More Economic Data you don't want to know


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Here’s data for REAL GDP for 54-55 countries or combinations of countries such as the G7 & EU. So how do we perform against the competition for GDP growth? after all, it's important and definitely relevant………..Keep in-mind, especially that side of center who tends to jump around a lot - congress plays a role too.

Observation. Interesting how CHINA showed the only GDP increase for the 2nd qtr. of 2020, a whopping 10.7 increase too. Yeah sure, China is our friend. First they unload a pandemic then get rich off it. Let that soak in a moment, wholly fuck!. For what worth the USA performed 25th of 55 in the 2nd qtr. of 2020. See below for relevance.

Clinton’s 2000 finished 28th of 54.

Bush’s 2001 finished 45th of 54 (9-11 was a bitch).

Bush’s 2002 finished 31st of 54.

Bush’s 2003 finished 26th of 54.

Bush’s 2004 finished 34th of 54.

Bush’s 2005 finished 26th of 54.

Bush’s 2006 finished 44th of 54. (CRASH)

Bush’s 2007 finished 50th of 54 (& BURN)

Bush’s 2008 finished 42nd of 55.

Obama’s 2009 finished 18th of 55.

Obama’s 2010 finished 29th of 55.

Obama’s 2011 finished 43rd of 55.

Obama’s 2012 finished 22nd of 55.

Obama’s 2012 finished 25th of 55.

Obama’s 2014 finished 28th of 55

Obama’s 2015 finished 24th of 55

Obama’s 2016 finished 44th of 55

Trump’s 2017 finished 40th of 55

Trump’s 2018 finished 21st of 55

Trump’s 2019 finished 22nd of 55

Trump’s 2020 finished 20th of 55

Biden’s 1st qtr. of 2021 finished 15th of 55 and he didn’t even have to do anything (to harm us) yet. Democrats got what they wanted, I guess?

Biden’s 2nd qtr. of 2021 finished 30th of 55.

Biden’s 3rd qtr of 2021 is 23rd of just 34 reported, which probably places us at about 44th of 55. All major countries have reported short of Russia.

So how are we doing with Democrats in control now?

Trump wins again. Technically beginning to end Trump's numbers are more impressive than anyone's USA since at least the 70s, though a lot to be said for Reagan. Try to maintain yourselves.

Bitchn’ website:
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Technically beginning to end Trump's numbers are more impressive than anyone's USA since at least the 70s, though a lot to be said for Reagan.
You're joking, right?

Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton all had higher growth rates than Trump. Obama and Trump were about the same, even though Obama had to start in the middle of an economic crash.

And they had much higher job creation than Trump.

Use your own link and see for yourself.

Trump never cracked 3 percent annual growth, even though he promised at least 4 percent and as high as 6 percent.
You're joking, right?

Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton all had higher growth rates than Trump. Obama and Trump were about the same, even though Obama had to start in the middle of an economic crash.

And they had much higher job creation than Trump.

Use your own link and see for yourself.

Read the fucking data and OP dummy. About the same has no meaning BTW, and starting in the middle of a crash only proves to provide ROOM FOR GROWTH. You know, like the 33% gain in GDP Trump's last qtr. before Xiden's appointment?

Reading comprehension first, then maybe you can try and tackle critical thought.
Read the fucking data and OP dummy. About the same has no meaning, and starting in the middle of a crash only proves to provide GROWTH.

Reading comprehension first, then maybe you can try and tackle critical thought.
You said no one did better than Trump since the 70s.

Total horseshit.

Trump was weak. He never cracked 3 percent annual growth.
You said no one did better than Trump since the 70s.

Total horseshit.

Trump was weak. He never cracked 3 percent annual growth.

I sure did...............Here you go.

