum !!!

There is a conspiracy story being told by rightwing news sources that Covid death statistics are being inflated by including other natural deaths. That Covid itself is no worse than the flu. We are continually hearing, “What happened to ordinary pneumonia cases? Why are they (or other morbidity statistics) down?” I’m no expert, but official CDC statistics, still not complete, appear to show such claims are nonsense:

Updated Dec. 9, 2020:

Deaths in every state of the country are higher than they would be in a normal year, according to an analysis of estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The data show how the coronavirus pandemic, which is peaking in many states, is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 21. Altogether, the analysis shows that 356,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount ...

True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 356,000

The year 2020 has been abnormal for mortalities. At least 356,000 more people in the United States have died than usual since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the country in the spring. But not all of these deaths have been directly linked to Covid-19....

Deaths attributed to other causes above normal

Diabetes 15% above normal
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 12%
High blood pressure 11%
Pneumonia and flu 11%
Coronary heart disease 6%

Note: Data are from March 15 to Nov. 14. Not all causes are included. Deaths from external causes, such as suicides and drug overdoses, are not available because investigations are still underway in most cases.

Some of these additional deaths may actually have been due to Covid-19, but they could have been undiagnosed or misattributed to other causes.

Many of them are most likely indirectly related to the virus and caused by disruptions from the pandemic, including strains on health care systems ... or people avoiding hospitals for fear of exposure to the coronavirus.

40,000 extra deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and pneumonia...

In several states, deaths attributed to diabetes are at least 20 percent above normal this year....

Prolonged economic stress on families during the pandemic could also be contributing to increased deaths among those with chronic illnesses....
Many of the higher than normal deaths from pneumonia are most likely Covid-19 deaths that were not identified as such, especially earlier in the pandemic when coronavirus tests were scarce. Chest X-rays from the virus and pneumonia also look especially similar, experts said.

New York City, an early epicenter of the pandemic, has seen pneumonia deaths reach about 50 percent above normal, more than double the percentage in the states with the highest rates.

Deaths above normal from pneumonia and flu — United States
March 15 – Nov. 14

2020 Was Especially Deadly. Covid Wasn’t the Only Culprit.

aLL bEcAuSe pEoPLe aRe LoCkEd iNdo0rS
There is a conspiracy story being told by rightwing news sources that Covid death statistics are being inflated by including other natural deaths. That Covid itself is no worse than the flu. We are continually hearing, “What happened to ordinary pneumonia cases? Why are they (or other morbidity statistics) down?” I’m no expert, but official CDC statistics, still not complete, appear to show such claims are nonsense:

Updated Dec. 9, 2020:

Deaths in every state of the country are higher than they would be in a normal year, according to an analysis of estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The data show how the coronavirus pandemic, which is peaking in many states, is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 21. Altogether, the analysis shows that 356,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount ...

True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 356,000

The year 2020 has been abnormal for mortalities. At least 356,000 more people in the United States have died than usual since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the country in the spring. But not all of these deaths have been directly linked to Covid-19....

Deaths attributed to other causes above normal

Diabetes 15% above normal
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 12%
High blood pressure 11%
Pneumonia and flu 11%
Coronary heart disease 6%

Note: Data are from March 15 to Nov. 14. Not all causes are included. Deaths from external causes, such as suicides and drug overdoses, are not available because investigations are still underway in most cases.

Some of these additional deaths may actually have been due to Covid-19, but they could have been undiagnosed or misattributed to other causes.

Many of them are most likely indirectly related to the virus and caused by disruptions from the pandemic, including strains on health care systems ... or people avoiding hospitals for fear of exposure to the coronavirus.

40,000 extra deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and pneumonia...

In several states, deaths attributed to diabetes are at least 20 percent above normal this year....

Prolonged economic stress on families during the pandemic could also be contributing to increased deaths among those with chronic illnesses....

Many of the higher than normal deaths from pneumonia are most likely Covid-19 deaths that were not identified as such, especially earlier in the pandemic when coronavirus tests were scarce. Chest X-rays from the virus and pneumonia also look especially similar, experts said.

New York City, an early epicenter of the pandemic, has seen pneumonia deaths reach about 50 percent above normal, more than double the percentage in the states with the highest rates.

