More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

And what customers would those be?
And you keep on leaving out the part where prices go up leading to less sales to pay the artificial wage hike. And of course those price hikes negate what raise they did get.

What do you mean what customers? Most places that pay min wage have lots of low income customers who will be getting a pay increase. That is more sales which covers increased labor costs so prices don't have to increase.

So 4.3% of the population is going to make up the difference?:lmao:

You are the same person who was claiming across the board increases before right? Your story changes depending what false claims you are making I guess.

Min wage has increased many times. Your gloom and doom has not happened.
We have increased min wage many times. This has never lead to an increase in unemployment.

The Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Unemployment No Evidence of Harm An Economic Sense
Full time workers in minimum wage jobs are poor, despite their evident willingness to work. Even if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00 an hour from the current $7.25 an hour, as Obama has proposed, these working poor will still be earning well less than poverty line income. And bringing the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will only bring it back to where it was more than a half century ago. Real GDP per capita has more than doubled over this period. Yet minimum wage workers are currently earning 20% less.

Rigorous empirical studies do not show that increasing the minimum wage by an amount such as this will lead to an increase in unemployment of such workers. Nor does one see such an increase in unemployment in a more casual examination of the evidence, such as in the graphs above. While the poor need more assistance than just from this, increasing the minimum wage as Obama has proposed would certainly be an important help.
That's precisely the type of evidence I was expecting, because raw, empirical evidence does not and cannot measure what does not happen. In other words, there is no way to measure cause and effect here, unless you can show me what a business would have done in a different environment.

Business react to higher employee costs in the way I described. They don't just "absorb" the costs - as I keep reading - the money has to come from somewhere, and I described the most likely process. The most obvious example of my point is automation. Like water in a stream, a business has to look for the easiest movement of its cash flow.

I'm not arguing against minimum wage or increases in it. My point is that empirical data completely misses/ignores business psychology, and that's where decisions are often made.


You must be joking. So you want to ignore what has actually happened and just stick to your theory even though it is proven wrong by history? Sorry but we have increased minimum wage many times and we know it does not increase unemployment.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
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I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

And what customers would those be?
And you keep on leaving out the part where prices go up leading to less sales to pay the artificial wage hike. And of course those price hikes negate what raise they did get.

What do you mean what customers? Most places that pay min wage have lots of low income customers who will be getting a pay increase. That is more sales which covers increased labor costs so prices don't have to increase.

So 4.3% of the population is going to make up the difference?:lmao:

You are the same person who was claiming across the board increases before right? Your story changes depending what false claims you are making I guess.

Min wage has increased many times. Your gloom and doom has not happened.

Give em a buck and things will be fine.
The Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Unemployment No Evidence of Harm An Economic Sense
Full time workers in minimum wage jobs are poor, despite their evident willingness to work. Even if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00 an hour from the current $7.25 an hour, as Obama has proposed, these working poor will still be earning well less than poverty line income. And bringing the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will only bring it back to where it was more than a half century ago. Real GDP per capita has more than doubled over this period. Yet minimum wage workers are currently earning 20% less.

Rigorous empirical studies do not show that increasing the minimum wage by an amount such as this will lead to an increase in unemployment of such workers. Nor does one see such an increase in unemployment in a more casual examination of the evidence, such as in the graphs above. While the poor need more assistance than just from this, increasing the minimum wage as Obama has proposed would certainly be an important help.
That's precisely the type of evidence I was expecting, because raw, empirical evidence does not and cannot measure what does not happen. In other words, there is no way to measure cause and effect here, unless you can show me what a business would have done in a different environment.

Business react to higher employee costs in the way I described. They don't just "absorb" the costs - as I keep reading - the money has to come from somewhere, and I described the most likely process. The most obvious example of my point is automation. Like water in a stream, a business has to look for the easiest movement of its cash flow.

I'm not arguing against minimum wage or increases in it. My point is that empirical data completely misses/ignores business psychology, and that's where decisions are often made.


You must be joking. So you want to ignore what has actually happened and just stick to your theory even though it is proven wrong by history? Sorry but we have increased minimum wage many times and we know it does not increase unemployment.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
Okay, it's all about hard numbers only. No such thing as business psychology.

Got it. Never mind.

The Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Unemployment No Evidence of Harm An Economic Sense
Full time workers in minimum wage jobs are poor, despite their evident willingness to work. Even if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00 an hour from the current $7.25 an hour, as Obama has proposed, these working poor will still be earning well less than poverty line income. And bringing the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will only bring it back to where it was more than a half century ago. Real GDP per capita has more than doubled over this period. Yet minimum wage workers are currently earning 20% less.

