More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
I don't get why so many business owners treat labor as a fixed cost. It is anything but. Prices go up for everything, including labor.

And shame on people paying minimum wage just because the government enables them to do so.

Why pay people more than their labor is worth?
I didn't say to do that. Labor should go up with inflation just like everything else. Expecting to pay someone a minimum wage that has been in effect for 10 years is retarded.

If the value of their labor didn't go up, why pay them more? More importantly, why pay them $15 an hour? Are they going to become more productive? Can the owner raise prices to maintain his profit margin?

The value of your labor goes up when the value you produce goes up. In most instances it means you get promoted or move on to a better position. Expecting to make more money while providing the same value is silly.
Okay, so you don't want to take inflation into account. The value of your labor goes down if you don't keep pace with inflation, no matter how hard you work.

Don't start a business, Marty, and expect to find someone that will work for you for $3.25 an hour.
Minimum wage is $7.50 an hour.
You can quote me all you want, it wont change what I said. I have NEVER ever said anything about a worker living alone, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about it wasn't possible to be self-supporting on a minimum wage job. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away any jobs, never. I have NEVER ever said anything about taking away flipping burgers, never. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Dont get mad at me,it's your quote.
I'm not mad at you, nor at anyone else. Yes, it was my quote. But my quote never said anything about a worker living alone, nor did it imply such. You're the one that twisted it to mean something entirely different.

Than your whole premise is down the toilet.
Min wage is a living wage after all. Who Knew....thats right,I did.
FYI - I never expressed a "premise". And, nothing that I've said is "down the toilet". What I said was absolutely correct. If you can dispute what I have said, then please do so. But, please do not twist what I have said around to mean something entirely different, nor add what you think I meant by what I have said. Thanks.

I'm not the one crying for fifteen bucks an hour for burger flippers.
And I truly dont see this loss of job opportunities you keep going on about.
A least I've never seen it in Texas. Which I guess would explain all the yankees that come here in droves.

Maybe you should start by looking in the mirror. You are the ones who keep electing the idiots who are destroying your economies.
I'm NOT crying about anything. Obviously you have me confused with someone else. It's none of my business what a company pays for a burger flipper. Well, you may not be old enough to remember when we had plants and factories on almost every street corner. You may not be old enough to remember how those plants and factories provided living wage self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. You probably don't remember the steel mills, the textile mills, the furniture factories, the appliance factories, the automotive parts factories, the electronics plants, the tool mills, the toy factories, the housewares plants, and the farm equipment industry. You probably aren't old enough to remember dads going to work and moms staying home and raising the kids and taking care of the house.

You probably aren't old enough to remember when a worker could find a job the same day they went out looking for one. I starting working a full time job back in 1965. I was making minimum wage of $1.65 an hour, working for a manufacturing plant. That was pretty good money for a kid right out of high school with no experience. We've been losing jobs to cheap foreign labor markets since the early 60's.
If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
So it's better to force a marginal business to fail, thus kicking EVERYONE out of a job?

If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?
That would be you. 15 bucks an hour is not a reasonable starting point. They should accept a buck and get back to the fry machine and STFU.

There is such a wide range of living costs across the US that no federal MW can justly address the issue. This is a state and local issue.
You are so correct, and I have stated such many times in the past, for years. It's common sense that it cost more to live in New York City that it is to live in Jackson Mississippi. A living wage depends on where one lives.

Why exactly does it cost so much to live in NY?
For the same reason that it doesn't cost so much to live in Jackson Mississippi. Different areas of the country have different economies, thus different standards of living, and cost of living. It depends on a lot of factors.

Yeah...and those factors would be political in nature.
Those factors have absolutely nothing to do with politics. It has to do with industry, resources, labor pool, infrastructure, transportation, schools, community development, the real estate market, etc.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
Dont get mad at me,it's your quote.
I'm not mad at you, nor at anyone else. Yes, it was my quote. But my quote never said anything about a worker living alone, nor did it imply such. You're the one that twisted it to mean something entirely different.

