More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Really now.

Who's idea was that, Exactly?

Ben Bernanke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take a gander at who appointed him to the post, initially..

Was not Obama.

Why must the Fed Res. keep infusing billions every month if things are as rosie as you and Faun seems to think?
What would happen if they stopped the flow next month????

I'll be waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:


Because it's typical that the government spend money in times of economic distress.

FDR did it. Ronald Reagan did it. George W. Bush did it.

When it came time for President Barack Obama to do it? Congress froze.

So instead of building stuff or hiring more cops and firefighters? Wall street got a huge gift.


It's used as a short term fix coming out of a recession to stimulate the economy.
Nothing short term about having this throughout obama's entire tenure. :eusa_whistle:

PS.......feds pay for cops and firefighters? Really?
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Why must the Fed Res. keep infusing billions every month if things are as rosie as you and Faun seems to think?
What would happen if they stopped the flow next month????

I'll be waiting for an answer. :eusa_whistle:


Because it's typical that the government spend money in times of economic distress.

FDR did it. Ronald Reagan did it. George W. Bush did it.

When it came time for President Barack Obama to do it? Congress froze.

So instead of building stuff or hiring more cops and firefighters? Wall street got a huge gift.


It's used as a short term fix coming out of a recession to stimulate the economy.
Nothing short term about having this throughout obama's entire tenure. :eusa_whistle:

PS.......feds pay for cops and firefighters? Really?

This wasn't a normal recession.

But you wouldn't understand that.

And do feds pay for cops and firefighters?

Sure do.

That's what Jindal and Perry used their stimulus checks for..

And that's what block grants get used for..

Because it's typical that the government spend money in times of economic distress.

FDR did it. Ronald Reagan did it. George W. Bush did it.

When it came time for President Barack Obama to do it? Congress froze.

So instead of building stuff or hiring more cops and firefighters? Wall street got a huge gift.


It's used as a short term fix coming out of a recession to stimulate the economy.
Nothing short term about having this throughout obama's entire tenure. :eusa_whistle:

PS.......feds pay for cops and firefighters? Really?

This wasn't a normal recession.

But you wouldn't understand that.

And do feds pay for cops and firefighters?

Sure do.

That's what Jindal and Perry used their stimulus checks for..

And that's what block grants get used for..

You're making my case for me. You're touting just how great our economy is while the fed res. is still infusing our anemic economy. Thank you for your admission. :clap2:

With the cops and fire fighters....we weren't talking about the "stimulus" were we? You just keep moving those goal posts. :lol:

Because it's typical that the government spend money in times of economic distress.

FDR did it. Ronald Reagan did it. George W. Bush did it.

When it came time for President Barack Obama to do it? Congress froze.

So instead of building stuff or hiring more cops and firefighters? Wall street got a huge gift.


It's used as a short term fix coming out of a recession to stimulate the economy.
Nothing short term about having this throughout obama's entire tenure. :eusa_whistle:

PS.......feds pay for cops and firefighters? Really?

This wasn't a normal recession.

But you wouldn't understand that.

And do feds pay for cops and firefighters?

Sure do.

That's what Jindal and Perry used their stimulus checks for..

And that's what block grants get used for..

You're right. It wasn't a normal recession, but not for the reasons you imply.

It wasn't a normal recession because we never achieved a real recovery. Why? Because the government went on a spending binge for the benefit of its big government cronies, and prevented the real private sector from growing and creating jobs.

Worst Recovery Ever under the Most Incompetent President Ever.
It's used as a short term fix coming out of a recession to stimulate the economy.
Nothing short term about having this throughout obama's entire tenure. :eusa_whistle:

PS.......feds pay for cops and firefighters? Really?

This wasn't a normal recession.

But you wouldn't understand that.

And do feds pay for cops and firefighters?

Sure do.

That's what Jindal and Perry used their stimulus checks for..

And that's what block grants get used for..

You're making my case for me. You're touting just how great our economy is while the fed res. is still infusing our anemic economy. Thank you for your admission. :clap2:

With the cops and fire fighters....we weren't talking about the "stimulus" were we? You just keep moving those goal posts. :lol:

First off..

The economy now compared to 2008?'s doing great. You miss that Lehman went under? You know how old a company that was?

That would have been just the start.


You asked if the Federal government pays for cops and firefighters.

And the answer is? In part? Yes they do.
First off..

The economy now compared to 2008?'s doing great. You miss that Lehman went under? You know how old a company that was?

That would have been just the start.


You asked if the Federal government pays for cops and firefighters.

And the answer is? In part? Yes they do.

Because you just make shit up, it's difficult to take anything you post seriously. You are basically a buffoon. You spew idiocy to promote your party, but you fail because you are fool to be laughed at.
"It is noteworthy that even the Financial Times has reported that the Fed’s easy money has disconnected markets from the real economy, as the Fed’s wind beneath the wings of the market has helped drive the stock markets to historic highs and the 10-year Treasury yield to an historic low of 2.58%.

