More evidence most Republicans are really just fascists

Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

I'm not surprised, the Republican mindset is to weaken our democratic institutions, which is reflected in the vote for Donald Trump. He cast dispersion on the election of 2016 that it was fixed before the first vote was cast, and Republican Governors and state legislatures in Red States have claimed that voter fraud is wide spread, with no evidence to support it.

In fact these same governors have supported the closure of polling places with likely Democratic voters, requiring long walks or bus rides to vote, and requiring voter ID's but not making an providing funds to produce them freely to those cannot afford the form of ID they require; i.e. a new form of the Poll Tax.

Gonna weaken the shit out of your Democratic institutions.

My (d)emocratic institutions? Do you know the difference between Democratic and democratic? I doubt it, but in case you do, explain what "shit" will these acts of voter suppression weaken the "shit" of the Democratic Party?

Why would any patriot support such machinations?

Screw all you corrupt Dems.

Why do "corrupt Dems" excite you sexually? What about them makes you want to screw them?

Yes Todd, I too can post comments which are not substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, sometimes a response to you - and others like you - don't require anything more than sarcasm.
Yes, when I look back on the corruption of the DNC and Hillary, I get aroused. Are you going to support a third try by the corrupt old sot?
650 people is not most Republicans.

Duh ^^^


"American Trends Panel or by telephone using a random digit sample of landline and cellphone numbers in the United States. Some of our surveys include additional, larger samples of subgroups, such as African Americans or young people (these are called “oversamples”). Pew Research Center also conducts international surveys that involve sampling and interviewing people in multiple countries. Lastly, we sometimes survey special populations, such as foreign policy experts, scientists or journalists. In all of our surveys, we use probability sampling to help ensure adequate representation of the groups we survey.

"Learn more about random sampling by watching our Methods 101 video, “How can a survey of 1,000 people tell you what the whole U.S. thinks?”"

Key words some of our surveys it's amusing how idiots on both sides will take a poll of a few hundred or thousand people and try and extrapolate that out to reresent the entire nation or group


Willful ignorance, or partisan hackery is at foot; yes, sampling is math, much to difficult for some to acknowledge or comprehend; and for those who do, lying is their forte.
Based on the most recent samples, Trump has no path to 270.
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

This coming from a nutjob whose democrat party actually rigged an election against the more popular candidate, Bernie guys really are funny....

Hillary Clinton destroyed Bernie Sanders. It was not close. She didn't win because it was rigged.

Damn, sure hope you're not one of the smarter liberals.
DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims
650 people is not most Republicans.

Duh ^^^


"American Trends Panel or by telephone using a random digit sample of landline and cellphone numbers in the United States. Some of our surveys include additional, larger samples of subgroups, such as African Americans or young people (these are called “oversamples”). Pew Research Center also conducts international surveys that involve sampling and interviewing people in multiple countries. Lastly, we sometimes survey special populations, such as foreign policy experts, scientists or journalists. In all of our surveys, we use probability sampling to help ensure adequate representation of the groups we survey.

"Learn more about random sampling by watching our Methods 101 video, “How can a survey of 1,000 people tell you what the whole U.S. thinks?”"

Key words some of our surveys it's amusing how idiots on both sides will take a poll of a few hundred or thousand people and try and extrapolate that out to reresent the entire nation or group


Willful ignorance, or partisan hackery is at foot; yes, sampling is math, much to difficult for some to acknowledge or comprehend; and for those who do, lying is their forte.
Some of us see polls for what they are other's look at them and see what they want to see especially it supports one of their preconcived views. Imagine if someone did a poll of 1,325 Americans about legal gun confiscation and focused on the 650 people who said they were or leaned toward the Democrats and said 52% supported this you would have the right claiming that represents over half of all Democrats and the left saying it only reresents the views of those in that poll. We see this all the time with polls only the blind partisans and willfully Ignorant pretend otherwise.
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

This coming from a nutjob whose democrat party actually rigged an election against the more popular candidate, Bernie guys really are funny....

Hillary Clinton destroyed Bernie Sanders. It was not close. She didn't win because it was rigged.

Yes...... the primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders....this is not a secret....

Here....your fake indian, elizabeth warren states this...

Clinton backer agrees primary was 'rigged'

CNN asked Senator Elizabeth Warren if Mrs Clinton's contest against Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was rigged, and she said: "Yes."

Another Democratic official writes in a new book about the party's "unethical" agreement with the Clinton campaign.

President Trump said the American public "deserves" an inquiry.

