More from the Hate America Church

There is a reason that "the wild preacher's kid" is a stereotype. It is all too common.
This thread isn't about religion.
It is a poorly disguised political attack from an agenda driven zealot.
Where are his posts about the appalling Benny Hinn and Robert Tilton ministries?
Notice also that the story isn't about Wright's ministry.
Remember, the devout Lot had two daughters that got him drunk and had sex with him.

Before judgment falls on a nation it first falls on the Church starting with leadership. It begins with their sons, daughters, wives, their own households. Whatever is there comes out. That is scriptural for it to begin with the Lord's own house and then when that has been completed it falls on the entire nation. So we're getting closer now to the judgment of God being poured out on America. This is just another sign. Watch the big names and see whose house it falls on. Benny Hinn kept himself pure after being falsely accused and he came through it intact with his wife and family at his side. That is the fate for the faithful servant not so for the false prophet. Tilton dropped dead after not repenting. God doesn't play around, folks.

As for Jeremiah's Wright's daughter in relation to Barack Obama - there is none. The man is a minister of the gospel and whatever he's done is spilling out onto the next generation coming forth from his loins. Same goes for the Reverend Jesse Jackson and his own son who also broke the law and faced a judge.

Neither of these mans offspring has ANYTHING to do with Barack Obama other than that the minister who was given the duty to instruct him in the ways of the Lord and pray for him - failed to do so because he is a carnal man. Wright is carnal. Did Obama make Wright a carnal man? No. That is one thing no one here can blame on Obama! Obama didn't corrupt Rev. Wrights daughter. She watched her father and this is what she learned from him. She didn't learn it from Obama. She learned that from her own father. . Judgment begins in the house of God so keep your eyes open as you begin to understand how God moves in these situations. Alot of things come out in such a time. If you're not paying attention you'll miss it. America has not seen such a time as this before but when she does?

She'll never forget it. May G-d have mercy on us all. It reminds me of this prayer I wrote down in the back of my bible.

Lord, I have heard of your fame, I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD!
Renew them in our day, in our time make them known.

In wrath remember mercy. Amen.

That is a prayer from Habakkuk 3:2 if some of you are not familiar with it. The right thing to do is to pray for Rev. Wright and his family and pray that your own life and family are lining up with Gods book. If it isn't fix it because once judgment falls on America it's too late. Once God's judgment is poured out there is no rewind button.
People like you are why people like Benny Hinn are wealthy.
There is one born every minute.

People like you can expect the full wrath of God for touching the Servants of God. Benny Hinn is full of the Holy Spirit. He is one of God's anointed and by touching him you have brought down judgment upon your own head. If the bible is true? You've got a big problem on your hands. The answer? Repent.

It is written:

Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

I've got a story about a family that slandered Benny Hinn. I was in the cafeteria of a hospital in Atlanta having a lunch. I was waiting for the nurses to finish assisting a person I was there to visit with. Years ago a friend of mine gave me a Benny Hinn Bible as a Gift. It is called the Masters Healing Presence Bible. No where on the cover does it have Benny's name yet this is what happened concerning a family seated behind me that day. They were talking about a young child that was their grandchild and the other couple were the childs parents. I sensed the child was having an operation that was not life threatening. It was an operation that should have gone smoothly. I could overhear their conversation because they were speaking quite loudly. Suddenly they shifted the conversation to Benny Hinn. They began to slander him and mock him and make fun of him. I was horrified that they didn't realize he has the anointing on his life. They had no fear of God because they didn't know what happens to those who dare to touch Gods anointed by slandering their names.

So I stopped eating and said, Please! Do not do this! I don't remember my exact words to them except that I knew according to Ezekiel I was required to warn them because this was happening right in front of me. Literally in front of me. So I explained to them that God warns touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. That anyone who does this is in great danger. My fear was for the child because I knew God could bring judgment swiftly for what they were doing. I pleaded with them over it, Bruce. Do you know what they did?

They became enraged! I then told them, I've warned you! Your blood will not be on my hands. I warned you. They began to mock, ha! We've been warned! We've been warned! I warn you! I warn you! It was that type of mockery you see. Then I saw in my spirit the aftermath and this simple operaton which should have been a snap results in their learning the child died. I was terrified for them, I got up, threw away my lunch and went upstair to the private hospital room to tell my friend who is a Christian about what happened. They said to me, You did what you could do. You warned them. Let God handle it. I asked God to have mercy upon them for their ignorance and the rest of the time I was there I never saw them again. I do not know whether God had mercy upon them or not because I was repenting for them while they had not done it themselves. I know the LORD knew that I didn't want to know the outcome of that one. It grieved me to the core of my being.

I am going to warn you of the exact same scripture. God means what he says. Do not ever doubt him. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm - is a serious warning and I'd heed it Bruce, if I were you.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.
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Actually the fraud that is associated with Churches and charities is happening in the false churches because false preachers such as Jeremiah Wright, Rick Warren, Joel Hunter, Jesse Jackson are what the bible refers to as hirelings. In other words, they preach for money. The hirelings chickens have come home to roost.