Rigorous empirical studies do not show that increasing the minimum wage by an amount such as this will lead to an increase in unemployment of such workers. Nor does one see such an increase in unemployment in a more casual examination of the evidence, such as in the graphs above. While the poor need more assistance than just from this, increasing the minimum wage as Obama has proposed would certainly be an important help.
That's precisely the type of evidence I was expecting, because raw, empirical evidence does not and cannot measure what does not happen. In other words, there is no way to measure cause and effect here, unless you can show me what a business would have done in a different environment.

Business react to higher employee costs in the way I described. They don't just "absorb" the costs - as I keep reading - the money has to come from somewhere, and I described the most likely process. The most obvious example of my point is automation. Like water in a stream, a business has to look for the easiest movement of its cash flow.

I'm not arguing against minimum wage or increases in it. My point is that empirical data completely misses/ignores business psychology, and that's where decisions are often made.


You must be joking. So you want to ignore what has actually happened and just stick to your theory even though it is proven wrong by history? Sorry but we have increased minimum wage many times and we know it does not increase unemployment.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
Okay, it's all about hard numbers only. No such thing as business psychology.

Got it. Never mind.


Yes min wage has increased many times. We know what happens:
Well the min wage for tipped employees is like $2 an hour. Customers are mostly paying your employees. I don't think a min wage increase will break you. And if it would well we know who the little man is.
Why would I? I don't believe it is caused by min wage increases.

Yet you want to make it worse.

Min wage increases have never made it worse.

Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.
An increase in the MW drives up costs and the market eventually resumes equilibrium, which leaves those at the low end of the scale right where they started.
That's precisely the type of evidence I was expecting, because raw, empirical evidence does not and cannot measure what does not happen. In other words, there is no way to measure cause and effect here, unless you can show me what a business would have done in a different environment.

Business react to higher employee costs in the way I described. They don't just "absorb" the costs - as I keep reading - the money has to come from somewhere, and I described the most likely process. The most obvious example of my point is automation. Like water in a stream, a business has to look for the easiest movement of its cash flow.

I'm not arguing against minimum wage or increases in it. My point is that empirical data completely misses/ignores business psychology, and that's where decisions are often made.


You must be joking. So you want to ignore what has actually happened and just stick to your theory even though it is proven wrong by history? Sorry but we have increased minimum wage many times and we know it does not increase unemployment.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
Okay, it's all about hard numbers only. No such thing as business psychology.

Got it. Never mind.


Yes min wage has increased many times. We know what happens:
Yes we do. It results in those at the low end remaining at the low end, and the low end moving up ultimately means nothing because everything else moves with it.
Yet you want to make it worse.

Min wage increases have never made it worse.

Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.

If min wage increases it will not increase wages across the board. Maybe just for some of the lowest paid.

1. Those making a little more than MW now will rightly demand an increase when they're again making MW.
2. Many union contracts are based on the MW and would increase with it.
You can't seriously think it would just jump to 15. Even in Seattle it will be years before it reaches 15. Fact is previous increases have not done what you claim. You are wrong.
Obviously, I am not. As I said, if raising the MW has NO impact on jobs, let's just raise it to $100/hr and be done with poverty altogether. And, while you're considering that, ask yourself WHY Seattle is taking years to raise its MW to $15/hr. If you answer that honestly, you will find that what I said is correct.

Nobody is suggesting 100, don't be such a drama queen. Exaggeration is all you have? Well previous raises have not effected unemployment.

Why not 100 dollars...why just a living wage...why not a "good living" wage...........if it won't affect jobs, as you declare, and will in fact give people more money to spend, as you declare, giving all people 100 dollars an hour would give people a lot more to spend...right?

Stop being ridiculous. Min wage increases have never increased unemployment.

Don't be an idiot.....the reason teenagers can't find jobs is because of the minimum wage increases......
When the cost of labor goes higher than a job is worth, the job is usually replaced by automation. Teenagers used to be able to pump gas and get some experience. Now we pump our own gas. Now they flip burgers, tomorrow an automated oven will do the whole process more consistently and cheaper. Away go the jobs.
You must be joking. So you want to ignore what has actually happened and just stick to your theory even though it is proven wrong by history? Sorry but we have increased minimum wage many times and we know it does not increase unemployment.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
Okay, it's all about hard numbers only. No such thing as business psychology.

Got it. Never mind.


Yes min wage has increased many times. We know what happens:
Yes we do. It results in those at the low end remaining at the low end, and the low end moving up ultimately means nothing because everything else moves with it.

