More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Who the hell said anything about people making 50 thousand a year?
You want to fuck over the people who actually worked hard to get to that 10 buck an hour mark.

That isn't across the board. That's just the very low paid.

If you're talking a buck than you still have to give the next pay scale a raise.
If you gave em the 7.50 they want it would be chaos.

Still not across the board. Just the lowest paid. Won't be $15.

If they'd accept a buck I'd be okay with it.
They screwing themselves and creating resistance to anything they propose by being ignorant fucks.

Why in the f*** are you stressing yourself out over the min wage, what prison pay isn't good enough for ya!! LOLOLOLOLOL

I'm retired. In fact I managed to do it at 46.
And I have zero sympathy for lazy fucks.
Just business 101. Labor is a big cost of doing business. If you don't want to pay your workers a living wage, then close the doors and do something else with your life. Well, business owners can always hire cheap illegal immigrant labor. They'll work for $20.00 a day, which is twice what they earned in their home country. Either pay workers a living wage, or hire illegal immigrant labor, a very simple choice. Or, just close the doors and retire with all the money cheap labor enabled you to make over the years.
Sure, and put ALL your employees out of work. What do they matter when we're trying to make a political point?
Again, either pay them, or close the doors. What are the other choices? You can't force workers to stay if they don't want to. And, you can't change laws by poor-mouthing. Either pay them, or hire illegal immigrants, or close the doors, very simple.
That's what they do. Close the doors. Everyone is out of a job and it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of employees. The owner can hopefully start again doing something less labor intensive. Something automated.

LOLOLOL.....Let me tell you something, while morons like you are out her championing business's who whine about paying their employee's a decent wage, savvy business's in my neck of the woods is getting the message. Yeah, they can pack up and leave and go to Texas or some low wage state....but the business's where I live..understand, if I pay decent wages, I could possibly garner MORE CUSTOMERS AND GUESS WHAT....THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED...SO MUCH IN FACT, BUSINESS IN BOOMING IN MY HOME TOWN!!
I shop at Walmart because they are cheap.
If Walmart paid a living wage then the mom and pop shops could spring up and take their business away. I would then shop at the mom and pop shops who have no employees to pay. So yes paying a living wage does hurt business.

The question is shouldn't the government compensate those who don't make a living wage or set into regulation rules that require everyone who works for a living earns a living? It's either that or let them starve.

It's only going to get worse. Truckers will be replaced by self driving trucks next --> The World s First Self-Driving Semi-Truck Hits the Road WIRED then buses, finally cabs. Same with engineers on trains. Fast food will be self service only. Nobody will be able to get a low end job because there won't be any. So either the government is going to have to back these people with handouts or we have to pay someone to clean up their carcases and imprison the ones who try to help themselves by any means possible.

The question is shouldn't the government compensate those who don't make a living wage or set into regulation rules that require everyone who works for a living earns a living? It's either that or let them starve.

No, the government shouldn't do only makes it worse...
Logic dictates that if someone has a job they should be paid enough to pay the rent. If you're living like a homeless person while employed why not quit your job and be totally homeless?

You can't get people off of welfare if you refuse to pay a living wage.

I myself plan on retiring by slapping a cop once my cancer makes it so I no longer am able to work. I will not be homeless.

You're pathetic.
I'm a realist and your debating skills suck.

I cant stand whiners and beggars... And you appear to be both.
What part of my original quote can you argue against?

People won't get off of welfare if they can't get a living wage.
What part of that do you disagree with and have a substantial counter argument to?

A person who works for a living should earn a living. ie. should make enough money to not need government assistance in order to pay his rent.
What part of that do you disagree with?

Does the fact that me getting cancer and loosing my job mean I should be homeless? My only option is to do something to put myself in jail to stop becoming homeless with cancer. Maybe I should just shoot myself according to you? Got a better alternative?

Mandating a wage by government, corrupt, politicians doesn't do creates the very thing you want stopped....the poor, with few job skills will be passed over for people with more skills since all workers are required to be paid the same...the poor, low skilled workers won't have a chance to get better jobs.......and will still be on welfare...

Create more jobs.....that creates demand for workers which increases pay as the various employers have to raise wages to get the best everyone wins...
Why Wal Mart raised it's salaries...competition........

