More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Its an empty argument....

Any increase in labor will not be a absorbed by the company. Hours will be cut, a job will be lost, prices will rise. Any combination youd prefer.

One third of minimum wage earners are overpaid, another third underpaid...

And no min wage increase has ever lifted anyone out of poverty. Poverty rates have remained the same, as 60% of those in poverty dont work....

Its an empty gesture to the dim witted for their votes.....

Funny those things haven't happened with the many min wage increases of the past.
"In a comprehensive, 182-page summary of the research on this subject from the last two decades, economists David Neumark (UC-Irvine) and William Wascher (Federal Reserve Board) determined that 85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase."


Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase.
So, if 64 studies show no job loss, 362 show that there is. You can quote that crap all day, but you are wrong!
The Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage on Unemployment No Evidence of Harm An Economic Sense
Full time workers in minimum wage jobs are poor, despite their evident willingness to work. Even if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00 an hour from the current $7.25 an hour, as Obama has proposed, these working poor will still be earning well less than poverty line income. And bringing the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will only bring it back to where it was more than a half century ago. Real GDP per capita has more than doubled over this period. Yet minimum wage workers are currently earning 20% less.

Rigorous empirical studies do not show that increasing the minimum wage by an amount such as this will lead to an increase in unemployment of such workers. Nor does one see such an increase in unemployment in a more casual examination of the evidence, such as in the graphs above. While the poor need more assistance than just from this, increasing the minimum wage as Obama has proposed would certainly be an important help.

I appreciate those willing to research what they debate, but your study somewhat invalidates itself due to statements like these here:

"The first graph shows the federal mandated minimum wage since 1950, in real inflation adjusted terms (using the CPI), plus the unemployment rates for all workers and separately for workers aged 16 to 24. The data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but was downloaded for convenience from FRED, the Federal Reserve Economic Data web site maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The unemployment rate for workers aged 16 to 24 is shown separately as one would expect that increases in the minimum wage would increase unemployment especially sharply in that group, if the assertion is correct that increases in the minimum wage lead to such workers losing their jobs. Approximately 51% of the hourly wage workers earning the minimum wage are in this 16 to 24 age group."

Firstly, and astonishingly unless I'm not awake yet, exactly what the fuck does plotting a 2013 CPI adjusted minimum wage line have to do with the effect of raising the minimum wage on unemployment? I mean, I just woke up and all, but shouldn't they be plotting, you know, increases in the minimum wage here, rather than what the minimum wage was "worth" at the time? That is some seriously dishonest shit to fool the sheeples right there...

Secondly, and I'm going to be real brief here because frankly this entire study is already bullshit, but the reality is that when facing a financial business shortfall the owner is /not/ limited to only laying off their 16-24 year olds, nor to only laying off those employees making minimum wage.
Its an empty argument....

Any increase in labor will not be a absorbed by the company. Hours will be cut, a job will be lost, prices will rise. Any combination youd prefer.

One third of minimum wage earners are overpaid, another third underpaid...

And no min wage increase has ever lifted anyone out of poverty. Poverty rates have remained the same, as 60% of those in poverty dont work....

Its an empty gesture to the dim witted for their votes.....

Funny those things haven't happened with the many min wage increases of the past.
"In a comprehensive, 182-page summary of the research on this subject from the last two decades, economists David Neumark (UC-Irvine) and William Wascher (Federal Reserve Board) determined that 85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase."


Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase.
So, if 64 studies show no job loss, 362 show that there is. You can quote that crap all day, but you are wrong!

I'm supported by 600 economists, 7 Nobel prize winning. Your 2 are obviously wrong.
Graphs and charts don't illustrate how many people businesses chose not to hire, or how many employees had marginal hours cut due to increased costs, or how much spending companies chose not to do because of the business environment.

Static analysis only tells part of the story. Dynamic analysis tells the rest.

Unfortunately, many who have no understanding of business psychology don't understand that.

This is not an argument against minimum wages or minimum wage increases. It is, however, an argument for only putting so much stock in the opinions of those who don't know much about actually running a business.


So you choose to ignore all the facts.
Candidate for Straw Man of the Year award.

Always a good sign.

Its an empty argument....

Any increase in labor will not be a absorbed by the company. Hours will be cut, a job will be lost, prices will rise. Any combination youd prefer.

One third of minimum wage earners are overpaid, another third underpaid...

And no min wage increase has ever lifted anyone out of poverty. Poverty rates have remained the same, as 60% of those in poverty dont work....

Its an empty gesture to the dim witted for their votes.....

