More disgusting displays from our media...CBS this time

How so? DID it appear on US television, or did FOX take a clip from the Vietnamese program and link it to CBS?

Why don't you watch the clip in the op before you make yourself look more foolish than you already do.

I did. Twice. Did you see any American contestants? All i saw was some Vietnamese people in the back of what looked like a taxi.

WAS that shown on American TV?

Do you think all Americans are blonde haired blue eyed people????

Trust me. This is an American show made if im not mistaken by the same man who does survivor and the Bible miniseries on the history channel
How so? DID it appear on US television, or did FOX take a clip from the Vietnamese program and link it to CBS?

Why don't you watch the clip in the op before you make yourself look more foolish than you already do.

Just tried to watch the clip in your OP again but seems to have been taken down. Copyright something or other....

I posted a second one. It seems CBS doesn't like the publicity they are getting.
I am usually 180 from Bob Beckel in my views, but he was the one who nailed the 'problem with it' so far as being insensitive to the friends and families of the 55,000+ Americans who died in that war and to the hundreds of thousands who still bear the scars of it.

Yes, Vietnam is a beautiful country with some beautiful people in it, and even a young, uneducated, clueless producer could surely have found something apolitical to use as a background for the show? And if Vietnam had demanded that the show incude that political theatrical production, the Amazing Race should have chosen some other country.

The Amazing Race is a favorite of ours and I especially appreciate how well it shows both the virtues and downside of the countries it features. If that was the intent of the segment in question, a disclaimer should have been included wtih the segment.

For instance there is this prominently featured at the site of the downed B-52 and museum in Hanoi:
The museum especially illustrates the victory of Hanoi people and armed forces over the US strategic B-52 air raid in late December 1972.
Vietnam’s determined soldiers, pilots and militiamen shot down 81 of the raiding aircraft, including 34 of the giant B52s

Of course the debate of whether we should ever have become entangled in that war continues and I have no problem with those who say we should never have been there. But those young Americans who went at the command of their country didn't start the war and were there in an effort to end it.

And to exalt the government of a country that is among the world's worst in suppression of human rights is not something any U.S. enterprise should engage in for fun and profit:

The Vietnamese government systematically suppresses freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. Independent writers, bloggers, and rights activists who question government policies, expose official corruption, or call for democratic alternatives to one-party rule are routinely subject to police harassment and intrusive surveillance, detained incommunicado for long periods of time without access to legal counsel, and sentenced to increasingly long terms in prison for violating vague national security laws.

Police frequently torture suspects to elicit confessions and, in several cases, have responded to public protests over evictions, confiscation of land, and police brutality with excessive use of force. Anti-China protests in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in 2011 were dispersed and protesters were intimidated, harassed, and in some cases detained for several days.
World Report 2012: Vietnam | Human Rights Watch
Uh....that's a Vietnamese program, produced by a Vietnamese company, distributed by a Vietnamese company and aired only in Vietnam, so far as I know.

What's the problem?

The Amazing Race is not a Vietnamese program. It's an American program where teams race around the world.

Yes it is:ộc_Đua_Kỳ_Thú

And the clip showed only Vietnamese contestants. Is FOX once again guilty of selective or dishonest reporting?

Granted, I don't watch such junk on TV and maybe that did appear on US television. But, even if it did, the Vietnam War ended nearly 40 years ago. Should the producers also never send contestants to Germany or Japan? How about Korea or China? Or Canada and Mexico for that matter. After all, American's died fighting them too.

Wrong show.

Amazing Race: Watch Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community -
The Amazing Race is not a Vietnamese program. It's an American program where teams race around the world.

Yes it is:ộc_Đua_Kỳ_Thú

And the clip showed only Vietnamese contestants. Is FOX once again guilty of selective or dishonest reporting?

Granted, I don't watch such junk on TV and maybe that did appear on US television. But, even if it did, the Vietnam War ended nearly 40 years ago. Should the producers also never send contestants to Germany or Japan? How about Korea or China? Or Canada and Mexico for that matter. After all, American's died fighting them too.

Wrong show.

Amazing Race: Watch Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community -

Ok. I stand corrected.

So, I'll go back to my other comment. After 40 years, why does it matter? And, yes, I did my time in Vietnam so don't come around playing that game. And, should the show avoid Germany or Japan or China or Great Britain or any one of dozens other countries we've fought over the years? If not, why not?
This upsets some yet the exploitation of children for profit is just completely ignored; WHy?


Maybe because some of us are able to read an OP and understand that the thread is not about the exploitation of children? That the exploitation of children is certainly suitable as a discussion topic on a different thread where folks could get as worked up about that as they wished without derailing the topic here?

The topic here is the appropriateness of content in a particular segment of the Amazing Race.
Free Enterprise is the crux of this thread.
I am happy to put reality into this thread.
You are very welcome.

This upsets some yet the exploitation of children for profit is just completely ignored; WHy?


Maybe because some of us are able to read an OP and understand that the thread is not about the exploitation of children? That the exploitation of children is certainly suitable as a discussion topic on a different thread where folks could get as worked up about that as they wished without derailing the topic here?

The topic here is the appropriateness of content in a particular segment of the Amazing Race.
I don't have a problem with it.

I bet many who served and lost loved ones over there do

So they should avoid sending contestants to any country americans have died in? Where would they be allowed to go if we did that?

The issue was not Vietnam. The issue was featuring pro-Communist socialsim, anti-American propaganda as a prop for the show in a place where between 55,000 and 60,000 Americans gave their lives. There were no neutral components of Vietnam culture that could have been utilized instead? Most Americans can understand how those still dealing with the loss and pain of that terrible war would be offended. And if utilizing these propaganda props was the requirement for allowing this segment to be shot in Vietnam, CBS should have passed or made that absolutely clear when the segment was aired along with their disclaimer that it was a bitter reminder of the pain and cost of the war for so many American warriors and their families.
ANOTHER BS "OUTRAGE!!" from Fox. Beckel is losing his mind lol. Good pay though. He began to let all the lies go, now...
The Amazing Race Video - Your Tan Is Totally Cool -
CBS showed their Socialist Bias that many of you buy into.

Above is the link is to the CBS Website and the full Amazing Race Episode named Tan is Totally Cool.
It amazes me that no one had gone to the source. It shows that FOX used actual excerpts from the source.
USMC Vietnam 1st Bn 4th Marines. I have no regrets and make no apologies!
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