More guns keeping us safe.......

If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.

That is silly because the whole world does have guns.
The only places that limit guns to the government, are ex-monarchies that really are still monarchies.

If guns did not make you safer and instead make you more likely to get shot, then we would disarm the police and military.
But clearly we not only have not disarmed the police or military, the police and military are the biggest threat we face, so their arms require all responsible citizens to be armed, so that we can maintain a democratic republic.

Gun control is fine if you do not care if we have a democratic republic or not, and don't care about crime.

There is only one country in the world with zero gun regulations and that is Yemen. And how is that working out for them.
You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.

It is not hard to prove that Kleck is fairly accurate.
We know from the DOJ statistics that there are over 1 million successful violent crimes reported each year.
Then we have DOJ statistics calculating that only 1 out of 3 successful crimes are reported. That can be like when a drug dealer is robbed and can't report it, or that something like rape is so embarrassing that only 1 in 6 are reported.
That puts the actual total of successful violent crimes to more like 3 million.
And there likely are far more unsuccessful crimes than successful ones.
We get that from information gathered from prisons.
So that means over 3 million violent crimes failed.
And how can a violent crime fail unless someone used a weapon defensively?
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.

That is silly because the whole world does have guns.
The only places that limit guns to the government, are ex-monarchies that really are still monarchies.

If guns did not make you safer and instead make you more likely to get shot, then we would disarm the police and military.
But clearly we not only have not disarmed the police or military, the police and military are the biggest threat we face, so their arms require all responsible citizens to be armed, so that we can maintain a democratic republic.

Gun control is fine if you do not care if we have a democratic republic or not, and don't care about crime.

There is only one country in the world with zero gun regulations and that is Yemen. And how is that working out for them.

That is not true.
Most countries have no gun regulations.
Some are intentional, but any country in conflict, like Syria, has effectively no gun regulations.
No Muslim country has gun regulations because gun control is against Islam.
Almost no African nation has any gun control.
Most South American nations have no gun control, and places like Brazil make so many guns, they are cheap and easy to get.

Here is an article on the 12 countries with some of the lowest crime because they have no gun control.
12 Countries With No Gun Laws and Low Crime Rates in the World - Insider Monkey

Czech Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Saudi Arabia

The reality is that all democratic republics should not have gun control and instead should be using average citizens instead of mercenary police or military.
Once you have mercenary police or military, you don't really have a democratic republic any more.

You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.
I read the poll questions and summary and wrote it off as Liberal Dementia, much the same as I have, you.
People have the right to choose whether they live or die

Guns do not cause suicides anymore than they cause crime

If I choose suicide by an overdose, I have over an hour to change my mind
If I chose a gun, I have a split second to change my mind

And, if you jump off a building, you have NO time to change your mind.

Or, worse yet if you decide to drive your car into another one, or in the case of that asshole pilot who flew his airliner into the ground killing all of those innocent people. Isn't it interesting how people who wish to commit suicide seem to actually WANT to do it.

What is funny is that there are SO many ways to kill yourself but only one is demonized.

Only one is almost 100% successful every time and almost 100% irreversible and the easiest access. But if that were the only factor involved with guns it would be a non issue.

Nope, jumping from high places has an even higher kill rate.
People have the right to choose whether they live or die

Guns do not cause suicides anymore than they cause crime

If I choose suicide by an overdose, I have over an hour to change my mind
If I chose a gun, I have a split second to change my mind

And, if you jump off a building, you have NO time to change your mind.

Or, worse yet if you decide to drive your car into another one, or in the case of that asshole pilot who flew his airliner into the ground killing all of those innocent people. Isn't it interesting how people who wish to commit suicide seem to actually WANT to do it.

What is funny is that there are SO many ways to kill yourself but only one is demonized.

Only one is almost 100% successful every time and almost 100% irreversible and the easiest access. But if that were the only factor involved with guns it would be a non issue.
There is nothing more cowardly than suicide, But then again it does take care of itself.
People have the right to choose whether they live or die

Guns do not cause suicides anymore than they cause crime

If I choose suicide by an overdose, I have over an hour to change my mind
If I chose a gun, I have a split second to change my mind

And, if you jump off a building, you have NO time to change your mind.

Or, worse yet if you decide to drive your car into another one, or in the case of that asshole pilot who flew his airliner into the ground killing all of those innocent people. Isn't it interesting how people who wish to commit suicide seem to actually WANT to do it.

