More democrat insanity - CA set to let illegals be lawyers


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Keerist - they're illegals and thus criminals. How can we let them practice law?. Do we let convicted arsonists become firemen???

California poised to allow undocumented immigrants to practice law - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

Saturday, Sep. 21, 2013 - 12:00 am
CHICO -- For Sergio Covarrubias Garcia and his supporters, a critical word is missing from the door of the “Offices of Sergio C. Garcia” – “Law.”

Garcia, 36, isn’t fulfilled by framed letters from the State Bar of California, declaring that he passed his bar exam on the first attempt, and for at least a couple of weeks in 2011, was a bona fide member of the legal profession. The posters for his appearances as a motivational speaker, in which he lectures on the “Road Towards The American Dream” and his personal saga as “The Undocumented Juris Doctor,” aren’t enough.

Now a bill, rushed to passage last week in the final hours of the California legislative session, seeks to allow Garcia to claim the law license that was withheld because he had entered the United States illegally, brought to the state by his farmworker parents when he was 17 months old. If Gov. Jerry Brown signs Assembly Bill 1024, aspiring attorneys who pass the bar exam can be certified to practice law in California even if they aren’t legal residents of the United States.
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This matter came to a head because of one illegal who claims he was brought here as an infant by his parents. Of course he has no evidence for that and all illegals have learned to make that claim. More likely the criminal jumped the border 20 years ago when he was 16 and has been scamming our system ever since.
Keerist - they're illegals and thus criminals.
Are you sure?

Is being in the country without authorization from US Customs & Immigration a crime or a civil violation?

It's a Felony - a Federal Crime

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

* Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
* Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
* Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;

has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
What else do you expect from libqueers? Hopefully libs will slow illegal alien doctors and force libs to use them
Keerist - they're illegals and thus criminals. How can we let them practice law?. Do we let convicted arsonists become firemen???

California poised to allow undocumented immigrants to practice law - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

Saturday, Sep. 21, 2013 - 12:00 am
CHICO -- For Sergio Covarrubias Garcia and his supporters, a critical word is missing from the door of the “Offices of Sergio C. Garcia” – “Law.”

Garcia, 36, isn’t fulfilled by framed letters from the State Bar of California, declaring that he passed his bar exam on the first attempt, and for at least a couple of weeks in 2011, was a bona fide member of the legal profession. The posters for his appearances as a motivational speaker, in which he lectures on the “Road Towards The American Dream” and his personal saga as “The Undocumented Juris Doctor,” aren’t enough.

Now a bill, rushed to passage last week in the final hours of the California legislative session, seeks to allow Garcia to claim the law license that was withheld because he had entered the United States illegally, brought to the state by his farmworker parents when he was 17 months old. If Gov. Jerry Brown signs Assembly Bill 1024, aspiring attorneys who pass the bar exam can be certified to practice law in California even if they aren’t legal residents of the United States.
that is one funny analogy lol
Keerist - they're illegals and thus criminals. How can we let them practice law?. Do we let convicted arsonists become firemen???

California poised to allow undocumented immigrants to practice law - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

Saturday, Sep. 21, 2013 - 12:00 am
CHICO -- For Sergio Covarrubias Garcia and his supporters, a critical word is missing from the door of the “Offices of Sergio C. Garcia” – “Law.”

Garcia, 36, isn’t fulfilled by framed letters from the State Bar of California, declaring that he passed his bar exam on the first attempt, and for at least a couple of weeks in 2011, was a bona fide member of the legal profession. The posters for his appearances as a motivational speaker, in which he lectures on the “Road Towards The American Dream” and his personal saga as “The Undocumented Juris Doctor,” aren’t enough.

Now a bill, rushed to passage last week in the final hours of the California legislative session, seeks to allow Garcia to claim the law license that was withheld because he had entered the United States illegally, brought to the state by his farmworker parents when he was 17 months old. If Gov. Jerry Brown signs Assembly Bill 1024, aspiring attorneys who pass the bar exam can be certified to practice law in California even if they aren’t legal residents of the United States.

The measure is perfectly appropriate and comports with 14th Amendment jurisprudence, you’re too blinded by hate and ignorance to understand why.

In the United States a person is entitled to due process of the law, and is innocent until proved guilty, including those allegedly undocumented. Consequently, one is not ‘illegal’ until determined guilty of being in the country illegally in a court of law. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982). Therefore, California is not allowing ‘illegals’ to become lawyers.