You would have to prove inflation increases by the same amount as the increase. I don't think you can do that.
The restaurant makes more money with more customers.

Typically, when you raise prices, you get fewer customers.
You could read an economics book. But then you might realize that liberals are idiots.

If they have more customers they don't need to raise prices. Increasing income of customers makes them go out to eat more often. Hence restaurant sales increase. Try not to get lost.

Is it the job losses among the lower income that will lead to the increasing sales?

There have never been job losses from a minimum wage increase. It has been increased many times and we know this.

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

You can't possibly believe it's going from 7.25 to 15. A min wage increase has never increased unemployment.

You can't possibly believe it's going from 7.25 to 15.

So what are the correct numbers?

A min wage increase has never increased unemployment.

We've already seen your ignorance of economics, you don't have to keep repeating it.
Obviously, I am not. As I said, if raising the MW has NO impact on jobs, let's just raise it to $100/hr and be done with poverty altogether. And, while you're considering that, ask yourself WHY Seattle is taking years to raise its MW to $15/hr. If you answer that honestly, you will find that what I said is correct.

Nobody is suggesting 100, don't be such a drama queen. Exaggeration is all you have? Well previous raises have not effected unemployment.

Why not 100 dollars...why just a living wage...why not a "good living" wage...........if it won't affect jobs, as you declare, and will in fact give people more money to spend, as you declare, giving all people 100 dollars an hour would give people a lot more to spend...right?

Stop being ridiculous. Min wage increases have never increased unemployment.

Don't be an idiot.....the reason teenagers can't find jobs is because of the minimum wage increases......
When the cost of labor goes higher than a job is worth, the job is usually replaced by automation. Teenagers used to be able to pump gas and get some experience. Now we pump our own gas. Now they flip burgers, tomorrow an automated oven will do the whole process more consistently and cheaper. Away go the jobs.

Yet that has never happened with a min wage increase.
Min wage increases have never made it worse.

Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.

If min wage increases it will not increase wages across the board. Maybe just for some of the lowest paid.

1. Those making a little more than MW now will rightly demand an increase when they're again making MW.
2. Many union contracts are based on the MW and would increase with it.

So that would further increase business sales to cover increased labor.
You completely ignored my point. That's okay, I'm used to it when dealing with partisans.

I live this stuff 24/7/365. I would not expect someone who does not to understand it.


Your point made no sense. Min wage has increased many times, we know what happens. Stop making things up.
Okay, it's all about hard numbers only. No such thing as business psychology.

Got it. Never mind.


Yes min wage has increased many times. We know what happens:
Yes we do. It results in those at the low end remaining at the low end, and the low end moving up ultimately means nothing because everything else moves with it.

You would have to prove inflation increases by the same amount as the increase. I don't think you can do that.
Inflation goes up every year. If it goes up by 2% every year for 10 years, costs are up by about 20%. Thus, any positive effects of a 20% bump in the MW are gone in a decade. Bottom line, raising the MW just feeds into inflation. Better to allow the economy to grow, thus raising demand for labor and raising pay. Ever wonder why McDonald's workers in North Dakota were making $14/hour? Not because of an arbitrary MW.
Nobody is suggesting 100, don't be such a drama queen. Exaggeration is all you have? Well previous raises have not effected unemployment.

Why not 100 dollars...why just a living wage...why not a "good living" wage...........if it won't affect jobs, as you declare, and will in fact give people more money to spend, as you declare, giving all people 100 dollars an hour would give people a lot more to spend...right?

Stop being ridiculous. Min wage increases have never increased unemployment.

Don't be an idiot.....the reason teenagers can't find jobs is because of the minimum wage increases......
When the cost of labor goes higher than a job is worth, the job is usually replaced by automation. Teenagers used to be able to pump gas and get some experience. Now we pump our own gas. Now they flip burgers, tomorrow an automated oven will do the whole process more consistently and cheaper. Away go the jobs.

Yet that has never happened with a min wage increase.
So why DO you pump your own gas and find your seat in a theater by yourself?
Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.

If min wage increases it will not increase wages across the board. Maybe just for some of the lowest paid.

1. Those making a little more than MW now will rightly demand an increase when they're again making MW.
2. Many union contracts are based on the MW and would increase with it.

So that would further increase business sales to cover increased labor.
No, it would merely increase labor costs to the business. That means fewer hours worked, fewer workers paid, and higher prices.

1. Those making a little more than MW now will rightly demand an increase when they're again making MW.
2. Many union contracts are based on the MW and would increase with it.

And the last thing America needs is our already overpaid workers making even more money.

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