More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

In this particular chain, I would guess that most of the wait staff will be making 30% more with the $15 minimum wage, which would more than make up for loss of tips. Of course some people will still tip, particularly in Seattle.

Lot's of money in Seattle. But the fact remains, how are you going to instill policy on customers? If this is actually true, the restaurant is going to create a policy for their employees. Which means they aren't going to get MY money.
'16. Smoking three packs of cigarettes over 46 years has a significant opportunity cost. If a person invested and reinvested just that cigarette money over those 46 years, he or she could create a portfolio worth over $2 million. Researchers note that the value of a small amount of money over time can be significant.'

Chances are you would have lost all or most in 2008.

FYI: You can't 'save' to make millions.
18. Billionaire Bill Gates announced that he would donate his wealth (estimated to be $61 billion) to charity and that he would leave a maximum of $10 million to each of his three children.

Bill Gates net worth is $80B.
I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.
No, minimum wage increases doesn't necessarily mean across the board hikes in wages. In most businesses their aren't that many people making minimum wage. Employees that are just above minimum wage and working with minimum wage employees may see a small increase. Higher salary employees usually see no raise.

Not true. There are plenty of businesses that only hire min wage workers.
They'll raise prices and the people of seattle will leave the city limits to purchase those goods or they wont frequent them as often.

Give an example of a business you think would have to raise prices.

All fast food joints and any other place that hires teenagers as their main workforce.
I dont frequent fast food joints,but if they raise prices by a couple bucks for the crap food they serve I'll never set foot in one again.
And I know many people who feel the same. I want to see them stay in business when they lose a third of their customers and they have to pay artificially inflated wages.
They'll close in droves.

You know...the very people bitching and moaning about Wal Mart must actually work for wal mart....if they support this minimum wage...why? Because all those mom and pop stores these guys say they love are the ones who will close because they can't pay their workers 15 dollars an hour and stay in who wins.....Wal Mart....who can absorb that cost......dittos any other big business vs. smaller guys will drive out the very people you profess to love.............
Common Characteristics of Millionaires
Live below their means

I don't know if I could spend $98,000.00/day.

Lead frugal lifestyles

Not wasteful, sure.

Are self-employed or own their own business


Plan and study investments

Most rich know what the investment is and how the investment makes money, planning usually involves hired people.

Are not always at the top of their class (some didn’t even go to college)


Are self-made

Software, yes. Most, no. OPM and OP make them rich.
'16. Smoking three packs of cigarettes over 46 years has a significant opportunity cost. If a person invested and reinvested just that cigarette money over those 46 years, he or she could create a portfolio worth over $2 million. Researchers note that the value of a small amount of money over time can be significant.'

Chances are you would have lost all or most in 2008.

FYI: You can't 'save' to make millions.

Well to be fair if we'd diversified out portfolio we wouldn't have lost it all, we flipped too much and then had to pull some older investments out for medical bills when my husband hit a moose, but I will give you the risk factor existence. That's why you have to better yourself even IF you're a millionaire, and why you have to live within your means.

Even so simple things will make life better; don't buy it unless you /need/ it. Don't buy a new cell phone when the one you have works fine, don't buy a new car every 5 years. Make a budget that includes investing, or at least saving, even if it's only $10a month - suck it up and go without a meal or two if you have to, it won't kill you (feed your kids though.) Don't smoke or do drugs when you don't have money, don't buy $200 sneakers when you can't pay your bills, don't have your nails done when you can't afford groceries, don't have kids when you're working min wage, etc. These are /not/ especially hard things to do and they apply to everyone. That's just to "get by"

If you want to "better" your life and get middle to upper-middle class, then you have to work, period. I don't mean just showing up either, I mean becoming a valued employee and going beyond what is "minimally required" for a paycheck. That really isn't hard either, especially considering the low bar that employers have had to deal with in the last generation or so. (I mean seriously you are going to be competing with people who think it's a "joke" to piss on nacho's at work then post a youtube of it...) Personally I recommend staying away from fast food entirely, it's a dead end low pay at management, and even as a franchise owner you won't make much with nowhere to go past that. Same with retail sales, do those jobs then use whatever you can set aside to get certification for more specialized fields - not college, but certs will give you an edge for better paying jobs and evidence your commitment; figure $30-100 for the basics. Then you can start thinking about college or vocation schools; aim for high flex skills - accounting, customer support, legal, and management pathways stuff that's portable. Could also make a more aggressive move/commitment, take a welding class and try to get part-time non-paid apprentice positions on the side; mechanics, plumbing, etc. Military is another option.

Now if you want to really make money, then you have to embrace capitalism and learn to control your emotions, and your tongues. And that right there is why this country is going to go to hell in a hand basket... No company that makes or pays out good money is going to keep someone who "hates" the /real/ consumers of their products (aka the "haves",) "hate" their superiors (aka well paid management, board of directors, and owners,) and who feel the company 'owes' them more than the pay package the employee accepted when hired on.