What is funny is that there are SO many ways to kill yourself but only one is demonized.

Only one is almost 100% successful every time and almost 100% irreversible and the easiest access. But if that were the only factor involved with guns it would be a non issue.

Yes....jumping in front of a train.....I saw this on video...human to broken doll in a patching that up.
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.

That is silly because the whole world does have guns.
The only places that limit guns to the government, are ex-monarchies that really are still monarchies.

If guns did not make you safer and instead make you more likely to get shot, then we would disarm the police and military.
But clearly we not only have not disarmed the police or military, the police and military are the biggest threat we face, so their arms require all responsible citizens to be armed, so that we can maintain a democratic republic.

Gun control is fine if you do not care if we have a democratic republic or not, and don't care about crime.

There is only one country in the world with zero gun regulations and that is Yemen. And how is that working out for them.

And in America, over the last 26 years, as more Americans own and carry guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%....our gun crime rate went down 75%....and our violent crime rate went down 72%........

This shows that guns aren't the driving factor in crime......criminals are.
You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.

It is not hard to prove that Kleck is fairly accurate.
We know from the DOJ statistics that there are over 1 million successful violent crimes reported each year.
Then we have DOJ statistics calculating that only 1 out of 3 successful crimes are reported. That can be like when a drug dealer is robbed and can't report it, or that something like rape is so embarrassing that only 1 in 6 are reported.
That puts the actual total of successful violent crimes to more like 3 million.
And there likely are far more unsuccessful crimes than successful ones.
We get that from information gathered from prisons.
So that means over 3 million violent crimes failed.
And how can a violent crime fail unless someone used a weapon defensively?

And as I have listed over and over again...there are about 17 studies on gun self defense....Kleck's is just one.....and when the DOJ and the CDC tried to replicate the study in order to show he was wrong...their numbers were so high the CDC hid them, and the anti-gunners who set up the DOJ study, spent the rest of the study stating how wrong they were....

CDC...1.1 million defensive uses....

DOJ... 1.5 million defensive uses....
Let Japan take care of their own problems

When 20,000 Americans start killing themselves by falling down stairs, we can start making stairs safer

People have the right to choose whether they live or die

Guns do not cause suicides anymore than they cause crime

If I choose suicide by an overdose, I have over an hour to change my mind
If I chose a gun, I have a split second to change my mind

And, if you jump off a building, you have NO time to change your mind.

Or, worse yet if you decide to drive your car into another one, or in the case of that asshole pilot who flew his airliner into the ground killing all of those innocent people. Isn't it interesting how people who wish to commit suicide seem to actually WANT to do it.

What is funny is that there are SO many ways to kill yourself but only one is demonized.

and if guns are the issue....why do more women use poison to kill themselves than guns?
You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.

It is not hard to prove that Kleck is fairly accurate.
We know from the DOJ statistics that there are over 1 million successful violent crimes reported each year.
Then we have DOJ statistics calculating that only 1 out of 3 successful crimes are reported. That can be like when a drug dealer is robbed and can't report it, or that something like rape is so embarrassing that only 1 in 6 are reported.
That puts the actual total of successful violent crimes to more like 3 million.
And there likely are far more unsuccessful crimes than successful ones.
We get that from information gathered from prisons.
So that means over 3 million violent crimes failed.
And how can a violent crime fail unless someone used a weapon defensively?

You are figuring that ALL violent crimes involve fire arms. Not even close. You leave out clubs, baseball bats, knives, and such. And then don't forget the brute force ones. It's pretty safe to say that the DG ones will be much lower than the attempts by the bad guys without firearms. You leave out the Mace, the kick to the crotch, the poking of the eyes, etc. that also stop violent crimes without firearms.

Now, how about let's break down your 3 million violent crimes per year. That's 250.000 per month, 8333 per day, 347 per hour, 6 per minute. And those are the successful DG crimes. At those figures, it's an epidemic beyond imagination.

Topic: Violent crime in the U.S.
The total for 2017 was 1.28 million. That's all violent crime both successful and unsuccessful. This includes Rape, Homicide, Manslaughter, Armed Robbery (all weapons), assault (without a weapon), and every other form of violent crime including 2 people beating the crap out of a drunk outside of a bar. This includes successful and unsuccessful. Even with all those added, the figures only come up to half of what you claim that DG prevented crimes come up with. No wonder you don't find fault with Kleck. You are doing exactly the same thing he did.
You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.