Wal-Mart s Raise Is Exhibit A In Why Minimum Wage Is Bad Idea -

The retail giant should be Exhibit A in the argument against imposing a one-size-fits-all minimum wage straitjacket on the U.S. economy.

It's raising wages for workers not because it wants to be nice, but because the market for people who can do Wal-Mart jobs has tightened in recent years as modest job growth has been restored to the economy............

Sure, everyone likes the idea of paying low-wage workers more. But let's look at what happened the last time it happened, in 2007. Democrats in Congress passed a series of minimum-wage hikes that lifted the basic wage 41% from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour.

Two economists at the University of California, San Diego looked at the results of that move. In states where wages were already high, there was little impact. But in low-wage states, the impact was huge.

Indeed, the UCSD study found that the minimum-wage hike, separated from the effects of the financial crisis, cost the economy 1.4 million jobs. And it may have played a big role in the surge in U.S. poverty rates.
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I estimated my yearly gross on what the former owner claimed. I did 300% of that and ended up netting about 2%

Not horrible for the first year, but there's not a lot of room to cut costs and competition doesn't allow jacking up prices but maybe 50 cents on a 7 dollar shot.

You didn't do due diligence.
are all liberals this stupid? min. wage goes up- labor costs have to come down; people lose hours or their job.

What's the NET difference in pay of a $7.00/hr employee vs a $10.00/hr employee?
That would depend on many factors. Do both live and work in the same town? Are they both single or married? How many dependents do they claim? Do they have insurance deducted from their payroll check? Do they both have IRA's or other pension plans deducted from their paychecks? Do they both work 40 hours a week? It's difficult to figure net difference without all of the information. The gross pay is simple, $3.00 an hour. Net is more difficult to answer without enough details.
So correct. Businesses have been dealing with the cost of labor, taxes, regulations, and fluctuations in the economy since the beginning of time, nothing new.

Using the above to your advantage is what makes successful business owners.
That isn't across the board. That's just the very low paid.

If you're talking a buck than you still have to give the next pay scale a raise.
If you gave em the 7.50 they want it would be chaos.

Still not across the board. Just the lowest paid. Won't be $15.

If they'd accept a buck I'd be okay with it.
They screwing themselves and creating resistance to anything they propose by being ignorant fucks.

Why in the f*** are you stressing yourself out over the min wage, what prison pay isn't good enough for ya!! LOLOLOLOLOL

I'm retired. In fact I managed to do it at 46.
And I have zero sympathy for lazy fucks.
I retired at 45 and did it by mainly avoiding the old "you MUST have this" crap. My truck is 22 years old and STILL starts and runs EVERY time. My home is warm in the winter and cool in the summer and dry when it rains.

All this crap about you NEED this or you NEED that is just crap.
Meet the basics and eat well. Reduce cash out flow and it will reduce stress. Take care of what you buy like your money means something.
If you're talking a buck than you still have to give the next pay scale a raise.
If you gave em the 7.50 they want it would be chaos.

Still not across the board. Just the lowest paid. Won't be $15.

If they'd accept a buck I'd be okay with it.
They screwing themselves and creating resistance to anything they propose by being ignorant fucks.

Why in the f*** are you stressing yourself out over the min wage, what prison pay isn't good enough for ya!! LOLOLOLOLOL

I'm retired. In fact I managed to do it at 46.
And I have zero sympathy for lazy fucks.
I retired at 45 and did it by mainly avoiding the old "you MUST have this" crap. My truck is 22 years old and STILL starts and runs EVERY time. My home is warm in the winter and cool in the summer and dry when it rains.

All this crap about you NEED this or you NEED that is just crap.
Meet the basics and eat well. Reduce cash out flow and it will reduce stress. Take care of what you buy like your money means something.

I spent like drunken democrat until I retired.
Now it's all about holding what you got and letting your money work for you.
I figure I have one more new truck in my future and the ranch when the wife is finished in a couple years.
Hell,entertainment to me is hunting,fishing and BBQing with some drinking mixed in.
Once you get the land the rest of it's cheap.
I retired at 45 and did it by mainly avoiding the old "you MUST have this" crap. My truck is 22 years old and STILL starts and runs EVERY time. My home is warm in the winter and cool in the summer and dry when it rains.