Deaths above normal from pneumonia and flu — United States
March 15 – Nov. 14

2020 Was Especially Deadly. Covid Wasn’t the Only Culprit.
Prove something, commie. Your fake news links don't prove jack.
Cardinal Burke: 'Great Reset' Wants Marxism in US
Cardinal Burke: 'Great Reset' Wants Marxism in US

Cardinal Raymond Burke is warning that the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" initiative in response to the coronavirus pandemic is an attempt to manipulate "citizens and nations through ignorance and fear" at the same time that Marxist materialism is taking hold in the United States.

Burke, the former archbishop of St. Louis and now a member of the highest judicial authority in the Roman Catholic Church, made his comments in his homily on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12, Rome correspondent Edward Pentin writes on his website.

"The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism ... now seems to seize the governing power over our nation," Burke said of the U.S., adding that other nations are also undergoing a similar crisis. "To attain economic gains, we as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper."

COVID-19, he said, is being "used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of states, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called 'Great Reset,' the 'New Normal.'"

The Catholic leader said these sinister forces want people to "find in a disease and its prevention the way to understand and direct our lives, rather than in God and in His plan for our salvation."
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There is a conspiracy story being told by rightwing news sources that Covid death statistics are being inflated by including other natural deaths. That Covid itself is no worse than the flu. We are continually hearing, “What happened to ordinary pneumonia cases? Why are they (or other morbidity statistics) down?” I’m no expert, but official CDC statistics, still not complete, appear to show such claims are nonsense:

Updated Dec. 9, 2020:

Deaths in every state of the country are higher than they would be in a normal year, according to an analysis of estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The data show how the coronavirus pandemic, which is peaking in many states, is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 21. Altogether, the analysis shows that 356,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount ...

True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 356,000

The year 2020 has been abnormal for mortalities. At least 356,000 more people in the United States have died than usual since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the country in the spring. But not all of these deaths have been directly linked to Covid-19....

Deaths attributed to other causes above normal

Diabetes 15% above normal
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 12%
High blood pressure 11%
Pneumonia and flu 11%
Coronary heart disease 6%

Note: Data are from March 15 to Nov. 14. Not all causes are included. Deaths from external causes, such as suicides and drug overdoses, are not available because investigations are still underway in most cases.

Some of these additional deaths may actually have been due to Covid-19, but they could have been undiagnosed or misattributed to other causes.

Many of them are most likely indirectly related to the virus and caused by disruptions from the pandemic, including strains on health care systems ... or people avoiding hospitals for fear of exposure to the coronavirus.

40,000 extra deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and pneumonia...

In several states, deaths attributed to diabetes are at least 20 percent above normal this year....

Prolonged economic stress on families during the pandemic could also be contributing to increased deaths among those with chronic illnesses....

Many of the higher than normal deaths from pneumonia are most likely Covid-19 deaths that were not identified as such, especially earlier in the pandemic when coronavirus tests were scarce. Chest X-rays from the virus and pneumonia also look especially similar, experts said.

New York City, an early epicenter of the pandemic, has seen pneumonia deaths reach about 50 percent above normal, more than double the percentage in the states with the highest rates.

Deaths above normal from pneumonia and flu — United States
March 15 – Nov. 14

2020 Was Especially Deadly. Covid Wasn’t the Only Culprit.

The New York Times is not a credible source.

We don't know what the death rate is for 2020 and the CDC doesn't compile overall death statistics but concentrates on death from communicable disease.
Here is another somewhat earlier article from a PHD statistician / professor at Virginia Tech providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate to deal with Covid.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.
Here is another earlier article from a PHD statistician at the University of Virginia providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate on dealing with Covid, either.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.
Fake news.
Here is another earlier article from a PHD statistician at the University of Virginia providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate on dealing with Covid, either.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.
Fake news.
To call something — or everything — you don’t want to acknowledge “FAKE NEWS,” is just idiotically childish.

If you ever grow up, or want to be taken seriously in the real world, you should try presenting statistical evidence, or believable “non-FAKE NEWS” actually proving overall deaths did not go up to match and even exceed the claimed Covid deaths. You might also try spending some time talking with front-line nurses and doctors who are now vaccinating themselves and treating the new waves of Covid-19 patients.
Here is another earlier article from a PHD statistician at the University of Virginia providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate on dealing with Covid, either.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.
Fake news.
To call something — or everything — you don’t want to acknowledge “FAKE NEWS,” is just idiotically childish. If you ever grow up, or want to be taken seriously in the real world, you should try presenting statistical evidence, or believable “non-FAKE NEWS” evidence proving overall deaths did not go up to match and even exceed the claimed Covid deaths. You might also try spending some time talking with front-line nurses and doctors who are now vaccinating themselves and treating the new waves of Covid-19 patients.
I call it what it is. You shit stains lie 24/7. Not one of you goons accepts anything that does not agree with you. So go jump off a roof.
Here is another somewhat earlier article from a PHD statistician / professor at Virginia Tech providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate to deal with Covid.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.

