More GOP budget stupidity

I like government spending to make sense. Just because its "government money" (aka taxpayer money) doesn't mean we shouldn't consider cost vs benefit when spending it.

Doing the right thing is making sense... It is not just better to throw your hands up and just give the entitlement junkies free money, because it is cheaper to do so

As stated.. you wanna solve it.. get everyone off welfare, then you would not have to worry about turning it into workfare... that makes sense

How do you get those who physically or mentally can't work off welfare? How do you get the single parent off welfare and into work when the job doesn't pay enough for child care AND living expenses? How do you move someone into the work force if there are not jobs available? How do you get people off "welfare" when they DO work, but it isn't enough?

Getting people "off" welfare is far, far easier said than done, isn't it?

Unless, of course, you really don't give a damn if they live or die. Then it's easy.

The VAST majority are ones that CAN work... others, without family, in comas, unable to act at adult level, those with an IQ of 30, those are either taken care of by family or become wards of the state... and like other wards of the state, lose certain freedoms because of it

Your childcare is not anyone else's responsibility... get roommates, share kidsitting responsibilities with others while you each work different shifts... and here's a novel idea, BE USEFUL and qualify for a job greater than scooping fries so you can actually take care of your family...

There are not jobs available?? You see store windows? You see want ads? There are plenty of jobs available.. Just not ones that all people want.. Well, too bad too sad.. you may not want to scrub toilets, but to survive, you best be doing it 16 hours a day if it is called for

And here's another novel idea.. work 2 jobs.. work 3... move back home with your parents for a short while... move to another area... stay after and get better at your job, take more upon yourself...

Your victim mentality sickens me
I think getting people into a place where they dont need assistance should always be the goal.

In many states is already near impossible for adults without children to receive a large majority of benefits, including food stamps. Anyone who has worked or volunteered at local food banks understands that the majority of people who you feed are struggling adults many who fall into that terrible crack where they are older but not "old enough" and work but dot make enough to feed themselves.

Food stamps is one of the few areas where I think adding greater restrictions is not the answer.
I think getting people into a place where they dont need assistance should always be the goal.

In many states is already near impossible for adults without children to receive a large majority of benefits, including food stamps. Anyone who has worked or volunteered at local food banks understands that the majority of people who you feed are struggling adults many who fall into that terrible crack where they are older but not "old enough" and work but dot make enough to feed themselves.

Food stamps is one of the few areas where I think adding greater restrictions is not the answer.

And that is what charity is for.. I support a great one here in MD that teaches mentally challenged people a trade, helps them find employment, and gets them paired up with roommates in the program to help with expenses and help each other out

It is not the job of government to help make your life easier

Food stamps is one of the most corrupt programs out there... the scams, the reselling, etc.. not to mention the huge expense and red tape it takes to run the program on top of the cost of the money handed out
I like government spending to make sense. Just because its "government money" (aka taxpayer money) doesn't mean we shouldn't consider cost vs benefit when spending it.

Doing the right thing is making sense... It is not just better to throw your hands up and just give the entitlement junkies free money, because it is cheaper to do so

As stated.. you wanna solve it.. get everyone off welfare, then you would not have to worry about turning it into workfare... that makes sense

How do you get those who physically or mentally can't work off welfare? How do you get the single parent off welfare and into work when the job doesn't pay enough for child care AND living expenses? How do you move someone into the work force if there are not jobs available? How do you get people off "welfare" when they DO work, but it isn't enough?

Getting people "off" welfare is far, far easier said than done, isn't it?

Unless, of course, you really don't give a damn if they live or die. Then it's easy.
Straw man alert!

No Conservative has EVER advocated for forcing the physically handicapped to work. That, after all, it a legitimate purpose for our safety net.

However, able bodied individuals CAN and SHOULD work for anything they get in life.

The mentally disabled should be institutionalized. Isn't that the line for your anti-gun babbling?
I think getting people into a place where they dont need assistance should always be the goal.

In many states is already near impossible for adults without children to receive a large majority of benefits, including food stamps. Anyone who has worked or volunteered at local food banks understands that the majority of people who you feed are struggling adults many who fall into that terrible crack where they are older but not "old enough" and work but dot make enough to feed themselves.

Food stamps is one of the few areas where I think adding greater restrictions is not the answer.

And that is what charity is for.. I support a great one here in MD that teaches mentally challenged people a trade, helps them find employment, and gets them paired up with roommates in the program to help with expenses and help each other out

It is not the job of government to help make your life easier

Food stamps is one of the most corrupt programs out there... the scams, the reselling, etc.. not to mention the huge expense and red tape it takes to run the program on top of the cost of the money handed out

If charity could meet the full need, there wouldn't be government programs. But, it doesn't and never has. All of those programs you hate weren't started just for the helluvit. They were started because people were in need and there weren't enough charitable resources to meet that need.

