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We have plenty of money in our country and those social programs are investments. It's an investment when you recognize that every member of society has a right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment, you increase the standard of living, by way of better public health, having a skilled labor force..etc. Investing in people is the best investment. To do otherwise is more expensive, resulting in less public health and productivity.

Yeah, you commies are so generous with other peoples money, try spending your own for a change. Or at least your parents.

I love this. It means the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers ill die off that much quicker. The more of them that get Covid and die, the better off the rest of us will be. If enough of them die off, it will allow herd immunity will be able to actually take effect beause it will be harder for the virus to spread.
Yeah, you commies are so generous with other peoples money, try spending your own for a change. Or at least your parents.


With our own money, because we're Americans too and this is our country just as much as it's yours. We have a sovereign currency (USD) and a 21 trillion dollar yearly GDP, so it's within our federal budget to invest in infrastructure and every other project that serves our country. We would nationalize all major industries, like the fossil fuel industry, utility companies, and banks, so all of that money would be deposited in the public treasury rather than in the private checking account of some billionaire.

So you want to give everything to a few billionaires, yet Marxists believe the natural wealth and major centers of economic power in this country constitute the commonwealth of all Americans. So who are the true patriots? The ones who want to hand over our nation's natural wealth and most vital industries to a few billionaires or the Americans who want the American people, to own all of those resources together? You're either of the capitalist class (i.e. a multimillionaire or a billionaire) or you're a working-class person.
Yeah, you commies are so generous with other peoples money, try spending your own for a change. Or at least your parents.

I had no idea Trump was a commie!

I mean, I always said he is a New York limousine liberal Democrat...but a commie?

That's going a bit far.

Though he does love Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin. So you may have a point.

The national debt increased by almost 36% during Trump's tenure​

With our own money, because we're Americans too and this is our country just as much as it's yours. We have a sovereign currency (USD) and a 21 trillion dollar yearly GDP, so it's within our federal budget to invest in infrastructure and every other project that serves our country. We would nationalize all major industries, like the fossil fuel industry, utility companies, and banks, so all of that money would be deposited in the public treasury rather than in the private checking account of some billionaire.

So you want to give everything to a few billionaires, yet Marxists believe the natural wealth and major centers of economic power in this country constitute the commonwealth of all Americans. So who are the true patriots? The ones who want to hand over our nation's natural wealth and most vital industries to a few billionaires or the Americans who want the American people, to own all of those resources together? You're either of the capitalist class (i.e. a multimillionaire or a billionaire) or you're a working-class person.

So tell me freakazoid, what marxist society has ever worked according to your delusion?

I had no idea Trump was a commie!

I mean, I always said he is a New York limousine liberal Democrat...but a commie?

That's going a bit far.

Though he does love Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin. So you may have a point.

The national debt increased by almost 36% during Trump's tenure​

I had no idea you couldn't follow a conversation.

So tell me freakazoid, what marxist society has ever worked according to your delusion?


Do you think capitalism replaced slavery and feudalism overnight? It took centuries for capitalism to replace what existed before, yet you expect communism to take over in a few days, or a couple of years, if it's a good economic system? Russia in the early 20th century was a poor, under-industrialized agrarian society with an 87% illiteracy rate. It was a nation of peasants and in twenty years that nation became an industrial juggernaut with a nearly 100% literacy rate. It accomplished in twenty years, what it took the United States and Britain over a century of industrialization. The communists eventually turned Russia into the second-largest economy in the world, rivaling the United States. In 1918, right after the Bolsheviks began winning the civil war, the US, Britain, and several other nations invaded Russia in order to stop the communists from taking over. That invasion of Russia failed. Most Americans don't know that the US invaded Russia right after World War 1.

