More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Just think of all the gains the American people would have realized had they been able to invest their witholdings in the market instead of failing Social Security.
The Dow pushing on 17k ... The goverment showing record debt.


The Social Security money was invested in supply side tax loopholes subsidizing the rich so far down the laffer curve that they never returned the investment. Workers were taxed to death so Mitt Romney could pay less than 13% tax & many others paid nothing at all. Everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless of income. Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax, because that is the average spend rate over the past 50 years. Paying less means you are stealing from me & other middle income paying 39% effective tax rate.

The laffer curve max tax revenue rate is 33%. Tax rates should never be above that. But government unified the budget making payroll taxes go to fund government so they could lower the dividend tax rate. The working class paid most of the taxes in this country subsidizing so the rich & poor could pay much less. Everyone paying a combined effective tax rate above 33% deserves a tax cut.


Overall I've payed about 55% in federal, state and local taxes when you include SS taxes. America has more than just federal taxes, thus your laffer curve does not just apply to federal tax. The feds are spending to much. Or are you saying we need to end all state and local governments or force them to subsist on 14%? Huh?

Not only did Romney pay the top tax rate on his income he then also had to pay another 13% on top of the top tax rate for interest earned on American investments that he made from his taxed income. Taxes on capital gains is double taxation. Why do you libtards have to be so disingenuous?
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good one you idiot!!
why SHOULDNT investers have faith in obama?

he's injecting
$85 billion per month in cheap money for them!!

heck even FOREIGNERS can buy our money at dirt-cheap prices and they DO!!
that's why more job creation is happening overseas than here

but you left-wing losers are too ignorant to realize of want to discuss that

Hey it is you stupid fucking rethugs that won't allow capital gains to be taxed at a higher rate. You fucking stupid rethugs that won't allow a transaction fee on trades. It is you stupid fucking rethugs that allow people making what should be considered W2 earnings to call them "deferred compensation" and then allow capital gains tax rates be applied.

Fuck your hypocritical bullshit about how the stock market is rigged by Obama. Your rethug masters have been making a killing also.

You rethugs on here are the plutocrat worshipers. But only rethug plutocrats are the good ones eh? A plutocrat doesn't really care what you call them. Why should they. They have most of the money so who gives a fuck what label they wear. They are all the same.

your rant about taxing capital gains is useless. why is the answer always a tax to you morons zeke-tard?
Cause the moron is to stupid to invest, so he doesn't understand investments?
It shows our Messiah slashed the unemployment rate from 10% to 6.3% all while doubling the stock market

Did he slash it while on vacation while our men and women were being killed in one of his illegal wars?

Why of course not
It shows the faith investors have in our Messiah. If you look at 2008 you could see investors fleeing the market under Republicans and refusing to support the banks or auto companies

Once our Messiah took office, he showed that he was willing to stand behind our country

Great Job President Obama!


It wasn't just investors who lost faith, countries like Russia & China officials were also running away US bonds. The market was corrupt & the cops were busy watching porn.

Faith in the US dollar was done for. Obama put the crap back in the Goose & foreigners are happily buying US bonds at zero percent.
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Just think of all the gains the American people would have realized had they been able to invest their witholdings in the market instead of failing Social Security.
The Dow pushing on 17k ... The goverment showing record debt.


The Social Security money was invested in supply side tax loopholes subsidizing the rich so far down the laffer curve that they never returned the investment. Workers were taxed to death so Mitt Romney could pay less than 13% tax & many others paid nothing at all. Everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless of income. Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax, because that is the average spend rate over the past 50 years. Paying less means you are stealing from me & other middle income paying 39% effective tax rate.

The laffer curve max tax revenue rate is 33%. Tax rates should never be above that. But government unified the budget making payroll taxes go to fund government so they could lower the dividend tax rate. The working class paid most of the taxes in this country subsidizing so the rich & poor could pay much less. Everyone paying a combined effective tax rate above 33% deserves a tax cut.


Overall I've payed about 55% in federal, state and local taxes when you include SS taxes. America has more than just federal taxes, thus your laffer curve does not just apply to federal tax. The feds are spending to much. Or are you saying we need to end all state and local governments or force them to subsist on 14%? Huh?

Not only did Romney pay the top tax rate on his income he then also had to pay another 13% on top of the top tax rate for interest earned on American investments that he made from his taxed income. Taxes on capital gains is double taxation. Why do you libtards have to be so disingenuous?

The Social Security money was invested in supply side tax loopholes subsidizing the rich so far down the laffer curve that they never returned the investment. Workers were taxed to death so Mitt Romney could pay less than 13% tax & many others paid nothing at all. Everyone should pay the same tax rate regardless of income. Everyone should pay at least 19% federal tax, because that is the average spend rate over the past 50 years. Paying less means you are stealing from me & other middle income paying 39% effective tax rate.

The laffer curve max tax revenue rate is 33%. Tax rates should never be above that. But government unified the budget making payroll taxes go to fund government so they could lower the dividend tax rate. The working class paid most of the taxes in this country subsidizing so the rich & poor could pay much less. Everyone paying a combined effective tax rate above 33% deserves a tax cut.


Overall I've payed about 55% in federal, state and local taxes when you include SS taxes. America has more than just federal taxes, thus your laffer curve does not just apply to federal tax. The feds are spending to much. Or are you saying we need to end all state and local governments or force them to subsist on 14%? Huh?

