More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.


You're kinda over your head with this..Meister.


No I'm not, you stated that Bush had zero interest rates, dude.

And backed it up.

But don't believe your lying eyes..dude.


Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:
But wait, I thought the market nearing 17K was supposed to take care of this? looks like still, only the rich are getting richer. Seriously Obama apologists. Its time to start owning up to the fact obama has fixed nothing and done so at a tremendous cost too

Americans are freaking out about their personal savings – and for good reason. A recent Gallup poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed were very or moderately worried they won’t have enough money for retirement – by far their biggest concern.
What you fail to mention is that the poll you cite is down from its post Great Recession high as the economy is getting better; and despite your hysterics, that poll is now within the margin 9 error of its pre-recession level.

But on the upside, you're doing a mighty fine job as a Conservative to look for the black clouds among the silver linings. Keep up the good work.

got it, so in the liberal mind 59% not being able to retire comfortably is a success story. And tell us Faun, what is this number down from? Do you have an earlier poll?
Sal and faun both seem to be skirting my original question.........even now they are not answering it. :lol:

Duane's best work, IMO.

Greatest guitar player -- EVAH!!

Give it some time

[ame=]Boz Scaggs & Duane Allman ~ Loan Me A Dime - YouTube[/ame]

Duane does the first solo with Dickey Betts coming in at 2:30 and taking over at 2:40

Betts was incredible, but there's only one Sky Dog
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* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 104%
* NASDAQ: UP 184%
* S&P500: UP 129%

G'head, righties ... bitch & moan! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You can't make this stuff up.

Market is almost at 17K.


since we're all doing so well i guess we can start to cut back on entitlements. no need to be paying out subsidize to all these people getting rich off the rising market.
this thread started almost a month ago, bicker long enough about the economy and the market will crash and be all Obamas fault

please continue, doom and gloom required.
See the market?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
16,941.30 Up 17.02(0.10%) 10:34AM EDT

You have to remember ... good news for America is bad news for Conservatives.

VA hospitals
Release of 5 Taliban leaders for a deserter

Yeah, the conservatives have a lot to worry about with the stock market. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah, ya do. As it is, the GOP has lost its narrow lead on taking the Senate.

Oh, btw, you forgot ... Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!!
No I'm not, you stated that Bush had zero interest rates, dude.

And backed it up.

But don't believe your lying eyes..dude.


Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

WTF?? You asked when this started and you were answered ... it started under Bush. Now you whine because Liberals answered your question?? :eusa_doh:
Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%

Actually, there was a net loss of 300,000 jobs last month.
Read it an weep gloom and doom conserverinos!

Dow Average and S&P 500 Hit New Highs
Stocks Notch Records as Beaten-Down Shares Mount a Rally

nvestors snapped up shares of companies large and small, driving major indexes to records and reviving beaten-down technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 112.13 points, or 0.7%, to 16695.47, notching its second record finish in as many sessions and its third new high of 2014. The Dow notched 52 records in 2013.

The S&P 500 added 18.17 points, or 1%, to 1896.65, squeezing out its ninth record close of the year.

That along with a great April jobs report should really be making you folks cry.


Why would it?? other than another bubble on the way,but to clarify,people like yourself look for bad in things,not so much in others.
But wait, I thought the market nearing 17K was supposed to take care of this? looks like still, only the rich are getting richer. Seriously Obama apologists. Its time to start owning up to the fact obama has fixed nothing and done so at a tremendous cost too

Americans are freaking out about their personal savings – and for good reason. A recent Gallup poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed were very or moderately worried they won’t have enough money for retirement – by far their biggest concern.
What you fail to mention is that the poll you cite is down from its post Great Recession high as the economy is getting better; and despite your hysterics, that poll is now within the margin 9 error of its pre-recession level.

But on the upside, you're doing a mighty fine job as a Conservative to look for the black clouds among the silver linings. Keep up the good work.

got it, so in the liberal mind 59% not being able to retire comfortably is a success story. And tell us Faun, what is this number down from? Do you have an earlier poll?
What you fail to understand is that it's relative. In 2005 when the housing market was booming and fueling the economy, that number was 59%. It went up to 66% because of the Great Recession; and because the economy is improving, despite you doom & gloom Conservatives wishing it wasn't, it's back down to pre-recession levels.
Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%

actually the economy started to faulter when democrats gained control of congress and started to rebound when republicans regained enough control to stop more failed liberal legislation from passing

and why did obama let gas prices rise so much after the lows at the end of bush's term?
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Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%

actually the economy started to faulter when democrats gained control of congress and started to rebound when republicans regained enough control to stop more failed liberal legislation from passing

and why did obama let gas prices rise so much after the lows at the end of bush's term?
Here, on planet Earth, the economy collapsed due to housing and credit problems which began years before Democrats took over the Congress in 2007. As far as your nonsense about why did Obama "let" oil prices rise so much ... I paid more for gas when Bush was president than I did at any time while Obama's been president. Why did Bush "let" oil prices rise so high? :eusa_doh:
And backed it up.

