More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

There have never been job losses from a minimum wage increase. It has been increased many times and we know this.

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

Employers hire less, either thru reduction in headcount, reduction in hours, increased automation or because they simply shut down an unprofitable business.
This lower income leads to less customer spending, fewer sales and even less hiring.
Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

Employers hire less, either thru reduction in headcount, reduction in hours, increased automation or because they simply shut down an unprofitable business.
This lower income leads to less customer spending, fewer sales and even less hiring.

A min wage increase has never led to an increase in unemployment. Fact.
Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

I'm giving up on Brain....less.
He's been going round and round with this shit throughout this whole thread.

You should as you can't win. History is clear. Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

You make it sound like a law of economics.
Let's test it. Why the half-measures? Make it $50 an hour.
Does it increase unemployment now?
Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

600 economists! 7 Nobel prize winners agree with me.

I'd ask for a link but I'm not going to bother because it's bullshit.
I highly doubt it takes into account the people who are going to demand a raise that currently make ten bucks an hour.
I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

I'm giving up on Brain....less.
He's been going round and round with this shit throughout this whole thread.

You should as you can't win. History is clear. Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

You make it sound like a law of economics.
Let's test it. Why the half-measures? Make it $50 an hour.
Does it increase unemployment now?

Doesn't matter. Nobody is suggesting that. It is history. We have increased min wage many times and it does not happen.
Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

600 economists! 7 Nobel prize winners agree with me.

I'd ask for a link but I'm not going to bother because it's bullshit.
I highly doubt it takes into account the people who are going to demand a raise that currently make ten bucks an hour.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

It is based on history. It takes into account everything obviously. You are the one who fails to account for everything.
I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.
Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

600 economists! 7 Nobel prize winners agree with me.

I'd ask for a link but I'm not going to bother because it's bullshit.
I highly doubt it takes into account the people who are going to demand a raise that currently make ten bucks an hour.

The man is obviously keeping him down. If only the minimum wage is increased, he'll finally be able to buy a car instead of taking the bus.
And his Mom would get off his back. Doesn't she understand sales will increase?
Dammit Mom!
Poor guy, if only his enthusiasm translated into a marketable skill.
Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

600 economists! 7 Nobel prize winners agree with me.

I'd ask for a link but I'm not going to bother because it's bullshit.
I highly doubt it takes into account the people who are going to demand a raise that currently make ten bucks an hour.
Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

It is based on history. It takes into account everything obviously. You are the one who fails to account for everything.

And I was right. They dont take it into account.
And I didnt see a thing about doubling the min wage.
Give em a buck and tell em to get back to the damn fryer.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.
Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

I'm giving up on Brain....less.
He's been going round and round with this shit throughout this whole thread.

You should as you can't win. History is clear. Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

Min wage increases do not increase unemployment.

You make it sound like a law of economics.
Let's test it. Why the half-measures? Make it $50 an hour.
Does it increase unemployment now?

Doesn't matter. Nobody is suggesting that. It is history. We have increased min wage many times and it does not happen.

Doesn't matter. Nobody is suggesting that.

I'm suggesting it. If you're right, employment and profits will improve.
We can eliminate welfare and prices won't go up.
When will you agree? $50, now!
In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.

You're really sick of that bus pass, aren't you?
In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?

You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.

Spouting the same shit over and over again doesnt make you the winner.
I think we can all agree giving em another buck wont fuck things up,but anymore than that and you're going to create a domino effect.
You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.

You're really sick of that bus pass, aren't you?

Ah yes resortng to childish insults. I love winning.
Did you get that...all the studies are in....
And magically there is no effect or added cost to the business.....

The "science" is settled once again !
You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.

Spouting the same shit over and over again doesnt make you the winner.
I think we can all agree giving em another buck wont fuck things up,but anymore than that and you're going to create a domino effect.

It means you guys are slow learners. Sad that I have to post the facts so many times.

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