More left wing hypocrisy pointed out by the actually awakening Bill Maher

Gays who recognize there's a problem with the "woke" liberals pushing and grooming children into "the gay" and gender chaos:

Many gay people see what is happening and they're fighting against it.​
Nothing was learned after Viet Nam. You cannot invade a country where the people are a different race, culture and religion and expect them to welcome you with open arms. They will resent you and hate you and they will wait you out. You can't stay forever. In all of history, that's never been successful. Hong Kong, anyone??
Nothing Was Taught After Viet Nam

Since the Left Wing of the Deep State was pacifist and its Right Wingers were pro-war draftdodgers, the narrative about Vietnam was changed to protect those guilty of treason and desertion. We should have bypassed the South Vietnamese, who were cowards, crooks, and collaborators. If real Americans had been in charge instead of ignorant and sheltered snobs, we would have gone straight into North Vietnam, killing any South Vietnamese who obstructed our path to victory. The excuse about China's supposed intervention assumes that Truman did the right thing in firing MacArthur, who knew what he was doing and had many victories to back him up.

There was a precedent for invading North Vietnam when it invaded the South. On D-Day, we weren't there to liberate France but to use it as a stepping ground to defeat Germany. Eisenhower wouldn't let the gutless French have any significant part in the action.

It is illogical to believe that there can be such a thing as a non-combatant in a combat zone. "Either help us kill the enemy or you are the enemy and we will kill you."

This multicultie sympathy for the Vietnamese jungle bunnies puts a moralizing costume on the ruling class's class-warfare fear and hatred of the bravest sons of the White working-class. The Geneva Convention was drawn up by snobs, pacifists, and Chickenhawks. As a result, most body bags should have been stamped RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.

The Deep State's purpose in the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest Whites. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
After watching the American Machismo do nothing since the left stole the nation over the years why we call people cowards with different thought patterns on violence on that is puzzling. These people in those planes believed it enough to give up their lives for a cause. Agree with it or not.

That's Why the Language-Inept Diploma Dumbos at Foxy News Called Them "Homicide Bombers"
And also they, the leftist globlalists, eat in the best 5 stars restaurants in the world, and they want us to eat bugs..................among other things:mad:

They are indeed the most phony and disgusting creatures in this world!
We Are Born in the Dugout, and Those Born on Third Base Make Us Believe We've Been Benched

Not phony at all if you realize that the Neo-Communists are spoiled-putrid Preppies and are only acting the way their Daddies told them they could. The HeirDads are Right Wingers, not some imaginary former Communists.
The totalitarian heiristocratic tyranny does everything it can, and it can do everything, to hide what should have been obvious from the beginning of this New Age sewage: they are two factions in the exclusive oligarchy arguing over which way to humiliate, demoralize, and pacify all the Whites who weren't born rich.

We outnumber these Sperm Bingo winners at least 100 to 1 and can crush them like grapes. It's time to quit whining and start making wine.

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