More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
So it's better to force a marginal business to fail, thus kicking EVERYONE out of a job?

If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?

We are discussing Seattle. It has not doubled wages. It has increased less than a dollar this year.
Federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. Raise it to $15.00 you double wages.
Minimum wage should be lowered to $1.00/hour - then there could be lots of employment. Better yet - why not just bring back slavery?
Given how the right seems to hate wage increases I often think they want that.

Who says we hate wage increases.....I think all those opposed to this hate politicians, with no risk in a business and making it successful or failing, coming in and telling someone how much they have to pay.....I could care less if a business decided to pay all of it's employees 70,000 dollars each, which one business is doing, or if they decide to pay 1 dollar an hour......and then a potential employee can decide where they want to try to get a job......

We can't stand greedy, corrupt politicians setting arbitrary wages that have no bearing on the business or it's needs to stay open.....

People on the right are mad Walmart decided to give raises.
Walmart gave raises and closed 5 stores.

I'm sure they closed stores before giving raises too, what is your point?
Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
So it's better to force a marginal business to fail, thus kicking EVERYONE out of a job?

If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?

We are discussing Seattle. It has not doubled wages. It has increased less than a dollar this year.
Federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. Raise it to $15.00 you double wages.

I was referencing the Seattle increase in the OP. It is not doubling. The federal min wage will not increase to 15.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.

Not all kids are like the whiny, sniveling loony lefties we have here at USMB.

I'm sure there are. I just came from a time when kids went door to door looking for lawns to mow and any other kind of work we could get. I havent seen that in over thirty years.
And if you were working at MickyDs you had no illusions about it being permanent and you spent your free time either in school or looking for a better job,or a job as an electricians helper or at machine shop deburring and pulling shavings just to get your foot in the door.
Exactly what I did. Paid my way through college in a job shop. Started for $2/hour in 1967 in 30 days I was making 4 bucks. By '69, I was making $6.75. It took another 5 years to finish engineering school because by that time I had a kid and a house and sometimes worked 2 jobs so I wouldn't be a burden on society.
So it's better to force a marginal business to fail, thus kicking EVERYONE out of a job?

If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?

We are discussing Seattle. It has not doubled wages. It has increased less than a dollar this year.
Federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. Raise it to $15.00 you double wages.

I was referencing the Seattle increase in the OP. It is not doubling. The federal min wage will not increase to 15.
Some differ from your opinion.
Most small businesses are in trouble. Take mine, for instance. There are some weeks where I could carry my bank balance in nickels in one pocket. Other than my own labor, which is not paid, I have 120 hrs of paid labor/week. Increasing that cost 50% would break me.
I have to have bar staff and security and I can't raise prices the 20% or so I would have to, just to keep my head above water.

Sales would increase if there was a min wage increase. The increase won't be 50%.

Ernie's product costs will rise as his suppliers will also be paying not just higher MW but higher wages across the board. There is no chance that increased profits will cover his costs. None. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. He will either accept less or close his biz.

History says different.

No it doesn't and the CBO agrees with me:
"CBO estimates the proposal (raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10) would: ... Reduce employment by 500,000."
Read more:

Has never happened and would not happen.

The White House insists the CBO number is wrong. In a conference call this afternoon, Council of Economic Advisers members Jason Furman and Betsey Stevenson argued that up-to-date economic research points to near zero employment effect from a minimum wage hike to $10.10.

So obviously there are economists on both sides of the issue but we do know for sure that the failure of the gov't to arbitrarily set a new bottom will cause no job losses and will piss off unions whose contracts are MW+ based.
If this small increase is putting them under they were going under regardless.
When you double their salaries, you call that a small increase?

We are discussing Seattle. It has not doubled wages. It has increased less than a dollar this year.
Federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. Raise it to $15.00 you double wages.

I was referencing the Seattle increase in the OP. It is not doubling. The federal min wage will not increase to 15.
Some differ from your opinion.

Some may want 15 but nobody can realistically think it will happen.
What the fuck is with kids these days? They dont know jackshit if it doesnt involve video games.

Not all kids are like the whiny, sniveling loony lefties we have here at USMB.

I'm sure there are. I just came from a time when kids went door to door looking for lawns to mow and any other kind of work we could get. I havent seen that in over thirty years.
And if you were working at MickyDs you had no illusions about it being permanent and you spent your free time either in school or looking for a better job,or a job as an electricians helper or at machine shop deburring and pulling shavings just to get your foot in the door.
Exactly what I did. Paid my way through college in a job shop. Started for $2/hour in 1967 in 30 days I was making 4 bucks. By '69, I was making $6.75. It took another 5 years to finish engineering school because by that time I had a kid and a house and sometimes worked 2 jobs so I wouldn't be a burden on society.

