More great economic news- Will dupes get it? Manufacturing, housing. Obama raping country? lol

Lol if we had a republican president instead of Obama right now USMB Rightwingers would not shut up about all this economic progress. Instead now they say "but, but the labor participation is ALL that matters derp derp derp"

Of course. The question really is what economic progress....and labor participation clearly does matter, FYI.
I never said it didn't matter. What I find stupid is that you people like to pretend it is ALL that matters because we have a dem president. If we had a republican one you would agree the economic progress we've had for the last 6 years outweighs the participation setback.
I think folks who are NOT hyper-partisan hacks have no problem admitting some progress and the desire for more.
You people? Why is it all you fucks can manage are broad brush strokes, soundbites and memes. Are you fucking stupid, pal? Or trolling?

Be honest.
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The only celebrating is being done by the Chinese since they are now the number one economy in the world.
Since they have 4x our population, not surprising. They're a great market for our goods, our companies' factories are coming home, and they're not the commie threat they used to be.

Guess you aren't aware of our massive trade deficit with the Chicoms.

What Is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China?

The U.S. trade deficit with China was $318.7 billion in 2013 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $315 billion.

The trade deficit exists despite the fact that U.S. exports to China were also the highest in history, at $121.7 billion. However, imports from China also set a record -- $440.5 billion, more than the $425 billion imported in 2012. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.

US China Trade Deficit Causes Effects and Solutions

Lol if we had a republican president instead of Obama right now USMB Rightwingers would not shut up about all this economic progress. Instead now they say "but, but the labor participation is ALL that matters derp derp derp"

Of course. The question really is what economic progress....and labor participation clearly does matter, FYI.
I never said it didn't matter. What I find stupid is that you people like to pretend it is ALL that matters because we have a dem president. If we had a republican one you would agree the economic progress we've had for the last 6 years outweighs the participation setback.

I think they're waiting for the "economic progress" that's been trumpeted virtually every year since the "recovery" started. I mean, we've had how many "summers of recovery" now?
Burger King to move corporate HQ to Canada...
To avoid USA's highest corporate tax rate among industialized countries....
Will save them $100 million a year.

Even France's rate is lower then USA....
Poor hater dupes...not getting any positive news, just Pubcrappe 24/7...
You just spew talking insults. That exposes your own fraud. Obama energy policy has cost our household $50,000 -- so far. You owe reparations.
How so? And, total bs, hater dupe lol
Your hack's energy policy has cost us over $50,000 since he was inaugurated and re-coronated. Gasoline cost increases of over $3200 annually in addition to increased consumer goods prices of 10-15% and utility cost increases. All at the feet of increased energy overhead, his doing with his green energy policy and restrictions on fossil fuel extraction. Don't blame me for your own poor math skills. Just pay me the money you owe me for your endorsing of that hack and his economically destructive policies.
Poor hater dupes...not getting any positive news, just Pubcrappe 24/7...
You just spew talking insults. That exposes your own fraud. Obama energy policy has cost our household $50,000 -- so far. You owe reparations.
How so? And, total bs, hater dupe lol
Your hack's energy policy has cost us over $50,000 since he was inaugurated and re-coronated. Gasoline cost increases of over $3200 annually in addition to increased consumer goods prices of 10-15% and utility cost increases. All at the feet of increased energy overhead, his doing with his green energy policy and restrictions on fossil fuel extraction. Don't blame me for your own poor math skills. Just pay me the money you owe me for your endorsing of that hack and his economically destructive policies.

So now he's saving you if he controls gas prices. How was Bush doing when it was $4/gal just before he wrecked the world economy? All he did was make extraction safer. BTW, there's a gas/oil boom, and our alternative energy boom has ALSO brought down oil/gas demand and prices. You are a hater dupe 82% chance racist who blames EVERYTHING on Obama. Change the channel.
Poor hater dupes...not getting any positive news, just Pubcrappe 24/7...
You just spew talking insults. That exposes your own fraud. Obama energy policy has cost our household $50,000 -- so far. You owe reparations.
How so? And, total bs, hater dupe lol
Your hack's energy policy has cost us over $50,000 since he was inaugurated and re-coronated. Gasoline cost increases of over $3200 annually in addition to increased consumer goods prices of 10-15% and utility cost increases. All at the feet of increased energy overhead, his doing with his green energy policy and restrictions on fossil fuel extraction. Don't blame me for your own poor math skills. Just pay me the money you owe me for your endorsing of that hack and his economically destructive policies.

