More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

No more budget busting government spending propping up GDP like Bush Republicans did.

Bush? Every Obama deficit has been larger than the largest Bush deficit.

That's mainly because Bush never paid for his wars, the medicare drug benefit and the department of homeland security.

He left that for Obama to do.

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Please note that the two supplemental appropriations requests are termed "emergency," which ought to mean unexpected or unpredictable costs. But the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been funded through emergency spending requests since they began. You might think someone in the Pentagon or the White House Office of Management and Budget could project costs for a year. Apparently not.

Why is a supplemental request the budget vehicle of choice? Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit. So, for the last four years, these emergency spending bills have helped President Bush obscure the true cost of the war.
Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending | The Concord Coalition
That's mainly because Bush never paid for his wars, the medicare drug benefit and the department of homeland security.

He left that for Obama to do.

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Please note that the two supplemental appropriations requests are termed "emergency," which ought to mean unexpected or unpredictable costs. But the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been funded through emergency spending requests since they began. You might think someone in the Pentagon or the White House Office of Management and Budget could project costs for a year. Apparently not.

Why is a supplemental request the budget vehicle of choice? Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit. So, for the last four years, these emergency spending bills have helped President Bush obscure the true cost of the war.
Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending | The Concord Coalition

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Yes they did.

Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit.

Who cares about the estimate? Bottom line, he spent, it added to the deficit.
Just like when Obama overspends.

Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending

See, your own link agrees.
It was funded "off budget" with supplemental spending bills. Thus, it did not appear in the DOD's budget, but it did show up in the total off budget and on budget deficit numbers.
Both Bushs were Big Deficit Spending disasters. Massive price increases during their terms. Dick Cheney "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due."

Clinton & Obama slash deficit spending & inflation.

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Both Bushs were Big Deficit Spending disasters. Massive price increases during their terms. Dick Cheney "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due."

Clinton & Obama slash deficit spending & inflation.


Yes, Bush was a big spender.

Obama makes him look like a piker.
BushI had a recession and he raised taxes to pay, in part, for a bank bailout ... which eventually was almost all paid back to the Treasury.

I'd not argue Obama was competent, but he did get a recession. The debt/gnp is getting better. Not all his doing though.
True! But it's much more than that. Libertarianism is a cult. Like every cult, they take people that are lacking in rational thinking and indoctrinate a highly axiomatic line of BS, which in turn, makes people stupid.

they take people that are lacking in rational thinking and indoctrinate a highly axiomatic line of BS, which in turn, makes people stupid.

They take liberals and make them stupid?

Don't they know liberals are already stupid?

OnePercenter chose his name because he is in the lowest 1% of IQ's in the nation...

Then refute my hypothesis.
they take people that are lacking in rational thinking and indoctrinate a highly axiomatic line of BS, which in turn, makes people stupid.

They take liberals and make them stupid?

Don't they know liberals are already stupid?

OnePercenter chose his name because he is in the lowest 1% of IQ's in the nation...

I would have more fun sucking a fart from a boar than communicating with that piece of shit. He is on ignore. Absolute hopeless hack.

Sallow is so stupid that he makes me laugh. Onepercenter gives me bad gas.

Run away and hide Owl.
Not really.

What it does is make selfishness legitimate by couching it in an ideology.

One thing to "admire" about Ayn Rand, was she was honest about the selfishness thing.

Today's libertarians? Not so much.

Are you democrats honest about your goal of eradicating the U.S. Constitution? Do you openly admit that you seek a centrally managed economy?

When you scream about a "living wage" do you admit that your goal is to force Walmart workers into a union so that you can take part of their wages to fund public employee retirement?

For YOU Shallow, who has not a hint of integrity, to speak of honesty is beyond the pale.

Unions are necessary when employees are getting screwed.
Not really.

What it does is make selfishness legitimate by couching it in an ideology.

One thing to "admire" about Ayn Rand, was she was honest about the selfishness thing.

Today's libertarians? Not so much.

Are you democrats honest about your goal of eradicating the U.S. Constitution? Do you openly admit that you seek a centrally managed economy?

When you scream about a "living wage" do you admit that your goal is to force Walmart workers into a union so that you can take part of their wages to fund public employee retirement?

For YOU Shallow, who has not a hint of integrity, to speak of honesty is beyond the pale.
voting for democrats will change the look of the constitution drastically

Having a business plan reflective of today? How is that a bad thing?
I just don't understand it. My net worth just keeps getting bigger and bigger, ever since 2008, yet I don't work, and I am told that the economic sky is falling.

Me to. I switched my retirement funds over to mutual funds in anticipation of my upcoming retirement date which I recently reached. The recession hit and I lost about 40% value in the mutual funds. Since 2008 they have regained their value and just keep on growing. Hence, I am earning a few dollars more than expected in my retirement, at least at the present time. Some of that is extra is being invested in what I call tangibles. Guns and tools.

You didn't heed my advise in August 2007 when I called an 'ALL OUT.'
Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Please note that the two supplemental appropriations requests are termed "emergency," which ought to mean unexpected or unpredictable costs. But the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been funded through emergency spending requests since they began. You might think someone in the Pentagon or the White House Office of Management and Budget could project costs for a year. Apparently not.

Why is a supplemental request the budget vehicle of choice? Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit. So, for the last four years, these emergency spending bills have helped President Bush obscure the true cost of the war.
Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending | The Concord Coalition

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Yes they did.

Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit.

Who cares about the estimate? Bottom line, he spent, it added to the deficit.
Just like when Obama overspends.

Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending

See, your own link agrees.

You're sorta amazing.

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

They were added to the deficit under Obama.

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

See how that works?
[ame=]Bank Bailouts Explained - YouTube[/ame]

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Yes they did.

Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit.

Who cares about the estimate? Bottom line, he spent, it added to the deficit.
Just like when Obama overspends.

Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending

See, your own link agrees.

You're sorta amazing.

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

They were added to the deficit under Obama.

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

See how that works?

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

You keep saying that.
So prove it.

Any dollar spent for the wars, Homeland Security and Medicare drugs during Bush's terms showed up in Bush's deficit numbers.

No they did not.

Yes they did.

Because as an emergency measure, it doesn't count against the budget ceiling that Congress adopts to guide spending, and therefore isn't figured into government estimates of our annual budget deficit.

Who cares about the estimate? Bottom line, he spent, it added to the deficit.
Just like when Obama overspends.

Growing Misuse of "Emergency" Designation Weakens Budget Discipline and Increases Deficit Spending

See, your own link agrees.

You're sorta amazing.

They weren't added to the deficit under Bush.

They were added to the deficit under Obama.

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

See how that works?

In one case they were the other case they weren't.

Emergency spending isn't hidden.

See how that works?

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