More Electoral College electors get death threats from Hillary voters


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
I'm so glad the Democrat fanatics have decided to accept the outcome of the national election, like they demanded Trump do.


More Electors Get Death Threats From Hillary Voters

More Electors Get Death Threats From Hillary Voters

Texas member of electoral commission tells them to "go to hell"

Paul Joseph Watson - November 21, 2016

A member of the electoral commission in Texas says his colleagues are getting death threats as angry Hillary supporters ramp up the pressure before electors cast their vote on December 19th.

Hillary voters around the country are bombarding electors with emails, some of them threatening, in an effort to force them to vote against the outcome of the presidential election.

“At first everyone was kinda enchanted by it. Now all the electors are starting to get beaten down. There are some electors who have been threatened with harm or with death,” Texas elector Alex Kim told NBC 5.

“When people ask me to vote for Hillary Clinton, there’s no way,” he said. “I reject the Democratic Party principles and I reject Hillary Clinton.”

Kim said he had a message for all the people who are trying to pressure him into changing his vote; “Go to hell”.

As we previously reported, another elector in Michigan said he has also received a number of death threats, including a promise that he would be shot in the head if he voted for Trump.

“I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive,” Michael Banerian told the Detroit News, adding that he has been labeled a “hateful bigot” by the same people who are violently threatening him.

"My kingdom for a horse."

"My life savings for an honest and honorable left wing poster who has a clue how to either prudently argue his point of view or admit to either not having an answer or being wrong."

ClosedCaption: Thou art been weighed in the balances, and have been found wanting. (That is really a shame.)

"My kingdom for a horse."

"My life savings for an honest and honorable left wing poster who has a clue how to either prudently argue his point of view or admit to either not having an answer or being wrong."

ClosedCaption: Thou art been weighed in the balances, and have been found wanting. (That is really a shame.)

Random quotes? Thats as good of a response any. lol
You mean one of the only news outlets that got the election right?

But not his own weight

Anything from a real news outlet?
Texas Elector Says Democrats Trying to Sway His Vote

It came from a local Texas NBC affiliate.

Is that good enough for you or do we have listen to your pseudo-cautionary judgments every time someone reports a news item?

I would need an unbiased third party to argue your case to convince me there is an upside to all your knee-jerk inane postings.

I have no idea, all I know is that the MSM is not to be believed and the entire media and political system is crooked and not to be believed. Learned it from you.

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