When I agreed it wasn't a democrat problem I was referring to these false teachers of which many are registered as republicans. The trouble is these are the very same preachers the democrats approve because they are no threat. They don't mind deceiving their congregations for the fame it brings them to be known and have the big name.. They don't preach the gospel, they don't win souls, they convert others to become twice the sons of hell they are.

As for the charities the most notorious cases of theft were found in non christian organisations. There has never been a scandal with Voice of the Martyrs, Hand of Help, the true Christian charities - you'll not find a trace of fraud. The reputations of these men are clean as a whistle.

As we can see that is not the case with the wide road false preachers - men such as Joel Hunter, Rick Warren, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Jackson do not belong behind a pulpit and it is quite clear that their chickens have come home to roost.

I agree in that the the politics and churches mixing has been unchecked by the religious community. In my area, however, there is a lot of suspicious/criminal activity associated with churches, particularly Apostolic churches.

Some of the Apostolic ministers are buying the church building in their own name and then making the congregation rent from them so that they can never be ousted by the church. There was one instance where a handful of higher ups in the church fabricated some documents and borrowed a boatload of money against the church properties, then skipped town with the money. There is a case where two different churches have the same name and are always trying to run a fast one over the other.

There have been cases of people getting caught fundraising in the name of their church who were pocketing the money. There are others who go around raising money for their "ministry" but if you press them, you will find that they don't have a church or a congregation, but their "ministry" is just the person standing in front of you who claims to be doing good works such as visiting with shut-ins.

There is also a lot of pyramid schemes and cons going on within churches. I think that it is unfortunate that a lot of people do not apply scrutiny to such people when they perceive them as another member of the faith community. Any time there is money involved, people need to be more critical, not less so, of the pretenses.

Let me be clear - those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. Not those who scheme, plot, preach false gospel, convert others to become twice the sons of hell they are - the judgment they are coming under is so great it would stun you to see what is coming for them. Go to Ezekiel Chapter 8 and 9 and read the story of the man with the linen robe and the pen. This is what is going on right now. God is marking the foreheads of those who are his and the ones who are not marked? Very bad news.

If anyone is not marked by the Blood of Jesus Christ? They need to call on the LORD today. Today is the day of salvation. Don't miss it.
Let fear be your motivator if you like.

I fear the LORD, Bruce. Listen to me for the love of God. Jesus preached more on hell than he did on heaven! Look at the scriptures, Bruce! Jesus preached more on hell than he did on heaven!


What was Jesus doing?!

What is He doing right now through His Servants?

Is he threatening you?

Does a friend theaten a friend? No! Ten thousand times no, he does not.

Jesus warns us because Jesus loves us. Friends warn friends of danger, Bruce. How much more so when we are speaking of the eternal separation from God, the very fires of hell? I pray for you, I pray for myself, I pray for all of us here that God opens our eyes to realise these are not threats. These are not threats.

They are warnings.

Warnings that come from Jesus because He loves us so much! He loves you, Bruce! He loves you!!! Some of you were perhaps told that a church can save you, that a membership can save you, some have been turned off experience in a dead church, from a false teacher, so you've been disappointed.

I believe a bible study is in order so that "all of you" can hear the truth! You are going to enjoy it. Get ready because God is about to meet you right where you're at!


p.s. Did you ever hear the story of the Rich man and Lazarus? Do you know why the Rich man went to hell? Why Lazarus went to paradise? Did the Rich man go to hell because he was rich? Did Lazarus to go paradise because he was poor? You will shocked when you learn why the rich man went to hell and the poor man went to Paradise. I will do a thread that covers these questions you've had on this board since arriving. Then you can make an informed decision as to what you want to do with the rest of your life. Give yourself that opportunity. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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I fear the LORD, Bruce. Listen to me for the love of God. Jesus preached more on hell than he did on heaven! Look at the scriptures, Bruce! Jesus preached more on hell than he did on heaven!


What was Jesus doing?!

What is He doing right now through His Servants?

Is he threatening you?

Does a friend theaten a friend? No! Ten thousand times no, he does not.

Jesus warns us because Jesus loves us. Friends warn friends of danger, Bruce. How much more so when we are speaking of the eternal separation from God, the very fires of hell? I pray for you, I pray for myself, I pray for all of us here that God opens our eyes to realise these are not threats. These are not threats.

They are warnings.

Warnings that come from Jesus because He loves us so much! He loves you, Bruce! He loves you!!! Some of you were perhaps told that a church can save you, that a membership can save you, some have been turned off experience in a dead church, from a false teacher, so you've been disappointed.

I believe a bible study is in order so that "all of you" can hear the truth! You are going to enjoy it. Get ready because God is about to meet you right where you're at!


p.s. Did you ever hear the story of the Rich man and Lazarus? Do you know why the Rich man went to hell? Why Lazarus went to paradise? Did the Rich man go to hell because he was rich? Did Lazarus to go paradise because he was poor? You will shocked when you learn why the rich man went to hell and the poor man went to Paradise. I will do a thread that covers these questions you've had on this board since arriving. Then you can make an informed decision as to what you want to do with the rest of your life. Give yourself that opportunity. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Jesus is warning us of something that is his own creation.
The motivation for your faith is fear.
You are preaching to a preacher that had his eyes opened. I have done as much bible study as anyone else on these boards.
You bring nothing new to the table, Jerry.
Just the same old need to escape your fears.

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