More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

I estimated my yearly gross on what the former owner claimed. I did 300% of that and ended up netting about 2%

Not horrible for the first year, but there's not a lot of room to cut costs and competition doesn't allow jacking up prices but maybe 50 cents on a 7 dollar shot.

Do your workers make tips?
Was til libs helped them into financial extremity
The goal of liberals is to put as many as possible in financial extremis. Then the poor can be encouraged into revolution.

That and ready made welfare recipients that will vote for more hand outs.

Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
The goal of liberals is to put as many as possible in financial extremis. Then the poor can be encouraged into revolution.

That and ready made welfare recipients that will vote for more hand outs.

Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.

That's funny we have increased min wage many times and that has never happened.
The goal of liberals is to put as many as possible in financial extremis. Then the poor can be encouraged into revolution.

That and ready made welfare recipients that will vote for more hand outs.

Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?
That and ready made welfare recipients that will vote for more hand outs.

Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?

You keep claiming there is no effect on jobs when there is a min wage increase and that may be true when you're talking about a buck.
These idiots want double the current wage.
Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?

You keep claiming there is no effect on jobs when there is a min wage increase and that may be true when you're talking about a buck.
These idiots want double the current wage.

OP is about Seattle. The claims by the article in the OP are already proven false. Seattle is not doubling their current min wage. Nobody can seriously think fed min wage will be changed to $15.
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
Yup. You heard that straight from the corporate funded "unbiased" Heritage Foundation I`ll bet. When the huge tax cuts came where were the jobs? I`ll give you another opportunity to look at the numbers. I worked for the company that produced most of the steel for catalytic converters so I can tell you that those regulations put tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket while making the air a bit more breathable. Now you know something.

The lost decade for the economy

Yeah...I know I dont really give a rats ass about your personal life.
And I also know that punitive regulations and taxes drive companies to greener pastures as we've seen from the exodus from yankee land.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but do you have any idea what the tax rates were a few decades back when America prospered? Now that you know that regulations often create jobs you`ll stop parroting that tiresome nonsense you`ve been indoctrinated with. Now you won`t sound so foolish when you`re around people with more than a room temperature IQ. You`re quite welcome.

Yes...they always trot out the 90% tax rate....when there were massive loopholes...and by the way....the rest of the world had just had their industrial capacity bombed into the stoneage during the Second World War....

So according to their theory....we can raise taxes to 90% and still get rich........but we would have to go around the world and destroy the industry of every competing country.....
Low wages help create welfare recipients.

poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?

You keep claiming there is no effect on jobs when there is a min wage increase and that may be true when you're talking about a buck.
These idiots want double the current wage.
I haven't made any claims. FYI - Everything affects business when it comes to money and operating cost. Just plain common sense.
How do you tell when a business owner is telling a lie? When he says he's not making any money.

How do you know a leftist is clueless...when they try to talk about how businesses should be run.........
poor life choices and easy access to government handouts creates welfare recipients.

And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?

You keep claiming there is no effect on jobs when there is a min wage increase and that may be true when you're talking about a buck.
These idiots want double the current wage.
I haven't made any claims. FYI - Everything affects business when it comes to money and operating cost. Just plain common sense.

Then why dont you apply some of that sense?
And you think it's better to have welfare rather than increasing minimum wage?
False choice. Increasing the minimum wage means more people without ANY job at all.
Just curious here, but, how many times has the minimum wage been increased over history? What happened each time it was increased? During all of those times, did hiring completely stop, businesses folded up and closed their doors, and no hiring has taken place since?

You keep claiming there is no effect on jobs when there is a min wage increase and that may be true when you're talking about a buck.
These idiots want double the current wage.
I haven't made any claims. FYI - Everything affects business when it comes to money and operating cost. Just plain common sense.

Then why dont you apply some of that sense?
Meaning what? Where have I shown not to have common sense? Care to explain? Or, are you just throwing vinegar and vile to make yourself sound better in this conversation? Go ahead, don't be shy, explain where I haven't shown common sense. And, please, use my exact words without adding your own, or what you think I said or meant. Thanks.
I estimated my yearly gross on what the former owner claimed. I did 300% of that and ended up netting about 2%

Not horrible for the first year, but there's not a lot of room to cut costs and competition doesn't allow jacking up prices but maybe 50 cents on a 7 dollar shot.

Do your workers make tips?
No I'm a bastard and I clean out the tip jars and blow it all on fast cars and faster women...

You really are quite limited, aren't you?
I estimated my yearly gross on what the former owner claimed. I did 300% of that and ended up netting about 2%

Not horrible for the first year, but there's not a lot of room to cut costs and competition doesn't allow jacking up prices but maybe 50 cents on a 7 dollar shot.

Do your workers make tips?
No I'm a bastard and I clean out the tip jars and blow it all on fast cars and faster women...

You really are quite limited, aren't you?

Well min wage is much lower for tipped employees...
I can't work up any sympathy for these people

they were WARNED, but went ahead and let their Masters impose it on them anyway.

darn those beds people make for themselves.
I can't work up any sympathy for these people

they were WARNED, but went ahead and let their Masters impose it on them anyway.

darn those beds people make for themselves.

No corporation is going to pay a low/no skill person to flip burgers
I can't work up any sympathy for these people

they were WARNED, but went ahead and let their Masters impose it on them anyway.

darn those beds people make for themselves.

Nothing bad has happened. Relax sky isn't falling.

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