Misery Rate
1975FordDemDem8.4812.35.30%-0.21%15.10%9.05%9.14%533.2 B
1976FordDemDem7.7011.85.29%5.39%12.70%8.87%5.74%620.4 B
1977CarterDemDem7.0511.65.08%4.62%13.10%8.85%6.50%699.8 B
1978CarterDemDem6.0711.45.14%5.54%15.00%9.64%7.63%771.5 B
1979CarterDemDem5.8511.75.57%3.17%19.30%11.20%11.25%826.5 B
1980CarterDemDem7.18135.95%-0.26%19.70%13.74%13.55%907.7 B
1981ReaganRepDem7.62145.86%2.54%12.19%16.63%10.33%997.9 B
1982ReaganRepDem9.71155.60%-1.80%12.19%16.04%6.13%1.14 T
1983ReaganRepDem9.6015.25.18%4.58%12.19%13.24%3.21%1.38 T
1984ReaganRepDem7.5114.45.03%7.24%12.19%13.88%4.30%1.57 T
1985ReaganRepDem7.19145.21%4.17%12.19%12.43%3.55%1.82 T
1986ReaganRepDem7.0013.65.50%3.46%12.19%10.19%1.90%2.13 T
1987ReaganDemDem6.1813.45.58%3.46%12.19%10.21%3.66%2.35 T
1988ReaganDemDem5.49135.66%4.18%12.19%10.34%4.08%2.60 T
1989BushDemDem5.2612.85.74%3.68%10.68%10.32%4.83%2.86 T
1990BushDemDem5.6213.55.82%-1.79%10.68%10.13%5.40%3.23 T
1991BushDemDem6.8514.25.90%-1.99%10.68%9.25%4.24%3.67 T
1992BushDemDem7.4914.85.66%3.52%10.68%8.39%3.03%4.06 T
1993ClintonDemDem6.9115.15.48%2.75%9.20%7.31%2.95%4.41 T
1994ClintonDemDem6.1014.55.37%4.03%8.20%8.38%2.61%4.70 T
1995ClintonRepRep5.5913.85.28%2.68%8.10%7.93%2.81%4.98 T
1996ClintonRepRep5.4113.75.09%3.77%8.70%7.81%2.93%5.22 T
1997ClintonRepRep4.9413.34.93%4.45%6.40%7.60%2.34%5.41 T
1998ClintonRepRep4.5012.74.62%4.48%6.00%6.94%1.55%5.53 T
1999ClintonRepRep4.2211.94.27%4.75%6.70%7.44%2.19%5.66 T
2000ClintonRepRep3.9711.34.12%-0.63%7.30%8.05%3.38%5.67 T
2001BushDemRep4.7411.74.16%-3.13%7.30%6.97%2.83%5.80 T
2002BushDemRep5.7812.14.13%1.74%8.40%6.54%1.59%6.23 T
2003BushRepRep5.9912.54.07%2.86%7.60%5.83%2.27%6.78 T
2004BushRepRep5.5412.73.98%3.80%8.70%5.84%2.68%7.38 T
2005BushRepRep5.0812.63.90%3.51%8.30%5.87%3.39%7.93 T
2006BushRepRep4.6112.33.81%2.86%6.90%6.41%3.23%8.50 T
2007BushDemDem4.6212.53.73%1.88%9.10%6.34%2.85%9.07 T
2008BushDemDem5.8013.23.67%-0.14%7.40%6.03%3.84%10.02 T
2009ObamaDemDem9.2814.33.51%-2.54%12.60%5.04%-0.36%11.90 T
2010ObamaDemDem9.6115.13.35%2.56%10.80%4.69%1.64%13.56 T
2011ObamaDemRep8.93153.29%1.55%11.50%4.45%3.16%14.79 T
2012ObamaDemRep8.08153.26%2.25%9.60%3.66%2.07%16.06 T
2013ObamaDemRep7.3614.83.11%1.84%8.20%3.98%1.46%16.74 T
2014ObamaDemRep6.1614.82.95%2.53%6.40%4.17%1.62%17.82 T
2015ObamaRepRep5.2813.52.89%2.91%5.70%3.85%0.12%18.15 T
2016ObamaRepRep4.8812.72.85%1.64%6.80%3.65%1.26%19.57 T
2017TrumpRepRep4.3512.32.76%2.37%6.30%3.99%2.13%20.24 T
2018TrumpRepRep3.8911.82.59%2.93%5.80%4.54%2.44%21.52 T
2019TrumpRepDem3.6810.52.49%2.16%5.80%3.94%1.81%22.71 T
2020TrumpRepDem6.7011.7-3.30%6.63.11%1.25%26.95 T
1st Qtr.
10.823.13%6.20%29 T
Annual growth for the Reagan years:


