More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Hillary 2016!

There is a good chance Americans might be sufficiently stupid to elect Hillary. After Americans elected a job-destroying, economy dwindling neophyte twice in recent years. The first time perhaps excusable. The second constituting irrefutable proof (of abject stupidity). So why not, this time, elect someone who might or might not remember to show up to be sworn in and, if successfully managed to be there forgets where The White House is. That the U.S. Constitution is already forgotten by Her Thighness is a foregone conclusion but perhaps based on a malimpression that she ever was aware there once was such a thing.
Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%

Holy bad liberal math.
A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?
A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Housing, manufacturing & Banking to start.

It's funny everyone (pelosi, freddy, fanny, clinton, obama, harry reed) was responsible for the crash except the GOP or Bush. The actual perpetrators.

I shouldn't have to prove it to you. Did you have your head buried in a guys ass from 2000-2008? You forgot history already? OMG. Are you only 18 years old?
A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Maybe you are too young to remember

The Shock Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich, start a war with iraq, pass the patriot act, ship jobs overseas, deregulate industry to help "get the economy going again".

Sure worked out for them. Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007. Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.
The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Housing, manufacturing & Banking to start.

It's funny everyone (pelosi, freddy, fanny, clinton, obama, harry reed) was responsible for the crash except the GOP or Bush. The actual perpetrators.

I shouldn't have to prove it to you. Did you have your head buried in a guys ass from 2000-2008? You forgot history already? OMG. Are you only 18 years old?

Well, "deregulation" is sort of a mantra in both parties, or was before the meltdown. Remember Slick having Gore cut out regulations. I'm not sure Obama really understands markets, or cares much. Elizabeth Warren's a new breed of cat. Reagan replaced Volker with Greenspan because, even though Volker spoke the same monetarist language, Reagan distrusted him on deregulation.

Neoliberalism holds that govts purpose is to facilitate entry into, and exit from, markets. Regulation can detract from that. But, on the other hand, Hayak didn't say "no regulation." If markets are not transparent, so that all players have access to basically the same information, markets will not achieve efficient results.

So, there's a tension. We have so much less regulation than in 1980 that its sort of hard to compare then to now. "What would Reagan do" sort of makes no sense.
A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Lot of words to say what.......we are saved by Obama ......not saved by Obama........QE is good.......QE is bad......... you want to cut welfare.......haven't we passed 2 huge financial reform packages lately but I have yet to see anyone prosecuted under Sarbox or Dodd Frank.....what good are laws if they aren't enforced which is the real issue. We didn't need more laws we needed the ones we had enforced which is why the Market soared when Geithner was picked because bankers knew they could continue breaking them with impunity.
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Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Housing, manufacturing & Banking to start.

It's funny everyone (pelosi, freddy, fanny, clinton, obama, harry reed) was responsible for the crash except the GOP or Bush. The actual perpetrators.

I shouldn't have to prove it to you. Did you have your head buried in a guys ass from 2000-2008? You forgot history already? OMG. Are you only 18 years old?

Well, "deregulation" is sort of a mantra in both parties, or was before the meltdown. Remember Slick having Gore cut out regulations. I'm not sure Obama really understands markets, or cares much. Elizabeth Warren's a new breed of cat. Reagan replaced Volker with Greenspan because, even though Volker spoke the same monetarist language, Reagan distrusted him on deregulation.

Neoliberalism holds that govts purpose is to facilitate entry into, and exit from, markets. Regulation can detract from that. But, on the other hand, Hayak didn't say "no regulation." If markets are not transparent, so that all players have access to basically the same information, markets will not achieve efficient results.

So, there's a tension. We have so much less regulation than in 1980 that its sort of hard to compare then to now. "What would Reagan do" sort of makes no sense.

Listen schmuck. If you are complaining, then you shouldn't be voting GOP. The rich are doing great! The current economy we have is a business' dream. Low wages, max profits. Only the people at the top share in the wealth.

We are living the GOP utopia. If you are not happy now then maybe you aren't rich enough to be voting GOP.
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.

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The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Housing, manufacturing & Banking to start.

It's funny everyone (pelosi, freddy, fanny, clinton, obama, harry reed) was responsible for the crash except the GOP or Bush. The actual perpetrators.

I shouldn't have to prove it to you. Did you have your head buried in a guys ass from 2000-2008? You forgot history already? OMG. Are you only 18 years old?


He deregulated housing? What do you mean?


You think there were fewer regulations on manufacturing after 8 years of Bush?
Do you have a link to back up that claim?

& Banking to start.

I can't remember banking being deregulated under Bush.
You have any specifics?
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.

Baby Boomer population retiring makes Labor Force Participation Rate useless.

The working age population employment rate is exploding. Neither Bush Ever had a single period that could match the increasing employment rate of working age population that Clinton & Obama have.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Maybe you are too young to remember

The Shock Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich, start a war with iraq, pass the patriot act, ship jobs overseas, deregulate industry to help "get the economy going again".

Sure worked out for them. Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007. Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

Maybe you are too young to remember The Shock Doctrine

Is this something you think Bush did? When?

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich

Yeah, liberal morons and conspiracy idiots, but then I repeat myself.

Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007.

Really? Every rich person made money from the recession?

Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

No, even Obama can't make Carter look good, just moves him up one slot on the worst list.
The Dow just hit another record high.

It helps to have a smart president.
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.
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