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I don't discuss family, BTW you never said how old you are.

Stop being a coward, and answer my questions. Tell me about yourself and your family. It's a good idea to answer such personal questions when asked by a stranger on an internet forum. Go ahead. Do you have loved ones, or friends, who have government benefits? Medicare, Social Security? Are you or anyone you care about receiving government assistance?
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Stop being a coward, and answer my questions. Tell me about yourself and your family. It's a good idea to answer such personal questions when asked by a stranger on an internet forum. Go ahead. Do you have loved ones, or friends, who have government benefits? Medicare, Social Security?

You first, freak.

My mom is 83. She had covid last week and recovered this week. Haven't your parents gotten shots and boosters? I realize you only Care for All who politically agree with you, sorry she lived. And you're a racist
Before vaccines dufus, in the beginning when old folks were dropping like flies and during Delta variant because even with vaccines, those over 80, who were at the highest risk, were still getting very sick, needing hospitalization and yes, dying. I've no fear of omicron killing them, at least not with the different variants so far....
Are you ashamed of your age?

I see no reason to divulge my age, how I look, or anything substantive about my person, to a rude stranger like you. If you can't handle that too bad, deal with it.
The only cruel and inhumane treatment the people of Florida must endure is the consequence of DeSantis and Florida Republicans – who are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
The answer is yes, you just have a reading comprehension problem or simply didn't read what I posted. As far as Russia today, it's a mixed economy with some socialist principles and policies in place, with some capitalism. Russia is no longer the USSR so your comments about Russia and Putin are irrelevant. In the 1980s in order to end the cold war, the Soviets tried to establish good relations with Russia by adopting markets into their economy but it didn't work. That's what caused the Soviet Union to collapse.

As far as your comment about working and freeloading. It's actually the capitalists who want to freeload off the backs of working-class people. Communists work harder and smarter because we democratize the workplace and our government is simply a tool to organize public works and its labor. In a communist society, especially in the modern age, there is no need for money. So your whole concept of communism is skewed by capitalist, cold-war propaganda. You ironically claim to be an American patriot and freedom-lover while defending your capitalist masters, who are the ones enslaving and exploiting you. When was the last time you participated in an election at work? The employer-employee relationship is not much different than the relationship between master and slave or lord and serf.
Stop being a coward, and answer my questions. Tell me about yourself and your family. It's a good idea to answer such personal questions when asked by a stranger on an internet forum. Go ahead. Do you have loved ones, or friends, who have government benefits? Medicare, Social Security? Are you or anyone you care about receiving government assistance?

We paid into Social Security and Medicare. I paid into SS since 1961 and Medicare since its first day. That's not a benefit, that's my money.

As a Troll, you're an amateur, simply making a fool of yourself. Why act so goofy. You must really be bored.

We paid into Social Security and Medicare. I paid into SS since 1961 and Medicare since its first day. That's not a benefit, that's my money.

As a Troll, you're an amateur, simply making a fool of yourself. Why act so goofy. You must really be bored.

Do you actually believe you take out only what you've put in? You're quite delusional if you believe that.

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