It is not hard to prove that Kleck is fairly accurate.
We know from the DOJ statistics that there are over 1 million successful violent crimes reported each year.
Then we have DOJ statistics calculating that only 1 out of 3 successful crimes are reported. That can be like when a drug dealer is robbed and can't report it, or that something like rape is so embarrassing that only 1 in 6 are reported.
That puts the actual total of successful violent crimes to more like 3 million.
And there likely are far more unsuccessful crimes than successful ones.
We get that from information gathered from prisons.
So that means over 3 million violent crimes failed.
And how can a violent crime fail unless someone used a weapon defensively?

You are figuring that ALL violent crimes involve fire arms. Not even close. You leave out clubs, baseball bats, knives, and such. And then don't forget the brute force ones. It's pretty safe to say that the DG ones will be much lower than the attempts by the bad guys without firearms. You leave out the Mace, the kick to the crotch, the poking of the eyes, etc. that also stop violent crimes without firearms.

Now, how about let's break down your 3 million violent crimes per year. That's 250.000 per month, 8333 per day, 347 per hour, 6 per minute. And those are the successful DG crimes. At those figures, it's an epidemic beyond imagination.

Topic: Violent crime in the U.S.
The total for 2017 was 1.28 million. That's all violent crime both successful and unsuccessful. This includes Rape, Homicide, Manslaughter, Armed Robbery (all weapons), assault (without a weapon), and every other form of violent crime including 2 people beating the crap out of a drunk outside of a bar. This includes successful and unsuccessful. Even with all those added, the figures only come up to half of what you claim that DG prevented crimes come up with. No wonder you don't find fault with Kleck. You are doing exactly the same thing he did.

Wrong, moron.......rapes and other crimes are under reported by vast amounts.....

Again, you don't know what you are talking about...

National Crime Victimization Survey A new report finds that the Justice Department has been undercounting instances of rape and sexual assault.

How helpful, then, that the Justice Department asked the National Research Council (part of the National Academies, which also includes the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine) to study how successfully the federal government measures rape. The answer has just arrived, in a report out Tuesday with the headline from the press release: “The National Crime Victimization Survey Is Likely Undercounting Rape and Sexual Assault.” We’re not talking about small fractions—we’re talking about the kind of potentially massive underestimate that the military and the Justice Department have warned about for years—and that could be throwing a wrench into the effort to do the most effective type of rape prevention.....

But here are the flaws that call the nice-sounding stats into doubt: The NCVS is designed to measure all kinds of crime victimization. The questions it poses about sexual violence are embedded among questions that ask about lots of other types of crime. For example:


There is, in fact, an existing survey that has many of the attributes the NCVS currently lacks. It’s administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it’s called the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. (NISVS is the acronym. Apologies for the alphabet soup.)

NISVS “represents the public health perspective,” as Tuesday’s report puts it, and it asks questions about specific behavior, including whether the survey-taker was unable to consent to sex because he or she had been drinking or taking drugs. NISVS was first conducted in 2010, so it doesn’t go back in time the way the NCVS numbers do.

But here’s the startling direct comparison between the two measures: NISVS counted 1.27 million total sexual acts of forced penetration for women over the past year (including completed, attempted, and alcohol or drug facilitated).

NCVS counted only 188,380 for rape and sexual assault. And the FBI, which collects its data from local law enforcement, and so only counts rapes and attempted rapes that have been reported as crimes, totaled only 85,593 for 2010.

You post an opinion poll to contradict real numbers? This shit is comical. The left should be well over believing opinion polls by now, or is HRC actually POTUS and I've been living in a dream for 2 1/2 years?

I posted using the real numbers from a report that is used as the basis for all you rightwinggunnutters put out by Kleck. That report has been used as the basis for almost all opinions since it was first published. And those numbers are so outrageous that it's beyond anyone wildest imagination. Your whole cult has been based on a lie. It's right up there with the Flat Earthers and the Fake Moon Landers.

I can see you never read his "Report". And have no idea what it was based on. Sad, sort of like the Mueller Report you haven't read either.

It is not hard to prove that Kleck is fairly accurate.
We know from the DOJ statistics that there are over 1 million successful violent crimes reported each year.
Then we have DOJ statistics calculating that only 1 out of 3 successful crimes are reported. That can be like when a drug dealer is robbed and can't report it, or that something like rape is so embarrassing that only 1 in 6 are reported.
That puts the actual total of successful violent crimes to more like 3 million.
And there likely are far more unsuccessful crimes than successful ones.
We get that from information gathered from prisons.
So that means over 3 million violent crimes failed.
And how can a violent crime fail unless someone used a weapon defensively?

