More Hunter and Joe = Hunter demanded payment from Chinese = "I am sitting here with my father"

Why wasn’t that rule in place when you libs were insisting Trump conspired with Russia, and spent millions of dollars and three years trying to prove a made-uo story?
Every time they turned over a rock in the Trump administration they found a Russian or someone working for them. The problem is that no republican saw anything wrong with that.
You know. The people who spout Democracy use it as way for power that is not of the Constitution. If people drink alcohol for thousands of years, and still to today, it is used against them as a vice to promote agendas that eventually destroy a way of living through guilting. as more and more vices are expanding. A new government comes to power then without most citizens noticing slowly. Tell me the total costs of HIV/AIDS a year from all levels of government. Plus, what is hidden in costs to insurance policies. I do not care about people and their ways of living. Somehow, I must pay for this. Why? Answer me on this.
I am not sure exactly what you are saying, but there is only one way not to contribute to society, just do not participate. The early French fur traders were probably the last of the truly libertarians but even they sold their furs. But if you move far out into nowhere and survive completely on your own you will not have to pay for others.
Was he taking bribe money from them, the way the Bidens did from China?

You libs are nuts.

How many here are paid by the taxpayer to troll and post bullshit defending Traitor Joe and Hunter???

Almost ALL...
I am not sure exactly what you are saying, but there is only one way not to contribute to society, just do not participate. The early French fur traders were probably the last of the truly libertarians but even they sold their furs. But if you move far out into nowhere and survive completely on your own you will not have to pay for others.
We are paying for others. It is just where you are starting from. This is not about surviving completely on your/my own.
I am suspect of this supposed text.
I would not be so anxious to jump on this.
The wording doesn't sound real. It sounds like a fake text.

I would not put it past the Bidens to put out fake stories like this, and then disprove it to paint doubt on other legitimate evidence.
ya i bet shower joe was on the grassy knoll and shot jfk
Was he taking bribe money from them, the way the Bidens did from China?

You libs are nuts.
Baseless and hypocritical allegations of extreme corruption have been a republican thing since the internet came along. Seems like you would have developed a little skepticism by now.
Clearly how the Biden crime family forced the payments of kickbacks for selling US foreign policy out to enrich themselves...

Okay, run with this for a bit until it gets debunked. Then you can make something else up and rinse, repeat.
This is a good summary of how the US went from under $6 trillion in debt when W was sworn in to over $30 trillion in debt today.

The Democrat Party, and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" support

sending our money to foreign countries
kicking it back to themselves
attacking/impeaching anyone who wants to investigate

The Democrats were always like that. The GOP only became that way after 1998....
This is a good summary of how the US went from under $6 trillion in debt when W was sworn in to over $30 trillion in debt today.

The Democrat Party, and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" support

sending our money to foreign countries
kicking it back to themselves
attacking/impeaching anyone who wants to investigate

The Democrats were always like that. The GOP only became that way after 1998....
You forgot to mention Trump. Then it would be a good summary.
Um, this is from the laptop, the laptop that Chris Wray hid, that 50+ US "Intel officials" lied about and claimed was "Russian disinfo," that the Big Tech Globalists CENSORED because they hate truth and America...

All knew it was true. The DOJ has known Traitor Joe was selling access for decades = DECADES.
It is reported to be from the laptop.
You forgot to mention Trump. Then it would be a good summary.

Trump wanted to investigate it.

Chris Wray and Sessions/Barr conspired against him.

Chris Wray knew the Russia collusion narrative was Hillary campaign funded misinfo and sat there and laughed as the Congress impeached Trump over a lie.

Chris Wray has known all along what the FBI file on the Bidens has to say. Chris Wray is a complete traitor.

Your side is all about stopping truth from coming out on this issue. You oppose investigations and shout down discussion.
It is reported to be from the laptop.

This latest revelation about Hunter demanding money from the Chinese with his dad RIGHT THERE in the room is from the laptop, but Traitor Joe was selling access long before that, and was very much in on 911...
Trump wanted to investigate it.

Chris Wray and Sessions/Barr conspired against him.

Chris Wray knew the Russia collusion narrative was Hillary campaign funded misinfo and sat there and laughed as the Congress impeached Trump over a lie.

Chris Wray has known all along what the FBI file on the Bidens has to say. Chris Wray is a complete traitor.

Your side is all about stopping truth from coming out on this issue. You oppose investigations and shout down discussion.
Arent Barr Sessions and Wray all Trump appointees who conspired against the CIC? Weird, with Trump only hiring the best and all.
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Clearly how the Biden crime family forced the payments of kickbacks for selling US foreign policy out to enrich themselves...

The only people concerned with Hunter Biden are you and your ilk. The lawyer who investigated Hunter was appointed by trump and completed his investigation. No favoritism in this case.
There is no "Biden crime family". However, there is a trump crime family that you never mention.
The latest is the issue of Kushner and Ivanka gifted with TWO BILLION dollars by the Saudis.
So let's be evenhanded, yes?
Just to be clear---I do not give a rat's ass about Hunter Biden. He is not running for anything and has no effect on anything that affects me or you. He deserves what he gets and is now a felon.
More precisely, Zionist Fascism deliberately hid the laptop and did nothing. Involved in that conspiracy to cover up treason against America were the follow Zionist Fascists

Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
William Barr
Rupert Murdoch
William Brennan
Adam Schiff
Dianne Feinstein
Chuck Schumer
Mitch McConnell
Paul Ryan
Mitt Romney
Lisa Murkowski
Rod "The Mossad" Rosenstein

Cool story, ya go wit that nutter!

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