More left wing hypocrisy pointed out by the actually awakening Bill Maher

The rabid right will never forgive Bill for calling the terrorist who flew those jetliners in to the WTC and Pentagon "not cowardly......"

As far as I remember he has always called out illiberals pretending to be liberals
After watching the American Machismo do nothing since the left stole the nation over the years why we call people cowards with different thought patterns on violence on that is puzzling. These people in those planes believed it enough to give up their lives for a cause. Agree with it or not.
Maher has seen the ratings of those who do nothing but bash one side so he goes after the left sometimes to get those who don't normally watch him to tune in.

The Toronto Sun is a tabloid newspaper designed for people riding public transit to work. It has a Page 6 girl, and is a generally tacky newspaper, and it attacks government constantly. The Sun is just anti-government. Conservative, liberal, they don't care. They don't trust or like any of them. Bill Maher is anti-government but not libertarian.

I don't think Maher's ratings are all that high. They're higher among conservatives than Kimmel or Colbert, but Maher is on HBO, and the other two are on public networks. I watch Maher because he does give time to both side, which is why I like his shows, even if I don't think all that much of him.
American "leftists" aren't really leftists, but just center-left liberals. Real socialists, and communists, aren't environmentalists or tree huggers, we believe in industrialization, using nuclear energy, science, and technology. We're materialists, so the idea that a male can just declare himself a "woman" and become an actual "woman" is seen as absurd, if not dangerous by the genuine leftists.

We don't inject our children with puberty blockers. What we're witnessing here in America with these liberals in many ways is funded by big-money capitalists like George Soros and other liberal billionaires. They want to emasculate the male population and get boys hooked on expensive hormone treatments and surgeries. It's all a very lucrative business and a way of controlling the masses. Turning everyone queer makes people more naive, gullible, complicit, submissive to the establishment, less rebellious, and objectionable. The American liberal ruling elite is doing everything it can to castrate the working class.

Dear Lord but you're incredibly crazy and stupid to boot.

None of the above is happening. George Soros is not a boogie man.

And right wingers are making this huge to do over the 1% of the gay population which is trans. that's approximately 100,000 people in all of the USA. The Republican right is doing this to themselves.
After watching the American Machismo do nothing since the left stole the nation over the years why we call people cowards with different thought patterns on violence on that is puzzling. These people in those planes believed it enough to give up their lives for a cause. Agree with it or not.

It's too late.
The American education system has already neutered the average American male.
I'm almost age 70. I'm smarter than manning a barricade by myself. But I'll still die on my feet if this shitshow called America infringes on my personal boundary's!!

Yessiree, Bob!!!
Dear Lord but you're incredibly crazy and stupid to boot.

None of the above is happening. George Soros is not a boogie man.

And right wingers are making this huge to do over the 1% of the gay population which is trans. that's approximately 100,000 people in all of the USA. The Republican right is doing this to themselves.

You're doing that to yourselves by pushing this crap ideology in schools, with young children. Little children are being exposed to a bunch of LGBTQ filth. The right-wingers are correct on this issue. This should be illegal:






Homeschool your children.

Notice folks how they don't acknowledge how the pathetic virtue signaling leftist globalist global warming losers they worship all use private jets?

They are such pathetic losers.

And also they, the leftist globlalists, eat in the best 5 stars restaurants in the world, and they want us to eat bugs..................among other things:mad:

They are indeed the most phony and disgusting creatures in this world!
Trump really is a criminal conman. He was in the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected. It wasn't his first. He's now up to his hips in fraud, tax evasion, and other charges, and the public record of bankruptcies and over 4000 law suits speaks to his criminal history.

He publicly bragged to committing bribery of public officials long before he was elected. It's one of the few times I actually believe him because everyone in the big money construction business pays bribes, even people who would not otherwise break the law. I worked in big money construction law and it is the most corrupt business on earth. Crooks and scammers abound, and Trump was one of the worst.

He also bragged about sexual assault, and cheating on his wives. The man is scum. Not to mention the damage he did to the country, and which is ongoing.
Bla bla bla . Biden extorted Ukraine on video . But you know all this u just hate America and Americans.
We don't need tik tok to poison our kids minds , we have dirty democrats to groom them.

No you don't. You have idiots who are endangering their children with false narratives about "groomers", while ignoring the real pedophiles preying on your children.

The people who are preying on your children are not gays, drags queens or homosexuals. The people who are responsible for molesting and raping children are straight men. A child is 100 times more likely to be molested by a straight male than a gay man or a lesbian.

Maher has 'seen the light' and is dragging Democrats / the left continuously...
It's too late.
The American education system has already neutered the average American male.
I'm almost age 70. I'm smarter than manning a barricade by myself. But I'll still die on my feet if this shitshow called America infringes on my personal boundary's!!

Yessiree, Bob!!!
America is a huge nation. Differences in different areas. It is just that Progs dominate media/entertainment. And that overflows into Republican areas.
Not at all. I'm not a fan of any bashing of the other side. In Palin's case, there are so many real and valid criticisms of her candidacy that you're harming your own case against her when you resort to this low garbage. Maher has always struck me as a misogynist pig at his core.

Palin was both unqualified to be the VP, in terms of education and experience. She was the Mayor of Wasilla, population approx. 9000 people, before being elected Governor. She then ran for VP a little more than a year after becoming governor. She doesn't appear to have even graduated college or university, although she made several tries over the years. I can't even imagine her as President, which is a very valid consideration given McCain's age. She's done absolutely nothing since leaving office to change my opinion of her.

When Andrew Scheer was debating Justin Trudeau during an election campaign, the question asked was "As Prime Minister, what changes would you make to Canada's current foreign policy?". With 2 minutes to reply, Scheer launched into an attack along the lines of Justin Trudeau is unqualified, and he did this that and the other thing. The moderator said "Mr. Scheer: The question was what would your foreign policy be if your were Prime Minister". He followed up with more attacks on Trudeau.

Elections are supposed to be about good governance. How do we know if you can do the job, if you spend all of your time, telling us what a creep your opponent is? Tell us why we should give YOU our vote.

Your vote went to Blackface.
No you don't. You have idiots who are endangering their children with false narratives about "groomers", while ignoring the real pedophiles preying on your children.

The people who are preying on your children are not gays, drags queens or homosexuals. The people who are responsible for molesting and raping children are straight men. A child is 100 times more likely to be molested by a straight male than a gay man or a lesbian.

Yeah right, men who put boy penises in their mouths aren't gay or necessarily "exclusively gay", as if that somehow justifies the liberal, "woke" grooming of children. All of this gender confusion among children is due to the liberals and their agenda to influence the next generation, making them more "progressive" and "tolerant". You're regressive, not progressive. Conservatives should take their children out of public school and enroll them in a private school that reflects their values or home-school them. Don't allow these wackos to influence your child:

Many Gay men and Lesbians are against the child grooming and are speaking out.

Maher loses more liberals and blows smoke up the RWingers ass. His survival.
Not true.
I don't like the guy. I think he is a smug know-it-all who thinks he is Socrates.
Regardless, he is saying what he believes. Always has. He always attacked conservatives and religion because that is who he saw as persecutors.
Today, he sees progressives as faaar more persecutors than conservatives.
As he said numerous times - "I haven't changed, they did". (talking about liberals)
CNN is hiring him to compete with Gutfeld on Fox News.
And that is not a bad thing. Now both of them will be swinging bats at batshit crazy liberals.

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