You are figuring that ALL violent crimes involve fire arms. Not even close. You leave out clubs, baseball bats, knives, and such. And then don't forget the brute force ones. It's pretty safe to say that the DG ones will be much lower than the attempts by the bad guys without firearms. You leave out the Mace, the kick to the crotch, the poking of the eyes, etc. that also stop violent crimes without firearms.

Now, how about let's break down your 3 million violent crimes per year. That's 250.000 per month, 8333 per day, 347 per hour, 6 per minute. And those are the successful DG crimes. At those figures, it's an epidemic beyond imagination.

Topic: Violent crime in the U.S.
The total for 2017 was 1.28 million. That's all violent crime both successful and unsuccessful. This includes Rape, Homicide, Manslaughter, Armed Robbery (all weapons), assault (without a weapon), and every other form of violent crime including 2 people beating the crap out of a drunk outside of a bar. This includes successful and unsuccessful. Even with all those added, the figures only come up to half of what you claim that DG prevented crimes come up with. No wonder you don't find fault with Kleck. You are doing exactly the same thing he did.

And another thing...moron.....when someone uses a gun to stop a crime.....that crime isn't reported as a moron....

The same goes if my daughters meet the same fate....
If guns made you safer the whole world would have them.
They don't make you safer, they make you more likely to get shot.

Only cretins would argue otherwise.

That is silly because the whole world does have guns.
The only places that limit guns to the government, are ex-monarchies that really are still monarchies.

If guns did not make you safer and instead make you more likely to get shot, then we would disarm the police and military.
But clearly we not only have not disarmed the police or military, the police and military are the biggest threat we face, so their arms require all responsible citizens to be armed, so that we can maintain a democratic republic.

Gun control is fine if you do not care if we have a democratic republic or not, and don't care about crime.

There is only one country in the world with zero gun regulations and that is Yemen. And how is that working out for them.

That is not true.
Most countries have no gun regulations.
Some are intentional, but any country in conflict, like Syria, has effectively no gun regulations.
No Muslim country has gun regulations because gun control is against Islam.
Almost no African nation has any gun control.
Most South American nations have no gun control, and places like Brazil make so many guns, they are cheap and easy to get.

Here is an article on the 12 countries with some of the lowest crime because they have no gun control.
12 Countries With No Gun Laws and Low Crime Rates in the World - Insider Monkey

Czech Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Saudi Arabia

The reality is that all democratic republics should not have gun control and instead should be using average citizens instead of mercenary police or military.
Once you have mercenary police or military, you don't really have a democratic republic any more.

I live in Colorado and most of the ones you listed have equal or stricter laws than here. In fact, there are places in the United States with laxer laws than all of them put together. The only country on Earth with zero gun regulations is Yemen.

Czech Republic Gun politics in the Czech Republic incorporates the political and regulatory aspects of firearms usage in the country. Policy in the Czech Republic is in many respects less restrictive than elsewhere in the European Union A gun in the Czech Republic is available to anybody subject to acquiring a shall issue firearms license first. Gun licenses may be obtained in a way very similar to a driving license - by passing a gun proficiency exam, medical examination and having a clean criminal record

Requires a Medical exam? Is that another way of saying a Shrink?

Bosnia and Herzegovina Weapons are regulated by the Weapons and Ammunition Law.[11] People over 21 may apply for a permit. Those with a history of criminal activity, mental disorders, alcohol or drug abuse will be denied a permit. There is also a thorough background check, interviewing neighbors and family, and the applicant must complete a course and pass a multiple-choice exam. Police have the last word on the matter, with an appeal possible to a captain of police. Firearms must be kept in a "safe place" in a residence, and may be confiscated by police if the owner is found irresponsible. Concealed carry is allowed with a permit. Pepper spray may be carried by females if registered with police.

I just checked the top two but trust me, the others also have gun regulations equal to or stricter than many places in the United States. You need to send your check back to your handler as you really didn't earn your money on this one.


And here you had me all giddy about you being part of a mass shooting and then you go and do this. You really are a downer :booze:

Washington didn't shoot them, he got them to lose interest. If Britain had wanted to, they could have brought in enough forces to overwhelm the 15% that actually represented the colonies. But France and Spain were waiting for that to happen and would have invaded in a heart beat in the British Isles and/or it's possessions. Britain had to make a choice.

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