More Hunter and Joe = Hunter demanded payment from Chinese = "I am sitting here with my father"

He was impeached for trying to get Ukraine to make a statement it was looking into it… when they weren’t

Typical bullshit.

The fired prosecutor WAS looking into it, the ONLY reason why Traitor Joe pushed to get him fired...
Do you have any concern for the United States or do you only care about your government check and the broom stuck up your ass???
Your inability to not understand what an attorney does is beyond my scope to make you learn.
Since the homO Administration used our tax dollars to orchestrate a Zionist Fascist coup in Ukraine, Ukraine became a giant laundromat for Zionist Fascism globally to take a country's money and launder it there. It isn't just the Bidens. It is a lot larger than that.

Now, why was there so much opposition to INVESTIGATING Hunter and Burisma?

Tip of the iceberg

We now know all the excuses used were all lies. Why is the one thing your side hates and opposes the most always THE TRUTH?
I am anxiously awaiting the Truth. I am sure Comer and Grassley are just being coy.
You aren't bothered that the Saudi Crown Prince, allegedly a Muslim sponsor of terror, was best pals with Jeff Epstein and the biggest customer of his island.


Was Trump wise to trust THAT DEMOGRAPHIC which includes

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
William Barr
Gen Milley
Mike Pentz
John Bolton
Mitch McConnell
Dick Cheney/Liz Cheney
George Will
Col Tim Osman
Does it bother you the Kushner led a delgation to Saudi Arabia and landed a $2B deal immediately after leaving office? Yes or no? Hunter Biden was never part of the government but you are very interested in whether he leveraged government favors… with no evidence. Only evidence is Hunter threw his dads name around. That’s it. it sucks but its not illegal. What is illegal is withholding money for a fake investigation announcement.. its also illegal to get Saudi weapons and then leverage it for a $2B deal in the private sector when you leave office.
Your inability to not understand what an attorney does is beyond my scope to make you learn.

So, you are arguing that the DOJ, Chris Wray etc. were "correct" to take Hunter's laptop documenting dozens of crimes and HIDE IT because "that is what an attorney does?"

No wonder our legal system is so fucked up.
Typical bullshit.

The fired prosecutor WAS looking into it, the ONLY reason why Traitor Joe pushed to get him fired...
You think Biden carried out that against the wishes of the US and world? Regardless… there was no investigation to announce. Address that point.
Does it bother you the Kushner led a delgation to Saudi Arabia and landed a $2B deal immediately after leaving office? Yes or no?

Absolutely YES

you are very interested in whether he leveraged government favors… with no evidence

This is where your hypocrisy goes off the scale. Evidence is there, cash payments, prosecutor fired, Traitor Joe bragging about it.

INVESTIGATIONS are what is needed to document EVIDENCE, and you and your side fight against INVESTIGATIONS because YOU DO NOT WANT THE EVIDENCE TO BECOME PUBLIC because YOU KNOW THEY ARE ALL 100% GUILTY of EVERYTHING THEY ARE ACCUSED.... and as a Zionist Fascist LIAR you CHEER THAT....
I think they are planning to impeach Hunter.
Hunter should be a felon doing time in prison. This is not a quick reaction. This is a slow buildup of building a case against a criminal over a period of years. The Russian people died after the Revolution in 1917 in many millions. Great improvements for the people promised. Groups used against each other. To further the increase of power of the elites. We have proof Hunter is no good. Ph uk this country. The one who gives us a chance. Anyone who stops a person with weapons murdering people are fools anymore.
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Hunter should be a felon doing time in prison. This is not a quick reaction. This is a slow buildup of building a case against a criminal over a period of years. The Russian people died after the Revolution in 1917 in many millions. Great improvements for the people promised. Groups used against each other. To further the increase of power of the elites. We have proof Hunter is no good. Ph uk this country. The one who gives us a chance. Anyone who stops a person with weapons murdering people are fools anymore.
I don't even know what to say. Hope you are ok.
they had this laptop while tRump was in office and he and Bill Barr knew of it yet did nothing

More precisely, Zionist Fascism deliberately hid the laptop and did nothing. Involved in that conspiracy to cover up treason against America were the follow Zionist Fascists

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
William Barr
Rupert Murdoch
William Brennan
Adam Schiff
Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Mitch McConnell
Paul Ryan
Mitt Romney
Lisa Murkowski
Rod "The Mossad" Rosenstein
New rule. Until you can get someone to walk into court and make these allegations it didn't happen.
Why wasn’t that rule in place when you libs were insisting Trump conspired with Russia, and spent millions of dollars and three years trying to prove a made-uo story?
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You made a statement, can you not back it up or admit you were wrong?

How many times have you been banned here and just came back under a new name??

I don't even know what to say. Hope you are ok.
You know. The people who spout Democracy use it as way for power that is not of the Constitution. If people drink alcohol for thousands of years, and still to today, it is used against them as a vice to promote agendas that eventually destroy a way of living through guilting. as more and more vices are expanding. A new government comes to power then without most citizens noticing slowly. Tell me the total costs of HIV/AIDS a year from all levels of government. Plus, what is hidden in costs to insurance policies. I do not care about people and their ways of living. Somehow, I must pay for this. Why? Answer me on this.
Joe was not president in 2017.

It doesn't matter that he wasn't President in 2017 because in 2019 he said that he had never spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings. The same business dealings Joe Biden used his position as Obama's VP in order to set his son up with. The same business dealings in which rich Chinese oligarchs with CCP connections paid Hunter and Joe, so they could exert influence over our political system.

And now that Biden is President, his DOJ is doing everything they can to keep you from knowing the full extent of his corruption. Corruption that sold out this country to the highest bidder and compromised the security of the country. I don't know if your so called "news media" has informed you about this, but so far we know, Biden has taken $5 million from Ukraine. $10 million from China., $2 million from Russian oligarchs, and $4 million from the middle East. He's also had up to 7 unregistered offshore accounts.

Imagine if Donald Trump had been involved in corruption like that?

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