More good news! Lefty "men" getting sterilized in record numbers

I love it when conservative Republicans cry about poor black women getting abortions. As if they care. As if they want those women having those kids.

They'd PREFER those black women not have sex. That's what they want. Then they would be happy. Black women not so much but white women would be thrilled.
Black women should be able to have all the sex they want and a little snip snip can give them that.
I love it when conservative Republicans cry about poor black women getting abortions. As if they care. As if they want those women having those kids.

They'd PREFER those black women not have sex. That's what they want. Then they would be happy. Black women not so much but white women would be thrilled.
sounds like the P word


It is you who hate Blacks. That's why it is SO easy for you to think that everyone else does, hence your ridiculous post
I love it when conservative Republicans cry about poor black women getting abortions. As if they care. As if they want those women having those kids.

They'd PREFER those black women not have sex. That's what they want. Then they would be happy. Black women not so much but white women would be thrilled.
You are so wrong. It is irresponsible sexual relations that is the issue. And leadership does nothing to stop or reduce it. Nada! This has been going on for many decades. At some point perhaps a light bulb goes on above their heads.
Fewer lib men contributing to the gene pool just increases the urgency to groom other peoples children
Yes, poor women of all colors should be allowed to plan their own parenthood. Put off having a kid they don't want and can't afford.

Most women on welfare are white women. I want them to abort too.

Blacks only make up 12% of our population. 1/4th of American women will get an abortion in they're lifetime. It's a necessary "evil". It's not actually evil. Life isn't that precious to us. If it is to you, by all means don't abort.

Please don't care about what I'm doing with my body. Pretend I'm a Mexican in Mexico or Afgan in Afganistan. You don't give a fuck if they abort right? So mind your own business. Being a fellow citizen shouldn't mean I have to listen to your weird religious views.

Politics and abortion... 'Nere the twain should meet.'
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You can't deny 90% blacks vote Democratic and white Southerner racists today who defend black face and Lady Antibelum vote Republican. Something changed.

Also have you ever heard of Blue Dog Democrats? They are southern Democrats. They have to be a lot more conservative than Democrats up north or they won't get elected. Often times these blue dogs don't go along with us Democrats. They can't because their constituents are super racist. Even the Democratic voters down there are racist.

None of that has anything to do with your support for the guy in the KKK robe.
Oh fuck you.

Their kids are human beings with rights.

Too late now - they already have a kid.

No, they shouldn’t have made kids they can’t or won’t support, but shoulda coulda woulda doesn’t turn back the clock or change past decisions.

If you absolutely refuse to take care of the kids you might create through sex, don’t have sex. If you insist on having sex anyway, get sterilized first.

This goes for anyone, male or female, or any shade of skin under the sun.
Yes you can turn back the clock. SNIP SNIP. Quick simple outpatient procedure.

I love it when Cons say don't have sex. Sorry, not realistic. Mistakes happen and there is a very simple solution. Maybe not for you but for us there is.

Fuck states rights. People's rights. I have the right.
The state should be telling women what NOT to do with the bodies of their children (namely: you cannot murder your children).

They are not possessions, to be disposed of like trash

Life isn't that precious. If it is to you, don't have sex or don't get an abortion.

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