More feet dragging by the Ford

Bottom line.

Feinstein needs to take a bullet for the tribe. The DNC isn't backing her. The same DNC that is PROTECTING their #2 leader, Keith Ellison, from more recent and serious #womanabuse problems.

SOMEONE had to do it. It's all they had left. So they UNMASKED this woman Ford and turned her into a human hand grenade for close quarters mortal political combat.

I don't think that she was not involved in this plan. She had her lawyers give her a lie detector test in August. Now......if you had no intention of this getting out, especially to the public, why would you pay for a lie detector test, to prove to yourself you are telling the truth?

That test was pretty meaningless. Not enough specifics and easily manipulated. Question is -- why did she have lawyers in August if she wanted to remain anonymous? Thought there was OUTRAGE that her name was unmasked.

Can't do anymore of this. This nation is doomed. The majority doesn't know this yet. Bet we're not a superpower anymore. We're a Special Ed Kids Camp...
She was given till 10 a.m. tomorrow to say she would appear....she said no. They should hold the vote.

The way I heard it (on the Medved show) she said she would testify if the Senate met her terms which is to guarantee her safety, and a fair hearing. WTF a fair hearing is in her opinion, I have no idea. But something tells me her lawyer will make the claim the Senate didn't agree to her if she is in the position to make them.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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I hardly call next Thursday a huge delay.

Every day it is more obvious you are full of shit. Apparently you are not interested in hearing her side. We should find the facts and be serious about it. Monday was not a serious plan.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?

Why the FBI is not asked to investigate...

Ford is totally right here... GOP want to make this a he say she say matter when the FBI would properly investigate this...

Innocent people would want investigated, Ford wants it investigated... Kavanaugh's friend in the room refuses to testify

They are making that demand because her lawyer knew the FBI wouldn't investigate a claim of a local crime. The first letter in FBI is Federal. Teenage house parties are not a federal issue.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?

Fly across the country is such a feat? It would take her four hours at most. Such a sacrifice to bring a conclusion to this matter?
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?
They offered her a closed door session, she agreed to this remember? Then she said no,

It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. This is a Hail Mary stall tactic, and when it doesn’t work, they have already laid the foundation for their next talking points. It very well could have happened, who the fuck knows, but how they are now obviously using it, and further, avoiding her testifying, I’m gonna say 95% she’s lying. It’s the shielding her from testifying part that is the most telling
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?
They offered her a closed door session, she agreed to this remember? Then she said no,

It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. This is a Hail Mary stall tactic, and when it doesn’t work, they have already laid the foundation for their next talking points. It very well could have happened, who the fuck knows, but how they are now obviously using it, and further, avoiding her testifying, I’m gonna say 95% she’s lying. It’s the shielding her from testifying part that is the most telling

If this doesn't work, look for them to bring a "surprise" second so-called victim. Either that, or they are going to demand total immunity between the Senate and FBI should they get involved which hopefully, Grassley would not accept those terms.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?
The woman has had 36 years to state her case. Given her hiring of lawyers and taking a polygraph attesting to something ( since we don't know the questions, we don't know how valid it is ) back in August, she's had plenty of time to prepare. This is a stall tactic, nothing more. I hope Grassley holds firm.

do we even know the polygraph actually happened?

Is she willing to take one with neutral parties around?

Polygraphs are a scam......Aldrich Aimes was a Russian spy and easily passed the FBI polygraphs...

i agree. But she is touting a polygraph her attorney gave her though I've seen no evidence it exists
She was given till 10 a.m. tomorrow to say she would appear....she said no. They should hold the vote.

The way I heard it (on the Medved show) she said she would testify if the Senate met her terms which is to guarantee her safety, and a fair hearing. WTF a fair hearing is in her opinion, I have no idea. But something tells me her lawyer will make the claim the Senate didn't agree to her if she is in the position to make them.

apparently a fair hearing is one where the accused has to testify prior to hearing the charges and cannot face his accuser
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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I hardly call next Thursday a huge delay.

Every day it is more obvious you are full of shit. Apparently you are not interested in hearing her side. We should find the facts and be serious about it. Monday was not a serious plan.

what makes Thursday a better day than monday? What's stopping her from finding a problem with Thursday?
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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It's a power move attempt by her lawyers to try to get more control of the situation.

They want to make the Republican Committee members look like bullies

The Times article on this also has this interesting bit:

Earlier on Thursday, committee Republicans had decided to hire an outside counsel to lead their questioning of Dr. Blasey, rather than the committee members themselves, according to a Republican Senate official familiar with the decision.