The Soviet Union was attacked from the very beginning, encircled by Western capitalists and the governments under their control. American and Western European imperialists, the rich ruling class of these nations, didn't want to let go of all of that oil and natural resources. The communists took over Russia and the Soviet Union was constantly, from the very beginning of its conception, attacked, invaded, and sanctioned by the capitalists. In WW2 four million Nazis invaded the Soviet Union resulting in the death of 27 million Soviet citizens. More than a quarter of their population died as a result of the war. Nine million Soviet soldiers died fighting the Nazis. To give you some perspective on how devastating the war was for the Soviets. Half a million Americans died fighting in WW2, and that's a lot of Americans. Nonetheless, nine million Soviet soldiers were killed in combat. They lost almost twenty times more than what we lost because of being invaded by four million Germans.

("Soviet" means "council" or "people's counsil").

After WW2, the Soviet Union was decimated, but they recovered and in less than 15 years they were launching the first satellites into space. They became once again, an industrial giant and for the first time, became the second-largest economy in the world. Marxism doesn't work? Really? Marxism is the quickest, most effective way to fully industrialize and modernize a nation. The wealthy ruling class of America and Western Europe knew how effective communism is in industrializing a nation and were horrified that the American working-class would continue allying itself with the Soviet Union as it did in WW2 and adopt communism. They were terrified of the prospect of American workers waking up one day and saying "why the heck do we need all of these dictators here at work, we can democratize the workplace and own everything collectively. We don't need these capitalist leeches?".

That's why the 1950s through the 1970s was the best era for American labor. Workers were unionized and you could actually work for a living wage with benefits. Retire after working twenty years for the same company. That all ended in the 1980s with Ronald Reagan's "Supply-side Economics" and "Trickledown Economics". Where do you think American workers got all of their rights from? It was American communists, American socialists who fought with their lives, throughout the 1800s and into the great depression of the 1930s, for worker rights. American communists have been fighting for workers for over 100 years and that's why you and I now have a forty hour work week. We have worker compensation, unemployment benefits, and a host of other rights that we take for granted. Before the communists started defending American workers, Americans were working 16 hours daily, often for peanuts. FDRs "New Deal" was thanks to the sacrifice of American Socialists, the Unions uniting and pushing the powers that be to accept the new deal or suffer a civil war.

The golden age of the American economy in the 1950s and 60s, was in many ways due to the New Deal, championed by American Communists. Socialists.

Elon Musk keeps warning everyone about the fact that in the near future, automated systems, artificial intelligence, robots, self-driving cars, nanotech and other technologies, are going to replace a significant % of wage-labor. Capitalism has a serious internal contradiction. Capitalists want to reduce the cost of doing business or what we call "the overhead". They want to cut costs and increase profits. One of the most expensive aspects of running a business is human labor. Wages are often the largest expense for the capitalists. So what they do is they use technology to reduce the need for human wage-labor. They replace human beings with technology. Technology doesn't demand a wage. The contradiction is found in the fact that, capitalists need to pay wages, because the moment they start replacing wages with technology, they eliminate the paying consumer. Simply stated:


The capitalists see the writing on the wall, so they've now become "humanitarians", talking about a new "compassionate capitalism". These capitalists are offering to give everyone through the US government, a "Universal Basic Income" or UBI. That's capitalism on life support. They refuse to acknowledge the real solution and that's socializing production. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism or high-tech communism. Marx defines communism as a stateless society, with no socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The only way for the Marxist version of communism to exist is in a very advanced, high-tech civilization. We are now entering into that high-tech world, where human wage-labor is replaced with technology.

Will human beings still work? Yes. But we won't work for a boss or dictator, and it will be mostly in the capacity of monitoring the system. With technology, everyone will have a very high standard of living. Everyone will be living in abundance. This is the world that communists want to create but capitalists want to stop. Capitalists want to hand everyone a government check in order to maintain capitalism on life support. They want to preserve their social status and power, hence they're willing to have the government give everyone a free check. But that's not what communists want. We want everyone to have access to the latest technology. You will eventually have the means of production right at your fingertips at home. We want true freedom, unlike the capitalist ruling class, who wants to keep all of you, the vast majority of America, under their heel and control.

