More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.


Bush job creation was -600K.

Obama's job creation was +5.4 million.

Good stuff.
Silly 92 million out of work number comes from notorious misinformation specialist Rep. Diane Black. Means nothing. She took entire population of citizens 16 to 54 and decided they were all eligible or wanting work and jobs. All those listed as not having jobs or not working she deemed "out of work". The 16 to 54 numbers included students, even high school student over 16, and of course all college students. It also included all disabled people and all stay at home moms. Add all those who retire early. A number that can also be added are those who work "under the table" doing jobs that are paid in cash and go unreported.
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1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.


Bush job creation was -600K.

Obama's job creation was +5.4 million.

Good stuff.

Wrong. Your dip stick is giving you an incorrect reading. Bush? He was a war hawk socialist RINO. No surprise then that he did a shitty job.
Bush deregulated and same thing.

What did Bush deregulate?
Any specifics, or is this just a feeling you have?

Maybe you are too young to remember

The Shock Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich, start a war with iraq, pass the patriot act, ship jobs overseas, deregulate industry to help "get the economy going again".

Sure worked out for them. Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007. Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

Maybe you are too young to remember The Shock Doctrine

Is this something you think Bush did? When?

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich

Yeah, liberal morons and conspiracy idiots, but then I repeat myself.

Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007.

Really? Every rich person made money from the recession?

Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

No, even Obama can't make Carter look good, just moves him up one slot on the worst list.

Bullshit. Stick with facts, not delusions.

By either measure of BLS data ...

CPS Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Carter ....... 10.0 ........ 2.5
Clinton ...... 18.7 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 16.8 ........ 2.1
Obama ......... 3.7 ........ 0.7
Bush41 ........ 2.4 ........ 0.6
Bush43 ........ 4.4 ........ 0.5

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Employment Level)

CES Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 22.9 ........ 2.9
Carter ....... 10.3 ........ 2.6
Reagan ....... 16.1 ........ 2.0
Obama ......... 4.5 ........ 0.8
Bush41 ........ 2.6 ........ 0.7
Bush43 ........ 1.3 ........ 0.2

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total nonfarm)

Private sector employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 21.0 ........ 2.6
Carter ........ 9.0 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 14.7 ........ 1.8
Obama ......... 5.2 ........ 1.0
Bush41 ........ 1.5 ........ 0.4
Bush43 ....... -0.5 ....... -0.1

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total private)

Oh, and the main reason Obama's numbers are as low as they are is due to the roughly 3½ - 4 million jobs lost on his watch due to the Great Recession Bush left for him to deal with.
Maybe you are too young to remember

The Shock Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich, start a war with iraq, pass the patriot act, ship jobs overseas, deregulate industry to help "get the economy going again".

Sure worked out for them. Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007. Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

Maybe you are too young to remember The Shock Doctrine

Is this something you think Bush did? When?

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich

Yeah, liberal morons and conspiracy idiots, but then I repeat myself.

Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007.

Really? Every rich person made money from the recession?

Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

No, even Obama can't make Carter look good, just moves him up one slot on the worst list.

Bullshit. Stick with facts, not delusions.

By either measure of BLS data ...

CPS Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Carter ....... 10.0 ........ 2.5
Clinton ...... 18.7 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 16.8 ........ 2.1
Obama ......... 3.7 ........ 0.7
Bush41 ........ 2.4 ........ 0.6
Bush43 ........ 4.4 ........ 0.5

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Employment Level)

CES Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 22.9 ........ 2.9
Carter ....... 10.3 ........ 2.6
Reagan ....... 16.1 ........ 2.0
Obama ......... 4.5 ........ 0.8
Bush41 ........ 2.6 ........ 0.7
Bush43 ........ 1.3 ........ 0.2

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total nonfarm)

Private sector employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 21.0 ........ 2.6
Carter ........ 9.0 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 14.7 ........ 1.8
Obama ......... 5.2 ........ 1.0
Bush41 ........ 1.5 ........ 0.4
Bush43 ....... -0.5 ....... -0.1

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total private)

Oh, and the main reason Obama's numbers are as low as they are is due to the roughly 3½ - 4 million jobs lost on his watch due to the Great Recession Bush left for him to deal with.