Kavanaugh Accuser Opens Negotiations on Testimony Next Week

I would bet money that said outside counsel will be a woman.

Bonus points for being a minority woman.
minority trans woman and they seal the deal.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?
She put her story out there hoping to ruin a man's career. I have no sympathy for her " life being turned upside down". If you can't take the heat,stay out of the kitchen.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?

Enough of the lies already, she had her lawyers and polygraph in place last month. Lose the "days" bullshit!

Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?

Why the FBI is not asked to investigate...

Ford is totally right here... GOP want to make this a he say she say matter when the FBI would properly investigate this...

Innocent people would want investigated, Ford wants it investigated... Kavanaugh's friend in the room refuses to testify

Ford wants someone to fill the holes in her memory. That's not the FBI or Kavanaugh's job. If she wants to make the accusation, it's up to her to fill it in and make it credible.

She sent the letter in July. She knew what was coming.

You mean, the letter that was anonymous and not supposed to be released to the public?
hey - the leaks are funny when against trump.

live by the leak...

Donald chose to run for President. You assholes are just trying to bully a sexual assault victim into silence.

The first thing that is required is proof a sexual assault ever occurred. I can say I'm a lottery winner, but it means nothing unless I have the money to show for it. Show me the money for Ford's story.

Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

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The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?

This isn't exactly true. She's had her entire life to ponder the consequences of going public with it. AND -- I'm pretty sure I heard that the letter was OLD and forwarded to Feinstein by a former Congresswoman who received it when Kavanaugh's name got on short list for Trump's FIRST nomination.. That letter is a year or more old then..

So -- if she hadn't thought all this thru in a YEAR -- she's too stupid to take the entire country HOSTAGE for several weeks.. How's that?

So let's say that the letter is from a year ago. How does that change the fact that it was an anonymous letter that was never supposed to be made public? It's only been within the past few days that she's landed in the spotlight, after the letter was leaked. You're question begging. What you're saying only makes sense if we assume she had some devious plot from the get-go to jump into the spotlight at the last minute in hopes of dragging the nomination out past the election. And makes as much sense as birtherism.

Your bullshit bucket won't hold water. Care to make up more outlandish scenarios to support this fantasy?

Bottom line.

Feinstein needs to take a bullet for the tribe. The DNC isn't backing her. The same DNC that is PROTECTING their #2 leader, Keith Ellison, from more recent and serious #womanabuse problems.

SOMEONE had to do it. It's all they had left. So they UNMASKED this woman Ford and turned her into a human hand grenade for close quarters mortal political combat.

I don't think that she was not involved in this plan. She had her lawyers give her a lie detector test in August. Now......if you had no intention of this getting out, especially to the public, why would you pay for a lie detector test, to prove to yourself you are telling the truth?

That test was pretty meaningless. Not enough specifics and easily manipulated. Question is -- why did she have lawyers in August if she wanted to remain anonymous? Thought there was OUTRAGE that her name was unmasked.

Can't do anymore of this. This nation is doomed. The majority doesn't know this yet. Bet we're not a superpower anymore. We're a Special Ed Kids Camp...

Late stage Rome is where we're at. If we had a serious test--famine, war, you name it--there is no way we would survive. Young people cannot even go to college without taking "adulting" classes--they're crippled with "anxiety and depression" and the like.

You said it, we're doomed. It's all over but the shouting now.
Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday

What a load of crap...keep stalling hoping to move it past the election.

Every day it is more obvious she is full of shot

Sent from my iPhone using

The woman has had her life turned upside down in a matter of days, and you're bitching that she won't hurry up and fly across the country to get in front of cameras? How the hell did humans take over the earth when most are so fucking stupid?
Yes it is stupid to make the assumptions you are making.

She chose to come forward in an effort to say what she wanted to say about a supreme Court nominee.

This puts the on us on her for turning her life upside down.

She wants the nation to listen but only on her terms and on her time.

Doesn't work that way. The more she delays the more she appears to be prepping, getting her story straight and so on because it was made up to begin with. She wants to control what is said and sort of questions she is asked, when she appears and whines about safety.

Sorry no she wanted the story told she wanted to come forward. She needs to stand up and immediately answer tough questions.

If not she gets ignored he gets confirmed and you spend for ever lying about how Republicans put a sexual assaulter on the USSC
She sent the letter in July. She knew what was coming.

You mean, the letter that was anonymous and not supposed to be released to the public?
hey - the leaks are funny when against trump.

live by the leak...

Donald chose to run for President. You assholes are just trying to bully a sexual assault victim into silence.
Alleged victim

She can say what she wants about anyone. Her accusations lack any credibility

Those facts silence no one

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