Than your whole premise is down the toilet.
Min wage is a living wage after all. Who Knew....thats right,I did.
FYI - I never expressed a "premise". And, nothing that I've said is "down the toilet". What I said was absolutely correct. If you can dispute what I have said, then please do so. But, please do not twist what I have said around to mean something entirely different, nor add what you think I meant by what I have said. Thanks.

I'm not the one crying for fifteen bucks an hour for burger flippers.
And I truly dont see this loss of job opportunities you keep going on about.
A least I've never seen it in Texas. Which I guess would explain all the yankees that come here in droves.

Maybe you should start by looking in the mirror. You are the ones who keep electing the idiots who are destroying your economies.
I'm NOT crying about anything. Obviously you have me confused with someone else. It's none of my business what a company pays for a burger flipper. Well, you may not be old enough to remember when we had plants and factories on almost every street corner. You may not be old enough to remember how those plants and factories provided living wage self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. You probably don't remember the steel mills, the textile mills, the furniture factories, the appliance factories, the automotive parts factories, the electronics plants, the tool mills, the toy factories, the housewares plants, and the farm equipment industry. You probably aren't old enough to remember dads going to work and moms staying home and raising the kids and taking care of the house.

You probably aren't old enough to remember when a worker could find a job the same day they went out looking for one. I starting working a full time job back in 1965. I was making minimum wage of $1.65 an hour, working for a manufacturing plant. That was pretty good money for a kid right out of high school with no experience. We've been losing jobs to cheap foreign labor markets since the early 60's.

I remember all those things. And as a matter of fact I could get on the phone in the morning and have a job by lunchtime.
The work ethic of our youth these days is pathetic as well.
Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
He's asking you what the minimum wage was back in 1986.

And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
I haven't told you any sob stories. In fact, you just concocted a sob story.

That's called psychological projection.
Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
Just business 101. Labor is a big cost of doing business. If you don't want to pay your workers a living wage, then close the doors and do something else with your life. Well, business owners can always hire cheap illegal immigrant labor. They'll work for $20.00 a day, which is twice what they earned in their home country. Either pay workers a living wage, or hire illegal immigrant labor, a very simple choice. Or, just close the doors and retire with all the money cheap labor enabled you to make over the years.
In fact, if I had applicants for employment and they told me that they were the primary bread winner in their household and had a family, I would refuse to hire them. They would be to stupid to employ.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.

Not all kids are like the whiny, sniveling loony lefties we have here at USMB.

I'm sure there are. I just came from a time when kids went door to door looking for lawns to mow and any other kind of work we could get. I havent seen that in over thirty years.
And if you were working at MickyDs you had no illusions about it being permanent and you spent your free time either in school or looking for a better job,or a job as an electricians helper or at machine shop deburring and pulling shavings just to get your foot in the door.
If you were telling the truth you would remember what the minimum wage was in 1986.
And I told him. Which is where the babbling part comes in.
Of course I didnt stay at min wage. I took my knowledge of bicycles down to the local bike shop and got 7.50 after about six months of that crap.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
I haven't told you any sob stories. In fact, you just concocted a sob story.

That's called psychological projection.'s called telling you where I came from to shut your fucken mouth.
So now you admit that you were not self-supporting while making minimum wage.

More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
I haven't told you any sob stories. In fact, you just concocted a sob story.

That's called psychological projection.'s called telling you where I came from to shut your fucken mouth.
Telling a blatant lie will not shut me up.
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.
No. Innovators and entrepreneurs create jobs. Think about personal computers and cell phones. there were no consumers for those items before someone invested time, money and energy.
Hell! In 1900 you would have been cool riding your horse drawn buggy, but someone decided you needed a Ford.
More of the babbling....
Yes I was self supporting,but I was also smart enough to realize I didnt want to live like that.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
I haven't told you any sob stories. In fact, you just concocted a sob story.