Meanwhile “the hunger in the markets for yield is as voracious as ever,” with investors pouring into risky junk bonds and debt, the FT warns, adding: “The performance of junk debt and equities suggests both markets are being driven less by economic fundamentals than by easy money.”

The Fed’s easy money policy could in the future be the banks’ undoing, as the cycle comes full circle -- inflated assets used by banks now for their increased capital reserve requirements could turn into valueless paper down the road."

Forbes? Gold Fix for the U.S. Economy | Fox Business
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actually the economy started to faulter when democrats gained control of congress and started to rebound when republicans regained enough control to stop more failed liberal legislation from passing

and why did obama let gas prices rise so much after the lows at the end of bush's term?
Here, on planet Earth, the economy collapsed due to housing and credit problems which began years before Democrats took over the Congress in 2007. As far as your nonsense about why did Obama "let" oil prices rise so much ... I paid more for gas when Bush was president than I did at any time while Obama's been president. Why did Bush "let" oil prices rise so high? :eusa_doh:

and whos legislation allowed the housing market to crash and credit problems to arise? Bush's? Please tell me what legislation. If not, let me that you for personally exonorating Bush of any fault in the colapse with your above statement and proving that the likes of you and sallow are nothing more than mud slinging partisans throughout this entire thread
Those would be the policies of which George Bush took credit for. It's amusing, if not pathetic, how the right credited Bush & Republicans with the housing boom before it went bust, but then act like they aren't responsible for the crater it caused to the economy. :eusa_doh:

"Thanks to our policies, home owner ship in America is at an all time high." - George Bush, 2004 R NC acceptance speech
This wasn't a normal recession.

But you wouldn't understand that.

And do feds pay for cops and firefighters?

Sure do.

That's what Jindal and Perry used their stimulus checks for..

And that's what block grants get used for..

You're making my case for me. You're touting just how great our economy is while the fed res. is still infusing our anemic economy. Thank you for your admission. :clap2:

With the cops and fire fighters....we weren't talking about the "stimulus" were we? You just keep moving those goal posts. :lol:

First off..

The economy now compared to 2008?'s doing great. You miss that Lehman went under? You know how old a company that was?

That would have been just the start.


You asked if the Federal government pays for cops and firefighters.

And the answer is? In part? Yes they do.

Do you spin often?

The fed res. is still infusing the anemic economy. That is where the rubber meets the road.
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You're making my case for me. You're touting just how great our economy is while the fed res. is still infusing our anemic economy. Thank you for your admission. :clap2:

With the cops and fire fighters....we weren't talking about the "stimulus" were we? You just keep moving those goal posts. :lol:

First off..

The economy now compared to 2008?'s doing great. You miss that Lehman went under? You know how old a company that was?

That would have been just the start.


You asked if the Federal government pays for cops and firefighters.

And the answer is? In part? Yes they do.

Do you spin often?

The fed res. is still infusing the anemic economy. That is where the rubber meets the road.

Spin what? get your questions answered and it's spin?

And you call this "anemic"?

Okay kiddo..when it was it not "anemic"?

Reagan's economy?

Do you have any idea how much money that guy was "infusing" into the economy?

Go on..guy..let us all know.

By the way?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
16,941.30 Up 17.02(0.10%) 10:34AM EDT

New record.
We should have a serious discussion on why liberals seemingly have no control whatsoever over their hypocrisy, double talk, or their ignorance.

There are 68 pages of all three on full display in this thread.
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Near zero is now zero, eh, bub??????
You said it, not me. I just called you on it.

Yet you don't want to talk about the federal reserve infusing billions every month into our economy, but rather talk about Bush..........again. Too funny :lol:

WTF?? You asked when this started and you were answered ... it started under Bush. Now you whine because Liberals answered your question?? :eusa_doh:

Actually.....what I asked WAS:
How much and how long has the Fed Reserve been infusing tens of billions every month into the economy? Which was never answered by you two. :D

Then the standard "Bush done it" excuse surfaced.

THEN Sal stated ZERO% (0%), not near zero% interest rate. :eusa_hand:
The part I highlighted is what led to the answer, "since Bush was president."

If you don't want to hear Bush's name, then I suggest you stop asking questions in which he is the answer.
So, the rich keep getting richer, and we created some jobs but not as many as we lost, and more peoe left the job market than were hired but the left is celebrating? Hey, have at it.


All jobs lost by employment in private firms..have been regained.

What hasn't been regained are jobs lost in the public sector.

So you should be CHEERING that.

We would be, if it was true----------but its not. There are fewer americans working today than when obozo took office.
First off..

The economy now compared to 2008?'s doing great. You miss that Lehman went under? You know how old a company that was?

That would have been just the start.


You asked if the Federal government pays for cops and firefighters.

And the answer is? In part? Yes they do.

Do you spin often?

The fed res. is still infusing the anemic economy. That is where the rubber meets the road.

Spin what? get your questions answered and it's spin?

And you call this "anemic"?

Okay kiddo..when it was it not "anemic"?