People in those days would do just about anything to avoid welfare and the shame it used to bring.
Now they line up for it with no qualms.
Exactly what I did. Paid my way through college in a job shop. Started for $2/hour in 1967 in 30 days I was making 4 bucks. By '69, I was making $6.75. It took another 5 years to finish engineering school because by that time I had a kid and a house and sometimes worked 2 jobs so I wouldn't be a burden on society.

Thing is, there are still peeps out there today who scuffle by on grit, determination and a lack of sleep and who, by virtue of their lower middle class economic status, are required to contribute to the financial support of those who lack the will to stand on their own two feet.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
Yup. You heard that straight from the corporate funded "unbiased" Heritage Foundation I`ll bet. When the huge tax cuts came where were the jobs? I`ll give you another opportunity to look at the numbers. I worked for the company that produced most of the steel for catalytic converters so I can tell you that those regulations put tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket while making the air a bit more breathable. Now you know something.

The lost decade for the economy
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
Yup. You heard that straight from the corporate funded "unbiased" Heritage Foundation I`ll bet. When the huge tax cuts came where were the jobs? I`ll give you another opportunity to look at the numbers. I worked for the company that produced most of the steel for catalytic converters so I can tell you that those regulations put tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket while making the air a bit more breathable. Now you know something.

The lost decade for the economy

Yeah...I know I dont really give a rats ass about your personal life.
And I also know that punitive regulations and taxes drive companies to greener pastures as we've seen from the exodus from yankee land.
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
Yup. You heard that straight from the corporate funded "unbiased" Heritage Foundation I`ll bet. When the huge tax cuts came where were the jobs? I`ll give you another opportunity to look at the numbers. I worked for the company that produced most of the steel for catalytic converters so I can tell you that those regulations put tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket while making the air a bit more breathable. Now you know something.

The lost decade for the economy

Yeah...I know I dont really give a rats ass about your personal life.
And I also know that punitive regulations and taxes drive companies to greener pastures as we've seen from the exodus from yankee land.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but do you have any idea what the tax rates were a few decades back when America prospered? Now that you know that regulations often create jobs you`ll stop parroting that tiresome nonsense you`ve been indoctrinated with. Now you won`t sound so foolish when you`re around people with more than a room temperature IQ. You`re quite welcome.
How do you tell when a business owner is telling a lie? When he says he's not making any money.
You, son, had better watch who you are calling a liar. My entire profit for my first year was eaten up by an insurance audit because I reported all of my sales and tried to run an honest operation.

But then, you don't understand my business and the penalties for being up front and honest. That's in part because you've never owned a bar, but mostly because it is not in your nature to be up front and honest.
You, son, had better watch who you are calling a liar. My entire profit for my first year was eaten up by an insurance audit because I reported all of my sales and tried to run an honest operation.

But then, you don't understand my business and the penalties for being up front and honest. That's in part because you've never owned a bar, but mostly because it is not in your nature to be up front and honest.

I've never owned a bar, but I've been/and are an investor in two very large bar night clubs.

What the hell did YOU do to trigger an insurance audit? It must have been something good. LOL Cheap out on risk management or accountancy?
I estimated my yearly gross on what the former owner claimed. I did 300% of that and ended up netting about 2%

Not horrible for the first year, but there's not a lot of room to cut costs and competition doesn't allow jacking up prices but maybe 50 cents on a 7 dollar shot.
are all liberals this stupid? min. wage goes up- labor costs have to come down; people lose hours or their job.
Instead of raising wages let`s loot the Treasury again with tax cuts that didn`t do shit other than raise the deficit.
The lost decade for the economy
Again, it`s consumers who create jobs, not the wealthy. Jr. High Economics.

It's government interference,regulations and high taxation that ruins the economy and job growth.
Artificially jacking up wages is also contributing factor.
Yup. You heard that straight from the corporate funded "unbiased" Heritage Foundation I`ll bet. When the huge tax cuts came where were the jobs? I`ll give you another opportunity to look at the numbers. I worked for the company that produced most of the steel for catalytic converters so I can tell you that those regulations put tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket while making the air a bit more breathable. Now you know something.

The lost decade for the economy

Yeah...I know I dont really give a rats ass about your personal life.
And I also know that punitive regulations and taxes drive companies to greener pastures as we've seen from the exodus from yankee land.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but do you have any idea what the tax rates were a few decades back when America prospered? Now that you know that regulations often create jobs you`ll stop parroting that tiresome nonsense you`ve been indoctrinated with. Now you won`t sound so foolish when you`re around people with more than a room temperature IQ. You`re quite welcome.

I think I have a handle on what it takes to make money jr.
Let me know when you retire at 46.
are all liberals this stupid? min. wage goes up- labor costs have to come down; people lose hours or their job.

Min wage has increased through history. Show me where that has ever happened.
So correct. Businesses have been dealing with the cost of labor, taxes, regulations, and fluctuations in the economy since the beginning of time, nothing new.

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