More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

And that huge sucking sound was the Markets crashing due to their Fiat Money Ponzi scheme, backed up by the Federal Reserve currency policies.
Now you lose all credibility.

Constraining a market with a fixed currency pool is a recipe to retard growth. Fiat currency that expands and contracts as the market does is vital to a stable economy.

The question of who controls that currency is the real one to ask.

The very ones who were too big to Fail................The same ones who got a large portion of the back door loans from the Federal Reserve......aka 16.1 TRILLION as everyone said it was all about TARP.

The Gov't decided to allow these assholes to go SELF REGULATED. And so the Derivative markets exploded in many areas. I'd agree that the largest area was Mortgages, and that it set the crash, they were absolutely speculating in other areas.................

It was THIS that actually brought the whole dang thing down.

Many posts ago, I showed the Mountain Ranges, as the Markets go up up up, and then BLAM.........They crash. It's just what they do.

When it crashes next time, it will be someone else's fault again. Surely we can't say ENRON hosed over a dang lot of people either. Oh it was just a few that did this and nothing else. Oh well.........

History, of what these Mega Banker Monsters do when let off the leash, that they speculate and cause a HERD to stampede............Run with them a while, and jump out of the Herd and watch them go over the cliff........Problem is, sometimes they can't get out of the herd and get stuck and THEN CRY WE NEED A BAILOUT and TRILLIONS of our Currency goes out to them...

That is utter BS. And left unregulated they will do it again. Whether it be 1819, the Great Depression, the Crash of 2008, or the next one which is coming.

They know what they are doing. They knew what they were doing, and the Gov't just throws more money at it, and waits to do it again.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED.............Never again should we bail them out and allow those massive loans which helps to destroy our currency............

And left unregulated they will do it again.

Unregulated? That's funny.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED

In addition to the hundreds of billions they lost when borrowers defaulted?
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system.

Correlation does not imply causation.

By the way, Canadian reserve requirements for banks are zero.
I guess our stricter requirements caused our problems? LOL!

Are the Canadians smarter than us?

Smarter than you, for sure.
Of course fungi are smarter than you.
Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.
No, big pig government is not the greatest force for good, the people are the ones who make good things happen through their own hard work and successes. Universities lose sight of the people when Congress supports both good and bad schools and sends money with no consequences to pay it back through student success.

Greedy corporations? You mean companies should do something for nothing?

You need to see your talking points as their own self-made discredits in the form below:

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The Dow is made up of 30 Megacorps - it is hardly representative of the economy at large.

As a counterpoint, I saw an interview this AM with an executive at a medical device company. He explained how ObamaCare is hurting his industry due to the added tax on revenue. His company has acquired several start ups in the field because the tax was killing them.

And that in a nutshell is the Obama Economy: Big Government Cronies are protected from competition from up and coming Main Street. The Dow reflects this.
I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.
No, big pig government is not the greatest force for good, the people are the ones who make good things happen through their own hard work and successes. Universities lose sight of the people when Congress supports both good and bad schools and sends money with no consequences to pay it back through student success.

Greedy corporations? You mean companies should do something for nothing?

You need to see your talking points as their own self-made discredits in the form below:


Chris only sings that tune when democrats are in charge. when they aren't government is the biggest evil going. i guess its nice to be able to view things through totally partisan eyes
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

move to canada then
Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Well yeah.

But Conservatives support ponzi schemes for the long as the rich benefit.

The only time they cry like stuck when it personally effects them.

Check Cheney and his gay daughter. You think he would support gays if he didn't know any?

Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Our roads are full of pot holes, we rank number 14 in the world for education, when we used to be number 3 before Government took over. Social Security disability will be broke in 2016, NASA can't get our own people to the space station, EPA is making it very difficult to do business here, FBI agent's name recently exposed.

The bigger our Federal Government gets, the worse things get. It's out of control and too big to manage.

Who put in place those derivate based Ponzi schemes? Government that's who. They are called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Our government should have never been in the housing market.
And that huge sucking sound was the Markets crashing due to their Fiat Money Ponzi scheme, backed up by the Federal Reserve currency policies.
Now you lose all credibility.

Constraining a market with a fixed currency pool is a recipe to retard growth. Fiat currency that expands and contracts as the market does is vital to a stable economy.

The question of who controls that currency is the real one to ask.

The very ones who were too big to Fail................The same ones who got a large portion of the back door loans from the Federal Reserve......aka 16.1 TRILLION as everyone said it was all about TARP.

The Gov't decided to allow these assholes to go SELF REGULATED. And so the Derivative markets exploded in many areas. I'd agree that the largest area was Mortgages, and that it set the crash, they were absolutely speculating in other areas.................

It was THIS that actually brought the whole dang thing down.

Many posts ago, I showed the Mountain Ranges, as the Markets go up up up, and then BLAM.........They crash. It's just what they do.

