More good news! Lefty "men" getting sterilized in record numbers

This is how you keep the gene pool healthy.

It's good for humanity that inferior DNA is being pruned out of our collective family tree.

Yes, and a lot of the younger climate progressive nuts have also said they aren't going to have any children until we get serious about Climate Change, further keeping the gene pool healthy.
I fail to see what this has to do with murdering the unborn

Liberals are known for changing the subject so as to divert attntion away from issues they cannot logically or ethically argue..

Besides, Black women do date White men.. Candace Owens is married to a White man
In general, they don't. It's usually

I love it when conservative Republicans cry about poor black women getting abortions. As if they care. As if they want those women having those kids.

They'd PREFER those black women not have sex. That's what they want. Then they would be happy. Black women not so much but white women would be thrilled.
As a conservative Republican I know that in the long run abortion is good for us politically

These are future democrat voters who will never be born and do harm to this country

But morally abortion is still wrong and it should be outlawed
This is how you keep the gene pool healthy.

It's good for humanity that inferior DNA is being pruned out of our collective family tree.

And here I thought you were referring to cleaning up the gene pool from left-handed men. They used to be con-sidered of the devil by religion.
As a conservative Republican I know that in the long run abortion is good for us politically

These are future democrat voters who will never be born and do harm to this country

But morally abortion is still wrong and it should be outlawed

Morally wrong if you are religious. And I know a lot of religious people who are pro choice. More are than aren't. So either most "christians" aren't real christians or most are doing something they know to be morally wrong. And or supporting it. You don't get forgiven if you aren't really sorry right? You can't apologize later knowing if you had to do it all over again, you'd still be pro choice.

Trust me, a lot of conservatives are pro choice. What percent of Republicans do you think are pro life? I hope you make it mandatory to be a Republican. RINO if you are pro choice. Please drive more people away from your small tent.
Morally wrong if you are religious. And I know a lot of religious people who are pro choice. More are than aren't. So either most "christians" aren't real christians or most are doing something they know to be morally wrong. And or supporting it. You don't get forgiven if you aren't really sorry right? You can't apologize later knowing if you had to do it all over again, you'd still be pro choice.

Trust me, a lot of conservatives are pro choice. What percent of Republicans do you think are pro life? I hope you make it mandatory to be a Republican. RINO if you are pro choice. Please drive more people away from your small tent.
You are really turning the truth on its head

You can decide your morality by a show of hands but that does not change science

Unborn children are human beings according to their DNA
You are really turning the truth on its head

You can decide your morality by a show of hands but that does not change science

Unborn children are human beings according to their DNA
I don't give a fuck. You can look at my sperm under a microscope too. They're swimmers. I kill them every night. Fuck off. 70% of Americans say so. Mr Taliban. You remind me of the rulers in Iran.

Imagine a Christian nation. What would that be like? Society full of hypocrites.
I don't give a fuck. You can look at my sperm under a microscope too. They're swimmers. I kill them every night. Fuck off. 70% of Americans say so. Mr Taliban. You remind me of the rulers in Iran.

Imagine a Christian nation. What would that be like? Society full of hypocrites.

You're living in a Christian nation. Every dollar you earn and spend says "In GOD We Trust" on it. Leave and live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like it.
I don't give a fuck. You can look at my sperm under a microscope too. They're swimmers. I kill them every night. Fuck off. 70% of Americans say so. Mr Taliban. You remind me of the rulers in Iran.

Imagine a Christian nation. What would that be like? Society full of hypocrites.
I can see your biggest problem is your ignorance of and disbelief in God

And I cant help you there

By the time you realize your mistake it will probably be too late
Morally wrong if you are religious.
I stopped right here

Murder is WRONG regardless of one's religion.

Why is murder of adults punished severely while murder of the most innocent of all.. children.. is not?

Yay, SCOTUS who seems to totally agree with that (or at least has now allowed states to agree w/ it if they so CHOOSE to legislate)

I love it when conservative Republicans cry about poor black women getting abortions. As if they care. As if they want those women having those kids.

They'd PREFER those black women not have sex. That's what they want. Then they would be happy. Black women not so much but white women would be thrilled.
I love it when someone tries to claim they know what other people are thinking and what they want. It's fun watching them make utter idiots of themselves over it. It's like my warnings that foil helmets don't give you mind reading abilities fall on deaf ears.
Only SOME might. There are millions who don't think that at all.
I dont tell women what to do with their bodies

If they want to sleep around with clowns they barely know they are taking a big risk for STD’s and unwanted pregnancy

But its their choice
You're living in a Christian nation. Every dollar you earn and spend says "In GOD We Trust" on it. Leave and live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like it.
God doesn't assume Jesus. Could be Jewish god who doesn't believe in Jesus or Muslim Americans who also don't believe your messiah stories.

