More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Not really.

What it does is make selfishness legitimate by couching it in an ideology.

One thing to "admire" about Ayn Rand, was she was honest about the selfishness thing.

Today's libertarians? Not so much.

Are you democrats honest about your goal of eradicating the U.S. Constitution? Do you openly admit that you seek a centrally managed economy?

When you scream about a "living wage" do you admit that your goal is to force Walmart workers into a union so that you can take part of their wages to fund public employee retirement?

For YOU Shallow, who has not a hint of integrity, to speak of honesty is beyond the pale.
Trade sanctions hit our exports lowering GDP & holding the line on government spending is limiting GDP. Domestic consumption is the only thing driving GDP & it is doing great. No more budget busting government spending propping up GDP like Bush Republicans did.

You shouldn't post when tripping on LSD...

{Prior to the latest round of easing—dubbed QE3—many analysts felt further Fed action would have a limited impact on stocks, since the shock value has worn off and investors have already barreled into stocks over the past few weeks, in anticipation of another bump courtesy of the Fed. But the Fed surprised the markets with a new commitment to buying bonds indefinitely, until unemployment improves. "This program is more aggressive than market expectations," Moody's Analytics explained to clients. Stocks leapt on the news.}

Why Wall Street Loves Quantitative Easing - US News

While your post is the stupidest post in USMB history, I realize that you posted it because you're tripping like a motherfucker and have no connection at all to reality.
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Are you going to elaborate on what has made your net worth rise, or are you crediting a specific Obama socialist policy?

What specific Obama policy are you crediting?
Not really.

What it does is make selfishness legitimate by couching it in an ideology.

One thing to "admire" about Ayn Rand, was she was honest about the selfishness thing.

Today's libertarians? Not so much.

Are you democrats honest about your goal of eradicating the U.S. Constitution? Do you openly admit that you seek a centrally managed economy?

When you scream about a "living wage" do you admit that your goal is to force Walmart workers into a union so that you can take part of their wages to fund public employee retirement?

For YOU Shallow, who has not a hint of integrity, to speak of honesty is beyond the pale.
voting for democrats will change the look of the constitution drastically
There's alot of hiring going on.

More lying by you Communists than actual hiring.

For every person hired in Q1 - 4 people left the work force.


Right now?

IT is very hot. Especially on the security end.

You'd know this if you tuned into a real news channel.

I recommend 1010WINS.


4 people leave the work force in defeat for every person who gets a job.

That's what you Communists call "progress."
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Me to. I switched my retirement funds over to mutual funds in anticipation of my upcoming retirement date which I recently reached. The recession hit and I lost about 40% value in the mutual funds. Since 2008 they have regained their value and just keep on growing. Hence, I am earning a few dollars more than expected in my retirement, at least at the present time. Some of that is extra is being invested in what I call tangibles. Guns and tools.
Trade sanctions hit our exports lowering GDP & holding the line on government spending is limiting GDP. Domestic consumption is the only thing driving GDP & it is doing great. No more budget busting government spending propping up GDP like Bush Republicans did.


No more budget busting government spending propping up GDP like Bush Republicans did.

Bush? Every Obama deficit has been larger than the largest Bush deficit.

That's mainly because Bush never paid for his wars, the medicare drug benefit and the department of homeland security.

He left that for Obama to do.

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.
Are you going to elaborate on what has made your net worth rise, or are you crediting a specific Obama socialist policy?

What specific Obama policy are you crediting?

$1.3 TRILLION in corporate welfare to Wall Street has increased the DOW, so it could be that. No administration in history has even come close to the level of corporate welfare that Obama hands out.
they take people that are lacking in rational thinking and indoctrinate a highly axiomatic line of BS, which in turn, makes people stupid.

They take liberals and make them stupid?

Don't they know liberals are already stupid?

OnePercenter chose his name because he is in the lowest 1% of IQ's in the nation...

I would have more fun sucking a fart from a boar than communicating with that piece of shit. He is on ignore. Absolute hopeless hack.

Sallow is so stupid that he makes me laugh. Onepercenter gives me bad gas.

Sallow's not stupid, he's ok for a liberal :)
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Me to. I switched my retirement funds over to mutual funds in anticipation of my upcoming retirement date which I recently reached. The recession hit and I lost about 40% value in the mutual funds. Since 2008 they have regained their value and just keep on growing. Hence, I am earning a few dollars more than expected in my retirement, at least at the present time. Some of that is extra is being invested in what I call tangibles. Guns and tools.

We need to elect another Bush, and watch the market drop by 45%, which is another terrific buying opportunity. Then, we throw him out and elect a democrat, and cash in all over again!
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Are you going to elaborate on what has made your net worth rise, or are you crediting a specific Obama socialist policy?

What specific Obama policy are you crediting?

Well, for instance, when I saw that Obama was going to be elected, I bought a ton of mutual funds in the health care industry. Since then, ACA was enacted, and these funds are up 120%!
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Are you going to elaborate on what has made your net worth rise, or are you crediting a specific Obama socialist policy?

What specific Obama policy are you crediting?

Well, for instance, when I saw that Obama was going to be elected, I bought a ton of mutual funds in the health care industry. Since then, ACA was enacted, and these funds are up 120%!

That..was smart.
Sallow's not stupid, he's ok for a liberal :)

I agree that he isn't stupid - but he has utterly no integrity - not a hint or a shred - and that makes him worthless to discuss or debate with.

The same can be said for all of us from time to time. I find Sallow to be one of the least offensive of the lib posters. I find a lot of ironic humor in his comments. The attacks seem to just roll off his shoulders... and I admire him for it.
Are you going to elaborate on what has made your net worth rise, or are you crediting a specific Obama socialist policy?

What specific Obama policy are you crediting?

Well, for instance, when I saw that Obama was going to be elected, I bought a ton of mutual funds in the health care industry. Since then, ACA was enacted, and these funds are up 120%!

That..was smart.

My 50 year career was in health insurance. I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Also, when it became clear that the USA was going to bail out GM and Chrysler, I saw that Ford was selling at only 5 5/8, in sympathy. I bought, and now it is at 16.44!!!!!!!!
The best part of all this is that since the GOP is dead set against raising taxes, all these gains will be taxed at a lower capital gains rate, when I cash in. I should have had it so good when I used to drag my ass out of bed every morning at 6;30 AM, put on a suit and tie, and go to work!

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