When it crashes next time, it will be someone else's fault again. Surely we can't say ENRON hosed over a dang lot of people either. Oh it was just a few that did this and nothing else. Oh well.........

History, of what these Mega Banker Monsters do when let off the leash, that they speculate and cause a HERD to stampede............Run with them a while, and jump out of the Herd and watch them go over the cliff........Problem is, sometimes they can't get out of the herd and get stuck and THEN CRY WE NEED A BAILOUT and TRILLIONS of our Currency goes out to them...

That is utter BS. And left unregulated they will do it again. Whether it be 1819, the Great Depression, the Crash of 2008, or the next one which is coming.

They know what they are doing. They knew what they were doing, and the Gov't just throws more money at it, and waits to do it again.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED.............Never again should we bail them out and allow those massive loans which helps to destroy our currency............

And left unregulated they will do it again.

Unregulated? That's funny.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED

In addition to the hundreds of billions they lost when borrowers defaulted?

he forgot to mention that obamacare has now made the insurance companies too big to fail.
And that huge sucking sound was the Markets crashing due to their Fiat Money Ponzi scheme, backed up by the Federal Reserve currency policies.

The very ones who were too big to Fail................The same ones who got a large portion of the back door loans from the Federal Reserve......aka 16.1 TRILLION as everyone said it was all about TARP.

The Gov't decided to allow these assholes to go SELF REGULATED. And so the Derivative markets exploded in many areas. I'd agree that the largest area was Mortgages, and that it set the crash, they were absolutely speculating in other areas.................

It was THIS that actually brought the whole dang thing down.

Many posts ago, I showed the Mountain Ranges, as the Markets go up up up, and then BLAM.........They crash. It's just what they do.

When it crashes next time, it will be someone else's fault again. Surely we can't say ENRON hosed over a dang lot of people either. Oh it was just a few that did this and nothing else. Oh well.........

History, of what these Mega Banker Monsters do when let off the leash, that they speculate and cause a HERD to stampede............Run with them a while, and jump out of the Herd and watch them go over the cliff........Problem is, sometimes they can't get out of the herd and get stuck and THEN CRY WE NEED A BAILOUT and TRILLIONS of our Currency goes out to them...

That is utter BS. And left unregulated they will do it again. Whether it be 1819, the Great Depression, the Crash of 2008, or the next one which is coming.

They know what they are doing. They knew what they were doing, and the Gov't just throws more money at it, and waits to do it again.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED.............Never again should we bail them out and allow those massive loans which helps to destroy our currency............

And left unregulated they will do it again.

Unregulated? That's funny.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED

In addition to the hundreds of billions they lost when borrowers defaulted?

he forgot to mention that obamacare has now made the insurance companies too big to fail.

He's not very bright.
I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Well yeah.

But Conservatives support ponzi schemes for the long as the rich benefit.

The only time they cry like stuck when it personally effects them.

Check Cheney and his gay daughter. You think he would support gays if he didn't know any?


I thought ponzi schemes were illegal. :eusa_eh:

Also, what do you have against gays, Sallow? You really should be ashamed of yourself....but I have my doubts you are.
I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Well yeah.

But Conservatives support ponzi schemes for the long as the rich benefit.

The only time they cry like stuck when it personally effects them.

Check Cheney and his gay daughter. You think he would support gays if he didn't know any?


Please tell us how the ponzi schemes for the rich work.

You might also tell us how Harry Reid got so wealthy while in office.

And why he and Obama have not shut down these schemes. Or even tried.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Why the FUCK are you still here Chrissy? GO!

I am here to oppose you until my dying breath.

Do you have AIDS?
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

move to canada then

Chrissy moves to Canada, and the IQ of the whole commonwealth drops 10 points...

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Our roads are full of pot holes, we rank number 14 in the world for education, when we used to be number 3 before Government took over. Social Security disability will be broke in 2016, NASA can't get our own people to the space station, EPA is making it very difficult to do business here, FBI agent's name recently exposed.

The bigger our Federal Government gets, the worse things get. It's out of control and too big to manage.

Who put in place those derivate based Ponzi schemes? Government that's who. They are called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Our government should have never been in the housing market.

Maybe you folks should support spending money for a space program and to fix pot holes. least fund the VA, won't ya?
The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

Well yeah.

But Conservatives support ponzi schemes for the long as the rich benefit.

The only time they cry like stuck when it personally effects them.

Check Cheney and his gay daughter. You think he would support gays if he didn't know any?


Please tell us how the ponzi schemes for the rich work.

You might also tell us how Harry Reid got so wealthy while in office.

And why he and Obama have not shut down these schemes. Or even tried.

Which is why folks like you cry about Dodd/Frank.

Oh yeah..because it does a bit to shut down Ponzi schemes and you don't like it.

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