Reagan's economy?

Do you have any idea how much money that guy was "infusing" into the economy?

Go on..guy..let us all know.

By the way?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
16,941.30 Up 17.02(0.10%) 10:34AM EDT

New record.

National debt when Bush left office---------10 Trillion

National debt today--------------17 Trillion

National debt when obama leaves office ------ over 20 trillion

Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

NEW RECORD AND FACT. Now, STFU about how obozo has fixed the economy----the idiot has destroyed it. The DOW reflects increased wealth of the very rich--you know, the people that you hate, like the evil Koch brothers----------oh, and George Soros.
So, the rich keep getting richer, and we created some jobs but not as many as we lost, and more peoe left the job market than were hired but the left is celebrating? Hey, have at it.


All jobs lost by employment in private firms..have been regained.

What hasn't been regained are jobs lost in the public sector.

So you should be CHEERING that.

We would be, if it was true----------but its not. There are fewer americans working today than when obozo took office.

1/2009: 142,152,000
5/2014: 145,814,000
Do you spin often?

The fed res. is still infusing the anemic economy. That is where the rubber meets the road.

Spin what? get your questions answered and it's spin?

And you call this "anemic"?

Okay kiddo..when it was it not "anemic"?

Reagan's economy?

Do you have any idea how much money that guy was "infusing" into the economy?

Go on..guy..let us all know.

By the way?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
16,941.30 Up 17.02(0.10%) 10:34AM EDT

New record.

National debt when Bush left office---------10 Trillion

National debt today--------------17 Trillion

National debt when obama leaves office ------ over 20 trillion

Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

NEW RECORD AND FACT. Now, STFU about how obozo has fixed the economy----the idiot has destroyed it. The DOW reflects increased wealth of the very rich--you know, the people that you hate, like the evil Koch brothers----------oh, and George Soros.

The actual figures (not accounting for your fuzzy rounding) has Bush leaving the debt at $10.6t and it's projected to be at around $19.8t when Obama leaves office. That's an increase of 87%, i.e., less than all presidents before him combined. If you want to see what it looks like when a president runs up the debt more than all other previous presidents combined, look no further than Ronald Reagan, who drove up the debt 186%.
Spin what? get your questions answered and it's spin?

And you call this "anemic"?

Okay kiddo..when it was it not "anemic"?

Reagan's economy?

Do you have any idea how much money that guy was "infusing" into the economy?

Go on..guy..let us all know.

By the way?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
16,941.30 Up 17.02(0.10%) 10:34AM EDT

New record.

National debt when Bush left office---------10 Trillion

National debt today--------------17 Trillion

National debt when obama leaves office ------ over 20 trillion

Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

NEW RECORD AND FACT. Now, STFU about how obozo has fixed the economy----the idiot has destroyed it. The DOW reflects increased wealth of the very rich--you know, the people that you hate, like the evil Koch brothers----------oh, and George Soros.

The actual figures (not accounting for your fuzzy rounding) has Bush leaving the debt at $10.6t and it's projected to be at around $19.8t when Obama leaves office. That's an increase of 87%, i.e., less than all presidents before him combined. If you want to see what it looks like when a president runs up the debt more than all other previous presidents combined, look no further than Ronald Reagan, who drove up the debt 186%.

Bull shit.
WTF?? You asked when this started and you were answered ... it started under Bush. Now you whine because Liberals answered your question?? :eusa_doh:

Actually.....what I asked WAS:
How much and how long has the Fed Reserve been infusing tens of billions every month into the economy? Which was never answered by you two. :D

Then the standard "Bush done it" excuse surfaced.

THEN Sal stated ZERO% (0%), not near zero% interest rate. :eusa_hand:
The part I highlighted is what led to the answer, "since Bush was president."

If you don't want to hear Bush's name, then I suggest you stop asking questions in which he is the answer.
2008? Late in 2008?
Obama 2009-2014 and counting.

My original premise has been that you and Sal were touting just how good our economy is.
I was just saying the market is doing well because the fed res is infusing money into the economy by buying bonds/securities in the billions every month.
You two have done nothing with your Booooooooosh rhetoric, or making comparisons. :eusa_whistle:
National debt when Bush left office---------10 Trillion

National debt today--------------17 Trillion

National debt when obama leaves office ------ over 20 trillion

Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

NEW RECORD AND FACT. Now, STFU about how obozo has fixed the economy----the idiot has destroyed it. The DOW reflects increased wealth of the very rich--you know, the people that you hate, like the evil Koch brothers----------oh, and George Soros.

The actual figures (not accounting for your fuzzy rounding) has Bush leaving the debt at $10.6t and it's projected to be at around $19.8t when Obama leaves office. That's an increase of 87%, i.e., less than all presidents before him combined. If you want to see what it looks like when a president runs up the debt more than all other previous presidents combined, look no further than Ronald Reagan, who drove up the debt 186%.

Bull shit.

The numbers come from:

Historical debt figures:

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Projected debt figures:

Forum List
