More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.


And gloom and doomers?

Market up again. New record.


Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table. A 1/10 of one percent gain is hardly the birth a bull market. More symptomatic of a dying one.

Yes Henry..the market hit another record..but it's "dying"..

Unlike when it plummeted to 7K, that's when it was "vital", right?

You guys are pretty funnah!

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Yes they did.

Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit.

Who cares about the estimate? Bottom line, he spent, it added to the deficit.
Just like when Obama overspends.

Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending

See, your own link agrees.

You're sorta amazing.

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

They were added to the deficit under Obama.

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

See how that works?

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

You keep saying that.
So prove it.

I provided links, man. time machine is broken. You have a spare flux capacitor, handy?
You're sorta amazing.

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

They were added to the deficit under Obama.

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

See how that works?

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

You keep saying that.
So prove it.

I provided links, man. time machine is broken. You have a spare flux capacitor, handy?

I provided links, man.

All you need are links that actually prove your claim.
They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

You keep saying that.
So prove it.

I provided links, man. time machine is broken. You have a spare flux capacitor, handy?

I provided links, man.

All you need are links that actually prove your claim.

Yes Todd, don't believe your lying eyes.

The Supplemental Emergency Spending was put on a separate track and never scored in the debt or the deficit. Until Obama.

It was an auditing trick meant to confuse the rubes.
I provided links, man. time machine is broken. You have a spare flux capacitor, handy?

I provided links, man.

All you need are links that actually prove your claim.

Yes Todd, don't believe your lying eyes.

The Supplemental Emergency Spending was put on a separate track and never scored in the debt or the deficit. Until Obama.

It was an auditing trick meant to confuse the rubes.

Your link didn't say that.
The only rube here is you.

Try again, find a real link that says Supplemental Emergency Spending did not count toward the debt or deficit.
a recession is when your neighbor loses their job

a depression is when you lose your job

a recovery is when Obama loses his

Yebbut only if a conservative recovers his job, eliminates the unconstitutional laws foisted on America by Nancy Pelosi et al, declares war on the National Debt to decimate it, and holds the line on spending by enlisting volunteers from the citizenship as has been done in the past by other conservatives.

I'd also like to see cribbing at the polls punishable by 30-year sentences, voting privileges denied 3-strkes criminals, juvenile felonies past the age of 14 public record if the hoodlum has an established mental maturity of knowing right from wrong. (Tries to hide his felony, chest thumps his felony, attempts to harass or harm witnesses of his felony, etc.), and no felons allowed to hold public office or to run for public office.

We need to hold Mexico accountable for treating Americans like war criminals, particularly when they have cooperated with the police and are beaten senseless later on by higher-ups who hate America.

We need to hold Mexico accountable for exporting their own citizens across the border by charging them in land for every 178 immigrants, one acre since 1960, and since that's the equivalent of 50 million immigrants, we'll take Baja plus arable lands watered by the Colorado, Rio Grande, and their tributaries. That will make up for some of the landfill and watered areas that are being pumped by their 50,000,000 expatriates. A few years back, Georgia dried up and had nothing left in water. We have our own land and water issues north of the Mexican border, and they better do their part to fix what havoc they're causing. Since they distribute zero benefits to paisanos while they're over there, they will have to for dumping them here.

We will in return for adequate space, agree to see that their people are taken care of since Mexico is too into itself to help out the poor achieve the better things of life on their peso.

It's disgusting to see how horrible they treat their people to make them flee to anywhere else.

the Left is celebrating things they claim to despise; like record corporate profits

it really is that simple

Republicans/corporatists/oil drillers/gun rightists/tax cutters... ought to be hoping for a third term, i.e. recind the 22nd Amendment because of President Obama's DJIA record -- why aren't you?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (1900 - Present Monthly)​


1900 - Present Monthly
20 Year Segments
1900 - 1920 | 1920 - 1940 | 1940 - 1960 | 1960 - 1980 | 1980 - 2000 | 2000 - Present

And gloom and doomers?

Market up again. New record.


Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table. A 1/10 of one percent gain is hardly the birth a bull market. More symptomatic of a dying one.