We want to democratize the workplace, the capitalists want to continue with their current tyrannical system of "employers & employees". We want to create worker-cooperatives where every worker has a vote and the management of the company, including the CEO is accountable to all of the workers that elected them. Mutual accountability. You don't work for a little tyrant anymore. That's the workplace American communists are going to create. Eventually, technology will even make that obsolete and we will have APMs, Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines. Every home will have these machines and you won't need anyone else to manufacture anything for you. Human relations will become 100% voluntary. No state, no socioeconomic classes, no need for money, no more poverty, no more wars. Everyone will have everything they want. No scarcity. That is the world technology can create and that's what American communists are going to introduce to the world.

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I love this. It means the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers ill die off that much quicker. The more of them that get Covid and die, the better off the rest of us will be. If enough of them die off, it will allow herd immunity will be able to actually take effect beause it will be harder for the virus to spread.
I see you have about as much understanding of herd immunity as an ant has of Niagara Falls.
It's what I feared the most.... One of my elderly parents catching it, and then being isolated from my sister and I, and mom...his wife of 60 plus years, or dad kept from her, while she was dying of covid.

Just the thought of either of my parents going through that kind of separation and alone-ness on their way out to meet the good Lord, was unbearable to me!!!

My mom is 83. She had covid last week and recovered this week. Haven't your parents gotten shots and boosters? I realize you only Care for All who politically agree with you, sorry she lived. And you're a racist
Yeah, you're probably right.

LOL I'm vaccinated and none of that describes me. XD (I believe if I ever catch Covid the symptoms won't be as life threatening or serious, but I do believe I could still catch it,.. I've just been lucky and haven't so far. And I certainly don't trust that quack Fauci.)
Well, that's because you're normal. girl. I know "vaccinated" people who are definitely not covidiots.
Do you think capitalism replaced slavery and feudalism overnight? It took centuries for capitalism to replace what existed before, yet you expect communism to take over in a few days, or a couple of years, if it's a good economic system? Russia in the early 20th century was a poor, under-industrialized agrarian society with an 87% illiteracy rate. It was a nation of peasants and in twenty years that nation became an industrial juggernaut with a nearly 100% literacy rate. It accomplished in twenty years, what it took the United States and Britain over a century of industrialization. The communists eventually turned Russia into the second-largest economy in the world, rivaling the United States. In 1918, right after the Bolsheviks began winning the civil war, the US, Britain, and several other nations invaded Russia in order to stop the communists from taking over. That invasion of Russia failed. Most Americans don't know that the US invaded Russia right after World War 1.

The Soviet Union was attacked from the very beginning, encircled by Western capitalists and the governments under their control. American and Western European imperialists, the rich ruling class of these nations, didn't want to let go of all of that oil and natural resources. The communists took over Russia and the Soviet Union was constantly, from the very beginning of its conception, attacked, invaded, and sanctioned by the capitalists. In WW2 four million Nazis invaded the Soviet Union resulting in the death of 27 million Soviet citizens. More than a quarter of their population died as a result of the war. Nine million Soviet soldiers died fighting the Nazis. To give you some perspective on how devastating the war was for the Soviets. Half a million Americans died fighting in WW2, and that's a lot of Americans. Nonetheless, nine million Soviet soldiers were killed in combat. They lost almost twenty times more than what we lost because of being invaded by four million Germans.

("Soviet" means "council" or "people's counsil").

After WW2, the Soviet Union was decimated, but they recovered and in less than 15 years they were launching the first satellites into space. They became once again, an industrial giant and for the first time, became the second-largest economy in the world. Marxism doesn't work? Really? Marxism is the quickest, most effective way to fully industrialize and modernize a nation. The wealthy ruling class of America and Western Europe knew how effective communism is in industrializing a nation and were horrified that the American working-class would continue allying itself with the Soviet Union as it did in WW2 and adopt communism. They were terrified of the prospect of American workers waking up one day and saying "why the heck do we need all of these dictators here at work, we can democratize the workplace and own everything collectively. We don't need these capitalist leeches?".