So no we are not a Christian nation.

And we get abortions here. And we allow women to show their hair in public. Don't like it, move to Iran.
Only SOME might. There are millions who don't think that at all.
That's misleading. There may be millions who agree with you but billions who don't. Point is, a lot more disagree with you.

And I hope if you ever get prego at the wrong time you have the kid. Goofoyou.
That's misleading. There may be millions who agree with you but billions who don't. Point is, a lot more disagree with you.

And I hope if you ever get prego at the wrong time you have the kid. Goofoyou.
Not likely to happen. I'm a 58 year old man who got a vasectomy after our last child, so no. Been there and done that. See, when you make a blanket statement like, "Women find you very offensive. Trying to tell them what to do with their bodies.", there is no way to apply that to all women, and there are millions out there who would not be offended by a man who wants all of his children to live.
Not likely to happen. I'm a 58 year old man who got a vasectomy after our last child, so no. Been there and done that. See, when you make a blanket statement like, "Women find you very offensive. Trying to tell them what to do with their bodies.", there is no way to apply that to all women, and there are millions out there who would not be offended by a man who wants all of his children to live.

I'll be honest. I have talked to a lot of stupid women. They 100% want the right to choose. When it comes to them. But then they say stupid shit that they heard from conservative liars. Things like

1. They're using it as a form of birth control. Okay even if that is true for some women, it's still their right. You just don't get the right to tell that young woman sorry, you have to have that baby. Now I know there are some women who no matter what would have that baby and think every other woman should think and be just like her. But they are not. Some are poorer, dumber, more evil and are just worst people than her. And some people who just don't want to have a kid. These people should be allowed to abort.

And 70% agree.

But it is true women fall for bad political arguments too. Like they might actually believe women just decide they don't want it and that's why people have late term abortions. It's just not true but what do they know? Just because they are women doesn't mean they know that's a lie. Usually the only people who know about late term abortions are the couples who are faced with that decision. And I always agree with their decision. I'd do it too. And you'd make me have that mongaloid?

The woman who ran for GOP governor in MI said even in cases of rape and incest, no exceptions. I assume all Republicans are that hard core and than you for that this midterm. I told you it'd cost you.
I'll be honest. I have talked to a lot of stupid women. They 100% want the right to choose. When it comes to them. But then they say stupid shit that they heard from conservative liars. Things like

1. They're using it as a form of birth control. Okay even if that is true for some women, it's still their right. You just don't get the right to tell that young woman sorry, you have to have that baby. Now I know there are some women who no matter what would have that baby and think every other woman should think and be just like her. But they are not. Some are poorer, dumber, more evil and are just worst people than her. And some people who just don't want to have a kid. These people should be allowed to abort.

And 70% agree.

But it is true women fall for bad political arguments too. Like they might actually believe women just decide they don't want it and that's why people have late term abortions. It's just not true but what do they know? Just because they are women doesn't mean they know that's a lie. Usually the only people who know about late term abortions are the couples who are faced with that decision. And I always agree with their decision. I'd do it too. And you'd make me have that mongaloid?

The woman who ran for GOP governor in MI said even in cases of rape and incest, no exceptions. I assume all Republicans are that hard core and than you for that this midterm. I told you it'd cost you.
The falsehoods extend to the other side of the argument, primarily centering around the refusal to admit that a developing human baby is a human being at an early stage of life. If that could just be honestly dealt with, we could then have the REAL discussion and admit that human life carries a price tag, beyond which we are willing to sacrifice said life. We don't, however, want to admit we're willing to do that with the most innocent and vulnerable among us, so we cloak it with euphemisms designed to cloud reality. I mean, we already accept massive loss of life in other areas, but we're more honest about it.

For just one example, we accept tens of thousands of highway deaths every year solely for the privilege of driving fast. If every vehicle on the road was physically unable to travel faster than 35 mph, deaths due to car crashes would almost disappear. Society has decided it's worth losing all those lives just because we want to drive fast. You could poll people crusading against lives being lost in virtually every other arena, even people piously proclaiming that "It's worth any sacrifice it if it saves just one life", and there would be a large percentage that would vociferously complain if their car wouldn't go 85 mph anymore, even if it saved thousands of lives.

The point is, it's time to honest with abortion, about what it is and what it does. The goal of an abortion is a dead human. That's the bottom line, and until we can have an honest discussion where people state that they value their own convenience over the life of a growing baby, we will continue to have this fight. Heck, you can't even get people who always use the hard cases to justify abortion to agree on limiting it to just those cases.

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