So now he's saving you if he controls gas prices. How was Bush doing when it was $4/gal just before he wrecked the world economy? All he did was make extraction safer. BTW, there's a gas/oil boom, and our alternative energy boom has ALSO brought down oil/gas demand and prices. You are a hater dupe 82% chance racist who blames EVERYTHING on Obama. Change the channel.
No. Now I'm losing money at a slower rate because of increased oil supply. And it is totally in spite of obama. The reason energy costs are still worse than before he took office is directly because of him and his destructive energy policy. The green scam.
You lefties are so intellectually challenged. Like you can't decipher the difference between debt and deficit.
And opposing obama is not racist. Accusing those who oppose obama of being racists actually just exposes your own institutional racism. You have to view all things in a prism of skin color because you are conditioned to do so by your left wing ilk.
Your problem.
Change the channel.
Burger King to move corporate HQ to Canada...
To avoid USA's highest corporate tax rate among industialized countries....
Will save them $100 million a year.

Even France's rate is lower then USA....

I guess they've figured out that the consumer ultimately pays all the taxes.
My little turd blossom. Why would you say that? No one attacked you but your paranoia.

Stop white knighting for Fraco-dreck.
I can't begin to express how bored I am with attempts to substitute personal insults with facts, logic, or well-thought out opinions. As far as I am concerned you might as just post a confession to being a dipshit
I can't begin to express how bored I am with attempts to substitute personal insults with facts, logic, or well-thought out opinions. As far as I am concerned you might as just post a confession to being a dipshit

Certain threads call for facts, logic, or well thought out opinions. Francodreck posts call for none of these.

It's like jumping into a cage fighting match where everyone has mini sharks with lasers lashed to their hands.
The only celebrating is being done by the Chinese since they are now the number one economy in the world.
Since they have 4x our population, not surprising. They're a great market for our goods, our companies' factories are coming home, and they're not the commie threat they used to be.

Guess you aren't aware of our massive trade deficit with the Chicoms.

What Is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China?

The U.S. trade deficit with China was $318.7 billion in 2013 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $315 billion.

The trade deficit exists despite the fact that U.S. exports to China were also the highest in history, at $121.7 billion. However, imports from China also set a record -- $440.5 billion, more than the $425 billion imported in 2012. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.

US China Trade Deficit Causes Effects and Solutions

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Over 40,000 factories closed. Explains a lot. The Chamber of Commerce, working with the Chinese, gave seminars all across the country teaching business how to move to China. There is a reason the Chamber of Commerce gives to the GOP 10 to 1 over Democrats. No one gives away money for no reason whatsoever.
The only celebrating is being done by the Chinese since they are now the number one economy in the world.
Since they have 4x our population, not surprising. They're a great market for our goods, our companies' factories are coming home, and they're not the commie threat they used to be.

Guess you aren't aware of our massive trade deficit with the Chicoms.

What Is the U.S. Trade Deficit with China?

The U.S. trade deficit with China was $318.7 billion in 2013 This is a new record, up slightly from last year's record of $315 billion.

The trade deficit exists despite the fact that U.S. exports to China were also the highest in history, at $121.7 billion. However, imports from China also set a record -- $440.5 billion, more than the $425 billion imported in 2012. The deficit keeps growing because imports are rising faster than exports.

US China Trade Deficit Causes Effects and Solutions

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Over 40,000 factories closed. Explains a lot. The Chamber of Commerce, working with the Chinese, gave seminars all across the country teaching business how to move to China. There is a reason the Chamber of Commerce gives to the GOP 10 to 1 over Democrats. No one gives away money for no reason whatsoever.

Obama has been in charge for six years. The Dems have controlled all of Congress or at least 1/2 of Congress those six years.

Sorry....the Dems own it. Period.
Median family income has dropped ever year since 1999. It has accelerated during the Obama Presidency.

For you Liberal idiots.....

This means the average American has less money in their pocket than in any time over the last 15 years. 8.7% less according to Nat Silver.

Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight
The last 15 years? Hmm, Obama was sworn in Jan of 2009. That means Bush and the GOP really fucked us over, right?
Median family income has dropped ever year since 1999. It has accelerated during the Obama Presidency.

For you Liberal idiots.....

This means the average American has less money in their pocket than in any time over the last 15 years. 8.7% less according to Nat Silver.

Five Years Of Recovery Haven 8217 t Boosted The Median Household Income FiveThirtyEight
The last 15 years? Hmm, Obama was sworn in Jan of 2009. That means Bush and the GOP really fucked us over, right?

The drop in median family income has accelerated under Obama and the Democrat Congress. guys own it. :(

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