That's called psychological projection.'s called telling you where I came from to shut your fucken mouth.
Telling a blatant lie will not shut me up.

Meh....go fuck a goat.
Living at your parents' house does not = "self-supporting".

Lived with two buddies in a house with no hot water and no electricity.
We cooked over the fireplace. Dont tell me your sob fucken stories.
I haven't told you any sob stories. In fact, you just concocted a sob story.

That's called psychological projection.'s called telling you where I came from to shut your fucken mouth.
Telling a blatant lie will not shut me up.

Meh....go fuck a goat.
No thanks.

Besides, I live in the city. There's no goats around here even if I wanted to fuck one.
Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
Most small businesses are in trouble. Take mine, for instance. There are some weeks where I could carry my bank balance in nickels in one pocket. Other than my own labor, which is not paid, I have 120 hrs of paid labor/week. Increasing that cost 50% would break me.
I have to have bar staff and security and I can't raise prices the 20% or so I would have to, just to keep my head above water.

Sales would increase if there was a min wage increase. The increase won't be 50%.

Ernie's product costs will rise as his suppliers will also be paying not just higher MW but higher wages across the board. There is no chance that increased profits will cover his costs. None. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. He will either accept less or close his biz.

History says different.

No it doesn't and the CBO agrees with me:
"CBO estimates the proposal (raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10) would: ... Reduce employment by 500,000."
Read more:

Has never happened and would not happen.

The White House insists the CBO number is wrong. In a conference call this afternoon, Council of Economic Advisers members Jason Furman and Betsey Stevenson argued that up-to-date economic research points to near zero employment effect from a minimum wage hike to $10.10.
Minimum wage should be lowered to $1.00/hour - then there could be lots of employment. Better yet - why not just bring back slavery?
Given how the right seems to hate wage increases I often think they want that.

Who says we hate wage increases.....I think all those opposed to this hate politicians, with no risk in a business and making it successful or failing, coming in and telling someone how much they have to pay.....I could care less if a business decided to pay all of it's employees 70,000 dollars each, which one business is doing, or if they decide to pay 1 dollar an hour......and then a potential employee can decide where they want to try to get a job......

We can't stand greedy, corrupt politicians setting arbitrary wages that have no bearing on the business or it's needs to stay open.....

People on the right are mad Walmart decided to give raises.
Why does the minimum wage have to be universal? Every teenager at a part time summer job, every housewife working part time to add a little something to the monthly budget. Are these the workers who desperately need to earn a living wage?

My solution is this: any worker putting in more than a thirty hour week deserves a living wage. A minimum wage of at least $10.10 an hour. These folks are demonstrating their willingness to earn a living and they should not work and remain poor due to low wages?

My solution is this: any worker putting in more than a thirty hour week deserves a living wage. A minimum wage of at least $10.10 an hour.

good for start your own business and do just that, I support you 100%.....just don't use a politician to force other people to do what you think they should do....leave them alone....
Everyone in the exploiter class says the exact same thing!
If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
So it's better to force a marginal business to fail, thus kicking EVERYONE out of a job?

If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?

We are discussing Seattle. It has not doubled wages. It has increased less than a dollar this year.
Minimum wage should be lowered to $1.00/hour - then there could be lots of employment. Better yet - why not just bring back slavery?
Given how the right seems to hate wage increases I often think they want that.

Who says we hate wage increases.....I think all those opposed to this hate politicians, with no risk in a business and making it successful or failing, coming in and telling someone how much they have to pay.....I could care less if a business decided to pay all of it's employees 70,000 dollars each, which one business is doing, or if they decide to pay 1 dollar an hour......and then a potential employee can decide where they want to try to get a job......

We can't stand greedy, corrupt politicians setting arbitrary wages that have no bearing on the business or it's needs to stay open.....

People on the right are mad Walmart decided to give raises.
Walmart gave raises and closed 5 stores.

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