Yeah, Bush was terrible. Grew the government, spent way too much.

Obama makes Bush look like a budget hawk.
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.


CPS: +3.7 million jobs
CES: +4.5 million jobs

As far as your idiocy about job growth due to welfare reform, about half of the job growth under Clinton occurred before welfare reform took effect. But it's nice to see righties continue to try to take credit where credit is not due.
Silly 92 million out of work number comes from notorious misinformation specialist Rep. Diane Black. Means nothing. She took entire population of citizens 16 to 54 and decided they were all eligible or wanting work and jobs. All those listed as not having jobs or not working she deemed "out of work". The 16 to 54 numbers included students, even high school student over 16, and of course all college students. It also included all disabled people and all stay at home moms. Add all those who retire early. A number that can also be added are those who work "under the table" doing jobs that are paid in cash and go unreported.

Correct. Out of the 92 million who are not considered in the labor force by the BLS, only 6.438 million want a job now ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who might want to work when the regime will provide all your needs and a goodly portion of your "wants" just for filling out the right forms and promising to always vote Democrat?
Maybe you are too young to remember The Shock Doctrine

Is this something you think Bush did? When?

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich

Yeah, liberal morons and conspiracy idiots, but then I repeat myself.

Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007.

Really? Every rich person made money from the recession?

Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

No, even Obama can't make Carter look good, just moves him up one slot on the worst list.

Bullshit. Stick with facts, not delusions.

By either measure of BLS data ...

CPS Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Carter ....... 10.0 ........ 2.5
Clinton ...... 18.7 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 16.8 ........ 2.1
Obama ......... 3.7 ........ 0.7
Bush41 ........ 2.4 ........ 0.6
Bush43 ........ 4.4 ........ 0.5

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Employment Level)

CES Employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 22.9 ........ 2.9
Carter ....... 10.3 ........ 2.6
Reagan ....... 16.1 ........ 2.0
Obama ......... 4.5 ........ 0.8
Bush41 ........ 2.6 ........ 0.7
Bush43 ........ 1.3 ........ 0.2

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total nonfarm)

Private sector employment growth (in millions)....

President ... total ... per year
Clinton ...... 21.0 ........ 2.6
Carter ........ 9.0 ........ 2.3
Reagan ....... 14.7 ........ 1.8
Obama ......... 5.2 ........ 1.0
Bush41 ........ 1.5 ........ 0.4
Bush43 ....... -0.5 ....... -0.1

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data (Total private)

Oh, and the main reason Obama's numbers are as low as they are is due to the roughly 3½ - 4 million jobs lost on his watch due to the Great Recession Bush left for him to deal with.

Yeah, Bush was terrible. Grew the government, spent way too much.

Obama makes Bush look like a budget hawk.
Why are you changing the topic away from job growth??? :doubt:
1961 to 2012

Republican president job growth - 24 million jobs in 28 years.

Democratic president job growth - 42 million jobs in 24 years.

Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.


CPS: +3.7 million jobs
CES: +4.5 million jobs

As far as your idiocy about job growth due to welfare reform, about half of the job growth under Clinton occurred before welfare reform took effect. But it's nice to see righties continue to try to take credit where credit is not due.

Yes or no, retard, we have a lower % of people in the work force now than the last few decades. It takes a special kind of handicap to think we are better off as a country now than we were when Obama took office.
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Obama job growth - Negative seven million jobs in 5 years, 92million Americans out of work (worst state of the country in 36years).

Result of Reaganomics and forcing Clinton to agree to welfare reforms : 66million jobs.


CPS: +3.7 million jobs
CES: +4.5 million jobs

As far as your idiocy about job growth due to welfare reform, about half of the job growth under Clinton occurred before welfare reform took effect. But it's nice to see righties continue to try to take credit where credit is not due.

Yes or no, retard, we have a lower % of people in the work force now than the last few decades. It takes a special kind of handicap to think we are better off as a country now than we were when Obama took office.

