More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Fortunately, us in finance won't pay for it.

But you losers will.

There are all kind of payments in this world Toro.....

But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:
There are all kind of payments in this world Toro.....

But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:

Parasites are magic.

When they buy, prices go up.
When the sell, prices stay the same.

But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:

Parasites are magic.

When they buy, prices go up.
When the sell, prices stay the same.



Again, the markets did nothing wrong then and nothing now.......................

They didn't crash a thing and the new 8th Wonder of the World is an illusion........
The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:

Parasites are magic.

When they buy, prices go up.
When the sell, prices stay the same.



Again, the markets did nothing wrong then and nothing now.......................

They didn't crash a thing and the new 8th Wonder of the World is an illusion........

Let me know when you can explain how those market meanies made food more expensive for poor people and made tons of money, just by trading futures.
Parasites are magic.

When they buy, prices go up.
When the sell, prices stay the same.



Again, the markets did nothing wrong then and nothing now.......................

They didn't crash a thing and the new 8th Wonder of the World is an illusion........

Let me know when you can explain how those market meanies made food more expensive for poor people and made tons of money, just by trading futures.

The articles did so..........When the herd of Wall Street starts a buying frenzy on any item , I suppose in your world the dang prices go down...........

But them trading commodities in massive volumes on futures don't do anything to prices at all.

I'll repeat what I've already stated.

When pigs fly...............

Again, the markets did nothing wrong then and nothing now.......................

They didn't crash a thing and the new 8th Wonder of the World is an illusion........

Let me know when you can explain how those market meanies made food more expensive for poor people and made tons of money, just by trading futures.

The articles did so..........When the herd of Wall Street starts a buying frenzy on any item , I suppose in your world the dang prices go down...........

But them trading commodities in massive volumes on futures don't do anything to prices at all.

I'll repeat what I've already stated.

When pigs fly...............

The articles did so..........


When the herd of Wall Street starts a buying frenzy on any item

How do they do that with futures?

When pigs fly...............

That's when you'll get educated on markets?
There are all kind of payments in this world Toro.....

But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:
I read a report that the Obama Administration issued a downsize ultimatum to the big food corporations of 10 to 20% the first time. So from 3 lb. coffee cans, we went to 2.5 lbs, and now the same size can sells for a dollar more and is at 1 lb 12 ozs. The retailers didn't lose a penny, the food companies didn't lose anything, and those who do not read labels had absolutely zero idea of the concealed inflation downsizing two or three times over the last 4 years has been. None, zero, zip, nada.

Today or yesterday I read a troubling headline that said something to the effect for people to expect a rapid increase in prices in the next couple of months.

Eh! They can't reduce the sizes of the cans anymore, so the truth and the consequences of that truth is about to ripen.

Democrats somehow think people are really stupid. It's just that they can't fool home economists worth their salt, although now, fewer home economics courses are being taught at every level. Some have cut out sewing classes and replaced them with computer labs or offer 2 weeks in an art class to fibers. :rolleyes:

Out here where the rubber hits the road, you have to buy more products to feed your family due to size reductions.

Inflation indeed. Concealed inflation has fooled a lot, but not all of the consumers in this nation. Too bad.
i worked for the nyse for 13.5 years..and now i work for a new financial firm.

There's no "double standard", i have a vested interest in a healthy market.

As do most americans who have 401ks and other retirement plans or a stock portfolio.

Additionally a healthy stock market generally indicates an economy that's either healthy or recovering.

Only doom sayers think this is bad news.

i am all for a healthy financial market, always have been...

The 20mill who are still unemployed would love it too if they had a 401k...

The double standard you will display comes later, you know it and so does everyone else...

The admin has failed miserably at creating a recovery...

as i've posted numerous times in this very thread, the job losses in the private sector that occurred during the bush administration in the private sector have been completely reversed.

What hasn't been reversed is the job losses in the public sector.

As you folks want to shrink government recovering those losses are completely incompatible with your agenda.

At least when there is a democrat at the helm.

Because during the reagan and george w. Bush years, hiring in the public sector was robust.

Wrong, Public Sector jobs are not evil when they are truly needed, what liberals have done for decades is use Public Sector jobs by saying they are a "multiplier", in theory they are, but we are paying for them with deficit spending, not what you would call a role model for success...

But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:
I read a report that the Obama Administration issued a downsize ultimatum to the big food corporations of 10 to 20% the first time. So from 3 lb. coffee cans, we went to 2.5 lbs, and now the same size can sells for a dollar more and is at 1 lb 12 ozs. The retailers didn't lose a penny, the food companies didn't lose anything, and those who do not read labels had absolutely zero idea of the concealed inflation downsizing two or three times over the last 4 years has been. None, zero, zip, nada.

Today or yesterday I read a troubling headline that said something to the effect for people to expect a rapid increase in prices in the next couple of months.

Eh! They can't reduce the sizes of the cans anymore, so the truth and the consequences of that truth is about to ripen.

Democrats somehow think people are really stupid. It's just that they can't fool home economists worth their salt, although now, fewer home economics courses are being taught at every level. Some have cut out sewing classes and replaced them with computer labs or offer 2 weeks in an art class to fibers. :rolleyes:

Out here where the rubber hits the road, you have to buy more products to feed your family due to size reductions.