Funny those things haven't happened with the many min wage increases of the past.
"In a comprehensive, 182-page summary of the research on this subject from the last two decades, economists David Neumark (UC-Irvine) and William Wascher (Federal Reserve Board) determined that 85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase."


Myth: Increasing the minimum wage will cause people to lose their jobs.

Not true: A review of 64 studies on minimum wage increases found no discernable effect on employment. Additionally, more than 600 economists, seven of them Nobel Prize winners in economics, have signed onto a letter in support of raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016.

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor
85 percent of the best research points to a loss of jobs following a minimum wage increase.
So, if 64 studies show no job loss, 362 show that there is. You can quote that crap all day, but you are wrong!

I'm supported by 600 economists, 7 Nobel prize winning. Your 2 are obviously wrong.
If you are and we follow the same ratio, I'm supported by 3,400 economists, 39.666 Nobel winners.

See how math works, brain-dead?
You could confiscate every dollar the rich posses and it wouldnt make a damn bit of difference.

I must disagree.

It would make a HUGE difference. Countless businesses would close and tens of thousands would become unemployed.

Beware the law of unintended consequences, lefties.

If it werent for unintended consequences liberals wouldnt achieve anything.
Conservative achievement? Unless you are talking about tearing things down, that's an oxymoron. On the other hand, if we are talking achievement with meaning, liberals achieve everything.

DumbassDean strikes again....
Yes we do. It results in those at the low end remaining at the low end, and the low end moving up ultimately means nothing because everything else moves with it.

You would have to prove inflation increases by the same amount as the increase. I don't think you can do that.
Inflation goes up every year. If it goes up by 2% every year for 10 years, costs are up by about 20%. Thus, any positive effects of a 20% bump in the MW are gone in a decade. Bottom line, raising the MW just feeds into inflation. Better to allow the economy to grow, thus raising demand for labor and raising pay. Ever wonder why McDonald's workers in North Dakota were making $14/hour? Not because of an arbitrary MW.

So it then depends on the size and frequency of increases.
Haven't I been saying that all along?

You are claiming everything moves at the same rate. Inflation will happen without an increase. Clearly they are better off with an increase.
Actually, raising the MW drives inflation. It IS an artificially imposed cost increase after all, and has to be met somewhere. The low end workers who retain their jobs are better off for a while, until inflation devalues their earnings again while the less skilled and less experienced workers who lost their jobs now find it harder to get even the low paying jobs they once held. In addition, totally inexperienced workers, aka teenagers, now find it harder to enter the job market at all.
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There have never been job losses from a minimum wage increase. It has been increased many times and we know this.

Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.
Sounds like a wealth shifting scheme to me. Jack up prices on those who have some to give more to others whose work is no more valuable than it was before.
Right. WHen wages go from $7.25 to $15.00, why would any sane business owner try to reduce staff? I'm sure the low skilled workers will suddenly double their productivity.

I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.
You would have to prove that an increase in wages of only 3.6 million would have a noticeable effect on inflation. I dont think you can.

Why would the Big Mac increase? Low wage people love fast food. They get wage increases and they eat out more. Eating out more increased sales and profits. No need to increase prices.

I'm less worried about economy wide inflation than I am in reduced employment of low skilled workers.
If you increase wages beyond what the worker can produce, increased sales won't matter. You'll just incentivize automation.

Well clearly that has never happened. Worrying doesn't make it true.

Never happened, great! Raise it to $50 an hour.

Your posts get more and more childish. Guess I win.

Spouting the same shit over and over again doesnt make you the winner.
I think we can all agree giving em another buck wont fuck things up,but anymore than that and you're going to create a domino effect.
That is the point. The only way to raise the MW without impacting jobs is to keep it low enough that it really doesn't matter.
I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

At least the machine isnt as likely to fuck up your order.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

At least the machine isnt as likely to fuck up your order.
Or insist on smoke breaks, or take sick days, or get injured, or....
I dont know what it is with liberals and basic math.
Maybe it needs to be put in a manner that they can understand.
Okay liberals lets try this....
Say you get 600 bucks a month on your EBT card and your favorite weed doubles in price? What are you going to do?
Smoke less weed? Smoke cheaper weed? Or go rob a liquor store?

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

More likely because it has never happened? Sorry min wage has increased many times and your claims have never happened.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

More likely because it has never happened? Sorry min wage has increased many times and your claims have never happened.