The New York Times has no credibility. They are propaganda for the democrat party, they are not a valid source of news or information.

Using the NYT as a source is like using Tim Cook to decide what the best smart phone to buy is. The have an agenda and virtually no integrity.
Here is another somewhat earlier article from a PHD statistician / professor at Virginia Tech providing a simple view of the issue:

Those who reject NYT and CDC science and statistical articles should provide their own statistical evidence. I am no fan of NYT editorial views on many subjects, and of course I’m aware political opinions often seep into straight news articles. But nobody has shown where this is the case here, and indeed the articles in question point out that deaths related to secondary results of Covid “lockdown” or stay-at-home type issues are serious. These was not articles that mentioned Trump or took any position whatever on what measures were appropriate to deal with Covid.

It is the height of childishness to reject statistical records or scientific fact because one doesn’t like the politics of the source or of the scientists or statisticians involved. Here the issue at one level is very simple. In 2020 since March/April was there an increase in overall deaths corresponding to or even superseding the number of Covid-19 deaths claimed? The answer is ... yes, there was and there is.

The New York Times has no credibility. They are propaganda for the democrat party, they are not a valid source of news or information.

Using the NYT as a source is like using Tim Cook to decide what the best smart phone to buy is. The have an agenda and virtually no integrity.
You obviously did not see that the link in the comment you are responding to did not come from the NYT.
There is a conspiracy story being told by rightwing news sources that Covid death statistics are being inflated by including other natural deaths. That Covid itself is no worse than the flu. We are continually hearing, “What happened to ordinary pneumonia cases? Why are they (or other morbidity statistics) down?” I’m no expert, but official CDC statistics, still not complete, appear to show such claims are nonsense:

Updated Dec. 9, 2020:

Deaths in every state of the country are higher than they would be in a normal year, according to an analysis of estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The data show how the coronavirus pandemic, which is peaking in many states, is bringing with it unusual patterns of death, higher than the official totals of deaths that have been directly linked to the virus.

Deaths nationwide were 19 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 21. Altogether, the analysis shows that 356,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount ...

True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 356,000

The year 2020 has been abnormal for mortalities. At least 356,000 more people in the United States have died than usual since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the country in the spring. But not all of these deaths have been directly linked to Covid-19....

Deaths attributed to other causes above normal

Diabetes 15% above normal
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia 12%
High blood pressure 11%
Pneumonia and flu 11%
Coronary heart disease 6%

Note: Data are from March 15 to Nov. 14. Not all causes are included. Deaths from external causes, such as suicides and drug overdoses, are not available because investigations are still underway in most cases.

Some of these additional deaths may actually have been due to Covid-19, but they could have been undiagnosed or misattributed to other causes.

Many of them are most likely indirectly related to the virus and caused by disruptions from the pandemic, including strains on health care systems ... or people avoiding hospitals for fear of exposure to the coronavirus.

40,000 extra deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and pneumonia...

In several states, deaths attributed to diabetes are at least 20 percent above normal this year....

Prolonged economic stress on families during the pandemic could also be contributing to increased deaths among those with chronic illnesses....

Many of the higher than normal deaths from pneumonia are most likely Covid-19 deaths that were not identified as such, especially earlier in the pandemic when coronavirus tests were scarce. Chest X-rays from the virus and pneumonia also look especially similar, experts said.

New York City, an early epicenter of the pandemic, has seen pneumonia deaths reach about 50 percent above normal, more than double the percentage in the states with the highest rates.

Deaths above normal from pneumonia and flu — United States
March 15 – Nov. 14

2020 Was Especially Deadly. Covid Wasn’t the Only Culprit.
I'm surprised that you didn't have the numbers for suicides, I'll bet that they are
up in 2020, and directly linked to the Covid19 Pandemic and our response to the Pandemic.

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