That's why the 1950s through the 1970s was the best era for American labor. Workers were unionized and you could actually work for a living wage with benefits. Retire after working twenty years for the same company. That all ended in the 1980s with Ronald Reagan's "Supply-side Economics" and "Trickledown Economics". Where do you think American workers got all of their rights from? It was American communists, American socialists who fought with their lives, throughout the 1800s and into the great depression of the 1930s, for worker rights. American communists have been fighting for workers for over 100 years and that's why you and I now have a forty hour work week. We have worker compensation, unemployment benefits, and a host of other rights that we take for granted. Before the communists started defending American workers, Americans were working 16 hours daily, often for peanuts. FDRs "New Deal" was thanks to the sacrifice of American Socialists, the Unions uniting and pushing the powers that be to accept the new deal or suffer a civil war.

The golden age of the American economy in the 1950s and 60s, was in many ways due to the New Deal, championed by American Communists. Socialists.

Elon Musk keeps warning everyone about the fact that in the near future, automated systems, artificial intelligence, robots, self-driving cars, nanotech and other technologies, are going to replace a significant % of wage-labor. Capitalism has a serious internal contradiction. Capitalists want to reduce the cost of doing business or what we call "the overhead". They want to cut costs and increase profits. One of the most expensive aspects of running a business is human labor. Wages are often the largest expense for the capitalists. So what they do is they use technology to reduce the need for human wage-labor. They replace human beings with technology. Technology doesn't demand a wage. The contradiction is found in the fact that, capitalists need to pay wages, because the moment they start replacing wages with technology, they eliminate the paying consumer. Simply stated:


The capitalists see the writing on the wall, so they've now become "humanitarians", talking about a new "compassionate capitalism". These capitalists are offering to give everyone through the US government, a "Universal Basic Income" or UBI. That's capitalism on life support. They refuse to acknowledge the real solution and that's socializing production. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism or high-tech communism. Marx defines communism as a stateless society, with no socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The only way for the Marxist version of communism to exist is in a very advanced, high-tech civilization. We are now entering into that high-tech world, where human wage-labor is replaced with technology.

Will human beings still work? Yes. But we won't work for a boss or dictator, and it will be mostly in the capacity of monitoring the system. With technology, everyone will have a very high standard of living. Everyone will be living in abundance. This is the world that communists want to create but capitalists want to stop. Capitalists want to hand everyone a government check in order to maintain capitalism on life support. They want to preserve their social status and power, hence they're willing to have the government give everyone a free check. But that's not what communists want. We want everyone to have access to the latest technology. You will eventually have the means of production right at your fingertips at home. We want true freedom, unlike the capitalist ruling class, who wants to keep all of you, the vast majority of America, under their heel and control.

We want to democratize the workplace, the capitalists want to continue with their current tyrannical system of "employers & employees". We want to create worker-cooperatives where every worker has a vote and the management of the company, including the CEO is accountable to all of the workers that elected them. Mutual accountability. You don't work for a little tyrant anymore. That's the workplace American communists are going to create. Eventually, technology will even make that obsolete and we will have APMs, Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines. Every home will have these machines and you won't need anyone else to manufacture anything for you. Human relations will become 100% voluntary. No state, no socioeconomic classes, no need for money, no more poverty, no more wars. Everyone will have everything they want. No scarcity. That is the world technology can create and that's what American communists are going to introduce to the world.

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So your answer is no, you can't give an example where your delusion has ever worked. You fabulous Russia is being ran by the rich just like you claim the US is. Putin's net worth is an estimated 200 billion, and they have their share of millionaires and billionaires as well. So there ya go loser, looks like you're going to have to earn your own way, the government is not there to support you lame ass.

The only cruel and inhumane treatment the people of Florida must endure is the consequence of DeSantis and Florida Republicans – who are incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Broad brush much? You can't even come up with an example. I think the folks in FL disagree with your commie ass.


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