Moreover, Garcia was brought to the United States as a child, only 17 months old. Constitutional case law is clear that children cannot be subject to punitive measures as a consequence of their parent’s bad acts. See: Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972). Absent a conviction in a deportation court and not responsible for the ‘crime’ of entering the country undocumented, there is no legitimate reason for Garcia to not be awarded his law license and allowed to practice law to support himself.

Last, Garcia is an American with regard to every aspect of his life, he’s known only this country. It would be cruel and unwarranted to ‘deport’ him to his ‘birth country.’

Garcia’s not going anywhere, he should be allowed to stay and contribute to his country: the United States.
Is being in the country without authorization from US Customs & Immigration a crime or a civil violation?

It's a Felony - a Federal Crime

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

* Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
* Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
* Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
I asked about being in the country without authorization, not illegally crossing the border. There are two different things. If this guy was arrested trying to hop the fence in Nogales then yes he is a criminal, but just being in the country without authorization is not a criminal offense.

The creep does not claim he overstayed a visa. He admits he crossed the border illegally.
He was a minor at the time, brought here by his mother. She is responsible for the illegal crossing, not him.
Last, Garcia is an American with regard to every aspect of his life, he’s known only this country. It would be cruel and unwarranted to ‘deport’ him to his ‘birth country.’
This is what gets me. America is all he's known and by all accounts he's a very ambitious, bright, and hard working young man. He is exactly the type of person we want in this country, raising a family, paying taxes, and likely contributing far more to the community and economy than most of those people saying kick the wetback out. It makes no sense.
Rules shouldn't apply to us
And I'm quite sure this guy is more of a man and contributor to our society than some repressed homosexual on a message board who's posts are usually one liners worthy of a middle school retort.
Rules shouldn't apply to us

No one’s saying they shouldn’t.

The ‘rules’ say one is entitled to due process, which Garcia has not yet received.

The ‘rules’ say children cannot be punished for their parent’s crimes.

The ‘rules’ say the punishment should fit the crime, and forcing someone to a foreign country he’s never known is cruel and unwarranted.
Rules shouldn't apply to us

No one’s saying they shouldn’t.

The ‘rules’ say one is entitled to due process, which Garcia has not yet received.

The ‘rules’ say children cannot be punished for their parent’s crimes.

The ‘rules’ say the punishment should fit the crime, and forcing someone to a foreign country he’s never known is cruel and unwarranted.

Strange how liberals have such a violent distaste for those legal immigrants who waited in line and paid 20 or 30 grand in legal and judicial fees in order to be granted a green card/ path to citizenship.

Yet illegals who flaunted the law are worthy of all manner of love and respect from liberals !!

Clearly liberals hate honest hard working folk who do the right thing and pay their way.
But love crooks , criminals, thrives, robbers , rapists and illegals.

Why are criminals more deserving than the law abiding?
Strange how liberals have such a violent distaste for those legal immigrants who waited in line and paid 20 or 30 grand in legal and judicial fees in order to be granted a green card/ path to citizenship.
Hah you should start a thread to argue with people who have a distaste for legal immigrants, because in this current thread I've not seen anyone express this opinion so you're just beating a straw man.

Why are criminals more deserving than the law abiding?
A conclusion based on above manufactured argument isn't very interesting to speculate on, since you won't be able to produce anyone who supports the premise.

Moreover, Garcia was brought to the United States as a child, only 17 months old.

Garcia’s not going anywhere, he should be allowed to stay and contribute to his country: the United States.

Let's see the evidence that he was brought here as an infant. Every illegal has learned to make that claim and they never have a shred of evidence. Fake school documents can be bought on every street corner.

And how does lawyering contribute to america.? If he was an engineer or a doctor, i might have some sympathy for him , but not another stinking parasite lawyer.
This is what gets me. America is all he's known and by all accounts he's a very ambitious, bright, and hard working young man. He is exactly the type of person we want in this country, raising a family, paying taxes, and likely contributing far more to the community and economy than most of those people saying kick the wetback out. It makes no sense.

Hey stupid. For all you know he jumped the border 10 years ago when he was 26. Make him prove he was brought here as an infant like he says.

And how will he contribute to the community? He's just a stinking lawyer.!!!

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