More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

I normally don't agree with Chris, but in this instance I agree. The Housing Market was part of the speculative bubble and was the straw that broke the camel's back, but in NO WAY was the ultimate cause of the whole dang thing.

Mortgage backed securities were the bubble that led to collapse, there is no question or dispute in this. Lack of solvency in other areas may have contributed to the extent of the crash, but MBS were absolutely the bubble that burst and left the nation reeling.

The MBS made banks not directly liable for home loans - a clear disaster waiting to happen.

We sent derivatives to the next universe in the same mentality that caused the Great Depression. Stocks not in compliance with the laws of NORMAL GRAVITY. In 2008 the markets found out that GRAVITY SUCKS...................

We put trillions out in unsound loans on the concept that perpetually increasing property values would mitigate defaults.

And that huge sucking sound was the Markets crashing due to their Fiat Money Ponzi scheme, backed up by the Federal Reserve currency policies.

Now you lose all credibility.

Constraining a market with a fixed currency pool is a recipe to retard growth. Fiat currency that expands and contracts as the market does is vital to a stable economy.

The question of who controls that currency is the real one to ask.

Presently the influx of 4 Trillion by the Fed is the real reason behind the Record Stock Market, and as a result we have RECORD BORROWING to PAY THE MARGINS.

Why do so many here brag about how Great it is, when the markets HAVE BEEN RIGGED by the FED...............................

The unaccountable Federal Reserve is absolutely a problem and what you say about the inflation of the stock market is absolutely true.

We've again created a FIAT CURRENCY EATING MONSTER...................
If we stop feeding it, IT EATS THE ECONOMY.......................................

Why the Joy? As we destroy the dollar........................................

Modern economies move more toward intangible currencies such as bit coin, not toward barter.
Drove on any roads lately? Been to any airports?

The US infrastructure is dangerous and a national disgrace.

Repairs are long past due.

Yet your god handed a trillion dollars to the public employees union with Porkulus, instead of rebuilding the infrastructure...
Drove on any roads lately? Been to any airports?

The US infrastructure is dangerous and a national disgrace.

Repairs are long past due.

Yet your god handed a trillion dollars to the public employees union with Porkulus, instead of rebuilding the infrastructure...

Guy's a slum lord they never fix a damn thing they just slap another coat of paint on it for the cameras while they use the bulk of the money for themselves and their scum bag alliance of friends.
Goldilocks economy

Gold & Land prices down.

GDP, market, employment, dollar UP.

Roughly half the population is invested in the stock market.

It's not just for the evil 1%. It's for individuals and families and seniors.

I thought everyone knew that.


Yes, but the evil 1%ers profit far more individuals, families and seniors. But, liberal/socialists never worry about their contradictions, because they attempt to spin all news into the favor of their party. And, they don't understand any of this stuff anyway.
I worked for the NYSE for 13.5 years..and now I work for a new financial firm.

There's no "double standard", I have a vested interest in a healthy market.

As do most Americans who have 401ks and other retirement plans or a stock portfolio.

Additionally a healthy stock market generally indicates an economy that's either healthy or recovering.

Only doom sayers think this is bad news.

I am all for a healthy financial market, always have been...

The 20MILL who are still unemployed would love it too if they had a 401K...

The Double Standard you will display comes later, you know it and so does everyone else...

The Admin has failed miserably at creating a Recovery...

As I've posted numerous times in this VERY THREAD, the job losses in the private sector that occurred during the Bush administration in the private sector HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY REVERSED.

What hasn't been reversed is the job losses in the PUBLIC SECTOR.

As you folks want to shrink government recovering those losses are completely incompatible with your agenda.

At least when there is a Democrat at the helm.

Because during the Reagan and George W. Bush years, hiring in the public sector was robust.

Sure it was. When Obama took over, total federal employees in the executive branch numbered 1,960,000. At the end of 2012, they numbered 2,104,000, and that was after your messiah reduced the Defense Department by 44,000 civilian employees. And, it does not reflect all the people being hired to support Obamacare.

Perhaps that is why you dishonest asses use the term public sector, so that reductions is state and local employment makes your messiah's actual record look better.
The only good economic news when the Dow goes up is for rich people.