WTF does the labor force participation rate have to do with the price of tea in China? Your non-sequitur aside, the LFPR is not an indicator of the economy. And to demonstrate just how big a pile of bullshit it is to factor in the labor force participation rate into actual job growth, show me where anyone ever increased the job growth numbers under Clinton due to a rising LFPR. Just one. And show me where anyone decreased the job growth numbers under Bush due to a declining LFPR.
Here's another record under Obama righties get to cry about... we are now into our 51st (and still counting) consecutive month of job growth in the private sector. In the 75 years the BLS has been tracking this statistic, Obama's 51 consecutive month streak ties Bill Clinton with the longest streak in BLS history ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 104%
* NASDAQ: UP 184%
* S&P500: UP 129%

G'head, righties ... bitch & moan! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


CPS: +3.7 million jobs
CES: +4.5 million jobs

As far as your idiocy about job growth due to welfare reform, about half of the job growth under Clinton occurred before welfare reform took effect. But it's nice to see righties continue to try to take credit where credit is not due.

Yes or no, retard, we have a lower % of people in the work force now than the last few decades. It takes a special kind of handicap to think we are better off as a country now than we were when Obama took office.

WTF does the labor force participation rate have to do with the price of tea in China? Your non-sequitur aside, the LFPR is not an indicator of the economy. And to demonstrate just how big a pile of bullshit it is to factor in the labor force participation rate into actual job growth, show me where anyone ever increased the job growth numbers under Clinton due to a rising LFPR. Just one. And show me where anyone decreased the job growth numbers under Bush due to a declining LFPR.

So you actually think job growth as a number is more important than job growth as a function of size of the labor force. wow just wow


Are percentages really that confusing to you?
* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 104%
* NASDAQ: UP 184%
* S&P500: UP 129%

G'head, righties ... bitch & moan! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You need to change your dress, it's got a stain on it.
Yes or no, retard, we have a lower % of people in the work force now than the last few decades. It takes a special kind of handicap to think we are better off as a country now than we were when Obama took office.

WTF does the labor force participation rate have to do with the price of tea in China? Your non-sequitur aside, the LFPR is not an indicator of the economy. And to demonstrate just how big a pile of bullshit it is to factor in the labor force participation rate into actual job growth, show me where anyone ever increased the job growth numbers under Clinton due to a rising LFPR. Just one. And show me where anyone decreased the job growth numbers under Bush due to a declining LFPR.

So you actually think job growth as a number is more important than job growth as a function of size of the labor force. wow just wow

Only morons think it's meaningful to factor in people who die, retire or choose school over work. At any rate, that you can't find a single person who factored in the LFPR to increased Clinton's already stellar numbers, or anyone who factored in the LFPR to decrease Bush's already abysmal numbers, should have been a clue to you that righties only do so now because the actual numbers under Obama have been steadily increasing.

Furthermore, to cite the labor force participation rate as some sort of economic indicator is tantamount to claiming that the economy was better during the Great Recession (65% LFPR) than it was in the 1950's and 60's (58%-60%).

That lunacy aside, even the brain-dead right should be able to look at the entirety of the labor force participation rate and see it was relatively flat (between 58% and 60%) for decades until the baby boomer generation began hitting the age of 16 in the early 1960's; and increased until its peak when baby boomers began hitting age of 55, when many folks begin to retire; and then began dropping at a faster rate in 2008 when baby boomers began hitting the age of 62, when they become eligible for social security benefits.


Are percentages really that confusing to you?
Not at all ...

01/2001: 4.2%
01/2009: 7.8%
10/2009: 10.0%
05/2014: 6.3%
* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 104%
* NASDAQ: UP 184%
* S&P500: UP 129%

G'head, righties ... bitch & moan! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You need to change your dress, it's got a stain on it.

You fantasizing about men in stained dresses reveals more about you than it does me. :eek:
* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 104%
* NASDAQ: UP 184%
* S&P500: UP 129%

G'head, righties ... bitch & moan! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You can't make this stuff up.

Market is almost at 17K.


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