Yes Henry..the market hit another record..but it's "dying"..

Unlike when it plummeted to 7K, that's when it was "vital", right?

You guys are pretty funnah!


funny how democrats gain control of congress, the market crashes. they lose control of congress, the market rises
Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table. A 1/10 of one percent gain is hardly the birth a bull market. More symptomatic of a dying one.

Yes Henry..the market hit another record..but it's "dying"..

Unlike when it plummeted to 7K, that's when it was "vital", right?

You guys are pretty funnah!


funny how democrats gain control of congress, the market crashes. they lose control of congress, the market rises

Shhhhhh! I've put a lot of effort into convincing him/her/it that this is the time to mortgage the house and buy, buy, BUY!
Nobody ever went broke by leaving a little money on the table. A 1/10 of one percent gain is hardly the birth a bull market. More symptomatic of a dying one.

Yes Henry..the market hit another record..but it's "dying"..

Unlike when it plummeted to 7K, that's when it was "vital", right?

You guys are pretty funnah!


funny how democrats gain control of congress, the market crashes. they lose control of congress, the market rises

Nothing republicans or conservatives good for the long term success of the economy.
Obamanomics creates another 217,000 jobs last month. He is replacing the jobs Republicans destroyed.

The Repubtards Blew $70 Billion on F-22 planes that will never see combat & melt in the rain.

Stocks Up Again Today. Oil Down.

Republican Deficit Spending Drove Oil Price Up 1,000%
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A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

We have over 3M less full time jobs than we did in 2007; and the Labor Force Participation Rate is the lowest since 1978.


We have over 3M less full time jobs than we did in 2007; and the Labor Force Participation Rate is the lowest since 1978.


Maybe the GOP shouldn't have helped corporations ship 700,000 good paying manufacturing jobs a month overseas then?

You act like the GOP and corporations want to pay more not less. The GOP America is either you are a rich business owner or you work at Walmart or McD's. You certainly don't have the option of getting a good union job.

This is why we told the GOP to stop giving corporations tax breaks for nothing. Give them a tax break for each new person they hire. Don't just cut their taxes and hope because that money will all go to the ceo and shareholders. Corporations are sitting on money just like they did after the great recession.

Lets fix NAFTA. Bring a bunch of jobs back home!
A booming market doesn't mean you have a booming economy as the numbers on govt assistance should inform you. If the economy is booming why do majority of Americans believe their kids will be worse off than they are? Why does the market tank at first whisper of an end to QE? Libs whine about income disparity but celebrate QE welfare for the rich.

The country was on the right track before the great depression and the rich deregulated and the economy boomed and busted every 10 years. Bush deregulated and same thing. Notice the rich get rich no matter if we're booming or busting. Only we get fucked on the fall.

Walmart subsodizes it's profits with government assistance. If they paid their employees more then those employees wouldn't need welfare.

It's because healthcare costs will bankrupt your kids. And they won't have a good ss because the GOP are out to destroy ss. So don't expect a raise. The only reason we got raises over the last 50 years was because corporations had to keep up with union wages for fear their employees would want to unionize. They broke the unions so the corporations rule, for now. I see the McD and Walmart employees unionizing in the future, but it's a lot harder when there are only 9 employees at each McD. It was easier at Ford or GM because there were hundreds of workers in each plant. Hard to organize when every McD location only has 9 employees.

We have over 3M less full time jobs than we did in 2007; and the Labor Force Participation Rate is the lowest since 1978.


Hard getting out of the hole bush dug us into but remember this. Clinton handed Bush a surplus and Bush handed Obama this mess. Think about how mad we were with Bush for doing what he did to the surplus and economy???

You aren't happy with how fast he's gotten us out of the mess your policies created? Too fucking bad. I suspect the rich that your party actually represent actually like Obama. THey've done great under him. But his policies might slow their profits so they want a Republican in the White House so they can fuck us again. If we're stupid enough to put another one in. Look at how quickly people forgot how bad daddy bush was and we elected his retard son. Now we might elect his other goober selfish spoiled son. NOT. Hillary 2016!

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