If you can't do that and still want to be "rich" then you best start setting aside money to start your own business because that's likely the way you'll make real money with an us vs them, you owe me, mentality. Of course once you run your own business you'll quickly learn those "evil" capitalist skills or your business will fail... On the up side, at least you'd finally be blaming the /right/ person for your "lot in life" - yourself.
You know...the very people bitching and moaning about Wal Mart must actually work for wal mart....if they support this minimum wage...why? Because all those mom and pop stores these guys say they love are the ones who will close because they can't pay their workers 15 dollars an hour and stay in who wins.....Wal Mart....who can absorb that cost......dittos any other big business vs. smaller guys will drive out the very people you profess to love.............

Walmart for the most part has already done that.
You know...the very people bitching and moaning about Wal Mart must actually work for wal mart....if they support this minimum wage...why? Because all those mom and pop stores these guys say they love are the ones who will close because they can't pay their workers 15 dollars an hour and stay in who wins.....Wal Mart....who can absorb that cost......dittos any other big business vs. smaller guys will drive out the very people you profess to love.............

Walmart for the most part has already done that.

And this helps them even'll see....
You could confiscate every dollar the rich posses and it wouldnt make a damn bit of difference.

I must disagree.

It would make a HUGE difference. Countless businesses would close and tens of thousands would become unemployed.

Beware the law of unintended consequences, lefties.
You know...the very people bitching and moaning about Wal Mart must actually work for wal mart....if they support this minimum wage...why? Because all those mom and pop stores these guys say they love are the ones who will close because they can't pay their workers 15 dollars an hour and stay in who wins.....Wal Mart....who can absorb that cost......dittos any other big business vs. smaller guys will drive out the very people you profess to love.............

Walmart for the most part has already done that.

And this helps them even'll see....

Oh has that happened before with one of the many increases that have happened?
Common Characteristics of Millionaires
Live below their means

I don't know if I could spend $98,000.00/day.

Plan and study investments

Most rich know what the investment is and how the investment makes money, planning usually involves hired people.

Are self-made

Software, yes. Most, no. OPM and OP make them rich.

If you spend $98,000 a day then you will NEVER become a millionaire. Much less remain one...

Allow me introduce you to the internet, all the education you could ever need or want is right there. You don't need to hire anyone to get started.

I disagree, exec management is where it's at right now. If you imply "Other Peoples Money" aka leveraging, (which is the only acronym I can recall that makes sense here,) then my argument is quite simply and? Its not like the borrower's don't get some form of return on the investment.
I'm not going to go over this for the twentieth time.
When costs increase at the very places the min wage workers are employed how does that make it any cheaper for them?

The restaurant makes more money with more customers. Wage increases for customers increases sales for the restaurant.

The restaurant makes more money with more customers.

Typically, when you raise prices, you get fewer customers.
You could read an economics book. But then you might realize that liberals are idiots.

If they have more customers they don't need to raise prices. Increasing income of customers makes them go out to eat more often. Hence restaurant sales increase. Try not to get lost.

Is it the job losses among the lower income that will lead to the increasing sales?

There have never been job losses from a minimum wage increase. It has been increased many times and we know this.

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.
'16. Smoking three packs of cigarettes over 46 years has a significant opportunity cost. If a person invested and reinvested just that cigarette money over those 46 years, he or she could create a portfolio worth over $2 million. Researchers note that the value of a small amount of money over time can be significant.'

Chances are you would have lost all or most in 2008.

FYI: You can't 'save' to make millions.

Chances are you would have lost all or most in 2008.

All or most of $2 million? LOL! You're funny.
If you spend $98,000 a day then you will NEVER become a millionaire. Much less remain one...

Allow me introduce you to the internet, all the education you could ever need or want is right there. You don't need to hire anyone to get started.

I disagree, exec management is where it's at right now. If you imply "Other Peoples Money" aka leveraging, (which is the only acronym I can recall that makes sense here,) then my argument is quite simply and? Its not like the borrower's don't get some form of return on the investment.

Au contraire. Why would you start a business and do the labor yourself when you can hire others to do it?

FYI: I made my first million 36 years ago.
The naivete (or is it ignorance?) on this topic is stunning.

When wages artificially increase (and they will), the first thing most businesses with a significant amount of lower-wage workers will do is cut hours. They will not increase prices yet. They will obviously slow hiring or only hire people who are willing to work fewer hours. Maybe cut benefits. Then they'll watch for a while and see how this plays out.

If they are still squeezed, the next thing they will do is drop lower-end staff and look at either discovering or purchasing efficiencies, ways to produce more with less.

Only after they have done all of the above will they increase prices to any significant degree.

The workers on the lower end will just have to deal with fewer hours and/or look for a new job. Or they could start their own business. There are only so many moving parts here.

The restaurant makes more money with more customers. Wage increases for customers increases sales for the restaurant.

The restaurant makes more money with more customers.

Typically, when you raise prices, you get fewer customers.
You could read an economics book. But then you might realize that liberals are idiots.

If they have more customers they don't need to raise prices. Increasing income of customers makes them go out to eat more often. Hence restaurant sales increase. Try not to get lost.

Is it the job losses among the lower income that will lead to the increasing sales?

There have never been job losses from a minimum wage increase. It has been increased many times and we know this.

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

You can't possibly believe it's going from 7.25 to 15. A min wage increase has never increased unemployment.

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