More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

if we're "prospering" so much we can cut welfare and food stamps from their current RECORD LEVELS right leftard?

why are left-wing nutjobs going apoplectic when some people ask why they cant be cut/

idiots and hypocrites
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Is this market a reflection of the economy?

Absolutely not.

@2:20 in the video.

CBS Evening News Videos - CBS News

More like, “Irrational exuberance.”

Surely we know by now that the stock market is not the economy.

The data is mixed at best. I see that small business is becoming more positive, some clear real estate growth, some other growth here and there.

On the bad side, April inventories are up, real estate is down in many places, GDP is stagnant. There is a decent foundation for growth but it's really not clearly happening yet.

Watching the stock market is for amateurs. Watch the bond market, the 10-year Treasuries in particular would be one good place. Follow an ETF called TBX. The better it's doing, the more confident the smart money is. It's going down right now.

Some good news, some bad news. Nothing to crow about from either "side".


Yup. Anyone who thinks the stock market is a good indicator of how things are going ain't to swift.

I agree about the Bond market and treasuries. Much better ways to gauge how the economy is doing.

Hell. Next week the stock market could be in the toilet. Lets here Sallow tout that.
actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

I love divided government keeping each side in check. You are a partisan hack who never had an original thought.

i simply pointed out things were worse when Dems ran everything

the partisan hack is you
what part isnt true leftard?

The partisan hack in you is why you cant see that I want smaller government, lower inflation & policing of big wallstreet crime instead of small business & workers.

My machine shed burned & I got 200 pages of demands from the EPA & DNR giving me 20 days to clean up all the water, ash & remains of the building & content. Monsanto called Mitt Romney & he got tax payers to pay for & do their superfund cleanup.

Finance & insurance laws I must comply with or be jailed, no longer exist for or are not enforced on wallstreet firms that destroyed the economy with their get rich quick scheme That used to be illegal because it always failed in the past.

In spring 1972 under the purview of George Romney, a major scandal struck the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which since passage of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 and the creation of the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) had been responsible for helping the poor buy homes in inner-city areas via government-backed mortgages. This was financed by mortgage-backed securities, the first issues of which Romney had announced in 1970. A number of FHA employees, along with a number of real estate firms and lawyers, were indicted for a scheme in which the value of cheap inner city homes was inflated and sold using those government-backed mortgages to black buyers who could not really afford them, and the government was stuck for the bad loans when owners defaulted.
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Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Obama's support of the 1% continues...
Not only were investors fleeing the Stock Markets, but employers were firing people to the tune of 800,000 a month

Thankfully, our Messiah came flowed back into the Stock Market, employers started hiring again

All is right with the world

You know, if somehow you were prohibited from lying, you'd be struck dumb.

Which is different than "fucking dumb," as you so well portray....
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What part of federal taxes only being a portion of the taxes paid confused you?

How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?
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What part of federal taxes only being a portion of the taxes paid confused you?

How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

none of the Left's loser rants hold up to scrutiny or common sense
actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

I love divided government keeping each side in check. You are a partisan hack who never had an original thought.

I love people who pretend to be objective then after a few posts it's obvious they aren't.

Here's a secret......only left wing nuts give a shit about how much romeny made and what his tax bill was.

so on you tax issues, why don't you get Reid and Pelosi to remove those breaks, and let me know how that goes, k?
What part of federal taxes only being a portion of the taxes paid confused you?

How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?
How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

because the wealthy pay both leftard

because corporations hire mommy and daddy

because higher returns on investments is what enables you losers to brag about the stock market

place costs on something and you get less of it

geesh read a book
Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

because the wealthy pay both leftard

because corporations hire mommy and daddy

because higher returns on investments is what enables you losers to brag about the stock market

place costs on something and you get less of it

geesh read a book

Is that the best you could come up with?

Corporations hire mommy and daddy :lol:

Go back and try again
How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

Ask your hero FDR. He established the "INCOME" tax.

Capital gains are not "income".
Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

Ask your hero FDR. He established the "INCOME" tax.

Capital gains are not "income".
That would be the other big prog authoritarian avatar: Woodrow Wilson.

FDR started withholding, though.
How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%

Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

I know! Lower Rates For Everyone!
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Rich people getting $85 billion a month from Obama will do that.

The April jobs report sucked. 280k jobs is just barely treading water in the job market. You need that many just to keep up with all of the new workers that are coming on the job market in May after graduation.

I remember the days when Bush created 6 million new jobs in a short period of time, and you libs said they were all low paying entry-level jobs (as if those jobs don't count).

Yah think?
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Contrary to popular belief we are all subject to the same tax laws. Funny how the whiny little cry baby democrats are complaining about HAVING TO PAY ZERO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES then bitch and moan that the rich pay less for investment income than they do regular income taxes. WTF is wrong with you libtards? WTF? You GD libtards don't want to invest? WTF?

Why should the wealthy pay reduced rate capital gains while someone who works for the money pays a higher rate?

Ask your hero FDR. He established the "INCOME" tax.

Capital gains are not "income".


Why should investment income be taxed at a lower rate than income gained through labor
The April jobs report sucked. 280k jobs is just barely treading water in the job market. You need that many just to keep up with all of the new workers that are coming on the job market in May after graduation.

I remember the days when Bush created 6 million new jobs in a short period of time, and you libs said they were all low paying entry-level jobs.

Yah think?

You Lie!

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