Not only did Romney pay the top tax rate on his income he then also had to pay another 13% on top of the top tax rate for interest earned on American investments that he made from his taxed income. Taxes on capital gains is double taxation. Why do you libtards have to be so disingenuous?


What part of federal taxes only being a portion of the taxes paid confused you?
Overall I've payed about 55% in federal, state and local taxes when you include SS taxes. America has more than just federal taxes, thus your laffer curve does not just apply to federal tax. The feds are spending to much. Or are you saying we need to end all state and local governments or force them to subsist on 14%? Huh?

Not only did Romney pay the top tax rate on his income he then also had to pay another 13% on top of the top tax rate for interest earned on American investments that he made from his taxed income. Taxes on capital gains is double taxation. Why do you libtards have to be so disingenuous?


What part of federal taxes only being a portion of the taxes paid confused you?

How much payroll tax did Romney pay on his carried interest income cycled through a CRT? It was likely zero.

Workers pay payroll tax, employer payroll tax, income tax = 50+%
why dont left-wing losers care about the 16 million NEW food stamp recipients under obama when they're bragging how rich the richest are getting with the record DOW?

lbs are losers who lie to themselves
Romney isnt president
bush isnt president
obama is; and 16 MILLION more Americans need food stamps in obama Year 6 because of failed Progressive policies

what part dont you get leftard?
Did he slash it while on vacation while our men and women were being killed in one of his illegal wars?

Why of course not
It shows the faith investors have in our Messiah. If you look at 2008 you could see investors fleeing the market under Republicans and refusing to support the banks or auto companies

Once our Messiah took office, he showed that he was willing to stand behind our country

Great Job President Obama!


It wasn't just investors who lost faith, countries like Russia & China officials were also running away US bonds. The market was corrupt & the cops were busy watching porn.

Faith in the US dollar was done for. Obama put the crap back in the Goose & foreigners are happily buying US bonds at zero percent.

Once our Messiah drove the Republicans out of Washington the investors came back in force. There was new faith in our Country once they knew that we had responsible leadership again
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration. Under Obama government pay is falling as private pay rises.

Republicans believe government should support workers who are working for other companies. This is why government spending exploded under Bush & shrank under Clinton & Obama.

Under Obama & Clinton the employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.
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Why of course not
It shows the faith investors have in our Messiah. If you look at 2008 you could see investors fleeing the market under Republicans and refusing to support the banks or auto companies

Once our Messiah took office, he showed that he was willing to stand behind our country

Great Job President Obama!


It wasn't just investors who lost faith, countries like Russia & China officials were also running away US bonds. The market was corrupt & the cops were busy watching porn.

Faith in the US dollar was done for. Obama put the crap back in the Goose & foreigners are happily buying US bonds at zero percent.

Once our Messiah drove the Republicans out of Washington the investors came back in force. There was new faith in our Country once they knew that we had responsible leadership again

actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration. Under Obama government pay is falling as private pay rises.

Republicans believe government should support workers who are working for other companies. This is why government spending exploded under Bush & shrank under Obama.

Under Obama the employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.


you got your charts

i got reality
it says RECORD FOOD STAMPS AND WELFARE on the Progressive watch
Government employee pay explodes under the Bush administration. Under Obama government pay is falling as private pay rises.

Republicans believe government should support workers who are working for other companies. This is why government spending exploded under Bush & shrank under Obama.

Under Obama the employment ratio of the working age population is consistently increasing at a faster rate than Bush ever achieved at any point of his presidency. Bush destroyed more jobs than any president in history.


you got your charts

i got reality
it says RECORD FOOD STAMPS AND WELFARE on the Progressive watch

,.........oh; and you have excuses
actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

I love divided government keeping each side in check. You are a partisan hack who never had an original thought.
actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

I love divided government keeping each side in check. You are a partisan hack who never had an original thought.

i simply pointed out things were worse when Dems ran everything

the partisan hack is you
what part isnt true leftard?
It wasn't just investors who lost faith, countries like Russia & China officials were also running away US bonds. The market was corrupt & the cops were busy watching porn.

Faith in the US dollar was done for. Obama put the crap back in the Goose & foreigners are happily buying US bonds at zero percent.

Once our Messiah drove the Republicans out of Washington the investors came back in force. There was new faith in our Country once they knew that we had responsible leadership again

actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

Not only were investors fleeing the Stock Markets, but employers were firing people to the tune of 800,000 a month

Thankfully, our Messiah came flowed back into the Stock Market, employers started hiring again

All is right with the world
Once our Messiah drove the Republicans out of Washington the investors came back in force. There was new faith in our Country once they knew that we had responsible leadership again

actually when Dems had all three branches; the WH, Senate and House unemployment skyrocketed over 10% and things didnt start getting better until Dems lost their lock on all 3 parts of the lawmakingprocess

libs are losers who lie to THEMSELVES

Not only were investors fleeing the Stock Markets, but employers were firing people to the tune of 800,000 a month

Thankfully, our Messiah came flowed back into the Stock Market, employers started hiring again

All is right with the world

no that is a lie

what happened is 800,000 jobs a month were lost when DEMS WERE THE MAJORITY OF THE US GOVERNMENT
and when obama cme in controlled all three parts of the law-making process; unemployment continued to climb untils the REAL unemployment rate was 20%

then Repubs took back the House and things started to get better

what part isnt true?
It never ceases to amaze me how angry people get when the country is prospering under a democrat president.

you have to expect some anger directed at losers like you ignoring the 16 million NEW people that need food stamps since Dems took power; calling that "prosperity"

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