What makes you think it would be any different today, ESPECIALLY during economic hard times?
When did attempting to get people off public assistance so they might produce for themselves become an assault on poor people? As for drug testing people living off our Tax dollars, that is one expense I imagine most rational people have no problem with at all.
I think getting people into a place where they dont need assistance should always be the goal.

In many states is already near impossible for adults without children to receive a large majority of benefits, including food stamps. Anyone who has worked or volunteered at local food banks understands that the majority of people who you feed are struggling adults many who fall into that terrible crack where they are older but not "old enough" and work but dot make enough to feed themselves.

Food stamps is one of the few areas where I think adding greater restrictions is not the answer.

And that is what charity is for.. I support a great one here in MD that teaches mentally challenged people a trade, helps them find employment, and gets them paired up with roommates in the program to help with expenses and help each other out

It is not the job of government to help make your life easier

Food stamps is one of the most corrupt programs out there... the scams, the reselling, etc.. not to mention the huge expense and red tape it takes to run the program on top of the cost of the money handed out

If charity could meet the full need, there wouldn't be government programs. But, it doesn't and never has. All of those programs you hate weren't started just for the helluvit. They were started because people were in need and there weren't enough charitable resources to meet that need.

What makes you think it would be any different today, ESPECIALLY during economic hard times?

Uhh.. no..

1) Programs were put in place for power, nothing more nothing less... see pandering for votes
2) It is not government's job to take care of your personal needs and responsibilities
3) Charity can does and take care of many things... yet you support the government confiscating more and more from ones who do donate to charity (you know, actual federal income tax payers) so that they have less to give to charity... yet the government systems are inefficient and need MORE money, so the government takes more, leaving less for charity, and the vicious cycle based in power continues
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Really? Prove it.

We have that many people who can not flip a burger? Type a letter? Scrub a toilet? No

The VAST majority on assistance are perfectly capable of working some job... to think otherwise is just foolish

In other words, the only evidence you have to back up your assertion is "everybody knows?"

CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement |
Welfare Encourages Able-Bodied People To Leave The Workforce -

You know it.. I know it.. but they do not require handout junkies to list their able bodied status.. so no official number is there.. but the vast amount of people are NOT disabled... and the funny thing is, many MANY disabled people (or legally labeled as disabled) WORK in some sort of fashion...
The GOP dominated legislature in Oklahoma is going after poor people again. "Reducing" reliance upon public assistance by finding ways to kick people off it has become their fiscal and ideological mantra.

Now, a bill is introduced which would force recipients of some aid to do 35 hours of "work activities."

Sounds good, right? Except that the extra cost will be EIGHTEEN TIMES the projected savings!

And, this is from the "conservative" party of "fiscal sanity?" LOL

"…A fiscal analysis of Shannon’s bill suggests it would cost the Department of Human Services an estimated $18.7 million for the agency to add staff, develop work components and training, and change its system to comply with the requirements. The analysis projects nearly 5,200 recipients could be dropped from the program, for an estimated savings of $1 million…."

Durant Daily Democrat - Legislators take aim at needy Oklahomans

Just like testing them for drugs so they can kick them off of welfare. Spend more than they save, and then they complain about wasted spending. These people are just plain stupid. It's unreal.
The GOP dominated legislature in Oklahoma is going after poor people again. "Reducing" reliance upon public assistance by finding ways to kick people off it has become their fiscal and ideological mantra.

Now, a bill is introduced which would force recipients of some aid to do 35 hours of "work activities."

Sounds good, right? Except that the extra cost will be EIGHTEEN TIMES the projected savings!

And, this is from the "conservative" party of "fiscal sanity?" LOL

"…A fiscal analysis of Shannon’s bill suggests it would cost the Department of Human Services an estimated $18.7 million for the agency to add staff, develop work components and training, and change its system to comply with the requirements. The analysis projects nearly 5,200 recipients could be dropped from the program, for an estimated savings of $1 million…."

Durant Daily Democrat - Legislators take aim at needy Oklahomans

Just like testing them for drugs so they can kick them off of welfare. Spend more than they save, and then they complain about wasted spending. These people are just plain stupid. It's unreal.

So just hand out freebies to them willy nilly because it is cheaper than ensuring they meet criteria, that they are not spending on drugs, etc?? Idiocy

Like I said.. I would personally not have government welfare at all.. but if the programs are to be there, damn straight people should have to jump thru hoops to get it and if it costs more to ensure druggies, etc don't get it, so be it.... And if it costs a little more up front to deter people from getting on assistance when they can indeed work, so be it

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