All this crap about you NEED this or you NEED that is just crap.
Meet the basics and eat well. Reduce cash out flow and it will reduce stress. Take care of what you buy like your money means something.

You're cheap....Got it!
In part due to the recession most businesses have cut the fat to the bone; that is they just can't cut employees without the business suffering. Over 75% of the employees in Seattle or not effected. In fact, there are a surprising number of businesses that pay all their employees above $15/hr.

One chain of restaurants, Ivars has announced that they are raising the wages of all employees to a minimum of $15/hr and will be enhancing employee health insurance. Menu prices will increased 20% and a no tipping policy will be implemented. Other restaurants are taking other approaches. One fast food chain said they would be looking at automated point sale kiosks and cell phone apps. Several of the upscale restaurant who are paying $15/hr or higher said there would be no changes.

A no tipping policy? Why would they want to screw their employees like that?

A restaurants goal is 20% net, plus an owners paycheck, plus supplier kick-backs.
Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
In part due to the recession most businesses have cut the fat to the bone; that is they just can't cut employees without the business suffering. Over 75% of the employees in Seattle are not affected. In fact, there are a surprising number of businesses that pay all their employees above $15/hr.

One chain of restaurants, Ivars has announced that they are raising the wages of all employees to a minimum of $15/hr and will be enhancing employee health insurance. Menu prices will be increased 20% and a no tipping policy will be implemented. Other restaurants are taking other approaches. One fast food chain said they would be looking at automated point sale kiosks and cell phone apps. Several of the upscale restaurant who are paying $15/hr or higher said there would be no changes.
Well the min wage for tipped employees is like $2 an hour. Customers are mostly paying your employees. I don't think a min wage increase will break you. And if it would well we know who the little man is.
Why would I? I don't believe it is caused by min wage increases.

Yet you want to make it worse.

Min wage increases have never made it worse.

Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.
No, minimum wage increases doesn't necessarily mean across the board hikes in wages. In most businesses their aren't that many people making minimum wage. Employees that are just above minimum wage and working with minimum wage employees may see a small increase. Higher salary employees usually see no raise.
Yet you want to make it worse.

Min wage increases have never made it worse.

Than give em a buck. They dont deserve that but if it would shut up liberals it would be worth it.

I'm certain a buck would not cause any problems. I view min wage increases as one of the better liberal options. It sure beats taxing more and having the governent try to redistribute it. With this option it at least goes directly to the worker not increasing the size of governent.

That only goes so far. If you jack up the min wage you now have to raise wages across the board driving up prices.
You pay oneway or another whether it's through higher prices or gov assistance.
Personally I'd rather not screw up the pay scale.
No, minimum wage increases doesn't necessarily mean across the board hikes in wages. In most businesses their aren't that many people making minimum wage. Employees that are just above minimum wage and working with minimum wage employees may see a small increase. Higher salary employees usually see no raise.

Not true. There are plenty of businesses that only hire min wage workers.
They'll raise prices and the people of seattle will leave the city limits to purchase those goods or they wont frequent them as often.
Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
if we can judge some one to be worth 8 and hour we can re-evalute all the billionaires raping us all. let's drop their pay off our backs and walla we all get raises. see? same as we've always done to kings and pharoahs. get rid of them
In part due to the recession most businesses have cut the fat to the bone; that is they just can't cut employees without the business suffering. Over 75% of the employees in Seattle or not effected. In fact, there are a surprising number of businesses that pay all their employees above $15/hr.

One chain of restaurants, Ivars has announced that they are raising the wages of all employees to a minimum of $15/hr and will be enhancing employee health insurance. Menu prices will increased 20% and a no tipping policy will be implemented. Other restaurants are taking other approaches. One fast food chain said they would be looking at automated point sale kiosks and cell phone apps. Several of the upscale restaurant who are paying $15/hr or higher said there would be no changes.

A no tipping policy? Why would they want to screw their employees like that?

A restaurants goal is 20% net, plus an owners paycheck, plus supplier kick-backs.
In this particular chain, I would guess that most of the wait staff will be making 30% more with the $15 minimum wage, which would more than make up for loss of tips. Of course some people will still tip, particularly in Seattle.

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