You know you keep saying that but you never give a number.
At what point would it be to much?
Like I've said the entire time,I'm not opposed to giving the slackers a buck but they arent worth anymore than that.
Hell,I'm not so sure they're worth what they make now based on the constant fuck ups when you go to a fast food joint.
In part due to the recession most businesses have cut the fat to the bone; that is they just can't cut employees without the business suffering. Over 75% of the employees in Seattle or not effected. In fact, there are a surprising number of businesses that pay all their employees above $15/hr.

One chain of restaurants, Ivars has announced that they are raising the wages of all employees to a minimum of $15/hr and will be enhancing employee health insurance. Menu prices will increased 20% and a no tipping policy will be implemented. Other restaurants are taking other approaches. One fast food chain said they would be looking at automated point sale kiosks and cell phone apps. Several of the upscale restaurant who are paying $15/hr or higher said there would be no changes.

A no tipping policy? Why would they want to screw their employees like that?

A restaurants goal is 20% net, plus an owners paycheck, plus supplier kick-backs.
In this particular chain, I would guess that most of the wait staff will be making 30% more with the $15 minimum wage, which would more than make up for loss of tips. Of course some people will still tip, particularly in Seattle.

Tipped employees generally have a different min wage. For instance the fed min wage for tipped employees is like $2. Not sure what is is in Seattle.
I believe the law does not recognize tipping so in effect it will encourage employers to adopt a no tipping policy as Ivars is doing, which will make raising menu prices more palatable to dinners. Knowing Seattle, I suspect diners will continue to tip for very good service.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

More likely because it has never happened? Sorry min wage has increased many times and your claims have never happened.
Like I said, if you keep it low enough, and make the increases small enough and far enough apart, you can raise the MW without too much impact on jobs. However, even you have to admit that raising it to $100/hr right now cannot happen without a massive impact. Even with keeping MW low enough to not really matter, manual, low skilled jobs ARE disappearing and will continue to disappear with the combined forces of artificial labor cost increases and reduction in automation costs. IOW, as long as you keep the MW low enough that it really doesn't matter, you can raise it. Just don't be surprised when more low skill, low paying jobs disappear.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are. That means increased sales.

You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

More likely because it has never happened? Sorry min wage has increased many times and your claims have never happened.
That claim has been thoroughly blown out of the water. Stop the lies.
You seem to ignore that customers are getting an increase just as employees are.

And employers have a decrease. Now that they have less to spend, where will they cut?

Customers spend more increasing sales. Sales increase leads to increased profits to employers.

In 2012 there were 3.6 million minimum wage workers in the US.
So they'll buy more and the other 330 million Americans will buy less.
Unless your ignorance leads you to believe people buy more stuff when the price increases?
Will people pay any price for a Big Mac? Or is there a price point where revenue decreases? Where profit decreases?
More likely that McDonalds installs automated burger flippers and fires half the staff at each store.

More likely because it has never happened? Sorry min wage has increased many times and your claims have never happened.

You know you keep saying that but you never give a number.
At what point would it be to much?
Like I've said the entire time,I'm not opposed to giving the slackers a buck but they arent worth anymore than that.
Hell,I'm not so sure they're worth what they make now based on the constant fuck ups when you go to a fast food joint.
64 studies support his claim..... Of course 326 don't.
If you spend $98,000 a day then you will NEVER become a millionaire. Much less remain one...

Allow me introduce you to the internet, all the education you could ever need or want is right there. You don't need to hire anyone to get started.

I disagree, exec management is where it's at right now. If you imply "Other Peoples Money" aka leveraging, (which is the only acronym I can recall that makes sense here,) then my argument is quite simply and? Its not like the borrower's don't get some form of return on the investment.

Au contraire. Why would you start a business and do the labor yourself when you can hire others to do it?

FYI: I made my first million 36 years ago.

Alright, sure that might be true when starting/running a business. However, I wasn't talking about starting a business, I was talking about folks putting a small amount of like $30 on the market and letting it mature into wealth as was suggested in the "fun facts about millionaires" post I had made.

I personally don't recommend folks who feel stuck at minimum wage go out and try to start a business, after all, it's a risky venture and like 80% end up failing. They are far better off to invest in their own education to get an above minimum wage job.

That, however, does not preclude them from throwing a small amount into the market, in fact, all but the most destitute should be able to set aside a small amount for investing. Playing the market teaches a lot of concepts and trends over time, and there is really no reason /not/ to have a foundation of understanding on how modern wealth is made. It increases understanding of an important aspect of modern capitalism, and specifically how one can become wealthy /without/ being a "piece of shit who steals from their employees" - which ultimately will increase someone's potential for upward mobility in any company that has a ladder. As I'd said, no company is going to pay "good" money to an employee that hates their supervisors, capitalism, and so forth.

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