Are you sure? If I sell my stock portfolio do I have to send my gains to a real rich person?
I hope not. Please check to see if only rich people gain from the stock market. I've been in the market for 30 plus years and thought I had some good market new occasionally. Are you sure?
The wealthy and middle class benefit from major rises in the market because they have a stake in the market either through retirement plans or other investments. For the 1 in 4 people who are in a low income bracket and live from paycheck to paycheck, the stock market has little or no effect on their lives.
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Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.
The only good economic news when the Dow goes up is for rich people.

Are you sure? If I sell my stock portfolio do I have to send my gains to a real rich person?
I hope not. Please check to see if only rich people gain from the stock market. I've been in the market for 30 plus years and thought I had some good market new occasionally. Are you sure?
The wealthy and middle class benefit from major rises in the market because they have a stake in the market either through retirement plans or other investments. For the 1 in 4 people who are in a low income bracket and live from paycheck to paycheck, boom in the stock market has little or no effect on their lives.

That is not entirely true.

A rise in the value of assets like stocks means there is more money available to purchase goods and services which helps all working people including the working poor.
And that huge sucking sound was the Markets crashing due to their Fiat Money Ponzi scheme, backed up by the Federal Reserve currency policies.
Now you lose all credibility.

Constraining a market with a fixed currency pool is a recipe to retard growth. Fiat currency that expands and contracts as the market does is vital to a stable economy.

The question of who controls that currency is the real one to ask.

The very ones who were too big to Fail................The same ones who got a large portion of the back door loans from the Federal Reserve......aka 16.1 TRILLION as everyone said it was all about TARP.

The Gov't decided to allow these assholes to go SELF REGULATED. And so the Derivative markets exploded in many areas. I'd agree that the largest area was Mortgages, and that it set the crash, they were absolutely speculating in other areas.................

It was THIS that actually brought the whole dang thing down.

Many posts ago, I showed the Mountain Ranges, as the Markets go up up up, and then BLAM.........They crash. It's just what they do.

When it crashes next time, it will be someone else's fault again. Surely we can't say ENRON hosed over a dang lot of people either. Oh it was just a few that did this and nothing else. Oh well.........

History, of what these Mega Banker Monsters do when let off the leash, that they speculate and cause a HERD to stampede............Run with them a while, and jump out of the Herd and watch them go over the cliff........Problem is, sometimes they can't get out of the herd and get stuck and THEN CRY WE NEED A BAILOUT and TRILLIONS of our Currency goes out to them...

That is utter BS. And left unregulated they will do it again. Whether it be 1819, the Great Depression, the Crash of 2008, or the next one which is coming.

They know what they are doing. They knew what they were doing, and the Gov't just throws more money at it, and waits to do it again.

I'm for a leash on them...............And when they do this again, I want them prosecuted and their ASSETS SEIZED.............Never again should we bail them out and allow those massive loans which helps to destroy our currency............
Are you sure? If I sell my stock portfolio do I have to send my gains to a real rich person?
I hope not. Please check to see if only rich people gain from the stock market. I've been in the market for 30 plus years and thought I had some good market new occasionally. Are you sure?
The wealthy and middle class benefit from major rises in the market because they have a stake in the market either through retirement plans or other investments. For the 1 in 4 people who are in a low income bracket and live from paycheck to paycheck, boom in the stock market has little or no effect on their lives.

That is not entirely true.

A rise in the value of assets like stocks means there is more money available to purchase goods and services which helps all working people including the working poor.
You're right, it does have a positive effect on the poor because it has a positive effect on all classes. When the market declines it then has a negative effect. However, over the long term, the middle class and the wealthy benefit because they actually have an investment in industry that grows over time. The poor do not. They have no investment thus they have no return.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Then Move.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Why the FUCK are you still here Chrissy? GO!
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Why the FUCK are you still here Chrissy? GO!

I am here to oppose you until my dying breath.
Yes, and they'll piss it away just like they do all of the excise taxes they collect off of fast-foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

I know.
And I agree with you too.
Can't trust the government to do a damned thing.

The government is the greatest force for good in America.

Look at all the good they do...all our roads, all our public schools and universities, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military, the police, firefighters, EPA, NASA, CDC, NIH, FDA, FBI, etc...

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme.....not the government.

It was greedy corporations that destroyed the world economy in 2008 with a derivatives based Ponzi scheme

LOL! Still funny.

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