More good news! Lefty "men" getting sterilized in record numbers

If they want one they should have the right to get one. Just like rich white women get them.

That's what the racist Klan guy you supported in Virginia said, too, except PP puts their clinics in black neighborhoods, not white ones.
Yes you can turn back the clock. SNIP SNIP. Quick simple outpatient procedure.
You can get a time-traveling retroactive vasectomy?! Amazing.

I love it when Cons say don't have sex. Sorry, not realistic.

There is a difference between:

“Don’t have sex.”


“Don’t have sex IF you are unwilling to sterilize yourself AND you are unwilling to be a responsible parent to the kids you might create.”

Mistakes happen and there is a very simple solution. Maybe not for you but for us there is.
I mean anyone can take the solution of killing someone else whenever they would financially benefit from their death. We just don’t because we’re not monstrous filth, but if you identify as monstrous filth and think that solution is “for you,” then hey, appreciate the honesty, you might be right, but it should still be illegal so we can throw filth like you in prison where you belong.
You can get a time-traveling retroactive vasectomy?! Amazing.


There is a difference between:

“Don’t have sex.”


“Don’t have sex IF you are unwilling to sterilize yourself AND you are unwilling to be a responsible parent to the kids you might create.”

I mean anyone can take the solution of killing someone else whenever they would financially benefit from their death. We just don’t because we’re not monstrous filth, but if you identify as monstrous filth and think that solution is “for you,” then hey, appreciate the honesty, you might be right, but it should still be illegal so we can throw filth like you in prison where you belong.
70% of Michiganders said YES to abortion. Thank Beyelzebub.
You're welcome. I didn't get fixed but I never had kids. The planet is too overpopulated and I'd be okay if all the liberal voters didn't have babies. 65% of the babies you have will be Democratic voters.

The parties will change of course. They always do. Like back when Democrats were the racist party. Before the Southern Strategy that flipped that around.

So you admit to the whole grooming/political indoctrination thing in schools?

You can't reproduce so you have to co-opt other people's kids. How creepy.


Here is something I heard. There aren't enough black men to go around. A lot more black women than men. So black women have a choice. Date non black men, or share black men with other black women. And we all know black women don't date white men. Typically. More times than not it's a black man dating a white women. One reason why there are so few black men to go around. They do date outside the black race. Black women don't.

No different than our Greek women. We try to keep them marrying Greek men. Or Chaldean people want their kids to marry Chaldean so much, they'd rather their daughter marry a 2nd cousin than a white American man. And Chaldeans are Christians. They aren't muslims. I'd understand if they wanted to keep it Muslim but what's this all about? Why come to a diverse country and insist your daughters can only date 1-12% of the population?
The state should be telling women what NOT to do with the bodies of

OTHERS (their children)

A child in the womb has completely different DNA than the mother or father. The child is a completely OTHER person.

If it is OK to murder this helpless child, it will become OK in the future to kill... anyone. And that is happening--- The over-population hysteria is gaining momentum

There is Dr. assisted "suicides" -- which aren't even that. They are MURDER, as the person is often being killed against his/her will. Look it up. It has happened/IS happening in Oregon and elsewhere
The state should be telling women what NOT to do with the bodies of


A child in the womb has completely different DNA than the mother or father. The child is a completely OTHER person.

If it is OK to murder this helpless child, it will become OK in the future to kill... anyone. And that is happening---

I speak of Dr. assisted "suicides" -- which aren't even that. They are MURDER, as the person is often being killed against his/her will. Look it up. It has happened/IS happening in Oregon and elsewhere
In the right circumstance, even someone like you will get an abortion. Half the people who've gotten abortions are pro life. Why? They feel really guilty about what they did. But if they had to do it again, in that situation they were in, they'd do it. And they wouldn't want guberment telling them they can't. Because life is not that precious. You cons pretend to care about seeds in my belly but you don't give a fuck about refugees suffering on the border.
Here is something I heard. There aren't enough black men to go around. A lot more black women than men. So black women have a choice. Date non black men, or share black men with other black women. And we all know black women don't date white men. Typically. More times than not it's a black man dating a white women. One reason why there are so few black men to go around. They do date outside the black race. Black women don't.

No different than our Greek women. We try to keep them marrying Greek men. Or Chaldean people want their kids to marry Chaldean so much, they'd rather their daughter marry a 2nd cousin than a white American man. And Chaldeans are Christians. They aren't muslims. I'd understand if they wanted to keep it Muslim but what's this all about? Why come to a diverse country and insist your daughters can only date 1-12% of the population?
I fail to see what this has to do with murdering the unborn

Liberals are known for changing the subject so as to divert attntion away from issues they cannot logically or ethically argue..

Besides, Black women do date White men.. Candace Owens is married to a White man
In the right circumstance, even someone like you will get an abortion. Half the people who've gotten abortions are pro life. Why? They feel really guilty about what they did. But if they had to do it again, in that situation they were in, they'd do it. And they wouldn't want guberment telling them they can't. Because life is not that precious. You cons pretend to care about seeds in my belly but you don't give a fuck about refugees suffering on the border.
you are lost.

I would never have anything to do with an abortion. My Church excommunicates people for that, but even if they didn't, I know enough to realize that life is from GOD. Can human beings create other human beings? They are trying.. but the material they use (embryos in petri dishes, etc) cannot be made by man. That is made only by GOD.

And who are humans to destroy what only God can create?

You have an awful lot of nerve telling me what I will definitely do or not do. You don't know me from Adam. Yes, conservatives get abortions. Big deal. People are sinners. Big deal.. like, what? we didn't know that?

Liberals are always acting like they have discovered some BIG, never-b4 known truth.

But the truth is, they do not like truth/reality and many of them seem to hate God. Objectively speaking, they do hate Him
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thanks for not breeding
Or the seed in my womb. Add that to the post.
Interesting how you de-humanize the child within, by calling it a "seed"

Hitler would be so proud

I hear Hitler (who hated so many different groups of people just like the baby killing dimrats) is in Hell and there have been cases where, in exorcisms, he speaks through the possessed person

you do not seem to be in good company IMO
70% of Michiganders said YES to abortion. Thank Beyelzebub.
And that’s part of why I’d rather not share a country with those scum anymore.

All for kicking Michigan out.

As far as everything else you had no response, no rebuttal to - I accept your concession.

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