Ms Warren, a progressive senator from Massachusetts who campaigned for Mrs Clinton, was reacting to allegations by former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Ms Brazile writes in a new book that the cash-starved DNC signed a joint fundraising agreement with the Clinton campaign in August 2015, four months after the former secretary of state launched her candidacy.
Bernie is NOT a Democrat. Why should Democrats vote for someone who isn't a Democrat. You don't vote for Democrats.
More evidence most Republicans are really just fascists

How dare you talk about Trump's friends that way.

Even if it is true.
Nazis and Democrats

1 Ban guns

2 Religious bigots, Liberals loath Christians

3 Allied with genocidal maniac Jihadists, Obama helped the Iranians

4 Anti Freedom of Speech, most college campuses

5 Anti Freedom of the Press, wanting to shut-down Fox News and they control 95% of the Press

6 Relentless propagandist, CNN, MSNBC, NYT…. . Goebbels advised: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe.” See the Russian Collusion Conspiracy.

7 Come to power democratically, retain power dictatorially, Obama almost got us there

8 Despicable racist demagogue leader, see Obama

9 White Supremacy, White Liberals defiantly believe that they are superior to everyone else

10 Violent brainwashed fanatics, see Democrat riots
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Fk polls
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

This coming from a nutjob whose democrat party actually rigged an election against the more popular candidate, Bernie guys really are funny....

Hillary Clinton destroyed Bernie Sanders. It was not close. She didn't win because it was rigged.

Damn, sure hope you're not one of the smarter liberals.
DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

The reason I voted for HRC is simple, Bernie would have had to somehow blunt the attack on Socialism, which too many Americans feel is the same as totalitarianism and the fear and hate that would be generated by the GOP and the neo cons desire for power would lead to Bernies defeat.

The GOP got what they wished for, and I'm certain that they regret it, but most are too cowardly to admit it.
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

This coming from a nutjob whose democrat party actually rigged an election against the more popular candidate, Bernie guys really are funny....

Hillary Clinton destroyed Bernie Sanders. It was not close. She didn't win because it was rigged.

Damn, sure hope you're not one of the smarter liberals.
DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

The reason I voted for HRC is simple, Bernie would have had to somehow blunt the attack on Socialism, which too many Americans feel is the same as totalitarianism and the fear and hate that would be generated by the GOP and the neo cons desire for power would lead to Bernies defeat.

The GOP got what they wished for, and I'm certain that they regret it, but most are too cowardly to admit it.
GOP had no choice. Americans voted for trump
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Fk polls

I sorry, I left you out, I singled out the willfully ignorant, your ignorance is the result of an IQ in the mid 80's.
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Fk polls

I sorry, I left you out, I singled out the willfully ignorant, your ignorance is the result of an IQ in the mid 80's.
More winning
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Fk polls

I sorry, I left you out, I singled out the willfully ignorant, your ignorance is the result of an IQ in the mid 80's.
More winning

Wrong, your IQ is not a B - or even a C +; the mid 80's is a bench mark of at best dull normal.
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.

This coming from a nutjob whose democrat party actually rigged an election against the more popular candidate, Bernie guys really are funny....

Hillary Clinton destroyed Bernie Sanders. It was not close. She didn't win because it was rigged.

Damn, sure hope you're not one of the smarter liberals.
DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

The reason I voted for HRC is simple, Bernie would have had to somehow blunt the attack on Socialism, which too many Americans feel is the same as totalitarianism and the fear and hate that would be generated by the GOP and the neo cons desire for power would lead to Bernies defeat.

The GOP got what they wished for, and I'm certain that they regret it, but most are too cowardly to admit it.

Yeah, don't know any that regret their choice. Although, they are some that won't talk about their choice....and I don't disagree, have you seen how loony libs get?
Here is another poll which some will find interesting, some will not be surprised and some will be dumbstruck and call push the funny or post and idiot-gram:

RANKED: The greatest US presidents, according to political scientists

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

and for those who won't open this final link:

"James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump."
Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?
Fk polls

I sorry, I left you out, I singled out the willfully ignorant, your ignorance is the result of an IQ in the mid 80's.
More winning

Wrong, your IQ is not a B - or even a C +; the mid 80's is a bench mark of at best dull normal.
I enjoy winning. And, you should learn grammar.
Good Gawd !!! Is the OP on heroin, LSD or something?

Anyone care to take a guess what the nation would be like by now had HIS CHOICE of Hillary been elected?

It would look about like this.....
Poll: More than half of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election

52% of Republicans would favor postponing the 2020 elections, if Trump was for it.
/——-/ a sampling of 650 random adults that only lean to voting Republican???? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Fake phony bullshyt poll designed to generate a headline. And that’s all you got....Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha From your link: “a sample of 1,325 Americans from June 5-20 and focused on the 650 people who said they were or leaned toward the GOP.”

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