Annual growth for the Clinton years:


Annual growth for the Trump years:

The more debt we acquire, the weaker economic growth will be.
I'm sorry the facts annoy you and contradict your narrative.

Trump was weak in economic growth and especially weak in job creation.

Fucking Hilarious. So you want to ignore the primary message in the OP..........How brave g5000.

Sure, you want to discuss job growth because Obama took over under a recession and so happens everything shut down Trump's last year. So brave g5000.

Compared to the rest of the world GDP performed best on Trump's watch since at least Clinton, but you want to ignore that because? Clinton had the web, a Republican congress and Chinese trade GREATLY expended. Neat, how's that worked out so far?
Because (R) always say they help the masses, but in reality, oh....shit.....I can't LOGIC with a (R) that claim the following:

1). Economy is better under (R)......LLOLLOL. Not True.
2). Trickle BS.
3). dotard donnie needs to go away. Please.
Fucking Hilarious. So you want to ignore the primary message in the OP..........How brave g5000.

Sure, you want to discuss job growth because Obama took over under a recession and so happens everything shut down Trump's last year. So brave g5000.

Compared to the rest of the world GDP performed best on Trump's watch since at least Clinton, but you want to ignore that because? Clinton had the web, a Republican congress and Chinese trade GREATLY expended. Neat, how's that worked out so far?
Sure dude.
Did trump lose overall jobs? Yes he did. FACT.
Do you want to blame China? For Job Loses?
Virus or Domination over trump?
Because (R) always say they help the masses, but in reality, oh....shit.....I can't LOGIC with a (R) that claim the following:

1). Economy is better under (R)......LLOLLOL. Not True.
2). Trickle BS.
3). dotard donnie needs to go away. Please.

Neat. Now read the data post #1 & post #5. Try to maintain yourself.
How about you talk rather than present some BS chart.
How about you say what your chart represents?

You want me to summarize what the numbers mean for you? I will, but you have to promise not to get mad.
Read the fucking data and OP dummy. About the same has no meaning BTW, and starting in the middle of a crash only proves to provide ROOM FOR GROWTH. You know, like the 33% gain in GDP Trump's last qtr. before Xiden's appointment?

Reading comprehension first, then maybe you can try and tackle critical thought.
Hoooly shit you are fucking confused.

33% is annualized number, meaning you divide it by 4.

But much more important point is that it followed a 33% annualized contraction in prior quarter, which sounds like wash...if you don't understand math.

100 - 50% = 50
50 + 50% = 75

So you are in the red at the end of year
(-3.5% GDP contraction in 2020)
Hoooly shit you are fucking confused.

33% is annualized number, meaning you divide it by 4.

But much more important point is that it followed a 33% annualized contraction in prior quarter, which sounds like wash...if you don't understand math.

100 - 50% = 50
50 + 50% = 75

So you are in the red at the end of year
(-3.5% GDP contraction in 2020)

You dumbass............I said the GDP raised 33% Trump's last quarter before Xiden was appointed. I don't care if it's annualized or not, and read post 5, dummy. Let's not pretend I said something else so you can sleep tonight. BTW, 33% growth is the highest in US history, though it was to be expected. Good thing we got Xiden though.

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