Inflation indeed. Concealed inflation has fooled a lot, but not all of the consumers in this nation. Too bad.

Anyone who shops and looks can see it. Either higher prices or less of the product.
The only good economic news when the Dow goes up is for rich people.

Are you sure? If I sell my stock portfolio do I have to send my gains to a real rich person?
I hope not. Please check to see if only rich people gain from the stock market. I've been in the market for 30 plus years and thought I had some good market new occasionally. Are you sure?
When people talk about the market they are not referring to suburban tract dwellers and their 401ks. They try to use it as an indicator for the health of the nation as a whole. Then partisan douches like Sallow scream see the economy is great! Obammy is Lord! Well it's not great. Not even close. And it could go to 20k and it won't make it true.
But few monetary payments go to conspiracy theorists.

For good reason.

The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:
I read a report that the Obama Administration issued a downsize ultimatum to the big food corporations of 10 to 20% the first time. So from 3 lb. coffee cans, we went to 2.5 lbs, and now the same size can sells for a dollar more and is at 1 lb 12 ozs. The retailers didn't lose a penny, the food companies didn't lose anything, and those who do not read labels had absolutely zero idea of the concealed inflation downsizing two or three times over the last 4 years has been. None, zero, zip, nada.

Today or yesterday I read a troubling headline that said something to the effect for people to expect a rapid increase in prices in the next couple of months.

Eh! They can't reduce the sizes of the cans anymore, so the truth and the consequences of that truth is about to ripen.

Democrats somehow think people are really stupid. It's just that they can't fool home economists worth their salt, although now, fewer home economics courses are being taught at every level. Some have cut out sewing classes and replaced them with computer labs or offer 2 weeks in an art class to fibers. :rolleyes:

Out here where the rubber hits the road, you have to buy more products to feed your family due to size reductions.

Inflation indeed. Concealed inflation has fooled a lot, but not all of the consumers in this nation. Too bad.

Smaller packaging.......Yea, Obama invented that
i am all for a healthy financial market, always have been...

The 20mill who are still unemployed would love it too if they had a 401k...

The double standard you will display comes later, you know it and so does everyone else...

The admin has failed miserably at creating a recovery...

as i've posted numerous times in this very thread, the job losses in the private sector that occurred during the bush administration in the private sector have been completely reversed.

What hasn't been reversed is the job losses in the public sector.

As you folks want to shrink government recovering those losses are completely incompatible with your agenda.

At least when there is a democrat at the helm.

Because during the reagan and george w. Bush years, hiring in the public sector was robust.

Wrong, Public Sector jobs are not evil when they are truly needed, what liberals have done for decades is use Public Sector jobs by saying they are a "multiplier", in theory they are, but we are paying for them with deficit spending, not what you would call a role model for success...

View attachment 30225

Drove on any roads lately? Been to any airports?

The US infrastructure is dangerous and a national disgrace.

Repairs are long past due.
Drove on any roads lately? Been to any airports?

The US infrastructure is dangerous and a national disgrace.

Repairs are long past due.

I agree with you.
There hasn't been a gas tax increase in how many years?
I support this - IF the money goes towards infrastructure.
The prices didn't go up up and away then to a peak in 2007.

What a relief.............Shit I thought the markets crashed or something............

It's all BS that you parasites did this and past parasites did it in the Great Depression and the 1st Great Depression of 1819 for the same reasons..........

Damn I'm relieved..............I guess now the Fed can stop pumping the currency into it then................

No need for JP Morgan to buy green backs in Belgium anymore either..............

And those in the Federal Reserve don't make any money either................

Another Relief..........:eusa_pray:
I read a report that the Obama Administration issued a downsize ultimatum to the big food corporations of 10 to 20% the first time. So from 3 lb. coffee cans, we went to 2.5 lbs, and now the same size can sells for a dollar more and is at 1 lb 12 ozs. The retailers didn't lose a penny, the food companies didn't lose anything, and those who do not read labels had absolutely zero idea of the concealed inflation downsizing two or three times over the last 4 years has been. None, zero, zip, nada.

Today or yesterday I read a troubling headline that said something to the effect for people to expect a rapid increase in prices in the next couple of months.

Eh! They can't reduce the sizes of the cans anymore, so the truth and the consequences of that truth is about to ripen.

Democrats somehow think people are really stupid. It's just that they can't fool home economists worth their salt, although now, fewer home economics courses are being taught at every level. Some have cut out sewing classes and replaced them with computer labs or offer 2 weeks in an art class to fibers. :rolleyes:

Out here where the rubber hits the road, you have to buy more products to feed your family due to size reductions.

Inflation indeed. Concealed inflation has fooled a lot, but not all of the consumers in this nation. Too bad.

Smaller packaging.......Yea, Obama invented that

Neither did he invent curbing consumption through price controls. I wonder who's idea is was to jack up the excise taxes on everything the left deemed unhealthy, essentially a fat or sin tax?
Last edited:
Drove on any roads lately? Been to any airports?

The US infrastructure is dangerous and a national disgrace.

Repairs are long past due.

I agree with you.
There hasn't been a gas tax increase in how many years?
I support this - IF the money goes towards infrastructure.

Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

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