But don't believe your lying eyes..dude.


Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

WTF?? You asked when this started and you were answered ... it started under Bush. Now you whine because Liberals answered your question?? :eusa_doh:

Actually.....what I asked WAS:
How much and how long has the Fed Reserve been infusing tens of billions every month into the economy? Which was never answered by you two. :D

Then the standard "Bush done it" excuse surfaced.

THEN Sal stated ZERO% (0%), not near zero% interest rate. :eusa_hand:
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Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%

actually the economy started to faulter when democrats gained control of congress and started to rebound when republicans regained enough control to stop more failed liberal legislation from passing

and why did obama let gas prices rise so much after the lows at the end of bush's term?
Here, on planet Earth, the economy collapsed due to housing and credit problems which began years before Democrats took over the Congress in 2007. As far as your nonsense about why did Obama "let" oil prices rise so much ... I paid more for gas when Bush was president than I did at any time while Obama's been president. Why did Bush "let" oil prices rise so high? :eusa_doh:

and whos legislation allowed the housing market to crash and credit problems to arise? Bush's? Please tell me what legislation. If not, let me that you for personally exonorating Bush of any fault in the colapse with your above statement and proving that the likes of you and sallow are nothing more than mud slinging partisans throughout this entire thread

We have over 3M less full time jobs than we did in 2007; and the Labor Force Participation Rate is the lowest since 1978.


I never could figure out how in the Communist mind. the loss of 500,000 jobs plus the addition of 200,000 jobs works out to "adding jobs."

I guess basic math is yet another thing that leftists are ignorant of...
No I'm not, you stated that Bush had zero interest rates, dude.

And backed it up.

But don't believe your lying eyes..dude.


Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

Really now.

Who's idea was that, Exactly?

Ben Bernanke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a gander at who appointed him to the post, initially..

Was not Obama.
Housing, manufacturing & Banking to start.

So, you watch MSNBC and didn't finish high school. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Pretty typical for a democrat.

It's funny everyone (pelosi, freddy, fanny, clinton, obama, harry reed) was responsible for the crash except the GOP or Bush. The actual perpetrators.

Well, no doubt. Bush is STOOOOPID, as you are trained to chant - but Bush was an evil mastermind who orchestrated the financial collapse on behalf of his cronies.. :eusa_whistle:

I shouldn't have to prove it to you. Did you have your head buried in a guys ass from 2000-2008? You forgot history already? OMG. Are you only 18 years old?

You should't have to, your masters at ThinkProgress told you this, no one can question, the party has spoken.

Your lack of intellectual curiosity makes you a perfect democrat, you have no intellect, you have no curiosity - Obama Akbar.
And backed it up.

But don't believe your lying eyes..dude.


Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

Really now.

Who's idea was that, Exactly?

Ben Bernanke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a gander at who appointed him to the post, initially..

Was not Obama.

Why must the Fed Res. keep infusing billions every month if things are as rosie as you and Faun seems to think?
What would happen if they stopped the flow next month????

I'll be waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe you are too young to remember

The Shock Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some think they let 9-11 happen because they knew they could use it to pass their tax breaks to the rich, start a war with iraq, pass the patriot act, ship jobs overseas, deregulate industry to help "get the economy going again".

Sure worked out for them. Chaney and Haloburton made a fortune and so did every other rich person from the Bush great recession of 2007. Worst fucking president ever hands down. Makes Carter look like Clinton.

Who is "Chaney," retard?

What is "Haloburton," retard? Is it a video game you play on your XBox from your mommies basement, where you live?

Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

Really now.

Who's idea was that, Exactly?

Ben Bernanke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a gander at who appointed him to the post, initially..

Was not Obama.

Why must the Fed Res. keep infusing billions every month if things are as rosie as you and Faun seems to think?
What would happen if they stopped the flow next month????

I'll be waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:


Because it's typical that the government spend money in times of economic distress.

FDR did it. Ronald Reagan did it. George W. Bush did it.

When it came time for President Barack Obama to do it? Congress froze.

So instead of building stuff or hiring more cops and firefighters? Wall street got a huge gift.


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